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FoxPhile 05-27-2018 08:42 AM

It's great when things work out that way.

I had this HUGE backlog of work, leftover from when I was sick last week. So I came into this weekend thinking I would pretty much be working all 3 days. BUT - I actually finished almost everything yesterday, cleaned up the remaining stuff by 10am this morning and even got a little ahead of things for next week! Which means I might actually be able to enjoy some of the holiday. There's a chance of storms tomorrow, but since it's supposed to be mild - in the 70s - I might just wander outside for a bit. :eek:

WeBuiltThePyramids 05-27-2018 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by FoxPhile (Post 94034244)
It's great when things work out that way.

I had this HUGE backlog of work, leftover from when I was sick last week. So I came into this weekend thinking I would pretty much be working all 3 days. BUT - I actually finished almost everything yesterday, cleaned up the remaining stuff by 10am this morning and even got a little ahead of things for next week! Which means I might actually be able to enjoy some of the holiday. There's a chance of storms tomorrow, but since it's supposed to be mild - in the 70s - I might just wander outside for a bit. :eek:

Look at you go!

I'm stoked for tomorrow because even though 7 of the 8 hours I work are technically Tuesday, since my shift STARTS on Memorial Day I get holiday pay, which is double.

FoxPhile 05-28-2018 04:32 AM

Gosh, I remember working holidays! I've worked at the same place since I was 21, but I started in the call center, which was part time 30 hours a week. The pay was so good it was better than full time at just about any place else that a 21 year old could get a job. Holidays were only 5 hours, but the supervisors had to juggle schedules to be fair because almost everyone WANTED to work. We got paid almost triple time. After about 6 months I got trained to do the early morning prep work and after hours stuff, which meant that when I worked a holiday, it was eight hours. Those days were great windfalls.

WeBuiltThePyramids 05-28-2018 05:37 AM

I never do anything for holidays so I usually end up working them. This is my first job that has holiday pay.

FoxPhile 05-28-2018 03:20 PM

I've had a busy weekend, but I got a lot done. Work and non-work, both. I laid in a new stock of boxes for packing, but so far all I've done is stack my supply of empty boxes in a corner. Actual packing will have to wait until at least next week.

FoxPhile 05-29-2018 04:43 PM

Ugh. I'm going to see my doctor tomorrow. I always hate that.

WeBuiltThePyramids 05-29-2018 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by FoxPhile (Post 94057676)
Ugh. I'm going to see my doctor tomorrow. I always hate that.

Weirdly I don't mind places like the dentist, but I hate hate HATE doctor appointments.

FoxPhile 05-29-2018 05:01 PM

Same here - even though the dentist usually involves more actual stuff being done.

WeBuiltThePyramids 05-29-2018 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by FoxPhile (Post 94057748)
Same here - even though the dentist usually involves more actual stuff being done.

I get oddly relaxed at the dentist.

FoxPhile 05-29-2018 05:05 PM

Lying in the chair waiting for the dentist to come in, I can practically fall asleep. It helps that he pipes in good music.

WeBuiltThePyramids 05-29-2018 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by FoxPhile (Post 94057767)
Lying in the chair waiting for the dentist to come in, I can practically fall asleep. It helps that he pipes in good music.

I oddly find them working on my teeth relaxing too.

FoxPhile 05-30-2018 04:01 PM

I survived the doctor visit. I think one thing I don't like is that this office always runs late. Like 45 minutes or more. That just bugs me.

WeBuiltThePyramids 05-30-2018 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by FoxPhile (Post 94066158)
I survived the doctor visit. I think one thing I don't like is that this office always runs late. Like 45 minutes or more. That just bugs me.

I always get the first appointment in the morning so they don't have time to get toooo behind.

WriterFreak001 05-30-2018 10:12 PM

I want to apologize for being AWOL for several weeks. Between my grandfather going in and out of the hospital and my recent car accident, life has been pretty hectic.

FoxPhile 05-31-2018 04:13 PM

Awww. Kim! :hug: Sending good wishes for your grandfather and for you. I hope the accident wasn't too bad.

KatFan89 05-31-2018 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by WeBuiltThePyramids (Post 94057807)
I oddly find them working on my teeth relaxing too.

When I was in bootcamp, Dental was the one place that was kind of normal. Plus it was the only place with any music. So getting my wisdom teeth out was almost enjoyable, lol.

WriterFreak001 05-31-2018 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by FoxPhile (Post 94076812)
Awww. Kim! :hug: Sending good wishes for your grandfather and for you. I hope the accident wasn't too bad.

Thanks Heidi, and it wasn't too bad. Luckily the police labeled the other car driver the "At Fault" unit for failure to yield during a green light. So her insurance will have to pay at least $2600 in damage. Thankfully, the car wasn't totaled and can be fixed.

WeBuiltThePyramids 06-01-2018 09:49 AM

Hope you all are doing better, Kim!

I'm still having issues from my accident in March of 2017. The other car had less than $800 in damages and there were no injuries, but they're suing for $500,000.00. Our insurance has said over and over they have no case and we just have to ride it out, but the riding it out part is super stressful.

FoxPhile 06-01-2018 04:16 PM


That's ridiculous! I guess some people just immediately run to the lawyers regardless of the reality.

WeBuiltThePyramids 06-02-2018 09:07 AM

May have broken my ankle this morning. Jumped a horse right after because I'm stubborn despite it hurting like a biznitch. Now at home icing and elevating and deciding whether or not to go in or not. I'm leaning toward no because I can walk on it, in a manner of speaking, and I have zero dollars.

FoxPhile 06-02-2018 11:01 AM

Ouch! Take care of yourself. Hopefully it's just a bad sprain. They can certainly hurt like a biznitch.

This may make you giggle - "Jumped a horse right after" - at first I pictured you literally jumping over a horse - and I was seriously amazed that you could do that at all - let alone with an injured ankle - until I realized what you actually meant.

WeBuiltThePyramids 06-02-2018 05:17 PM

Haha, no, I'm not quite that hardcore. :lmao:

FoxPhile 06-03-2018 03:23 PM

I hope rest and ice are doing the trick!

WeBuiltThePyramids 06-03-2018 05:46 PM

Well...I did hotel last night, was photographer at an event today, and now I'm back in Kentucky. SO. :lol:

FoxPhile 06-03-2018 06:15 PM

Either you're feeling better, or you're just really dedicated. :D

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