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Old 03-23-2015, 04:16 AM
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Old 03-23-2015, 04:40 AM
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Densi! <3

Also: No Teacup update yet.
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Old 03-23-2015, 07:05 AM
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Like that gifset
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Old 03-23-2015, 07:48 AM
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How does she know he wants her to be happy if he only told Diggle
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Old 03-23-2015, 07:56 AM
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Almost time for a new thread! , Title idea's?.

Songs(Lyrics for titles)
I found love where it wasn't suppose to be.
New Titles 3x01I want her to be happy.
if that were true, you would be with her, man.
“I’m sorry…I’m just a little out of my element.”
The entire time I was gone, I could never trust some one.
And for the entire time that goes on, and you don’t see people, you see threats or targets.
And when I decided to come home, I didn’t know how to turn that off.
And then I walked into your office.
There was just something about you…”
Oliver!-Felicity’s 1st word when she wake up, 3x01
"How are you?" - Oliver to Felicity
I'm so sorry. I thought that I could be me and the Arrow. But I can't. Not now. Maybe not ever.
Then say never.
Stop dangling maybes.
Say it's never going to work out between us.
Say you never loved me.
I told you as soon as we talked, it would be over.
Do you remember when I told you that beacause of what I do,
I dont think that I could be with someone that I...
Could really care about?
Yea I reameber.
So maybe I was Wrong.
You have a new life, it's life I can't have.
Am i being crazy? I mean what do we have to be nervous about?
I'm not exacly a catch at the moment.
It's not the right time.
Things are as good now as they ever will be, Oliver.
I was trying to fool Slade. Yes!
Exept now the only person you're fooling is yourself.
Felicity... " Oliver and then he kisses her
Well, We already exhausted every topic that one would normally talk about on a first date,
and a second date, and a third date, and every date, actually.
I thought that the place could do with a little sprucing.
You like italian right? Everyone loves italian.
Oliver you're in the middle of a highspeed chase.
I'm multitasking.
Its not like we’re never gonna talk about the fact that I told her in reverse that I loved her.-Stephen on Olicity NYCC
"Obviously the professional side of Oliver and Felicity is not finished, although that dynamic is going to be changing in short order, this Wednesday, and certainly the personal side isn’t finished. It’s not like we’re never gonna talk about the fact that I told her in reverse that I loved her"
''One of these days, it's gonna be me.
So that's it?
You're just gonna spend your life hiding down here.
In this cave. Waiting to die?
I'm sorry. I'm not gonna wait with you.
Because if there's one thing that today has taught me is that life is precious.
And I want so much more in mine than this.
So I am so sorry Oliver if I have feelings but maybe if you did too.
Sorry. That was mean.
You're still a human being, Oliver.
Oliver, are you okay? Oliver?
He allows himself to fall in love with her…Oliver is IN LOVE with Felicity! — David Ramsey talking about Oliver and Felicity
When Oliver and Felicity get together, the stakes go higher because she’s in the field and he’s also in love with her.— David Ramsey
Oliver hasn’t reconciled those things yet, but he will. — David Ramsey speaking about Oliver’s feelings about Felicity
"I think Oliver is like the deep one,” she confessed. “There’s just so much love for him that she couldn’t imagine not talking to him for the rest of her life ever, and I think that’s something to be said.”— EBR
There's just so much love for him that she couldn’t imagine not talking to him for the rest of her life ever''
They are so much more than friends, but they’re not a couple. They’re not in a relationship, but they’re in a relationship all the time. They care really deeply for each other on more than just a platonic level. There’s a deep love there. There’s a very deep emotional connection you don’t really get with everyone. It’s special. It should be treasured, but it’s also scary and a little inconvenient. - Emily Bett Rickards
I think something pushes them forward in every episode, but I don’t know if it’s forward in the way you mean. [Laughs] I think their relationship will change and get deeper. Are they open to talking about dating again? No. But I find what isn’t being said interesting. - Emily Bett Rickards on Oliver & Felicity
3x05(The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak)
Please tell me he is your friend. No mom ''Mom?'' This is Oliver Oueen. Very nice to meet you.
Yes, It's so nice to meet you to. How many billionaires do you know?
She is innocent- Oliver Queen (about Felicity)
I already told you he didn't do it. Why because he’s your ex-boyfriend!?.
Felicity is never more than 5 feet from her phone. Something’s wrong-Oliver
Are you okay? I guess so.
Old lovers have a way of opening old wounds.
''Lovers''...Sounds creepy.
Okay, Okay, before you say anything, Just know that I never imagined the virus being used for something like this.
I mean, sure I could have imagined it. I actually have a very vivid imagination.
Take a deep breath. Good. Now tell me what happened.
Your head's not in the game. I will get it together.
Your tracer hack's running. Take an hour. Go talk to your Mom. I do not have anything to say to her.
You know, earlier today, Thea told me that she literally has to put with me. Because family is precious.
You were right to keep pressing on Cooper. Turns out he's not as dead as I thought. I've had some experience with that.
I should head out.
Felicity. I'm working on it.
Are you alright?-Oliver talking to Felicity.
"Talk me in." - Oliver to Felicity
SA and EBR can convey so much passion with just a look and that is something that most shows would kill for between their romantic pairings.

"Do what you want…" - Oliver to Felicity
"Maybe she didn’t get that far."
I understand that you're hurting.
And I know what it's like to want someone...But not be able to be with them.
How you wish thing could be different.
But they can't. I can't be with you.
I can't be with anyone, I have to be alone.
You gotta tell her how you feel before it's too late.
Well Oliver make his choice.
And we both know that was the wrong choice.
And did Oliver say that?
Oh yea because Oliver's just great at expressing his emotions.
And if Oliver has a problem with it, then
Oliver should be the one to say something.
I want her to be happy.
if that were true, you would be with her, man.
I made a decision! She did too!.
I see the way you take care of your city.
Makes me wonder...Who takes care of you?.
I think Felicity's a little busy right now.
We need Felicity here.
I don't care where she is, we need her here.
I guess it's true what they say. You only hurt the ones you love.
"That's how David and I behave ALL the time. Emily has seen it before… " Stephen sighing after talking about Emily
There are a lot of strong Olicity moments coming... " Emily Bett Rickards

Diggle may be the on-screen captain, but Stephen Amell is off
The Flash(1x08)
"You're going to hock me about this until I agree, aren't you?" - Oliver to Felicity
"You can have any girl you want..." - Barry to Oliver
Oliver get up!- Felicity
"You need to let her go. For both of your sakes."
"Guys like us don't get the girl..." - Oliver
"There is something off about that guy." - Oliver to Felicity
"What Oliver is trying to say, he had a lovely time working with you and getting to know each of you, and he can't wait to do it again soon." - Felicity
What has Felicity secretly named the Love Fern?-Emily Bett Rickards - CW Talk
If I had one felicity and you had one felicity, how many Felicity’s would it take for starlabs to make olicity happen?- Cw fan talk emily bett rickards
"Oliver doesn't play well with others."-Felicity
I love Oliver following Felicity over to her desk...there's only one person he knows can do this for him. Partners.
"Sometimes we are required to be bold..." - Lyla- (No matter what the personal cost." - Oliver) He was looking at Felicity.
"you wouldn’t have survived if you didn’t have a light inside of you"
*flashes to felicity*
“and landmines-Felicity
“Do you realize what you've done?” Oliver to Felicity when she invited Team Flash into the Foundry.
"I wanted to replace the hood, but Felicity said it had sentimental value.” Cisco to Oliver about upgrading his suit.
cause Oliver finally knows what he is fighting for
Cause Oliver shares his softer side with Felicity
Cause Oliver will always come back to Felicity
To Oliver, Felicity is more than the nerdy, IT-girl.
She is his center and his heart.
She is the one that makes him see reason.
Felicty Smoak is the most important woman in Oliver’s life.
Oliver struggles with his past and with who he has become post-island.
Perhaps, it will be through this relationship that Oliver will finally be able to accept himself and see what Felicity sees — that he is a hero.
Oliver and Felicity, who upped the adorable quotient of the episode by several degrees.
he tends to light up whenever he allows himself to enjoy Felicity’s presence.
For her part, Felicity was playing the perky wife to her begrudgingly cheerful husband in just about every way that does not involve sharing a bed or wearing a ring.
They may not have been on their own show, but goshdarnit they were cute.
Oliver, chagrined at Cisco’s enthusiasm, chastises Felicity about bringing them down to the Foundry and she looks adorably unrepentant.
For what it's worth, Oliver looks more amused and teasing than annoyed and it’s clear this boy is charmed to no end.
When Caitlin asks about Oliver’s favorite piece of fitness equipment (and ours, who are we kidding?), Felicity says it distracts her from getting her work done.
And, right on cue, Felicity enters. The symbolism is clear.
Felicity gives him something to fight for, someone to believe in him and support him and remind him of his light when he feels its going dim.
Quite simply, Oliver cannot do what he does without Felicity at this stage in the game.
God, I hope Oliver and Felicity dance together. Don’t let me down, show. I’m counting on you writers to make this count.
She knows him, inside and out and probably a lot better than he thinks she does.
"Felicity, it can't take any longer..." - Oliver to Felicity
"Hanukkah present?" - Felicity to Roy and Oliver-
(Security footage…" - Oliver). Same thing.
"Oliver I know how much you love your sister, but we have to look at the facts…"His “Then don’t…” was heartbroken
"I don't want to believe she could do something like this..." - Oliver
"Which is why you shouldn’t be the one asking the questions." - Felicity to Oliver
"No, you didn't. When it comes to your family, you always place the blame on yourself. This is not your fault." - Felicity to Oliver
"I’ll come back. Thea will be okay."
"I wish you wouldn’t go but I know you better than to ask you not to." - Felicity
"I appreciate that." - Oliver
"But there is one thing I need to ask you to do, and you’re not going to like it. Kill him. You have to kill Ra’s Al Ghul, …I am terrified that you won’t kill him…that he’ll use your humanity against you." - Felicity
"I don’t know if I’m still a killer, but I do know two things. One, whoever I am I will do anything to protect my sister." - Oliver
There is one thing, I need to ask you to do. And You're not going to want to.
Oliver’s response that he would do anything she wanted of him completely stabs me through the heart.

Felicity calls the shots, it’s something that the fandom often jokes about while calling them out as married,

but the proof is in the pudding here and Oliver treats Felicity not just as his partner; she’s his equal.
With Felicity, it’s different. With Felicity, Oliver doesn’t see who he was.
He doesn’t look into her eyes and see judgement or fear.
You see, when Oliver looks at Felicity, he doesn’t see his past or his present.
He sees his future. He sees what could be.
And that both exhilarates and terrifies him.
"Oliver's always sad and having a pity party. What would you say to make him happy?" "Get with Felicity."-David Ramsey.
Hopefully [Oliver] will be who Diggle is; a guy who’s okay with fighting crime and putting his life on the line and has a wife and child…
ultimately that’s where that character’s going. If everything works out I guess it will be with Felicity.
but I don’t think he’s ever found someone like Felicity,
someone who draws out every bit of goodness,
every shred of light within him and reflects it right back to him like a mirror.
In season three, Oliver is aware of his feelings for Felicity.
He’s aware that he is in love with her
— that she is someone he doesn’t just want in his life but that he NEEDS.
And I love that these two continue to challenge,
support, and care for each other even when they don’t agree.
But as Westley said in The Princess Bride: “Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.”
"Amell and Rickards both have flourished in their respective roles.
He realized that Felicity is the woman that he loves and desires and wants to make a thousand babies with.
The guiding principle in that transformation was Felicity.
"Clearly he meant it in the finale of Season 2."-Stephen Amell
“I think he honestly loves Felicity. I think Felicity honestly loves him."
You have to believe in him ~ Felicity talking about Oliver
"Well, he tell us when he get back" -Felicity
"Please, Oliver, where are you?" - Felicity
"He's alive"- Felicity
"Oliver?" - Felicity...
"When we lose someone, when someone dies, they’re gone…forever…and there is nothing…there is nothing, nothing that we can do that will bring them back." - Felicity

Oliver: You’re right. I’m staying.
Felicity: Are you sure?
Oliver: I’m sure of one thing: I love you.
“The last thing you said to me was that you love me.
Now you’re back and the first thing you tell me…
is that you’re working with a man, who turned your sister - who you love into a killer,
who killed a woman you loved.
I don’t want to be a woman you love.”
""While you were gone, for almost a month,
and you would come back and you would be different…
that you would have a different outlook on life; that you would do things differently…"
That was one of my favorite scenes to shoot from an acting and performance standpoint and I had like four words to say. - Stephen Amell at Dallas Comic Con

Which was really exciting, you know, watching Emily work, do her thing. -- Stephen Amell at Dallas Comic Con
"Oliver you were gone, dead, and we had to go on with our lives, and you don't have the right to come back and question everyone's decisions." - Felicity to Oliver
"You need to come home." -Felicity to Oliver
"So you're leaving again..." - Felicity
“Roy: Look, I get the stoic, monosyllabic thing is your standard gear,
but something about this is different. /Someone/. Because it’s Felicity.
Seeing things from a different perspective.

Roy: That almost sounded like you having feelings.

Oliver: Roy…” — Arrow season 2.5, issue #13
Olicity Rescue Arrow 2.5
“ I can’t lose her AGAIN.”!
Olicity Rescue Arrow 2.5
“ Seeing things from a different perspective.”
Olicity Rescue Arrow 2.5 “ Right less talking more finding Felicity.”
It’s safe to say these two ( Olicity ) are end game by now — it’s just a matter of how long it will take before they can actually get together.-Beamly
“What good is family without a soul.”
"You're's too bad you're dead. Which is too bad for me...I really need to learn to stop talking to myself." - Felicity (to Oliver's picture)
"Right, put a ring on it."-Emily Bett Rickards
Emily is Emily and we love Emily-Stephen Amell
“You’re one of my closest friends.”
“Are you alright?”
"You and I are not together, but that was your choice”
“I think it’s your turn.”
“I didn’t stop to think about it until you asked me to”

Oliver ‘if it’s you that’s asking I’ll do it’ Queen

“You are always saying how you want me to be happy. The thing is, as long as you are in my life I am”

— Felicity to Oliver - 3.16
"As long as you are in my life, I am."
So that means a pass on becoming the most handsome demons head ever?
"Rickards and Amell are the basic definition of “sexual tension” in this episode."-entertainment monthly
Backstreet Boys fan, since 1995.Brian & Nick fan. 31 years for BSB. Tae(V) D-370
”Husband & Wife.”
M♥K Married (9-14-2023) Jin D-6,NJH D-106 OSW D-132, J-Hope D-133, Jinyoung-D-154 JK-D-371

Icon by me. Olicity, BTS, TxT, Enhypen, NJ, &Team, ZB1, LDH D-342
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Old 03-23-2015, 07:57 AM
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Maybe Diggle told her. Maybe he'd told her off-screen.
Kind heart, fierce mind, and a brave spirit
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Old 03-23-2015, 07:59 AM
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Hi Girls! .
Backstreet Boys fan, since 1995.Brian & Nick fan. 31 years for BSB. Tae(V) D-370
”Husband & Wife.”
M♥K Married (9-14-2023) Jin D-6,NJH D-106 OSW D-132, J-Hope D-133, Jinyoung-D-154 JK-D-371

Icon by me. Olicity, BTS, TxT, Enhypen, NJ, &Team, ZB1, LDH D-342
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Old 03-23-2015, 08:01 AM
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Hey Hazel, hey Kate!

Yeah, I guess if she knows things she shouldn't, Diggle told her. Having said that, off-screen should not be the new on-screen!

Just got back from physio.
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Old 03-23-2015, 08:02 AM
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Hi Wendy and Hazel

"Rickards and Amell are the basic definition of “sexual tension” in this episode."-entertainment monthly
Kind heart, fierce mind, and a brave spirit
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Old 03-23-2015, 08:05 AM
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Okay, Love that one.

Hi Kate and Wendy! .
Backstreet Boys fan, since 1995.Brian & Nick fan. 31 years for BSB. Tae(V) D-370
”Husband & Wife.”
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Old 03-23-2015, 08:08 AM
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Originally Posted by BlueDog9 (View Post)
Maybe Diggle told her. Maybe he'd told her off-screen.
I hate that the majority of Diggle and Felicity's conversations are being held off screen.
"I knew I couldn't have what I wanted until you came along"

Magnus and Alec
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Old 03-23-2015, 08:13 AM
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How are you girls?.
Backstreet Boys fan, since 1995.Brian & Nick fan. 31 years for BSB. Tae(V) D-370
”Husband & Wife.”
M♥K Married (9-14-2023) Jin D-6,NJH D-106 OSW D-132, J-Hope D-133, Jinyoung-D-154 JK-D-371

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Old 03-23-2015, 08:13 AM
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I don't like that either.

How are you girls?
Kind heart, fierce mind, and a brave spirit
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Old 03-23-2015, 08:21 AM
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I'm good, feeling fine since I just had my work-out.

As I said above, off-screen shouldn't not be the new on-screen. It's laziness. They have 42 minutes per episode to work with, and 23 episodes a season. That's enough to put things on-screen.

I'm going to quickly eat something, will catch up after that.
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Old 03-23-2015, 08:24 AM
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That is good Wendy .

I am good

How are you Kate?.
Backstreet Boys fan, since 1995.Brian & Nick fan. 31 years for BSB. Tae(V) D-370
”Husband & Wife.”
M♥K Married (9-14-2023) Jin D-6,NJH D-106 OSW D-132, J-Hope D-133, Jinyoung-D-154 JK-D-371

Icon by me. Olicity, BTS, TxT, Enhypen, NJ, &Team, ZB1, LDH D-342
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