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Old 11-24-2004, 05:29 PM
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Biggest Turkeys of 2004

In honor of Thanksgiving, it’s fitting that we discuss’s annual list of the “Biggest Turkeys of 2004.” Here’s the nominees. Would you add anyone to their list? If you had to choose, who would you crown the No. 1 biggest turkey?

I definitely agree with all the choices listed. Had this been made a few months ago, Ricky Williams would have topped my list for all the obvious reasons. The guy simply quit on his team to smoke the Mary Jane and travel the world, and now he wants to come back? You have got to be kidding me! He’s the NFL’s biggest head case.

With what transpired in Detroit recently, I unfortunately have to group anyone involved in that shameful brawl (players, fans, security, etc.) as the Biggest Turkeys of the Year. That was a pitiful sight! It really speaks poorly about the state of today’s sports.

Here’s my list of turkeys:

1. NBA Detroit debacle
2. Ricky Williams - He’s a turd. I would never want him as a teammate.
3. U.S. men’s Olympic basketball team - Biggest. Disappointment. Ever.
4. New York Yankees - I like the summary: “Biggest. Choke. Ever.”
5. Latrell Sprewell - This idiot claims he deserves a better contract to put food on the table for his family? Are you kidding me? He’s earned enough money to feed entire countries. Puh-lease! Spare me.
6. Chicago Cubs - This is a personal choice. With all the clubhouse turmoil and in-house fighting, they collapsed against pathetic teams in the last two weeks of the season. Talk about a choke job!
7. Vince Carter - Enough with the whining! Just because you have become soft and are no longer “Vinsanity” does not mean you are entitled to be traded.
8. Green Bay Packers - How do you give up a first down on 4th and 26? That’s pathetic. They deserved to lose that game to the Eagles.
9. Terrell Owens - While he’s a great player, I lost respect for him when he refused to play for the Baltimore Ravens and demanded a trade to Philly. WTF? Players shouldn’t have that type of leverage. It’s wrong. I’m still waiting for Ray Lewis to give him a hard pop while going up for a pass.
10. ABC/Monday Night Football - Come on! They had to know their Desperate Housewives Nicollette Sheridan-Terrell Owens pregame “striptease” would be viewed in bad taste.
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Last edited by Chi159; 11-24-2004 at 06:34 PM
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Old 11-24-2004, 07:23 PM
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Re: Biggest Turkeys of 2004

Ah, thanks for posting this, Kathie.

I'll add the San Francisco 49ers to this list, as a personal choice. Just because, I am a die-hard fan and hell yeah, I'm bitter. This season SUCKS. Rebuilding year, my ass.

Originally posted by Chi159
4. New York Yankees - I like the summary: “Biggest. Choke. Ever.”

I LOVE this, and I don't even watch baseball. Bwah!
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Old 11-24-2004, 08:37 PM
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How could I have left one of the biggest turkeys off the list: the NHL.

Just where do I start? This league is filled with a bunch of turkeys. What’s worse -- the fact that the NHL is not going to have a season or that many people don’t care? It’s sad to see what has become of this once proud league. You have an idiot in charge who has run hockey into the ground (Beavis Bettman), a bunch of greedy owners intent on destroying the game to save $ (Bill Wirtz is the worst offender), and a players association that I don’t know what to think of. Neither side is willing to budge. Hell, the minor leagues is producing the most exciting hockey North America has seen in a LONG time! What does that say? This is a comical, yet sad, situation that doesn’t look to be resolved anytime soon.
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Old 11-24-2004, 09:01 PM
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Re: Biggest Turkeys of 2004

Originally posted by Chi159
Vince Carter - Enough with the whining! Just because you have become soft and are no longer “Vinsanity” does not mean you are entitled to be traded.
I totally agree! Being a Raptors fans, I use to be a big Vince supporter. But now his constant bitching, the trade demands, and lack of effort has turned me off. And just the other day he announced that he no longer wanted to dunk and that dunking was over-rated. What?!? This coming from a guy that built his reputation off of dunking. Vince has worn out his welcome and needs to be dealt! The Raptors don't even need him to win. On the weekend they came back from a 19-point fourth quarter defecit to beat San Antonio, and they did this with Vince sitting on the bench for the entire fourth quarter. What's that say about Vince? He's definitely my choice for Biggest Turkey!
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Old 11-25-2004, 01:18 AM
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I'd have to put Ron Artest on his own spot on the list. Same with Jermaine O'Neal and Stephen Jackson for jumping into it. They could have saved themselves from getting into trouble by just staying out of it.
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Old 11-26-2004, 10:15 PM
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Tiger Woods. I guess being married, he has other things on his mind rather than golf. :snicker:
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Old 12-20-2004, 07:44 AM
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Can I add the Calgary Flames to the list?
That was the second biggest choke ever. They had a whole country behind them.

Also, the whole NHL for being stupid and greedy and not giving us hockey.
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Old 12-24-2004, 01:45 PM
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5. Latrell Sprewell - This idiot claims he deserves a better contract to put food on the table for his family? Are you kidding me? He’s earned enough money to feed entire countries. Puh-lease! Spare me.
I have to agree with that one *shakes head*
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Old 12-31-2004, 08:38 AM
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Re: Biggest Turkeys of 2004

Originally posted by Chi159

9. Terrell Owens - While he’s a great player, I lost respect for him when he refused to play for the Baltimore Ravens and demanded a trade to Philly. WTF? Players shouldn’t have that type of leverage. It’s wrong. I’m still waiting for Ray Lewis to give him a hard pop while going up for a pass.
Why not? Lots of players want to go where they feel they have a chance ot win, if T.O didn't think Baltimore gave him that chance then he shouldn't have to go there. The guy simply didn't want to go from one QB he didn't think was good to another one that isn't good. Teams really have too much control over players by being able to cut them anytime they want ect. It's nice to see a player actually step up and make a good decision for himself.

Aside from T.O I pretty much agree with your list. Although i'd have to add Ron Artest in general. I don't really blame him for that brawl, but the stuff before that is just incredible. He wanted to take a break right at the beginning of the season for his music? Are you kidding me? You have an entire off season to do whatever you want and you want a break once the season starts? Then he threatens to retire because people aren't accepting to his comments. I don't really get the guy.
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Old 12-31-2004, 03:18 PM
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Re: Re: Biggest Turkeys of 2004

Originally posted by TokyoNiGHTS
Why not? Lots of players want to go where they feel they have a chance ot win, if T.O didn't think Baltimore gave him that chance then he shouldn't have to go there. The guy simply didn't want to go from one QB he didn't think was good to another one that isn't good. Teams really have too much control over players by being able to cut them anytime they want ect. It's nice to see a player actually step up and make a good decision for himself.

Aside from T.O I pretty much agree with your list. Although i'd have to add Ron Artest in general. I don't really blame him for that brawl, but the stuff before that is just incredible. He wanted to take a break right at the beginning of the season for his music? Are you kidding me? You have an entire off season to do whatever you want and you want a break once the season starts? Then he threatens to retire because people aren't accepting to his comments. I don't really get the guy.

Not trying to make excuses for Artest but its been an open secret more or less that he's bipolar so he goes from one extreme to another at times. Sometimes I wished they did let him take some time off maybe the brawl could've been avoided who knows?
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Old 12-31-2004, 07:59 PM
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Add Todd Bertuzzi of the Vancouver Canucks to the list. What a coward act to do, punch someone in the head from behind and probably ending a career.
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Old 12-31-2004, 10:19 PM
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Originally posted by Carmelo Anthony
Add Todd Bertuzzi of the Vancouver Canucks to the list. What a coward act to do, punch someone in the head from behind and probably ending a career.
Your right. You are Very right. I hate to say I never even considered that. I guess I was bias as I live in Vancouver.

He should of been banned for life from hockey and the court sentence was a joke. I am Steve Moore sues him and takes him to the cleaners.
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Old 01-02-2005, 05:27 AM
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As a personal bias, I'd add the Missouri Tigers basketball program. The Ricky Clemons debackle, assistant coaches being fired, Quin Snyder accused of giving clothes, money, and other things to players, the University President's wife talking to Clemons while he was in jail and making racial slurs nonetheless. Not to mention they were ranked #3 in the nation at one point with 4 seniors in the lineup and by the end of the season were barely even givin a spot in the NIT. Which they promptly lost in the first round.
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Old 01-02-2005, 08:58 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Biggest Turkeys of 2004

Originally posted by Katiebear
Not trying to make excuses for Artest but its been an open secret more or less that he's bipolar so he goes from one extreme to another at times. Sometimes I wished they did let him take some time off maybe the brawl could've been avoided who knows?
I agree that he should be able to take off a few games here and there. Shaq sometimes takes off a few games, baseball players take off some games to get their energy back up. That's something he needs to talk to the team about. Not something he should suddenly decide to put out in front of the media.
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Old 01-06-2005, 10:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Chi159
4. New York Yankees - I like the summary: “Biggest. Choke. Ever.”
Yep - that pretty much sums it up, 'cause let's face it - if you've got that much money and you spend it that wildly, there's no excuse for losing!
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