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Old 08-05-2014, 06:44 PM
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♔ Husband & Wife ♕ {Francis♥Mary} #212: "There is no prophecy keeping us apart."

francis & mary

e q u a l s;
“She's his equal in every way.
He loves her. She loves him.”

the s t o r y so far

Mary and Francis were childhood playmates, each one remembering their shared history fondly: the falling feathers, the laughter, the general mayhem they brought to the castle halls. “Francis is a girl’s name,” young Mary whispered as they raced up the stairs hand-in-hand. Fast-forward to years later and it’s almost like meeting again for the first time. Mary stands nervously on the front lawn, searching for the boy she once knew as a child. “Is that Francis?” one of her ladies inquires, but the man before her is not the right one. Not at all. She continues to search the unfamiliar faces, hoping … and that’s when Francis appears. She knows him in a heartbeat and her face lights up. What a relief, what luck …

If they were just a girl and just a boy, things would be so simple, but most worthwhile things never are … Their first conflict is head vs. heart – Mary and Francis are not your average teenagers, they are rulers of nations, and as such, their obligation to their countries far outweighs their desire for their own happiness. It is Francis who understands this well before Mary arrives, causing him to keep her at arm’s length ... he cannot let himself love her, it’s far too dangerous for both his nation and his heart. And it isn’t long before Mary’s duty to protect Scotland teaches her that Francis is right.

“Love is irrelevant to people like us,
a privilege we do not share.”

And yet … The heart wants what the heart wants – Mary and Francis yearn for one another. Mary already loves him and all she desires is for him to love her in return. He tries to fight the pull, but the pull is far too strong. Logic, reason and duty fall to the wayside; his heart tells him to love her relentlessly, and it is far too loud for him to ignore. The chemistry is palpable long before their hands clasp together or their lips and tongues touch. The sparks ignite with every gaze – with just a breath of air between them. In a moment alone by a lakeside at sunset or clinging to each other by firelight, their passion burns like a supernova. Mary had once vowed to save Francis, and when Mary’s life and reputation are put at risk, Francis proves that he’d be willing to do the same – even at the risk of his own life. Mary goes to him afterwards, her body humming with the fear of losing the man she loves and the realization of just what he was willing to give up for her. She beats her fists against his chest, begging him to tell her why he would be so stupid, and the answer takes her breath away.

“Because I love you …”

It is no wonder then, that all previous bumps in the road are long forgotten. #thepull now rules their heads and their bodies as well as their hearts. He whispers for her to tell him when to stop and she replies, “Never …”

After weeks of "never stopping," they share an intimate morning together full of hopes and dreams of their shared future. Lounging in bed, enjoying a moment of precious stillness (™Kayeberrie), imagining a future full of children and grandchildren. Tickles and giggles with no inhibitions. The bliss of being in love, the comfort and freedom they feel in each other’s arms – it is everything they'd ever wanted and more. When he proposes to her later that day, they are so overjoyed that they literally resort to twirling and skipping through a meadow. The highest of the highs …

… lead to the lowest of the lows. No OTP is complete without its fair share of angst, and these two have heapfuls to spare. A prophecy looms, tying Mary and Francis’ marriage to Francis’ premature death; Mary’s desperate attempt to save the man that she loves, turns the world upside down and shatters both their hearts into tiny pieces. There is absolutely nothing she wouldn’t do to save him and nothing he wouldn’t do to be with her until his dying day, whether far or soon.

Francis accepts his defeat, believing the love of his life, as well as his crown, are lost to him. He takes the freedom that once belonged to his brother and he disappears … Mary, left behind with a broken heart, finds herself desperately trying to keep her plan to save Francis afloat. It weighs heavily on her, but she uses all her strength to do what needs to be done and tries to make the best of her new, darker world. She is just coming to a place of acceptance in this world, when Francis’ sudden and unexpected return begins to pull her back to the light.

The revelation that the prophecy has changed begins to tear down the walls of Mary’s new reality. She is afraid to believe, she is terrified to trust that it won’t be taken away once again. However, when her greatest foe, Catherine, grants her a free and clear choice to be with the man she truly loves, she takes this gift and runs with it. Quite literally. Racing desperately through the castle hallways she searches for the only man who has ever been in her heart. With tears of joy she flings herself into his waiting arms and lips, drinking him in after a seemingly endless drought.

“You. It’s you. It’s always been you.”

Francis reciprocates her kisses; they are the glue that mends his broken heart. The third time’s the charm, as he asks her once more to become his wife.The wedding day solidifies that these two equal halves are now one unbreakable whole. They are equals in their marriage, partners in all things for their rest of their lives. As Queen and King Consort of Scotland, and someday King and Queen Consort of France, they will share the burden of ruling their people with clear heads and compassion. It is their combined strength as a #powercouple that has them poised to be truly great leaders. Together they will overcome all future obstacles, til death do they part.

But, happily ever after was just the beginning …

After months away from court, reveling in nothing but their freedom to love each other, they begrudgingly return to the land of politics, backstabbing and murder. No sooner do they arrive at the castle than outside forces seek to chip away at their blissful union. The repercussions of each of their choices whilst they were apart are the foremost obstacles in their path. Seeds of doubt are sown, friends’ betrayals are revealed, but through it all Mary fiercely defends her marriage … and Francis is none the wiser.

Navigating mistakes of the past is one thing, the real challenge is navigating the politics of their future. Their original dilemma of head vs. heart has been magnified 1000-fold now that they are man and wife. Each of them are forced to put their countries first at times when they would rather not have to do so.

Mary is the first to take this step, putting her husband’s kingdom in jeopardy, when she is backed into a corner. Francis is left unsettled by his wife’s actions, but soon faces a similar dilemma. What is best for France and Scotland are again at odds, but Francis is less willing to accept the rules he had originally laid out for Mary all that time ago. He does not choose to be a great King or a great husband, he chooses to be both. He chooses compromise.

Putting Mary first may not be a luxury he can afford as King, but he does all he can to do exactly that. Unfortunately, when her life is in jeopardy, he can no longer follow through. As Mary had done for him once before, he chooses her life over her happiness, and locks his furious wife in the tower for her own safety.

“I love you, and I’ve put you first.”

With tension between them already running high, the political battlefield turns from a metaphorical one, to a literal one. Francis bargains with Mary’s nefarious uncle to get her the help she needs, blatantly going against his own best interests. With all that he has to give, he chooses Mary first yet again. Willingly putting his own life in jeopardy. But no sooner had Francis saved the day, than an even greater danger threatened them all – a mad king.

Forced to take his army – Mary’s army – and save both nations, Francis must break his promise yet again. He is beside himself, begging for his wife’s forgiveness. Mary, having come full circle, echoes Francis from the start of journey. She accepts that he must do what a Future King should do, and laments her inability to do the same. Her words of regret visibly shake him until she continues with a declaration of love and plea for his safe return.

The two are parted, Francis off to war and Mary left behind to face a far darker battle – a loss of her innocence. It is during this time, that they each continue on their journey to becoming the rulers they are meant to be. Francis leads men with compassion and inspires loyalty. Mary outsmarts Catherine and sacrifices a life for her own. Once again, the absence of Francis leaves Mary's life shrouded in darkness.

When Francis returns, a true hero, a stirring speech in the courtyard is cut short as he lays eyes on the woman whose face he’s dreamed about for months. The lovers embrace and despite the political tide rising around them, they waste no time in escaping to their chambers and ripping each other’s clothes off. All previous transgressions are forgiven as they kiss each other senseless. There is nothing left in that room but them and their undying love for one another.

“I thought I’d never get to tell you again … I love you.”

Once again, wishing they could stay in their happy-bubble is unrealistic with so much transpiring outside their bedroom walls. The English Queen is dead and Mary is expected to stake her claim … or not. Francis assures her that he is by her side, whatever her decision. And as the threat of King Henry’s madness threatens to undo them all, Mary agrees to let Francis have more time to fix things. However, Mary ends up caving to Catherine’s pressure, and the two Queens take matters into their own hands behind Francis’ back. When the plan backfires, Francis is rightfully angry at the plot to murder his father. He is left wondering who his wife is becoming?

Before that question can be answered, the King’s madness worsens, leading Francis to concede that there is no hope for his father. With things spiraling and men's lives in the balance, it is Francis himself, unbeknownst to anyone else, who is forced to take Henry's life. The action takes it’s toll on him emotionally. So, as Mary confides her fears to him – that she is becoming someone he will not love – his desire to confess his sin nearly pours out of him.

“Don't grow harder, share your burdens,
tell me your darkest truths, and I will tell you mine …
If we can forgive each other, perhaps we can forgive ourselves.”

There is hope and relief in Mary’s eyes. This is the solution to both their woes; this is the solution to their marital discord. They will share their burdens as they were always meant to, and it will cleanse their souls … but, the universe has other plans. It always does.

The moment is shattered by the news that Francis is about to become a father – Lola, carrying his unborn child, has gone into labor outside the castle walls. It is a blow to realize that Mary had known this secret all along, but there is no time for reflection. As he hurries for the castle gates, Mary discovers that a new threat has arisen – a plague that threatens them all. Anyone who leaves the castle will be at risk. She catches Francis just in time, telling him that he cannot leave, reminding him that he is now the King of France and no longer has the luxury of obeying his heart. Francis doesn’t miss a beat, “That is not the kind of King I want to be.”

He rides through the gates and Mary orders them lowered behind him. A lingering glance passes between them: He is choosing his heart; she is choosing her duty to their people.

We may not know exactly what the future holds, but one thing is for certain:
The love story of Mary Queen of Scots and King Francis II shall never be forgotten by history.

[written by firewall / Rachel]
[banner artwork by kategrinstead / Kate]
★ ★ ★

001. - 100.
101. Robsessed_MeesterManic
102. SmashinglySweet
103. stilestilinski
104. thebluemartini
105. Ceruleannight
106. Tappintoes
107. MaybeSomeday
108. jules166
109. shebacs
110. drowninginfeels
111. Infinitywr
112. Dare2Dream
113. moniegold
114. reign_demedicifan
115. Rgirl
116. pablitam89
117. veneration
118. confessor_meggy
119. shut_uo_ste
120. sweet_era
001. History
002. Laurie McCarthy
003. Adelaide Kane
004. Wardrobe Department
005. Jonathan Keltz
006. Bash
007. Lola
008. Charles
009. Greer
010. Alyssa Campanella
011. the wasp
012. @reignwriters
013. Catherine de Medici
014. Marie de Guise
015. FraryFanBoy
016. Toby "What is shipping?" Regbo (because anything else is just RUDE)

★ ★ ★


“If you weren't the future King of France...
and I was just a girl, not the Queen of anything...
would you want this?
“I remember it all. Every word. Every moment, for the rest of my life. I love you.
But I'd save you, and we could go to Scotland and rule there.
“Tell me when you want me to stop.”
“Oh I'll pressure you... and listen to you, and argue with you
...and love you until the day I die.
“You know what my heart says now?
It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what.
You're a true queen. A queen that any king would kill for.
“It’s pretty obvious now, that for us to stay sane, we need to be together.
“I want you to know, whatever happens, that I love you.”
"They would have killed you! Why would you do something so stu–"
“Because I love you!”

“If I were just me, Francis, not the future king of anything, and you were just you, Mary… Mary.
Well, this would be the moment that I declared myself yours. Only yours.
“And I’m yours. Truly.”
“I would rather have hope with you than certainty anywhere else.”
“All I ever wanted was you.
“You've been alone in your struggles your entire life. That's over now. I would die for you.
“What we decide is right, for our people.” “I like that word. ‘We’ and ‘our’.
“The fact of the matter is I am committed to you now.
“After we rule, for a great long while, and we leave France and Scotland
to our children, and our grandchildren, and our great grandchildren...
and we meet our maker... you can ask him yourself.”
“I told you I have no terms. I only want you.
“Together we'll decide what is right - as husband and wife.
“I see a future for us quite clearly. We would be happy.
I would give anything to spend my life, however long, at your side.
“It wasn't for lack of love. Or joy, or trust in you. It was because
I couldn't bear the thought of losing you.
“It’s odd, isn’t it? That your mother was the one to show me
what was truly in my heart. You. It’s you, it's always been you.
“You’re thankfully, mercifully and blessedly my wife.
We are together now. Utterly, completely, I’m yours.
“I don’t make love to you because I want a baby;
I want a baby because I love you.
“What if my wife doesn’t realize that I love her?
What if she doesn’t see that I’ve put her first?
“I never meant for you to go to war for me.”
“When are you going to realize that I love you and I’ll do anything for you?
Darling, let me be grateful for what you’ve done without making promises you can’t keep.
What you did was extraordinary.
“I think maybe when I return you won’t be the only one waiting for me.
“You’re suddenly very sure of yourself!”
“I am, but just to be safe…
“I don’t only think of France!”
“No, you do not, but you do put her first, as any king would.
“Then, can you forgive me?
“There were a thousand moments where I could have done something.
Made secret treaties, sold favors, even snuck away to Scotland to be with those people who needed me.
And you know why I didn’t? Because I love you. Because I am your wife.
“I’m only going to ask two things of you.
The first is that you stop making me promises you know in your heart you can’t keep.”
“And the other?”
Come back to me. Live through this battle and don’t let England cost me you.
“You came back to me. You came back!
“I thought about you every night.
I thought I’d never get to tell you again… I love you.
“If we could lie here a little longer.
Just a few more moments with nothing else to think about except each other.”
“I can feel myself changing, not for the better.
Every choice I’ve made to protect France, and Scotland and even you.
For all of them there is a reckoning, and it’s always the woman who must bow to the queen.
I feel like I’m killing part of myself, that I’m ignoring my heart until it becomes blind and deaf.
I can feel myself growing harder and I worry that I’m becoming someone you will not love.”
“Then don’t. Don’t grow harder. Share your burdens.
Tell me your darkest truths and I will tell you mine.
So we don’t end up married, but alone; two people going on separate paths, justifying their sins as acts of survival.
If we can forgive each other, maybe we can forgive ourselves.

★ ★ ★


★ ★ ★

Wall sex ♥ More dancing scenes ♥ Mary getting pregnant ♥ A rain kiss ♥ Francis kissing Mary's pregnant belly ♥ Francis feeling the baby kick ♥ Francis being a concerned expectant father ♥ Frary picnic ♥ Frary horseback riding and getting away from court ♥ All the couples hanging out and laughing ♥ More beautiful Irish scenery ♥ Frary exchanging gifts ♥ More childhood flashbacks ♥ Mary comforting Francis after his father dies ♥ Francis comforting Mary after her mother dies ♥ Honeymoon flashbacks ♥ Flashbacks to missing moments ♥ Francis brushing Mary's hair ♥ Frary ripping each other's clothes off because they can't wait ♥ Francis teaching Mary to shoot a bow & arrow ♥ Frary playing with/reading to Charles & little Henry ♥ Francis helping Mary tie her corset ♥ A sleigh ride ♥ Writing letters/love notes to each other ♥ Frary distracting each other during something important ♥ Having a united front in strategy meetings with advisors・More forehead kisses ♥ A bathtub scene ♥ Sitting on their thrones side by side ♥ Mary sewing/embroidering something about Francis ♥ Choosing their united monogram ♥ Francis giving Mary a sword or dagger he made for her ♥ Nail scratches and hickies ♥ Frary sexytimes and getting caught by Catherine ♥ More sweaterpaws scenes ♥ A declaration of love speech in front of their people ♥ Frary talking about baby names・Mary shaving/trimming Francis' beard ♥ Mary scratching Francis' beard ♥ Francis standing behind Mary with his hand on her belly as they stand on their balcony ♥ A snow kiss ♥ Mary kissing Francis' back ♥ Mary hugging Francis from behind ♥ Francis serenading Mary ♥ Mary pushing Francis onto the bed and straddling him ♥ Mary on her knees adoring Francis ♥ Francis being sick and Mary worrying and mothering him or vice versa・More Frary bed talk ♥ Ice skating ♥ Frary saying Je t'aime! and A loue ye! to each other, instead of the old boring English ♥ Frary playing with their children ♥ Frary playing chess with lots of innuendo ♥ Francis and Mary making out/making love while feathers are falling on them ♥

★ ★ ★


until season two premieres!

★ ★ ★

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Old 08-05-2014, 06:45 PM
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"My Angel"- Queen Victoria
My Queen - Prince Albert
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Old 08-05-2014, 06:45 PM
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tftnt, Keri! Way to be prepared!!

And thanks for the title suggestion, Amanda! The Queen of Thread titles!
It's life's greatest treasure to love... and to be loved in return.
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Old 08-05-2014, 06:45 PM
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Tftnt!! 212!!! Wow!
~ feathers & fireflies ~
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Old 08-05-2014, 06:45 PM
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I don't think. I know.
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Old 08-05-2014, 06:45 PM
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And we all totally and completely failed at finding that gif.... But alas...let's continue?!!!

"The world can be dark Mary, and uncertain, and cruel. The only thing that really matters is that we face it together. Whatever the future brings, you are my light."
icon credit to Andrea!
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Old 08-05-2014, 06:46 PM
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Aww thanks, Anna. I love that title for me.
"i will n e v e r love anyone the way i love you"
Amanda. | tumblr. | icon by me.
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Old 08-05-2014, 06:46 PM
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everyone let me know when you are here and ready!!!
~ feathers & fireflies ~
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Old 08-05-2014, 06:47 PM
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"My Angel"- Queen Victoria
My Queen - Prince Albert
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Old 08-05-2014, 06:47 PM
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Is this the gif?

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Old 08-05-2014, 06:47 PM
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"i will n e v e r love anyone the way i love you"
Amanda. | tumblr. | icon by me.
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Old 08-05-2014, 06:47 PM
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It's life's greatest treasure to love... and to be loved in return.
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Old 08-05-2014, 06:48 PM
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TFTNT, Keri!

I've been informed by my husband that I currently taste like vodka.
In a world of chaos, she could be your silence.
The oceans of her kindness, they will pull you under.
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Old 08-05-2014, 06:48 PM
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I don't think. I know.
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Old 08-05-2014, 06:48 PM
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Half here, half on word writing the frary porn! and kinda ready but gave up because Rachel seems to have it in the bag! to be specific...
You were always gold to me
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