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LilMouse 07-06-2017 05:53 PM

Meliana 07-07-2017 02:57 AM

Ah the eating scene, again...

LilMouse 07-07-2017 08:06 AM

It was so sloppy. I'd turn away from him too.

Meliana 07-07-2017 08:09 AM

Can we assume Colin doesn't usually eat like that? :lol:

LilMouse 07-07-2017 08:36 AM

One hopes :lol: He does have a big mouth, however, to be stuffing all that in there.

Meliana 07-07-2017 08:38 AM

My mind just went to the gutter again... :thud:

LilMouse 07-07-2017 12:38 PM

:nono: bad girl

x♥xBeautiful_Butterflyx♥x 07-08-2017 09:11 AM

You guys...:lol:

And those gifs...:D

Meliana 07-08-2017 09:56 AM


x♥xBeautiful_Butterflyx♥x 07-08-2017 01:51 PM

wickedrum 07-08-2017 01:57 PM

unusual look

Meliana 07-08-2017 02:08 PM

The wig wasn't the best part of that film! :lol:

wickedrum 07-08-2017 02:09 PM

certainly not

x♥xBeautiful_Butterflyx♥x 07-08-2017 02:22 PM


LilMouse 07-08-2017 06:04 PM

I hate that wig. And why was Brennan depressed? I didn't get that. Before seeing the movie I figured Nora dumped him. But we find out she didn't. He dumped her. So why so sad?

Meliana 07-08-2017 10:03 PM

That doesn't mean he isn't sad about it. Plus I get the feeling it wasn't a good time in his life generally.

wickedrum 07-09-2017 09:03 AM

people tend to be sad a lot

Meliana 07-09-2017 09:23 AM

His whole lifestyle could be why he's like that.

x♥xBeautiful_Butterflyx♥x 07-09-2017 12:26 PM

LilMouse 07-09-2017 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Meliana (Post 90750229)
His whole lifestyle could be why he's like that.

mmm yea, trying to break out in the music business and then it;s not working out for him.

Meliana 07-09-2017 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by LilMouse (Post 90753923)
mmm yea, trying to break out in the music business and then it's not working out for him.

Yeah. Could be the drink, too. He does like his drink. I get the feeling he's washed-out at this point.

I like the guitar-playing at the end. Just wish he'd burn that hat! :lol:

x♥xBeautiful_Butterflyx♥x 07-09-2017 03:07 PM

You really dont like the hat...:lol:

I love the hat at the end of the movie...:love::lol:

fallinrain 07-09-2017 07:01 PM

So I finally got around to watching this. I've been feeling like a bad Colin fan because I haven't seen the majority of his projects. Slowly working on changing that and this was at the head of the list. Mainly because it takes place in Nashville and I've been living there for about 6 years now. I love it. It's such a wonderful city, especially if you love music as much as I do. So I was prepared to like this if only because of Colin and Nashville. But I ended up liking it a lot!

I started writing my review and realized I have more thoughts about it than I thought I did. Way more. :eek: I'm actually thinking about doing a full review on my blog.

But a quick(ish) recap:
- This was my introduction to Kristen and I thought she was good. Great voice, great chemistry with Colin and she made me like a character that I so easily could have hated.
- I absolutely love the way they depicted Nashville. It felt like the city was a character in its own right and reminded me of why I fell in love with it in the first place.
- Watching this brought back all kinds of memories since I've been to most of the places shown. A lot of this was filmed about 15 minutes from my house. Not that I knew it at the time.
- The city looks a lot better with Colin in it!
- If I'm not mistaken, my dad (who decided to get back into songwriting after retiring a few years ago) did an open mic at the club Brennan's singing at at the end a few months ago.
- There was a part of me that wondered if I really liked Colin in general or do I just love Hook and think Colin's hot? I got my answer. I am definitely a fan of Colin in general! I thought he did an incredible job.
- We've seen so many different sides of Hook on OUAT and I wondered if Brennan would feel like a version of one of them. But he didn't. In fact, he didn't make me think of Hook at all!
- Colin does a solid American accent.
- Can Colin just sing everything all the time? Because I love his voice. Which I knew, but this confirmed. could say I liked it...:look::lol:

LilMouse 07-09-2017 08:20 PM

I like the hat too, Chris


I get the feeling he's washed-out at this point.
So sad to be washed out at 35.


So I finally got around to watching this.


I've been feeling like a bad Colin fan because I haven't seen the majority of his projects. Slowly working on changing that
It's okay if it takes time. Life comes up.


Mainly because it takes place in Nashville and I've been living there for about 6 years now. I love it. It's such a wonderful city, especially if you love music as much as I do. So I was prepared to like this if only because of Colin and Nashville. But I ended up liking it a lot!

Watching this brought back all kinds of memories since I've been to most of the places shown. A lot of this was filmed about 15 minutes from my house. Not that I knew it at the time.
:( that you weren't able to meet Colin when he was in town

Glad you ended up enjoying it. How'd you feel about Nora and Brennan's relationship?

fallinrain 07-09-2017 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by LilMouse (Post 90757393)
:( that you weren't able to meet Colin when he was in town

Glad you ended up enjoying it. How'd you feel about Nora and Brennan's relationship?

I know. :(

I'm curious to know what he thought of the city while he was here.

Their relationship in a word? Toxic. I did think that they did genuinely care about each other, him more so, but I didn't think they were good for each other. Though honestly, I thought Nora was too much of a mess to be in any kind of relationship. I liked that he did end up staying in Nashville after she left, like maybe this was his happy ending and not her. Though I guess she pushed him towards it. It'd be interesting to see if they'd work any better once she worked through her issues, if she ever did. I'm inclined to think it still wouldn't, but who knows? like that they went with an ambiguous ending.

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