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Old 03-26-2023, 09:50 PM
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Originally Posted by broken crown (View Post)
The reason it was so rushed? Because the writers didn't plan correctly. They thought they were going to have more episodes (probably 18) and when they realized/accepted/found out that it was only going to be 13...they were probably very far into the season writing process that they had to cut stuff and rush through the plot.

If you look at Nace's S3 development episode by episode...what really happened in the first 8 episodes? You had Nancy pining for him a bit (while simultaneously trying to jump Park's bones) and Ace's POV almost completely cut off. There were a few looks where you could sort of tell he was thinking about her and then a couple of moments with Ryan that were slightly more explicit. Also, when Nancy finds out Ace and Amanda broke up...she does nothing with that information.

Once we get to 3x09 though, everything changes...but it doesn't feel natural. They needed to get Ace to a spot, so they could do the liminal space cliffhanger. So they...all of a sudden had him get a POV and be jealous? Like???? I feel like there should have at least been one or two episodes between 3x08 and 3x09 that set this up. Or at least some big ~realization moment that would have led into this. Maybe they could have put Ace looking at Park/Nancy at the end of episode 8...that would have set up the episode 9 stuff? Like he just had Ryan call him out...and he was sitting there thinking about it...and you see him really accept his feelings...and then he sees her and Park together. That would have made way more sense.

And don't get me started with 3x10 which made Nancy look like a bad friend. It's like they were telling two different stories in that episode (Nancy trying to hook up with Park and Nace as soulmates). I still don't understand Nancy's mentality other than the writers just needed her to get in the closet with Park for some reason?? I'm still unclear on that. They could have put them together ages ago, and instead they did this. And then there was basically no fallout? Ace just swept in under the rug (probably because of his low self-esteem) and Bess just basically told him to get over it when she was a bad friend too? And then!!!! The confession scene? I don't understand why they bothered? Because NOTHING HAPPENED.

Episode 12 was oddly written too because you had all these emotional Nancy-Ace scenes, but then they had to make time for Nancy to thank Park for the closet sex and then possibly kiss him again?! WHY?! They didn't give any explanation into what Nancy was thinking? And then they pulled out the whole "Ace is the fourth piece" TWIST?! Without any set-up or explanation? And then wrote a season finale that literally was pulled out of their butts and designed to just say "GOTCHA"??! The episode just proves to me how arrogant the writers are...and they're lucky they got a S4 (which they wasted on the same old nonsense...but that's another story). If they actually cared about the fans (who are the only reason the show is relevant), then they would have put Nace together in the finale and not done this star-crossed lovers/curse nonsense. They were never meant to be like that in the show and now there's just nothing to look forward to...but I'm not going to get into S4 stuff right now because everyone knows where I stand on that garbage.

Also, if the show wanted Nancy to be this ~single gal just having casual sex...than they should have done that? Because they're the ones who got everyone into Nace. They didn't have to write towards them. They could have just ignored the chemistry and just kept them platonic on the show (while the fans crack shipped them...although personally...I don't think the show would have much of a fandom...but maybe that would have been a good trade-off for them?) And then they could have just had their self insert with none of the fan drama and expectations.
This is such a good explanation of what happened. I've often thought of Nace in season 3 as disjointed and this explains why. They had no time to write them a proper storyline (and also insisted upon fitting the Park stuff into this tight time frame) and had to cut corners as a result. What's worse is that I don't expect the writers to have learned anything and will do basically the same thing in season 4, just biding their time and cutting more corners until they finally put Nace together at the very end. Putting them under the banner of star crossed lovers proves this, as it's another way to stall the story. They were never meant to be star crossed lovers and this usually isn't the kind of show that would do that trope. They're only doing it to buy their time until they want Nace together and I have a feeling that it won't be done in a way that we fans want, or done when we want it to happen.
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Old 03-27-2023, 02:51 AM
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S3 was a hot mess. They didn't write a consistent story for anyone. They were more interested in having their conflicting visions on screen which basically amounted: star crossed lovers no triangle !!!

its like the season was written by a pair of pre-teens.
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Old 03-27-2023, 06:36 PM
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Oh really? I had no idea the finale was insanely long. Well...that's interesting. They should have released some deleted scenes then.
Yeah I she said it on a podcast she was on that I listened to? I don't remember exactly what she said but there were at least two cuts-one just in writing and one with scenes they filmed but edited out (the flannel scene was one of those). I'd love to see these deleted scenes too.
I really wish they would have taken the time to explain how Ace ended up being the fourth piece when he wasn't Thom's firstborn son and if it was from Rebecca's did it work considering her family was from Europe and would have been in Europe during The Civil War?
Yeah this also made no sense? I'd love to know if they wrote it and it got cut for time or if they forgot this themselves or if they just hoped no one would notice? Nothing about Ace's family history makes sense.

What's worse is that I don't expect the writers to have learned anything and will do basically the same thing in season 4, just biding their time and cutting more corners until they finally put Nace together at the very end. Putting them under the banner of star crossed lovers proves this, as it's another way to stall the story. They were never meant to be star crossed lovers and this usually isn't the kind of show that would do that trope.
Agreed Andrea! I don't really have high hopes for season 4.
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Old 03-27-2023, 07:34 PM
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This is such a good explanation of what happened. I've often thought of Nace in season 3 as disjointed and this explains why. They had no time to write them a proper storyline (and also insisted upon fitting the Park stuff into this tight time frame) and had to cut corners as a result. What's worse is that I don't expect the writers to have learned anything and will do basically the same thing in season 4, just biding their time and cutting more corners until they finally put Nace together at the very end. Putting them under the banner of star crossed lovers proves this, as it's another way to stall the story. They were never meant to be star crossed lovers and this usually isn't the kind of show that would do that trope. They're only doing it to buy their time until they want Nace together and I have a feeling that it won't be done in a way that we fans want, or done when we want it to happen.
The Park stuff was a last minute rewrite when RJ left the show for another gig. They should have just dropped the storyline completely...but they needed some faux love triangle...again for some reason.

And the whole curse was DEFINITELY a way to keep kicking the can down the road. In fact, if this wasn't the last season, they probably wouldn't have dealt with it at all...(although who really knows if they will deal with it period? I have zero confidence in these writers).

I really think the main issue is that the writers want a single, unattached Nancy sleeping with every guy that comes around (regardless of age and occupation) because she's their self insert. And again...that's fine if they wanted to do that. The problem is they were the ones who chose to write towards Nace. They chose to feature their chemistry. They chose to give them storylines. They chose this path. And that's what brought the fanbase. That's what trends. That's what gets people talking. That's what people have been waiting years for now. And the sad thing is...I think they resent them and that's why they treat them so poorly. That's why (assuming they happen at all), it's going to be rushed and ridiculous when they finally come together. What should have been an exclamation point, will be a There should have been a relationship and now all we're probably going to get is a couple of scraps...while random other guest stars suck up most of the plot...AGAIN!

Yeah I she said it on a podcast she was on that I listened to?
That's very interesting. I'm betting all our explanations were left on the cutting room floor...but they had to make time for Park to do nothing...


Originally Posted by ds44 (View Post)
S3 was a hot mess. They didn't write a consistent story for anyone. They were more interested in having their conflicting visions on screen which basically amounted: star crossed lovers no triangle !!!

its like the season was written by a pair of pre-teens.
They failed so badly. They had zero clue what they were doing. I hate that star crossed lovers stuff. You save that storyline for interspecies relationships and Shakespeare. It was completely unnecessary and such an excuse to just keep them apart so Nancy could have more closet time with the next man up

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Last edited by broken crown; 03-27-2023 at 07:45 PM
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Old 03-27-2023, 11:56 PM
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They are just cowards. I seriously doubt the network forced them to dip into the Nace pond. It was a choice. They could have ignored the fandom and continued their Bubble Machine Red Shoe Diaries. Their original plan was probably a back and forth between Nancy and Ned and fling with Ace at most. Nobody would care about the show, but at least you stayed true to yourself.
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Old 03-28-2023, 05:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Muffy_Simba (View Post)
They are just cowards. I seriously doubt the network forced them to dip into the Nace pond. It was a choice. They could have ignored the fandom and continued their Bubble Machine Red Shoe Diaries. Their original plan was probably a back and forth between Nancy and Ned and fling with Ace at most. Nobody would care about the show, but at least you stayed true to yourself.
Oh I doubt the network cared at all. This isn't like the old days when the networks had mandates regarding storylines.

And you're definitely on the right track. The OG pilot script made NN way more of that typical, angsty on-again/off-again relationship. It had a much more different vibe than what we ended up seeing. Plus, that type of relationship required actual chemistry and I'm sorry but the actors just don't have that together.

As for as Ace goes...his character was much more like that older, stoner guy who was just there for comic relief. His character was also in the episode less. He wasn't McGinnis' spy (McGinnis saw George/Ryan together at a gas station) and Ace wasn't there when Tiffany's body was discovered. There was also a super weird Bess/Ace scene at the end of the Pilot that I am SOOOO glad they cut.

It's possible Nancy could have slept with this version of the character (someone who reviewed the script suggested a love triangle)...but it would have just been a quick fling if anything...

Ace/Nancy happened because of three things: AS was cast as Ace and therefore fundamentally changed the character to a possible romantic lead, Alex and Kennedy shared amazing chemistry that was tangible every time they shared scenes, and the fact that the writers decided to put Nick with George. Still, they didn't have to go there. I remember after Season 1...I was actually not sure if they were intentionally going to go there until the showrunners came out and said it was a thing. But now I honestly think they resent ever going in that direction because that's what the fans clung to over anything else and they hate that there's any pushback regarding their self-insert fantasies.
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Old 03-28-2023, 05:35 PM
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I totally get your frustrations, hopefully s4 will be a surprise in a good way
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Old 03-28-2023, 06:20 PM
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Originally Posted by AlwaysCB (View Post)
I totally get your frustrations, hopefully s4 will be a surprise in a good way
I seriously hope you are right...but I don't have much confidence in these writers or the way they're handling Nace in S4. It's the same old story with them and I'm tired of it.
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Old 03-28-2023, 06:23 PM
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AS was cast as Ace and therefore fundamentally changed the character to a possible romantic lead, Alex and Kennedy shared amazing chemistry that was tangible every time they shared scenes, and the fact that the writers decided to put Nick with George.
They really got so lucky with the chemistry between Alex and Kennedy and with the way Alex portrays Ace. If you think about it, a lot of the show rests on that.
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Old 03-28-2023, 06:31 PM
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If you think about it, a lot of the show rests on that.
Most of the show rests on that IMHO...and pretty much the entire fandom rests on them.

We both know how the paltry the fandom was post S1. Like there was no twitter fandom...maybe during live watches...but I wasn't really a part of that. This tiny fandom was basically only on tumblr. And really...the twitter fandom didn't appear until towards the end of S2. And the reason why it grew was because of Nace. That's it. If Nace wasn't a thing, it would be bone dry out there. It's just sad that the writers refuse to appreciate their golden goose instead of treating them like crap.

Every time someone says they're excited for S4 or excited for Nace or just can't wait for the show to come back in general...I literally cringe or laugh or some combo. And then I go "why????" We've all read the same spoilers or whatever...and people are really excited for THAT? Please. This show didn't deserve a S4 and I regret ever wishing for one. It would have served them right to end on a massive cliffhanger.

The only saving grace in fanfiction. At least there are writers that appreciate the characters. And they do it for free. Beautifully.

I'm just so disgusted with this show and this hiatus that I just want it over. It feels like it should have been over ages ago...but the torture just keeps on going.
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Old 03-28-2023, 06:52 PM
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Oh yeah I remember when you were like the only person making gifs and I was one of like 3 people writing fics. Shipping is really what drives online fandoms....anyone who has spent any amount of time in that space should know that. Twitter would be dead without Nace.

Yeah I'm really mostly excited to read people fixing s4 through fic

I just said this in the countdown thread but it feels like we've been counting down forever and we still have so long to go.
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Old 03-28-2023, 08:14 PM
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Oh yeah I remember when you were like the only person making gifs and I was one of like 3 people writing fics. Shipping is really what drives online fandoms....anyone who has spent any amount of time in that space should know that. Twitter would be dead without Nace.
That's why I dragged you over here.

Shipping IS what drives online fandoms...which explains why they tried to create a faux triangle with Nace and a random dude nobody ever heard of before...


It's been forever and I'm not getting more mellow...I'm just getting more annoyed.
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Old 03-28-2023, 10:38 PM
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I watched S1 live and it definitely felt dead on social media. So, you (not any of you) read the S4 synopsis and you're still excited?!
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Old 03-29-2023, 04:29 AM
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Oh you did watch live in S1? From the beginning? What do you remember about that time? Because I didn’t catch up until 1x17.
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Old 03-29-2023, 07:21 PM
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To be honest, it felt like a one-and-done. I know it was the CW and it was a minute since they really canceled anything, but it felt so dead. And it wasn't a part of the old Netflix deal. But luckily (at that time) it was on the CW and folks did stream it on the CW app and later on HBO Max. The fandom picked up going into S2.
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