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backstreetboysfan 08-30-2016 07:50 PM

Yes the Olicity and OTA stuff was the best :nod:.

IBelieveInMiracles 08-30-2016 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by PunksWorldWide (Post 87337065)
I hated that deleted scene from the engagement party because it was implied that William would be I danger of Felcity knew about him which is just dumb. Also Thea the hypocrite. Only good thing was Oliver's expression of guilt.

Loved the blooper reel especially the Olicity and OTA bloopers. Also Stephen is hilarious writing smutty fanfic! :lmao:

Yeah it was good that he was showing remorse and a desire to tell Felicity but MM knew and William's father is the GA, Felicity knowing could literally not put him in anymore danger than he already was. Even he promised BM he wouldn't say anything was a better reason than that bull crap. But like I said I think they just stopped caring about logic because it wasn't organic storytelling they wanted to be doing anyway. It was a mess from the start so why not keep it a mess throughout. It was always just a business decision. I hope BM and William stay far away for a long time. Oliver is about to have a revenge minded big bad, this would literally be the worst time for them to come back. There's no way they are coming back soon. I don't know how people got soon out of SA just saying they hadn't forgotten about William. Nothing he said to me sounded like anything soon. He just got sent away and Oliver is mayor and the big bad wants revenge on Oliver soon. Why would BM and William be back soon? Makes no sense.

Yes the Olicity and OTA stuff was the best. As for worst, someone needs to tell a certain someone not to do that stupid face she does. Talk about embarrassing. Yikes.


Originally Posted by BlueDog9 (Post 87337148)
Should have just kept the shows separate

Omigosh yes. It's like my biggest wish that Arrow could just divorce the other shows. Nothing but crap comes from then being connected. For Arrow anyway. And it sucks. You have got to let a show just be own show at some point. Not prop other shows, not have to absorb stupid crap from other shows, not have stupid pointless crossovers all the dang time, not mess with timelines on the ridiculous time travel show, and not be dragged into stupid team ups that doesn't need to happen. Just leave it be and let it be freaking Arrow for once since spinoffs started happening. I really think it and it's cast and fans have earned that.

BlueDog9 08-30-2016 07:51 PM

So 3X14 and 3X20 on Thursday and 3X23 on Saturday?

IBelieveInMiracles 08-30-2016 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by BlueDog9 (Post 87337177)
Did you want there to be any deleted Olicity scenes?

Kind of because more Olicity footage but at the same time like I said it's actually a good thing that all their scenes are so awesome they don't want to cut any of them. We need Olicity extended scenes. Like the hours of footage they filmed for the 3x20 love scene.

PunksWorldWide 08-30-2016 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by BlueDog9 (Post 87337198)
So 3X14 and 3X20 on Thursday and 3X23 on Saturday?

As of right now I'm good with that.

IBelieveInMiracles 08-30-2016 07:54 PM

Sounds good. Maria did they tell you we are just going to watch the Olicity FB and Tommy scenes from 3x14 to save some time?

backstreetboysfan 08-30-2016 07:58 PM

Sounds good :).

BlueDog9 08-30-2016 07:59 PM

We told her

PunksWorldWide 08-30-2016 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by IBelieveInMiracles (Post 87337221)
Sounds good. Maria did they tell you we are just going to watch the Olicity FB and Tommy scenes from 3x14 to save some time?

Yeah they told me. Thanks though. :)

IBelieveInMiracles 08-30-2016 08:01 PM

Oh did you guys that USA TODAY promoted that Olicity featurette? That was pretty cool too.

And Audrey (Lyla) just booked a new show on the Audience network. Not sure if she's a regular or what but now we know what she's busy doing. Of course it also makes it seem like she had room for filming stuff in her schedule. I'm starting to think the reason she and Charlotte aren't regulars is because Arrow can't afford to have anymore regulars. They've always kind of hovered around the same number of regulars every season. I'm starting to think their budget just won't allow for making whoever they want into a real regular. But saying Audrey and Charlotte are busy just sounds better. Doesn't make the network look bad, lol. But they did say we'd see Lyla this season so hopefully she'll recur heavily at least.

backstreetboysfan 08-30-2016 08:02 PM

OKay so not over PLL and Keegan Allen tweets are not helping matters at all :( :lol:.

IBelieveInMiracles 08-30-2016 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by backstreetboysfan (Post 87337289)
OKay so not over PLL and Keegan Allen tweets are not helping matters at all :( :lol:.

Toby didn't die right? Just had a car accident. And Spencer got shot. And somebody else died. That's what I saw on Twiter anyway. Are you worried they'll kill Toby?

backstreetboysfan 08-30-2016 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by IBelieveInMiracles (Post 87337311)
Toby didn't die right? Just had a car accident. And Spencer got shot. And somebody else died. That's what I saw on Twiter anyway. Are you worried they'll kill Toby?

We are not sure if he did but yea Noel

I am just worried for all my ships aside from Haleb

BlueDog9 08-30-2016 08:08 PM

Yes, we saw it.

I'd rather they tell us the truth than lie and say the actresses are too busy when they aren't.

IBelieveInMiracles 08-30-2016 08:10 PM


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