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Old 04-17-2016, 09:27 AM
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Episode Discussion: 3x17, "The Team" [April 19th]

"the team"

Agent Daisy Johnson must call upon the Secret Warriors for an inaugural mission that
will leave no member unscathed, and S.H.I.E.L.D. learns more about Hive’s powers,
forcing them to question everyone they trust.

Guest starring are Juan Pablo Raba as Joey Gutierrez, Powers Boothe as Gideon Malick,
Natalie Cordova-Buckley as Elena “Yo-Yo” Rodriguez, Mark Dacascos as Giyera, Gabriel
Salvador as Lucio and Rob Silverman as Kevin.

”The Team” was written by DJ Doyle and directed by Elodie Keene.

[Promo Photos & Sneak Peeks]
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Old 04-17-2016, 09:39 AM
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Thanks! I'm excited
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Old 04-17-2016, 11:45 AM
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Me too! Looks like it's gonna be a good one!
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Old 04-18-2016, 08:38 AM
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Old 04-18-2016, 10:19 AM
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I'm looking forward to the ep as I do for everyone, but I have my reservations about this one.

The Secret Warriors aspect of this season is the part that I care the least about. I generally tune out for action scenes, and having action scenes that include powers are only marginally more interesting. I also thought that, by now, they'd have gathered more Inhumans, but as it is the "Secret Warriors" is, what, 4 people? This is basically the same group that went to England to save Simmons and Fitz, they've only added Elana since. So it bothers me when they put so much emphasis on the Secret Warriors aspect when promoting the ep.

That said, I'm sure there more going on in the ep, and I am curious to see how the SHIELD team gets out of this, and what happens with Hive.
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Old 04-18-2016, 07:43 PM
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Thanks for the thread!
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Old 04-19-2016, 12:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Raonaild (View Post)
I'm looking forward to the ep as I do for everyone, but I have my reservations about this one.

The Secret Warriors aspect of this season is the part that I care the least about. I generally tune out for action scenes, and having action scenes that include powers are only marginally more interesting. I also thought that, by now, they'd have gathered more Inhumans, but as it is the "Secret Warriors" is, what, 4 people? This is basically the same group that went to England to save Simmons and Fitz, they've only added Elana since. So it bothers me when they put so much emphasis on the Secret Warriors aspect when promoting the ep.

That said, I'm sure there more going on in the ep, and I am curious to see how the SHIELD team gets out of this, and what happens with Hive.
That's fair, I hope the episode has more to offer for you.
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Old 04-19-2016, 12:48 PM
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And so this show has something for everyone
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Old 04-19-2016, 01:14 PM
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I haven't been to work the last couple of days -almost forgot new episode tonight!

I'm excited to see Elena. Jemma Simmons, consider yourself replaced!
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Old 04-19-2016, 01:16 PM
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I'm so ready to see more Mack/Elena, so damn cute
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Old 04-19-2016, 01:19 PM
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Let's revive their thread with lovely gifs!


ETA: Yay! They're showing Donald Trump instead!

ETA: Hope you guys are enjoying all those election interruptions.
ETA: The traitor: Called it!
You say it's just a car and that it ain't got no meaning
But this car right here, this car is freedom.
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Last edited by Tech Noir; 04-19-2016 at 07:11 PM
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Old 04-19-2016, 07:57 PM
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Yeah, the interruptions for primary results were ridiculous. There's no need to interrupt programs for that kind of "breaking news", surely it can wait an hour or two.

As for the traitor, yeah, I was sure given those pictures from next week's ep that it would turn out to be Daisy. And besides that, you knew when they fingered Lincoln that there would be a twist later when it turned out to be someone else.

I did think that the way it played out though was well done, it wasn't obvious who it was and all the reactions and debates over who it was and what to do about it were complex and in character. It's definitely a difficult situation to deal with, and everybody reacted to it in realistic ways.

I think it's interesting too that it was Daisy who was turned, given her attitude about Inhumans up until now. Maybe when they inevitably find a cure for Hive's influence, she'll be a little more sympathetic to SHIELD's concerns about Inhumans.

I wasn't expecting Daisy to literally bring the house down, but even if she didn't physically damage the place having her turn like that would be a serious problem for Playground security. I wonder if they will try to repair it, or just move somewhere else, given that she knows where it is. I speculated at the beginning of the season that this might happen at some point, that they were due for a change of scenery.

Also, going back to the beginning of the ep, I did find it odd that four Inhumans were able defeat Hydra and rescue their friends so quickly and easily, and that they were all back at the Playground within the first 10 minutes of the ep. I was expecting the big rescue to be more involved than that. But it did made sense by the end of the ep, that Hive basically let them go.

As for Malick - yeah, I was expecting him to try to help SHIELD at the end, though whether he gave Coulson anything useful remains to be seen. And those scenes between Coulson and Malick were pretty powerful.

And then of course, FitzSimmons ... it was nice to have more of them in the ep in general, and actually working together rather than just being present in the same room at the same time. But then the scene in Fitz's room .. it was so cute and sweet and funny and it was nice to see them, for once, being happy together. Such a long time coming. And it certainly went further then I was expecting it to, I thought maybe they'd finally talk about things but I wasn't expecting all the kissing.

Oh, and that line about the painting of space ... if that was in the script and not something Iain made up, then the writer who wrote it was totally channeling Iain's sense of humour. That was more an Iain line than a Fitz line.
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Old 04-19-2016, 10:10 PM
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And wasn't trying to guess because it was all played out where no clues or could have been any of them - so when it was Lincoln was thinking a 2nd person too because fingering Lincoln made sense but then remembered what "Hive" said to his already minion dude that he know had somebody in the inside PLUS it became that I was thinking "Skye" because lovely Miss. Miros who knows me got me curious about next week's promo pics where found them

SO anybody that knows me Knows that I'm happy

PS FitzSimmons
Had to make decision that needed to focus on my financial/mental conditions.
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Old 04-20-2016, 12:46 AM
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I (or we, I guess ) was already kinda scared it would be Daisy, since I saw those promo pics for the next episode. I guess we all didn't dare to say it yet

I love love love it when my favorite characters turn 'bad'-ish for a while (y'know ala Willow in BtVS, Phoebe in Charmed, etc.), so actually it's a treat Poor her though, she wouldn't want this.

And Hive calling her Skye I guess Ward didn't know she changed names

The FitzSimmons scenes were pretty great! And them "arguing" like that, felt very season 1 Their kissing etc. felt pretty 'natural', as in not forced or anything I think we can say they're really together now?

Miros - at least we got SOME cute Mack & Yo-Yo scenes before it all crushed down Her trying to learn some English 'It is good to see you again. You look well.' and then she repeats those exact words to Mack

Entertaining ep altogether I feel that - after a kinda slow couple of episode right after the hiatus - we're finally really getting somewhere again I can't wait to see what more Bad Daisy has in store for us And omg, how she killed Malick. That was pretty badass. WRONG, of course But badass nonetheless, tremoring someone to death from the inside No wonder Malick thought it'd be Hive

And I'm finally really having that 'OMG, I need next week's ep!' feeling again I had it a littlebit for the previous couple of episodes, but now I REALLY got it
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Old 04-20-2016, 09:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Mazza d'Evill (View Post)
I (or we, I guess ) was already kinda scared it would be Daisy, since I saw those promo pics for the next episode. I guess we all didn't dare to say it yet
Yeah, but I did dare say it –post #38 on the hub thread.

Right now the majority of us are probably thinking Daisy will be “redeemed”/ “saved”/ “cured” at some point AND won’t really be held accountable for anything she does from here on forward because she’s been “swayed.” I’m reeeeaaaalllllyyyyy hoping the show rocks our world and knocks away any sense of security that in the end all will turn out swell -hoping it just obliterates our comfort level with how we think events will pan out. but not holding my breath. Wondering if she'll be the cause of the death for one of our beloved characters.

Fitzsimmons joking about the “cosmos” line made me chuckle. That line’s cheesiness has always made me cringe a bit, and to me, it appeared as if even poor Iain (who is a great actor, imo) had dealt with some level of difficulty delivering it with conviction. I’m glad they can laugh about it now. However, after all of the Fitzsimons melodrama of S3A, I don’t think I will ever appreciate their relationship the way I once did. I guess I’m just stubborn that way.

Elena and Mack.

Overall, I really enjoyed this episode. Looking forward to next week!
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