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Old 09-07-2023, 07:00 PM
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Cameron winning HOH again... gotta give him credit every time he's needed a win, he's pulled it off.

I wonder if he'll just do Blue and Jag again.

Damn everybody except Cameron is have nots
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Old 09-07-2023, 07:16 PM
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Zzz! These houseguests are so disappointing! I was of course rooting for America or Jag to win HOH and usually when I root for someone, they don't win. I wasn't surprised at all Cameron won, as soon I saw the setup I just thought to myself "Watch Cameron somehow wins this." Then when most of them got a question wrong and Cameron was one of three to get it right I knew he would win. Also, what was that comp? I had secondhand embarrassment watching it SMH. Yeah, even though I don't like Cameron you've got to respect him as a competitor. Especially to pull off that win when he was just blindsided and against everyone. I just hope somehow he makes it an interesting week and goes after Cirie, Jared, or Izzy but watch it's just the millionth week of putting up Jag against someone else and he's the target *snores* I think he was always complaining about Izzy the last two weeks, so I think he's going to put up Jag and Izzy (zzz!!!!!!) but again, I hope he puts up Jared/Blue, Jared/Cirie, or Cirie/Izzy.

They need to get Cirie out of there. I'll always love and respect Cirie (Best Survivor player to never win) but she's making this season boring as hell with everyone just following her orders like puppies. If not her, get rid of Jared for just being an annoying and ignorant idiot. Also, I feel like some of them deserve having Cameron always winning cause I thought they should of gotten rid of him when he was on the block with Reilly and Hisam (and I said Hisam would of prevented Cameron from winning all these comps, so that's what they get for getting rid of someone protecting them in their alliance too quickly and right now he would be Cameron's target instead of them possibly) and it was also hilarious how everyone acted like someone died when he won HOH LMAO! I don't like this either, but again I just hope he makes it an interesting week and it's not just another week of targeting Jag. I also wonder what Julie meant about the jury, but right now I just think it's will be a jury battle back since they didn't do it for the other evictees and this season is apparently lasting until November.
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Old 09-07-2023, 09:09 PM
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12x15 bored me too, I don't really like the tiny veto comp because it's literally always the same. Bring back some other better comps please! Cameron winning was annoying too, wanted him to goooo, but he sealed Red's fate.

America's DR session was GREAT! She's a queen. My fav right now for sure. I love that she called out Jared for dropping out first in the HOH comp while she stayed in 14 hours. And thank God Cirie talked Jared out of putting up America (which they didn't really show and made it appear as if it were Blue's great idea). I love the showmance with Cory and America, they are adorable.

Jag is a dummy, volunteering for the block is so stupid. But phew! Better him than America...

I didn't see todays ep yet but I read all about it, and I am not surprised there was no blindside. Originally Cirie and Izzy were going to blindside Meme and Felica but then changed their minds at the last minute. Not a shocker. Red only had 2 votes to stay, boring. And not sure why they thought blindsiding Bowie Jane was smart, but they might get away with it.

Cameron winning HOH is potentially good for my favorites, if he does the smart thing and goes for Jared, Cirie, Felica or Izzy... but I have a feeling hes going to do something really dumb and put up America and Cory cuz he's jealous...

He might put up Jag again since he already tried getting him out. Could even do like Jag and Jared with the intention of backdooring someone else... Tho someone said he thought he was good with Jared? Not a dang clue what he'll do and twitter has no clue what he is going to do either. I just feel like its not going to go well. And its right before Jury, so I'm even more nervous.

PLEASE PUT UP JARED AND BLUE OR JARED AND IZZY PLEASEEEEEE. Jared and Izzy would make my day just to see Izzy completely lose it and to see Cirie sweat a little. I would also love to see Jared on the block.

Can't see Cam going for Felica (too easy), Bowie Jane (she voted to keep Red), Mecole (doesnt see her as a threat), or Matt (boys boy thing).... but I think anyone else is fair game.
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Last edited by Alexa; 09-09-2023 at 07:27 PM
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Old 09-08-2023, 02:49 PM
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Like I said, this cast is dumb. How is Cameron good with Jared when he put him up and he was his target? Like I said, I bet he will target Jag (Which has been going on for a damn month now. Make a real move already) Doesn't make sense since Jared put him up and he's been whining about Izzy the past few weeks but I expect him to put up Jag as the target with someone else. Hasn't Jag only won one Veto? He's not looking like much of a threat anymore IMO *shrugs* So I'm expecting another boring ass week.

ETA: Oh wow, I guess this week won't be boring after all. I'm here for it and glad he didn't go the boring and predictable route. Looking forward to Sunday's episode now lol.

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Old 09-09-2023, 07:24 PM
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IDK I am just not feeling this season at all and have no desire to really watch the episodes. So I might just skim them going forward.

I am glad for the nominations to shake things up a bit...

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Last edited by Alexa; 09-10-2023 at 12:47 AM
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Old 09-09-2023, 11:19 PM
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Yeah, like I said I love Cirie but the season is boring since everyone is just eating out of the palm of her hand and following her orders. If she wasn't on this season with her trifling son maybe it would be better. Most of them just aren't playing, which always blows. I will be glad when someone accomplishes it, otherwise Cirie is winning (or in the F2) Which I bet is exactly what CBS wanted from the beginning.
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Old 09-10-2023, 12:50 AM
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I just CANT STAND JARED. I want him gone like NOW. He was shouting out Kenzie his gf at home saying he loved her, all while continuously threatening blue about "the outside" and trying to command her how to act and behave... its gross. And I read Kenzie posted some shady post about how men are trash lol... so yeah, dont see that working for you Jared. Its just insane how ignorant he is??? Does he not realize hes on camera? I really dont get it.

I skimmed the episode and if I were Cam and I had been lied to all week long I would have been jumping up and down and screaming over winning that HOH...

I cant believe that Blue hasnt told Jared's secret, even Cory briefly said they looked alike.
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Old 09-10-2023, 10:21 AM
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WTF? I keep forgetting Jared apparently has a girlfriend, but he's been fooling around with Blue and I think they've had sex a few times *pukes* so WTH is he talking about? You already cheated on your supposed girlfriend many times already, so clearly you don't love her. I think I did hear on Hamsterwatch that he thinks no one knows about what he and Blue have been doing even though there are cameras EVERYWHERE. So those are the signs of another dumb recruit that doesn't know what show he's on. When people knock the boots on BB, everyone instantly knows about it. God he's a dumbass and just a revolting person. Like I said, I want Jared gone the most. He just makes me sick and he's so ignorant. I think it's stupid Izzy and Blue won't expose Jared and Cirie, but Blue is spineless and Izzy is happy to be Cirie's puppy and pretend she's a part of their family. I hope someone else figures it out and exposes them, otherwise this is going to be the Donatos all over again. Yuck.
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Old 09-10-2023, 05:52 PM
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Not to mention that he keeps ranting about america/cory and how gross they are for cuddling/kissing in the house. Hes gone on another rant about how much he hates cory and wnats him gone. Like, wtf? I thought they were good friends? Its giving jealously 100% because he cant stand that a nerdy guy like Cory landed someone like America.

Americory kissed last night btw yay. I think they're adorable. I just hope one of them can win hoh!

YEah I cant stand Jared. I still ike Cirie but she is going to sacrifice herself for him so ehhhh.

I actually dont mind Izzy. I like Cory and America the most, obviously. And Jag and Cirie.... I am sort of indifferent to Blue, Bowie Jane and Matt right now. I wouldnt say I HATED cameron, I just find him kind if creepy. I hate Jared way more.

I want Felica to go this week, i find her annoying. But I think its a silly game move.
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Old 09-10-2023, 06:35 PM
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I agree that I think Jared is jealous of Cory and America. I think he hates that America won't give him the time of day (and that's why he settled for trashy Blue) and that she's a smart and strong woman that is better at comps than him (I know he's won two comps, but they were by default and luck) and she went for Cory instead. The way he keeps suddenly making up these things in his head about what they have done or things that don't exist is completely BSC (He acts like he's off his meds or something, like what are you talking about) He also can't whine about them kissing when he has a girlfriend and has cheated on her many times with Blue. He's an ignorant, trifling hypocrite with no self awareness. He's the houseguest I hate the most at the moment and I want him gone! My favorites this season are Matt, Jag, Cory, and America (Since they started showing more with her. Before I knew nothing about her cause she was getting no airtime) I liked Felicia more in the beginning, but not as much now. I like Cirie but like I said, she's making the season boring and I think she's gotten too cocky lately. I want to like Mecole but she is literally just there and doing nothing (Just like Bowie) I think she's the houseguest disappointing me the most cause I expected so much more from her and she's doing nothing! Get off your ass and play! I hope she starts making some game moves.
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Old 09-10-2023, 06:47 PM
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Jag and America are also my favorites this season along with Corey and Matt. I can't stand Jared either. Felicia kind of annoys me now too (guess I'm seeing why they only cast few older HGS). I want Cirie to go after her son does.
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Old 09-10-2023, 08:23 PM
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This was a good episode! I still hate Cameron, but thanks for making it an interesting week at least. Bowie needs to grow the hell up and get over it, you're on BB! You are not the first person to get blindsided and you won't be the last. She was also annoying me cause she was crying with no tears. Like I also said, Bowie has literally done nothing so this hasn't really affected you at all *shrugs* I loved the thing with the megaphone when they go to the bathroom and the gas masks. The best part was the nomination ceremony with the pies! I heard about it but it was even better to watch! That's why I miss them using the whole key turntable thing cause the tension got thicker and thicker as each key was pulled out, so that's what this was like. It was also great when everyone was all giggles until Jag got pied LMAO! That's what they get for being so comfortable and just assuming Jag and Blue would get nominated. I think it was great Cameron told them he would nominate them only to not do it, and blindside them like they did him. Very entertaining, I wish they would do something like that every week. He blindsided me too, cause I was SHOCKED when I first went to Jokers and saw Izzy and Felicia nominated. I thought he was going to be predictable and target Jag. So I'm just glad this won't be a boring and predictable week for once.

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Old 09-10-2023, 10:09 PM
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I forgot Meme was in there. She is reminding me of Kaycee. Maybe she'll start playing about half way through. She is playing smart by laying low though.

Well and Jared has made comments about how confident women intimidate him... so it makes a lot of sense! Cuz he knows someone like America wouldn't put up with his BS!

Blue is such a loser... she lets Jared speak so horribly to her and shes done nothing in the game.

Glad to see Felica and Izzy nominated but I feel like Felica was a weak move. He should have gone for Jared or Cirie 100%.

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Old 09-10-2023, 11:49 PM
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I forgot Mecole's in there too. I guess laying low does work for her, but I hope she eventually does something. The most airtime she got all season was when she was talking to herself in the storage room. I can easily see Jared being intimidated by strong women, that's what I started to realize when he started foaming at the mouth over America when she literally did nothing to him or in general. It literally came out of nowhere, that's why he can only get spineless Blue that lets him talk down to her and walk all over her. I'm also sick of Blue with her fake persona in the DR (and why does she keep saying "girl" to everything in there? God STHU) but besides being Jared's punching bag, she's done nothing in the game. Waste of space. If Felicia goes at the end of the week, in general that is a weak game move but I get why he did it that way. As soon as I heard that he put Izzy and Felicia up, I thought he would put up Cirie if the Veto is used. I also agree that putting up Cirie would of been fine too cause she's not good at comps (and I don't recall her ever winning immunity on Survivor) so I doubt if she would of won Veto anyway. Cameron also wants to basically screw with everyone in the house, so that's another reason for not instantly putting Cirie up. I don't see the other thing happening, but I would love it for even more chaos cause I agree that's what would happen lol.
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Old 09-10-2023, 11:57 PM
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