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bwm30 09-20-2013 08:33 PM

---i-i--: --- ----, I ---- -- --i-- --- -i-i----- --- - --i-i---, ---. ---, i- ----- -- -- --'- -i--i-- -- ----i-i-- -- ----- --- -- ---- --- ------ -- ---- -i--. ---- -i-- -- ----- --- - ----, -----'- i-?

:) I


ifi2011 09-21-2013 01:59 AM

N ?

bwm30 09-21-2013 04:58 AM

---i-i--: --- -n--, I ---- -- --in- --- -i-i--n-- --- - --i-in--, ---. ---, i- ----- -- -- --'- -i--in- -- ----i-i-- -n ----- --- -- ---- --- ------ -- ---- -i--. ---- -in- -- ----- --- - ----, ----n'- i-?

:) I N


ifi2011 09-21-2013 08:21 AM

S ?

bwm30 09-21-2013 09:38 AM

---i-i--: --- -n--, I -s-- -- --in- --- -i-i--n-- --s - --i-in--, ---. ---, i- s---s -- -- --'s -i--in- -- s---i-i-- -n ----- --- -- ---- --- ------ -- ---s -i--. ---- -in- -- ----s --- - ----, ---sn'- i-?

:) I N S


ifi2011 09-21-2013 09:45 AM

T ?

bwm30 09-21-2013 07:41 PM

---i-i--: --- -n--, I -s-- t- t-in- t-- -i-i--nt- --s - --i-in--, t--. ---, it s---s t- -- --'s -i--in- t- s---i-i-- -n ----- --- t- ---- t-- ------ -- t--s -i--. T--t -in- -- ----s --- - ----, ---sn't it?

:) I N S T


ifi2011 09-21-2013 10:55 PM

O ?

bwm30 09-22-2013 04:43 AM

---i-i--: -o- -no-, I -s-- to t-in- t-- -i-i--nt- --s - --i-in--, too. --t, it s---s to -- --'s -i--in- to s---i-i-- -n ----- -ot to ---- t-- --o--- o- t-is -i--. T--t -in- o- ----s --- - ---o, -o-sn't it?

:) I N S T O


ifi2011 09-22-2013 08:57 AM

A ?

ShadowhunterღReader 09-22-2013 09:07 AM


bwm30 09-22-2013 09:38 AM

---i-i--: -o- -no-, I -s-- to t-in- t-- -i-i--nt- -as a -ri-ina-, too. --t, it s---s to -- --'s -i--in- to sa-ri-i-- an a---- -ot to ---- t-- --o--- o- t-is -it-. T--t -in- o- -a--s --- a --ro, -o-sn't it?

:) I N S T O A R


ShadowhunterღReader 09-22-2013 09:43 AM


bwm30 09-22-2013 09:53 AM

^Already asked :lol:

ifi2011 09-22-2013 10:37 AM

H ?

bwm30 09-22-2013 11:39 AM

---i-i--: -o- -no-, I -s-- to thin- th- -i-i--nt- -as a -ri-ina-, too. --t, it s---s to -- h-'s -i--in- to sa-ri-i-- an a---- -ot to h--- th- --o--- o- this -it-. Th-t -in- o- -a--s hi- a h-ro, -o-sn't it?

:) I N S T O A R H


ifi2011 09-22-2013 11:49 AM

K ?

bwm30 09-22-2013 01:31 PM

---i-i--: -o- kno-, I -s-- to think th- -i-i--nt- -as a -ri-ina-, too. --t, it s---s to -- h-'s -i--in- to sa-ri-i-- an a---- -ot to h--- th- --o--- o- this -it-. Th-t kin- o- -ak-s hi- a h-ro, -o-sn't it?

:) I N S T O A R H K


ifi2011 09-22-2013 01:55 PM

W ?

bwm30 09-22-2013 02:40 PM

---i-i--: -o- know, I -s-- to think th- -i-i--nt- was a -ri-ina-, too. --t, it s---s to -- h-'s wi--in- to sa-ri-i-- an aw--- -ot to h--- th- --o--- o- this -it-. Th-t kin- o- -ak-s hi- a h-ro, -o-sn't it?

:) I N S T O A R H K W


ifi2011 09-22-2013 09:01 PM

E ?

ShadowhunterღReader 09-22-2013 09:22 PM


bwm30 09-23-2013 04:18 AM

-eli-it-: -o- know, I -se- to think the -i-il-nte was a -ri-inal, too. --t, it see-s to -e he's willin- to sa-ri-i-e an aw--l lot to hel- the -eo--e o- this -it-. That kin- o- -akes hi- a hero, -oesn't it?

:) I N S T O A R H K W E L


ifi2011 09-23-2013 04:46 AM

Felicity: You know, I used to think the vigilante was a criminal, too. But, it seems to me he's willing to sacrifice an awful lot to help the people of this city. That kind of makes him a hero, doesn't it? ... ?

kostilicious 09-23-2013 06:57 AM

A great choice of quote :love:

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