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Aurora Cormier 03-18-2014 04:04 PM

Hey dear :hug:

Thanks for listening, Ainara :hug:

I'm Not Dead 03-19-2014 02:21 AM


I don't know if it's just me but, I've always taken classes my classes for ME, not for the teacher. Therefore, I was completely capable of not liking a teacher's tone AND carrying on with my studies AT THE SAME TIME, without having to go cry at the coordinator's office.
Ju, I totally agree with you. I witnessed something like this at the university I worked at last year, where a group of students ran and complained to a department head about an incident/disagreement they had had with a teacher in class. Except, it wasn't even an 'incident' so much as some confusion in communication, but the students ran to whine and complain, and made such a giant deal out of it that you would have thought the teacher had spat in their faces. :rolleyes:

Libra 03-20-2014 01:19 PM

Guys, I passed my first exam!!! :woot: well, it wasn't that hard, but still I'm very happy :)

Aww sis, that sounds horrible :( too bad that they don't talk to you first but go somewhere else to complain...hope you feel better already! :hug:

Aurora Cormier 03-20-2014 04:46 PM

Thanks guys :hug:


Ju, I totally agree with you. I witnessed something like this at the university I worked at last year, where a group of students ran and complained to a department head about an incident/disagreement they had had with a teacher in class. Except, it wasn't even an 'incident' so much as some confusion in communication, but the students ran to whine and complain, and made such a giant deal out of it that you would have thought the teacher had spat in their faces.
That was EXACTLY what happened, Stephen. Let me tell the situation after which this stupid girl complained about me. She asked me a question and I didn't understand what her doubt was. Yeah, because some people even ASK a question in a comprehensible way. So I asked "Sorry?". Tell me, in your world, when you say something and the other person replies with "Sorry?", what does that mean?

a) the person needs you to repeat or explain better

b) the person is refusing to help you

This very smart girl thinks it's answer B, looking down and mumbling something all pissed off "I just wanted to know it, damn it". I was like "okay..." and didn't bother to ask her again what her doubt was cause, well, the first I did she was offended, so.

And now, apparently (according to HER), EVERYONE is scared of asking me questions or asking me to repeat anything. Now that you know what actually happened, tell me, don't you think I'm the biggest monster a language institute has ever hired?? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Aurora Cormier 03-25-2014 10:21 PM

Something is just WRONG with tv this week, first Will dies and now Nick and Jess have broken up, WHAT THE ****??????????????

I'm Not Dead 03-26-2014 02:42 AM

Seriously?!? I'm way behind on New Girl. Sorry, Ju - the universe is really dumping on you this week!

Libra 03-26-2014 02:25 PM


Now I don't even want to watch the episode :( :bawl:

hathaross 03-26-2014 03:28 PM

What happen this week!!! It´s cursed for TV shows or something.

How classes´ going, Sandy? :)

Libra 03-26-2014 10:41 PM

No least Caskett are still happy!

Classes are going good so far! No exams until May :D I'm enjoying it!!!

I'm Not Dead 03-27-2014 07:04 AM

Glad to hear it, Sandy. :)

Aurora Cormier 03-28-2014 07:50 AM

Ugh, I did something bad today. Have you ever skipped work? Like, just not shown up, have you? That's what I did today with job #2 (the little kids school). When I have to be absent, I send an e-mail in advance to let them know I can't go and that's it. I had to do that last week because of a workshop (do you use the word "workshop"?) we had at job #1 that I couldn't miss (well, my boss made it sound like we couldn't miss it, but after being there, obviously I could've done without it. Ugh again). Anyway, this week I was just SO tired. I don't even know why. You know when you start feeling sleepy and the minute you lay your head on your pillow, you're out? So weird. I've also been having back pain, probably from my belly dancing lessons, I should practice at home, and I haven't, and now we're starting with more complicated steps, so I guess that's why I'm feeling like this. My neck and shoulders have been killing me :( So, yesterday I was going to get everything ready for today, but I was so tired I just wanted my bed, so I didn't actually get anything done, and I couldn't just show up like that, with nothing ready. Of course I could've woken up earlier, there'd have been time. In the end, I just really really didn't want to go :( That kinda makes me feel guilty, because I did start the school year with them, and I didn't have to, I could've said that this year it wouldn't be possible, since I do have too much on my plate already. Too many groups at job #1, some of them really stressing me out, and I haven't had ONE day for my things, you know. That day was supposed to be Friday, but then I took this second job, and job #1 keeps creating reasons for me to be there on Friday (btw, no pay for that, just these endless workshops, meetings, and "teacher development courses", which aren't really courses, it's just us giving talks to each other. Pretty pointless). So, yeah, I'm overwhelmed, and not really happy about that :(

hathaross 03-28-2014 09:25 AM

I´m sorry your are feeling like that :( You seems tired, yeah, and that is affecting the rest. Some weeks are more stressful than others so I hope the next week you feel better. :hug: :hug:

Great Sandy!!! :)

My week is being a little strange. Some things happened with friends and family. ( I wasn´t involved), and I feel weird about it. I hope to have a more relaxed weekend, well until sunday when TGW is going to depress us again.

Aurora Cormier 03-31-2014 05:24 PM

It's HIMYM's series finale night, and even though I know it should've ended a LONG time ago, I'm still sad :bawl::bawl::bawl::bawl::bawl::bawl:

Libra 03-31-2014 11:17 PM

Sis, I know that feeling, being tired. I had that with my old work too and that's why I don't regret going to nursing school at all. Finally I feel like I did something right in my life!!! Although it's hard...we have to learn so much :thud:

I feel sad about HIMYM too...haven't seen the episode yet! Feels weird that it will be over...

Aurora Cormier 03-31-2014 11:33 PM

You know when a series finale is SO bad, like such a piece of **** that you feel like BURNING your DVDs of it, because you'll never EVER want to ever watch that crap again and selling them feels like stealing the person who's buying?? That's how I feel about How I Met Your Mother. I mean, I hadn't watched the show in a LONG time because I couldn't take the snooze fest it had become, but I heard people were happy with the mother, so I didn't expect the finale to be this bad. I didn't expect it to be OMG BEST EVER, no, but I didn't expect it to be THIS ****ty, not even in my most pessimistic nightmares.

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