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Charlone 04-20-2017 08:53 PM

I think that it would be a good idea, but it depends on what will be the episode about. If it will require more Arrow team missions, then I wouldn't like to watch an episode without one of them. It's really good to see their dynamic.
Anyways, many of Arrow episodes aren't only focused on one thing. Perhaps, season 1 was the only one were the missions were more essential, there was a new "villain" for each of them, and well, Oliver had much more protagonism than now. But the truth is that it's really hard to keep with that rhythm at this point with so many characters. The only character who was more explored in S5 was Rene, while Rory, Dinah and Evelyn didn't have enough screen time. Curtis is a different character, he has more protagonism thanks to Felicity and the recruits team. And Thea... well, this was a poor season for her, sadly, seeing how much she grew in S3 and S4. The truth is that the writers can't handle so many characters in a good way in one episode.

Japril 05-20-2017 07:28 PM

shes actually a good BC I think everyone would agree

Cmtaylor531 05-20-2017 09:48 PM

I love her. She's so chill and calm. Then bam ready to kick ass.

I also digging the trio of her, Curtis and Rene.

eternalfate 05-24-2017 06:16 PM

I have grown to love her as well, although it's curious she's officially going by Black Canary. lol

The showrunners were so hellbent on making sure the viewers knew that Sara was ,"The Canary" because Laurel was suppose to eventually turn into "Black Canary"... so it's amazing how 4 years later can change things.:look:

I love her character though.

Cmtaylor531 05-25-2017 03:19 PM

I just love that Quentin was the person who finally bestowed the Black Canary mantle upon her.

crash landing 05-26-2017 02:54 AM

:bubble: I LOVE the character but still not there on her becoming Black Canary :bubble:

I am happy she's going to be a season regular cause she's pretty awesome :D her bickering with Renee :rotfl: and like her place within the Team BUT I'm still not ok with her being Black Canary - I don't care about the Cry cause it makes perfect sense, it was just the name "Dinah" that threw me off and I still don't think anybody besides Katie should be Black Canary :gone:
But I'll let it play out cause if I understand correctly - "Dinah" who from the comics is actually Laurel's mother was the FIRST Black Canary but it just doesn't feel right here for the show but that might be from how terrible Katie was treated

So I rather "Tina" which is what I like to call her get a different codename :shrug: I know Laurel made Oliver promise her not to let her be the last Canary but I just feel a lot more comfortable if "Tina" got a different codename with still being able to carry on Laurel's legacy cause she's got the cry and all

Either way :bubble: STILL LOVE "TINA" and think Juliana is doing a great job :thumbs_up: not to mention, she's stunning

Japril 06-26-2017 01:17 PM

add me please She is the new BC yay

Charlone 06-26-2017 08:42 PM

I like Dinah, but I don't see her as a truly Black Canary :shrug: I'm with you Sarah. The reason why I think like that is because I always felt that Dinah wouldn't be on Arrow for a long time. Just as it happened with Sara and Laurel. Also, Black Canary had a relationship, or a least a romantic past with Oliver, and Dinah is far for having a romance with Oliver at this point. Let's see what happens in season 6, perhaps it closes my mouth.

Cmtaylor531 06-27-2017 03:49 PM

What do you guys want to see them do with her character next year?

I'd love a little more back story and maybe see some struggle wth cop/vigilante life.

crash landing 06-29-2017 06:26 AM

Gina :thumbs_up:

Plus all this could be that no one is the true Black Canary :shrug: didn't Smallville do that with Jimmy Olsen - like the one from SV was a brother or father to the future real Jimmy :shrug: IDK

Cmtaylor531 06-29-2017 09:20 AM

I don't remember smallville well. I've tried rewatching it twice now and haven't gotten very far. Season one is so slow. I remeber their black canary that didn't last long either. People seem to have a hard time putting BC on screen.

crash landing 06-29-2017 07:08 PM

Sounds like they do :no:

LightYears 07-14-2017 12:14 PM


Sarah won't be happy.

AlwaysCB 07-14-2017 08:23 PM

I don't think it's a spoiler? she looks badass

Cmtaylor531 07-14-2017 09:05 PM

She does. :nod:

I'm waiting to see how it looks on screen first before I make my final conclusion.

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