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One Thing Remains 07-15-2014 12:18 PM

1x14: "MADELINE PRATT" Episode Discussion Thread (02/24/14 @ 10PM)
1x14 | Madeline Pratt

episode synopsis
AN ANCIENT ARTIFACT QUICKLY TURNS INTO AN ISSUE OF NATIONAL SECURITY - A Liz helps Tom come to terms about their impending adoption while Red reveals that a woman from his past, Madeline Pratt is the next target on The Blacklist. Elsewhere, at an elaborate party at the Syrian Embassy, Red convinces Liz to pull off a covert heist.

One Thing Remains 07-15-2014 12:18 PM

This episode opened up a lot of questions. What was Liz’s father’s criminal past? Was that in reference to Sam or was it in reference to Liz’s real father? Also who eliminated her father’s record? Was it Red or someone else. They also hinted that Liz may have background in crime, mainly theft related crimes. It would be interesting to learn about Liz’s back ground.

Was Red telling Maddy the truth? He seemed very convincing when he was telling the story and then he later refused to answer when she asked if it was the truth. I hope we get the real story behind Red’s family very soon.

It was nice to see Red and Liz all dressed up and dancing :) And watching Liz try to be a criminal mastermind and steal the effigy was fun as well. I guess Maddy must feel like a woman scorned the way that she tried to immediately sell out Red :lol:

The way Red tricked her into giving up her info was priceless!! Very well thought out and I bought it too. Until Red showed up to collet the list :lol:

Why doesn’t the DC bureau (well Mr. Fitch’s group really) want Cooper digging into Diane’s death. Is it because they don’t wan’t Cooper to discover that she was a mole and informant for Mr. Fitch’s group or is there even more to this story.

This episode really opened a can of worms :lol: And the majority of new questions have never been answered :pout:

L i N d $ @ y 07-26-2014 06:39 AM

  • Since Diane is dead, is that the reason why we see less of Meera spying around in the latter part of the season?
  • So looks like Red & Pratt has something going on. Was this during Red's marriage or after his wife died? Although I didn't quite get why she had to take whatever was inside that safety deposit box. Was it so Red can come to her?
  • LOL on Red scrutinizing that horrible painting. :lol:
  • How does Red know Liz & Tom didn't go through with the adoption? Is he somehow keeping tabs on Tom?
  • Are these all rehearsed stories for Pratt that Liz is telling?
  • Liz looks great in that red dress!
  • I totally forgot about Cooper asking Meera to find out if Red has anything to do with Diane's "disappearance".
  • Yeah, what happened in Florence 2 years ago, Red?
  • LOL, Red's spur of the moment acting as a gay man was brilliant. :lol:
  • Okay this is awkward. Tom & Liz arguing on the phone and Donald is around.
  • So Red is having an affair? Pratt says that Florence was their way out but Red viewed it all as part of the job.
  • This was one of my favorite scenes in the ep: Red's speech to Pratt. :nod: I think what he told Pratt was true.
  • Damn this whole thing was brilliant. Red got the upper hand (and payback) for what Pratt did to him and Liz at the Syrian embassy. :clap:
  • This ep just showed how Red is always 2 steps ahead of everyone.
  • Donald & Liz!!! :love:
  • I forgot about this scene with Special Agent Martin of the DC Bureau telling Cooper not to bother finding out what happened to Diane. I don't care about clearances but why?

I thought that was a filler ep. If it wasn't for Jennifer Ehle (Pratt who looks a bit like Meryl Streep), I don't think I would've enjoyed this ep. At least this Blacklister survived. To me this was more personal to Red which is what I think most of his Blacklisters are. It would make sense if it was Mr. Fitch who instructed Agent Martin to show up and tell Cooper not to investigate Diane. They're covering their tracks the way Red is covering his. In a way, Cooper not investigating this is also a way out for Red. Perhaps Mr. Fitch knows Red killed Diane?

One Thing Remains 07-27-2014 02:48 PM

I think Mr. Fitch definitely knows it was Red and he doesn't want Cooper snooping around because Red and Mr. Fitch's group have an unspoken understanding right now because they are still concerned about the info Red supposedly had against them

Lauren Helen Graham 05-30-2015 05:21 AM

And that's the last one for now, updated.

Madeline Pratt... You know what's funny? I don't even know anymore why Red got himself through all of this. I recall that at first it was said that there were codes or locations or both for nuclear weapons from the Cold War in this statue but in the end, Red wasn't after those... :look: What was it exactly?

One Thing Remains 05-30-2015 11:49 AM

thanks for updating the OP Kris :hug: The posters look really nice in the OPs

Miranda 05-30-2015 03:42 PM

Thanks for updating the OP Kris.

I loved this episode! Red and Liz being all Bonnie and Clyde. That was awesome "You are not a cop tonight, you are a criminal." I think he said it like that I am not sure though. :)

And of course the most funny quote of Red was in this episode! It still cracks me up to this day when I watch that scene and I have watched it many times already! :D The look on Liz's face was priceless. :lol:

The story Red told Madeline was so sad. I teared up. To see him so emotional was really sad.

Miranda 07-27-2015 12:10 PM

Lauren Helen Graham 07-27-2015 12:49 PM

Another one done :D Man... I'm getting closer to be done with the season one thread OPs :lol:

Oh yes, that episode was great! I loved Red and Liz in it... Them dancing was somehow pretty cool, felt like father and daughter to me somehow and I loved that.

And don't even mention the encounter with Red, Liz being strapped to that chair and that Syrian guy with the gun keeping an eye on her :lmao: One of Red's best moments EVER!!!

I somehow always forget that at the end of the episode there's such a serious, tear jerking scene still :bawl: I cried when I saw it the first time.

One Thing Remains 07-28-2015 11:24 PM

Do we know if the story Red told Madeline about that Christmas Eve all those years ago was true?

Miranda 07-30-2015 12:00 PM

This episode was amazing! This episode has my favorite Red quote! :lmao:

I still don't know if the story that Red told Madeline is true. I like to think that he can't come up with a story like that and tell it the way he did for it not to be true. That scene was just heartbreaking. :bawl:

I loved Red and Liz together. The fancy clothes, them dancing together! :love:

Lauren Helen Graham 07-30-2015 12:56 PM

It's really so sad that we still don't know if that story Red told Madeline about his family was true. I'm just considering it not to be because Red didn't seem to be surprised to find Naomi still alive in the season 2 premiere. :look: How could he have known if that story was true? How wouldn't the FBI know that his wife and daughter were in witness protection? Or is it really possible we are talking about two different wives and daughters of Red? I'm so confused when it comes to that, you can't imagine.

Red and Liz dancing together was really great. I loved that. :love:

Miranda 07-31-2015 12:15 PM

That's what I wonder as well. If Red maybe had another wife and daughter before Naomi and Jen because for some reason I can't believe he would make something like that up.

And like you said the FBI or CIA should have known about Naomi and Jen being in witness protection.

Lauren Helen Graham 08-03-2015 12:44 PM

I as well can't believe that he made something like that up. I really think it happened to him but we are lacking so much knowledge on all what happened afterwards (or before even) to really understand and put the puzzle pieces together. :( It's sad.

Exactly! The FBI as well thinks his family dead when he surrenders... Or maybe they aren't allowed to know about the witness protection either :shrug: The more know about it, the insecure it gets... So maybe not even the task force has the clearance to know about the witness protection of Red's family :shrug: To protect them...

Miranda 08-05-2015 11:15 AM

That could be a reason the FBI don't know about the witness protection. The more people who know the more danger but if the FBI didn't know about it, who arranged for the witness protection? (if they were in it)

I hope we will ever find out if his story was true.

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