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Old 02-12-2013, 08:44 PM
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Could I please be added?

Ugh, I love these two but I'm so worried about Ethan/Emma being pushed as ~meant to be~. DNW Thayer/Emma to get screwed over for them.

They were gorgeous this ep
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Old 02-12-2013, 10:36 PM
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they do get along really well

I hope they arent ruin yet as i like to see mroe of them

you're all that I want
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Old 02-12-2013, 10:47 PM
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Me too.
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Old 02-13-2013, 01:14 AM
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Oh no, I'm starting to freak out about the promo. But it has to be misleading. There's no way Emma sleeps with Thayer and then suddenly wants to be with Ethan. Sex means something important to Emma. She clearly loves Thayer. Ethan really needs to back off. It's really selfish and mean they way he makes her feel guilty for moving on and falling for Thayer and constantly shoves his feelings in her face. I know she cares about him but obviously she wants Thayer. Ethan needs to learn to take a hint. I really hope she slaps him when he tries to kiss. I will be so mad of the writers throw away the amazingness of Themma for the ridiculous crap that is Ethan/Emma. CanThayer and Emma like have a chance to really be together and be happy before we start all this contrived triangle business. I'm just going to keep telling myself that if Emma didn't love Thayer she wouldn't have slept with him. The promo makers are just stirring up drama. I really believe that. Themma FTW!
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Old 02-13-2013, 05:35 AM
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I didn't like that last scene. Thayer had just said "when will you stop talking about Ethan" and then Emma tells him she is grateful to Thayer...that doesn't equal love. I think the writers made it happen too fast. Hopefully the promo is misleading.
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Old 02-13-2013, 07:03 AM
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I loved the kiss and Last kiss playing in the background but I am still worried that E/E will win which sucks because T/E are better
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Old 02-13-2013, 12:05 PM
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I am going to be so disappointed in Emma if she was only using Thayer cause she couldn't have Ethan. To me that will be ridiculous cause she has to know that she could have Ethan she saw how he was still into to her at the dance so it's not like she thinks he's all into Sutton. I get that Emma is young and when you're young you make mistakes, but to me her actions would reek of something Sutton would do and I never want her to be anythinglike her sister. So far Thayer has been nothing but good to her he has been her friend a shoulder for her to lean on and her protector he certainly doesn't deserve to be used like that. Thayer didn't make the first move it was Emma who started to take off his tie and wanted to sleep with him so I will never see it as him pressuring her or making her feel like she had to sleep with him cause I never saw him even bring up the subject of sex let alone make her feel uncomfortable about it. I don't know I just feel like they could easily ruin Emma to me depending on how the next episode goes cause while so many will excuse Emma's actions cause they love EE so much it won't change the fact that she used Thayer.
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Old 02-13-2013, 01:24 PM
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Yeah it would make her to much like Sutton if she gave into Ethan's advances and she's supposed to be better than that
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Old 02-13-2013, 01:38 PM
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What's going to be so sad is that I have a bad feeling that after next week I'm going to find myself having zero respect for Emma and actually having more respect for Sutton. The thing is that while Sutton is a bitchy manipulator at least she doesn't hide who she is what you see is what you get while Emma can claim she's not like Sutton well her actions are starting to show she's alot more like her than she wants to admit.
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Old 02-13-2013, 01:44 PM
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I loved this episode, but I do agree that the sex felt a bit rushed. She still seemed unsure and that's not how I wanted their first time to be. And instead of telling eachother they care I wish we would've gotten I love you's.

TBH I'm not too worried about the promo. I didn't like the first scene of them in bed because Emma was looking like she regrets it. But the whole Ethan thing seemed more directed towards Sutton. Maybe he finds out about the themma sex and is hurt so he runs back to Sutton. Wouldn't surprise me tbh.

I wish they would just leave TE alone for a while. We all know the triangle will still be there but right now there's constantly an Ethan cloud hanging over their relationship. Ethan needs to move on already.
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Old 02-13-2013, 01:44 PM
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Hi! Could someone add me please? I'd love to be a part of anything that sings the praise of Themma I loved the idea of these two as soon as Thayer left LA and returned to Phoenix the first time. Probably b/c I never really cared for Ethan. I don't hate his character exactly, I just don't think he's a great fit for Emma is all (mostly I feel like he views her as a nicer version of Sutton and this a suitable replacement, as apposed to Thayer who genuinely sees her as Emma and likes her for her Emma-ness). I fell in love with Thayer pretty quickly. He really is an honest to goodness genuine guy with a really big heart who is always determined to try to do the right thing it seems. And to top it all off, he's adorably cute *_* And all that makes him a perfect fit for Emma. So anyway, yeah, my love of Themma started pretty early, and so you can imagine my joy when they kept growing closer and closer (and Emma and Ethan broke up).

Originally Posted by IBelieveInMiracles (View Post)
Oh no, I'm starting to freak out about the promo. But it has to be misleading. There's no way Emma sleeps with Thayer and then suddenly wants to be with Ethan. Sex means something important to Emma. She clearly loves Thayer. Ethan really needs to back off. It's really selfish and mean they way he makes her feel guilty for moving on and falling for Thayer and constantly shoves his feelings in her face. I know she cares about him but obviously she wants Thayer. Ethan needs to learn to take a hint. I really hope she slaps him when he tries to kiss. I will be so mad of the writers throw away the amazingness of Themma for the ridiculous crap that is Ethan/Emma. CanThayer and Emma like have a chance to really be together and be happy before we start all this contrived triangle business. I'm just going to keep telling myself that if Emma didn't love Thayer she wouldn't have slept with him. The promo makers are just stirring up drama. I really believe that. Themma FTW!
I couldn't have said that better myself! I total agree with what you said Yeah, I don't know what to think about the promo . . . It looks pretty bad, but as you said, hopefully it's just a play to get us all riled up for next weeks ep. As it stands, between the end of the last ep and the promos for the next one, to me it looks something like this:

Now that Ethan and Sutton are split again and Ethan is making it obvious that he'd like to have Emma back, Emma is feeling confused about her feelings for Thayer and Ethan. That makes her feel guilty in regard to Thayer b/c he's been there so much for her. In an effort to try and convince herself that Thayer is the one she should be with, she makes a spur of the moment decision to goes all the way with him.
Then, from the look on her face in the promo when she's naked in bed next to Thayer, she wakes up the next morning totally regretting going that far just to rid herself of her own insecurities about her feelings for Thayer considering she'd never slept with anyone before. Or maybe the look is b/c she can't believe she slept with Thayer b/c her feelings aren't as deep as she thought they were before she went all the way with him. I'm not sure, but neither theory bodes well for us Themma shippers
The sad thing is, of course Thayer is going to want to sleep with her, she's gorgeous and sweet etc. and he obviously cares deeply for her at this point. But still he asked if she was sure, and she's the one that got that ball rolling and kept it rolling. So she can't be mad at Thayer over that. It does make me wonder if Thayer knows quite what a big deal this was, i.e. it wasn't just their first time, it was Emma's first time period. I'd like to think he'd know b/c they had gotten so close even before they started dating, but at I honestly don't know why it would have ever come up in conversation. I mean it's not the kind of thing you discuss casually with people lol
I have a problem with Emma viewing their love making as a mistake BECAUSE of the fact that she's a virgin. It's really going to sit funny with me if my theory is right b/c I don't see her being willing to give up her virginity just to try to put her mind at easy about being with Thayer over Ethan. I would think she'd only do it if her feelings for Thayer were so strong she knew it was love. And then that scene with Ethan about to kiss her. I hope she slaps him too, but I'm afraid she won't =/ It'd just be so OOC for her to go from virgin to non-virgin then kiss another guy in the span of a day.
And then there was the clip between Ethan and Thayer, where they get a little rough with each other, presumably b/c Thayer gloats to Ethan that he slept with Emma. But that's problematic too b/c, based on the kind of character Thayer is, there's no way he'd go GLOAT that he took Emma's V-card the night before! That's just not him. It's clear he's the kind of guy who would feel honored she let him be her first and that he would cherish their night together, not talk about it like it was another notch in his belt (I imagine it's a small belt anyway as Thayer clearly isn't a player lol). But it sure looked that way when he clapped Ethan in the face (it'd be kind of interesting actually if Thayer doesn't even know he was her first when he runs into Ethan but finds out b/c Ethan spills the beans out of anger that Thayer got to be intimate with her). The only thing that could have happened to make me remotely believe Thayer would mention it to Ethan was if Ethan was really pushing his buttons since we have been shown that Thayer has a nasty temper, he just hides it well and is good at keeping it under wraps. Few people seem to get to him, but, in addition to his father Alec, I could definitely see Ethan being one of them, especially since it's clear he wants Emma back and is going to try and make that happen.
This is all just speculation on my part from then end of the last ep and a 15 or so second promo for the next, so I could be totally off base lol Hopefully I am and the promo is misleading and Themma aren't about to start having serious problems already Guess we'll see . . .
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Old 02-13-2013, 02:01 PM
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Bree347 & PinkSakuraBunnie - Added you both and welcome to the thread.

I agree that the promo doesn't look good for us. But for all we know the bed scene in the promo isn't even the morning after but maybe another morning. And I don't think Thayer is fighting with Ethan because they slept together. Maybe it's because he sees Ethan trying to kiss his girl. I wonder if we get to see more of this 'anger problem', to me it isn't really a problem. It's not like he goed around hitting everyone. And Alec sure had it coming.
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Old 02-13-2013, 02:53 PM
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The episode just confirmed to me how temporary they are. As much as I wanted to believe they had a real chance, I dont think they do. i really cant see the show going in another direction, the writers clearly want EE.

It sucks because Thayer is so good to her and so sweet and I think Emma realizes that too, she just cant give her heart fully to him. Thayer deserves real love. SIGH.

I will enjoy their scenes while I can but I know its not gonna end well.
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Old 02-13-2013, 02:59 PM
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What gets me is that I pretty much knew EE were the couple I just don't get why it was necessary to destroy ET's friendship. The sad part is with the way Emma has been acting they have pretty much destroyed her to me cause i can't get on board with how she's treated Thayer.
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Old 02-13-2013, 03:09 PM
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Same. Right now I care more about Thayer and if Emma really hurts him I wouldn't like her much anymore. She knows how he feels about her. And it's unfair to use him as a rebound. ;shrug: I still hope I'm wrong about this though. I just love them so much.
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