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SRBleyton4ever 07-06-2017 11:05 AM


I liked Naomi in The Ring
I hated her in The Ring, but then I hated the remake in general. Original was the best and it's one of those films that just did not need to be redone.


plus, she puts other straight actresses to shame when it comes to f/f scenes.
I am here for this. Pending the weather I'm at pride on Saturday, so I might start watching Gypsy on Sunday if I have time. The concept seems interesting enough, I'll just put my hate on the shelf :nod:

majesdane 07-06-2017 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Scully_fan (Post 90718714)
I liked Naomi in The Ring and Mullholland Drive so I'll definitely watch when I have time. :nod:

i forgot she was in the ring :look:


plus, she puts other straight actresses to shame when it comes to f/f scenes.
how dare you. i won't stand for this kind of slander against my girl luz. i won't hear it.


Yeah it was a stupid E! fandom poll . T100 won, WE account tried to do a Kanye, claiming they've got the best fandom of all time but tagged T100 twitter account, so of course stan wars broke out, Emily got herself involved for no reason and they both ended up back tracking. Embarassing all round
i just cringed so hard i threw out my back.


This woman is worse than Julie Plec, which is something I never thought I'd ever write, about anyone ever.
EA makes other showrunners look mildly okay by comparison.

Less Than Perfect 07-07-2017 10:49 PM

WE had another sibling possession transfer again this week. Though this week's was less of a kiss than last week's was and the demon started transferring itself before they'd even touched, so obviously a kiss isn't necessary and you just have to be close enough.


Originally Posted by Walt Reynolds (Post 90711964)
Wynonna Earp confirmed another canon gay.

Totally missed that last week. :lol:

danvers 07-08-2017 05:00 AM


WE had another sibling possession transfer again this week.
gross. and I hear they now have a pregnancy storyline, which is just as bad. me, personally, I quit watching after the incest bs last week. I can always watch 2 minutes of the lesbians on youtube.

danvers 07-08-2017 05:01 AM


WE had another sibling possession transfer again this week.
gross. and I hear they now have a pregnancy storyline, which is just as bad. me, personally, I quit watching after the incest bs last week. I can always watch 2 minutes of the lesbians on youtube.

SRBleyton4ever 07-08-2017 05:15 AM


and I hear they now have a pregnancy storyline, which is just as bad. me, personally, I quit watching after the incest bs last week. I can always watch 2 minutes of the lesbians on youtube.
Yep, they wrote Melanie's pregnancy into the script and are now riding the feminist card, because she's the first actress to ever find out she's pregnant shortly before shooting and WE is the first show to ever write a pregnancy into a show :rolleyes: Like yeah I get telling producers you're pregnant & announcing it to the network is scary, but I cannot believe THAT was the big 'game changer' that they embargoed from the press and hyped all week. I judge the heck out of the show for the incest (Jucado or whatever her face once again proved you don't need mouth contact to be infected by the goo) Wayhaught remain nice enough & I enjoyed the banter with Wynonna, but I watch this show for the cheesy sci-fi that it is and continue to judge those proclaiming it to be the best thing ever. Not. Even. Close.

Simon Spier 07-08-2017 08:30 AM

majesdane 07-08-2017 09:20 AM


Wynonna Earp confirmed another canon gay.
i'm shocked it wasn't RS showing up to play a queer character forcing a love triangle with the lesbian ship. :rolleyes:


WE had another sibling possession transfer again this week.

and I hear they now have a pregnancy storyline
why why whyyyyyyy :puke:

that bssm video ... i agree, but it feels like so late to be talking about that now. :lol:

SRBleyton4ever 07-08-2017 10:29 AM


i'm shocked it wasn't RS showing up to play a queer character forcing a love triangle with the lesbian ship.
lol she was in the premiere as some girlfriend of Dolls and was promptly killed off. I'd say I felt bad for being soooo happy she was killed so quickly (and has been completely forgotten about since then), but I still remember LG :pout: Not even a Doccubus end game can make me forgive LG for Tamsin's existence :no: And it's why I can't with people loving Emily soooo much. Like yeah, you got your ship all happy and roses for now, but WE is only halfway through s2. Give her time and she'll ruin them.

majesdane 07-08-2017 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by SRBleyton4ever (Post 90739873)
lol she was in the premiere as some girlfriend of Dolls and was promptly killed off. I'd say I felt bad for being soooo happy she was killed so quickly (and has been completely forgotten about since then), but I still remember LG :pout: Not even a Doccubus end game can make me forgive LG for Tamsin's existence :no: And it's why I can't with people loving Emily soooo much. Like yeah, you got your ship all happy and roses for now, but WE is only halfway through s2. Give her time and she'll ruin them.

lmao i'm glad she was killed off. :lmao: ****ing tamsin.

and preach. but i would argue she's ruined them already; at least i know she has for some people. it's not just the incest thing, i've heard people complain about the questionable consent with the whole demon thing. EA can say whatever she wants, but it's still sketchy af. especially since, lbr, it'll never be properly addressed.

SRBleyton4ever 07-08-2017 11:47 AM


i've heard people complain about the questionable consent with the whole demon thing. EA can say whatever she wants, but it's still sketchy af. especially since, lbr, it'll never be properly addressed.
Completely agree. EA said in an interview they'll be some discussion in the upcoming ep on stuff that's happened, but I take it with a pinch of salt. The woman can't deal with criticism on social media over a questionable sex scene, when the goo's been in control/when it hasn't & of course the incest. Her version of talking will probably be Waverly reassuring Nicole she does really love her, the goo may have been in control but it was her feelings & a make out session to lead into another off screen sex scene! Because really, that's all viewers tune in for :rolleyes: I'm just waiting for when Nicole has more than 2 minutes of airtime, is included in the main plot and Nicole/Waverly scenes aren't just made up of kissing/make-outs.


lmao i'm glad she was killed off.
Best part about it was the dude who plays Art did it :lol: I could just rage all day about how much I hated Tamsin, them attempting to make Bo/Tamsin a thing and I just basically lived for how much Zoie wasn't here for it :lmao: :lmao:

majesdane 07-08-2017 02:00 PM


Because really, that's all viewers tune in for
where are the lies


Best part about it was the dude who plays Art did it
thanks art! :lol:


I could just rage all day about how much I hated Tamsin, them attempting to make Bo/Tamsin a thing and I just basically lived for how much Zoie wasn't here for it
****ing tamin. goddammit i hate her character so much and i hate bo/tamsin sfm and i hate RS in general. zoie constantly trolling the tambot and dybot shippers is what i lived for.

Scully_fan 07-08-2017 02:04 PM

For British folks the Blind Date reboot had it's first lgbt contestant today. :yay: Having grown up watching the show I never thought I'd see this ever, so yeah it's cheesy, but still fantastic!

danvers 07-08-2017 03:24 PM

tamsin was trash. she ruined LG for me the same way ****ing shay ruined OB.

as for WE, didn't they shade SG with the whole floriana lima being demoted thing THE EXACT SAME DAY by saying kat barrell would be a regular this season? it's episode 5 and her name is still not in the credits, her 2 minutes of screentime are still ridiculous and she still doesn't have a storyline of her own.

I mean...


majesdane 07-08-2017 05:15 PM


tamsin was trash. she ruined LG for me the same way ****ing shay ruined OB.
same b. same.


as for WE, didn't they shade SG with the whole floriana lima being demoted thing THE EXACT SAME DAY by saying kat barrell would be a regular this season? it's episode 5 and her name is still not in the credits, her 2 minutes of screentime are still ridiculous and she still doesn't have a storyline of her own.

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