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ds44 09-14-2022 08:56 AM

Look I have 0 faith in the writers but I do think they get together at the but end of s4 and then the show ends.
TBH I have never really enjoyed true slowburns and prefer on/off couples. Cause I get them in the middle. People can act like slowburns are better but they are just kidding themselves. I'd rather have a couple in s1 or 2 then have them break up and be apart for two or three more seasons and get the tail end reunion to this crap. At this point it is what it is. I just am tired of just being negative all the time. It is what it is.

eta: I can't shake how this might be about their original recipe nancy ship being an utter fail.

broken crown 09-14-2022 07:09 PM


People can act like slowburns are better but they are just kidding themselves. I'd rather have a couple in s1 or 2 then have them break up and be apart for two or three more seasons and get the tail end reunion to this crap.
YES! This is exactly how I feel. If it's a procedural and you have multiple seasons, you might be able to get away with a slowburn....but honestly they mostly suck. Because it's just about dragging it out...for "reasons" (whatever they are) and you never truly get the deserved payoff. I honestly would have rather seen them be together for a while and then they could have brought them back around for endgame. Because it's just SO tedious now. SO SO SO SO SO tedious.

I just wanted to see Nace together as a power couple solving mysteries together. I didn't need ~all of this drama.


I can't shake how this might be about their original recipe nancy ship being an utter fail.
Then it's their own faults. They should have written them better and cast actors who had amazing chemistry. Also, they're the ones who shifted to Nick/George really early on. It's all on them.

ds44 09-14-2022 08:51 PM

It is. They can't handle criticism and they enjoy mocking their fanbase and that's not a good thing.

Muffy_Simba 09-14-2022 10:27 PM

I was just about to post something similar. I really think are angry that Nace became the biggest ship on the series. At this point Nancy and Nick could never be endgame. They chose to write away from that ship because they seen it wasn't working like at all. Yes, they chose to pair him with George. They want to have their cake and eat it too. They know the fanbase is crazy about Ace & Nancy. But they also want to live out their fantasies through Nancy Drew. It's why instead of Nace kissing and growing closer in S3. They bring in bootleg Tamura because the original actor left. They just could not leave that subplot on the cutting room floor and allow AN to kiss for real in S3.

broken crown 09-15-2022 04:46 PM


They know the fanbase is crazy about Ace & Nancy. But they also want to live out their fantasies through Nancy Drew.
This is IT...right here! You NAILED it! They know what the fans want and are waiting for...but they just can't help using Nancy's character as a self-insert for everything.

gold-steps 09-15-2022 07:07 PM

They need to realize they can't have it both ways.

broken crown 09-15-2022 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by gold-steps (Post 107217420)
They need to realize they can't have it both ways.

Definitely not. I just don't understand the thought process behind some writing decisions. Season 3 was just a general headscratcher at certain points. :spineyes:

gold-steps 09-16-2022 07:58 PM

I feel like I complained about this enough in the other thread but yeah you can totally tell they were just lost at some points.

broken crown 09-16-2022 08:40 PM

Lost to the point where they completely ignored/trashed everything the season was leading up to and just created a brand new storyline for the finale.

I really, really wish more people were critical of this show because I really would like answers to all these weird swerves.

These writers couldn't even handle 13 episodes properly and some folks think they're breaking this stupid curse in 6 episodes? :lmao: Ok. :spineyes:

ds44 09-17-2022 12:46 PM

That is just straight up naive.

broken crown 09-17-2022 05:58 PM

Exactly and (like I said on the gen discussion/rant thread), I'm also so freaking tired of people making up spoilers based on nothing. Just because an episode is "expensive" doesn't mean they're breaking the curse...just because they film at an old location...doesn't mean Ace is getting his own "Whisper Box"...and just because KM posts a dancing emoji...doesn't mean there's a Nace dance?!!! None of these things are likely to happen. Period. You're better off writing fanfiction. :spineyes:

gold-steps 09-17-2022 06:50 PM

They're starting to remind me of hardcore Taylor Swift fans with how they try to read into everything the cast/crew say. Anytime Taylor posts anything her hardcore stans turn into the FBI trying to see in there's an album hint or something.

broken crown 09-17-2022 07:03 PM

:lmao: The hardcore Swifties are very amusing though and she did pull off the whole Evermore surprise on them too! And she is known for her Easter Eggs.

As for this show, people just straight up invent stuff. :spineyes:

bscgirl99 09-17-2022 07:43 PM

I love Taylor Swift. Swifties on the other hand... :lol:. They are one dedicated bunch.


eta: I can't shake how this might be about their original recipe nancy ship being an utter fail.
You know, I never thought of that possibility until now. Mostly because they've done Nick/George so well that it almost looks like they were planned from the beginning. But it's definitely something to think about because writers love having their cake and eating it too.


Originally Posted by Muffy_Simba (Post 107212832)
But they also want to live out their fantasies through Nancy Drew. It's why instead of Nace kissing and growing closer in S3. They bring in bootleg Tamura because the original actor left. They just could not leave that subplot on the cutting room floor and allow AN to kiss for real in S3.

:lol: Bootleg Tamura. You hit the nail on the head though. I also think it's stubbornness kicking in, like they had to do that plotline because it was already planned and had no other ideas or weren't willing to change things up so they just stuck someone else in Tamura's spot.

gold-steps 09-17-2022 07:45 PM


Just because an episode is "expensive" doesn't mean they're breaking the curse

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