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Moons112 05-21-2015 10:31 PM

I really think that Meisner won´t return in S5 until the end, maybe if Diana will reunite with Adalind .
Two kids in one only supernatural show would be too much.
The firsts epidoses will be about Trubel having to return with the woman wesen who called her for work with the FBI and Nick dealing with his demons, while he will have to take care of Adalind in the meanwhile.
Well i thought that maybe Nick will be as Meisner in the point of friendship for her. What have in common is that both men are worried by her while her pregnancy.
And later Adalind kissed Meisner in his face. I can not wait for a kiss between Nick & Adalind.
And we are gonna to hallucinate when his face, when he watch his son´s face.

Rickylious 05-22-2015 08:26 AM

I don't think we'll see Meisner again either. I think his mission was only to retrieve Diana for the Resistance. We, the viewers are supposed to assume that Diana is safe and is in capable hands now. The writers wanted to wrap up that storyline with Diana and I think we'll only hear Adalind asking about Diana in passing. Her main focus will be on the child she shares with Nick. Nick&Adalind arc for season 5 with be growing closer, building up their relationship and developing real feelings for one another, and protecting their son.

rpmaluki 05-22-2015 09:03 AM

Sean will possibly find out about Diana long before Adalind and he may keep it to himself to help keep her safe.

Moons112 05-22-2015 10:53 AM

Yes well Diana´s stuff is now pretty far, she is safe now and the writers just brought her to the show for get Kelly´s death and with that the fall of Juliette and the mourning of Nick and maybe his turning in a stronger Grimm. The horoes very often are much more braves when they suffer. Like Bruce Wayne, who lost everything but became Batman.
In my opinion all the facts of season 4 lead to this finale, and with it the idea of make a more darker season 5, the most darkest of all them. Adalind will enter in Nick´s life in his most sadest moment, but this can to be good for her because so, together will can start to build something new.
I feel like his son will clean his past, and will open the door to a new life for Nick. After all he was a great man when in the police station he choose his unborn son over Juliette´s madness. That´s a true father who protect and loves his child before his birth.

Rickylious 05-22-2015 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by rpmaluki (Post 81636614)
Sean will possibly find out about Diana long before Adalind and he may keep it to himself to help keep her safe.

I think you’re right about Renard finally out the Resistance have Diana. I recall Meisner doing a favor for Renard when he it kept Adalind and an unborn Diana safe. I can see maybe Meisner contacting him and letting him know about Diana, which he would choose to keep to himself.


I loved the fact that Nick stepped up as a father when he first bonded with his unborn son. He definitely cares deeply for him already. He’s already shown that he’s fiercely protective over him and the mother of his child. Even though he was in love with Juliette, he knew that his son had to come first; it was all about protecting him. I can’t wait to see season 5 to see him more as a father once the birth of his son.

And I think with the combined efforts of his friends, his son, and Adalind, Nick is going to overcame everything bad that happened to him. Once his son is born and people start coming after it, Nick is going to be a true Grimm in every way. We got a little glimpse of that in the season 4 finale. He balanced being a cop and a Grimm perfectly, and season 5 he’s only going to get better at it. He didn’t care about blurring the lines a little. He’s going to become even more ruthless and unstoppable, especially when it comes to protecting his child.

Nici Dawson 05-22-2015 11:38 AM

Somebody posted this photo on this post as to imagine what happens when Diana and her half-brother will meet and looked like together. Also, I can't wait until Adalind and Nick get to hold their son for the first time after his birth.

Moons112 05-22-2015 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by Nici Dawson (Post 81638120)
Somebody posted this photo on this post as to imagine what happens when Diana and her half-brother will meet and looked like together. Also, I can't wait until Adalind and Nick get to hold their son for the first time after his birth.

So beutiful, Nici!!! Both children are like TWO ANGELS!!! OMG!

Nici Dawson 05-22-2015 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Moons112 (Post 81638249)
So beutiful, Nici!!! Both children are like TWO ANGELS!!! OMG!

Yes, they are two beautiful little angels and they needed to be raised together, not separately!

Moons112 05-22-2015 04:13 PM

Wow the image is perfect! in that way i imagine Nick & Adalind´s baby. Sleeping, saved, loved, in calm. And i´m agree, Adalind & Nick should raise the child together. And recover Diana.
But Diana maybe will be raised by the Resistence, and the writers will let the plot die there with her. I don´t know if Adalind will back to see her daughter being a child. Maybe when she grown up will come for meet her brother.
Adalind and Nick have luck with this second baby, he will grown up in a normal way i guess, so Adalind will can raise him herself.

Btw. Adalind should nurse the child this time herself.

Nici Dawson 05-23-2015 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by Moons112 (Post 81641677)
Wow the image is perfect! in that way i imagine Nick & Adalind´s baby. Sleeping, saved, loved, in calm. And i´m agree, Adalind & Nick should raise the child together. And recover Diana.
But Diana maybe will be raised by the Resistence, and the writers will let the plot die there with her. I don´t know if Adalind will back to see her daughter being a child. Maybe when she grown up will come for meet her brother.
Adalind and Nick have luck with this second baby, he will grown up in a normal way i guess, so Adalind will can raise him herself.

Btw. Adalind should nurse the child this time herself.

Didn't Nick's mom said that Diana shouldn't be raised by either the Royals and the Resistance and to have her grow up in a normal life. Also, I think that Nick and Adalind is going to raise and protect their child together, also hopefully they can recover and raise Diana, too!

I can't imagine this year's Christmas episode with Nick and Adalind with their child and Diana (Hopefully)!

Moons112 05-23-2015 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by Nici Dawson (Post 81648059)
Didn't Nick's mom said that Diana shouldn't be raised by either the Royals and the Resistance and to have her grow up in a normal life. Also, I think that Nick and Adalind is going to raise and protect their child together, also hopefully they can recover and raise Diana, too!

I can't imagine this year's Christmas episode with Nick and Adalind with their child and Diana (Hopefully)!

Yeah can you imagine? Both children Diana would love his little brother Grimm. The baby would be so little next to her...a little woman already.
Well i have found this video in Youtube, what do you think? haha the people is starting to get obssesed with the ship Meisner/Adalind.

BTW. Adalind having two children with differents fathers, i don´t think is gonna to complicate her life with a steamy romance with Meisner, and i don´t think is gonna to have a love triangle in Season 3 of Nick-Adalind-Meisner, when the wounds of Nicks are not healed yet...but well i would like know your opinion.

Nici Dawson 05-23-2015 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Moons112 (Post 81648223)
Yeah can you imagine? Both children Diana would love his little brother Grimm. The baby would be so little next to her...a little woman already.
Well i have found this video in Youtube, what do you think? haha the people is starting to get obssesed with the ship Meisner/Adalind.

BTW. Adalind having two children with differents fathers, i don´t think is gonna to complicate her life with a steamy romance with Meisner, and i don´t think is gonna to have a love triangle in Season 3 of Nick-Adalind-Meisner, when the wounds of Nicks are not healed yet...but well i would like know your opinion.

I saw that fan video yesterday and its awesome, but I don't think that Adalind and Meisner will be having any romantic tension as some people have wanted, but it will be plantonic relationship. There will be no love triangles, because it will end in disaster. I think that the relationship with Nick and Adalind will be slowly developed, even after the death of Juliette and Nick's mourning her death, there's going to be UST between them, even after the birth of their son.

I love your comment on Diana and her little brother and yes, she's quite a little woman next to her baby brother, which I find it so cute!

Moons112 05-23-2015 03:47 PM

Yes well i´m agree. But i neither think Meisner/Adalind was romantic maybe a little platonic , he was just a good friend for her by Renard´s connection.
Was the Sean´s way of take care of her being far of him and his daughter. Now Diana is thanks to Meisner safe, hopefully Kelly would be alive for to be with her yet...i´ll miss Kelly.
But the relationship of Meisner/Adalind as team remember to me a little the new friendship of Nick/Adalind, but of course the main difference is that between Adalind & Nick there is a strong bond with their son and their mutual attraction.
I don´t forget the Adalind´s words for Nick when she was in the jail, while the season 2 i think was. I´m not very sure. "is not necessary to be a witch for have that magic"...

Rickylious 05-24-2015 11:55 AM

I can't wait to see what direction the writers are going for with Adalind&Nick in season 5. My take in regards to what transpired in the second half of season 4, they were definitely going for a Nick&Adalind pairing. We know Nick' s not going to take his son from Adalind. We also know he's going to be protecting them both. We know he's going to find a permanent place for her to live,most likely with him as he wasn't oppose to her staying with him.

Adalind has changed. She's still a Hexenbiest, but her powers are dormant. Also , Nick' s impression of her has changed, his starting to let her in,trust her, and going to her for help. They are going to co-parent together in terms of raising their child. Adalind was his responsibility as soon as he found she was carrying his son.

Adalind is starting to be accepted into the group, they are willing to protect her and Nick' s child. She has helped them in return. She's looking much like an ally. There is a lot of potential when it comes to this pairing, which the writers are very much aware of. The writers have slowly been building for this. There were clues/hints throughout the other seasons, but especially throughout this second half of season 4.

Moons112 05-24-2015 12:18 PM

And the writers have started to build up not just a Nick&Adalind´s relationship based in the trusting & in the frienship, but too with all the Scooby´s gang.
I am re-watching the Nick&Adalind moments in the second half of S4 too and is amazing! The new quote of Nick when a strange case is in froint of him is "Adalind will know it. Where is Adalind"? Since his trailer is gone.
He is starting to search her for find answers. Thanks to her Sean was cured and Juliette almost take a cure.
Nick has seen all these things, even when Adalind tested the cure on herself, and he was not very happy with the idea of Adalind puting in danger their son, just for Juliette. His face was a poem when Adalind was drinking the frogs 4X20. Bit a bit she is entering in Nick´s life, and he will want her and their baby near. He never would let that with his son would suffer the same thing that happened with Diana.

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