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crazy_diamond 02-10-2013 05:45 AM

:nod: there needs to be something to trigger her into falling in :love: with him again..

and I want to know what it will be :lol:

Rhonwen 02-10-2013 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by crazy_diamond (Post 67679144)
:nod: there needs to be something to trigger her into falling in :love: with him again..

and I want to know what it will be :lol:

He will be the trigger, she'll find him so irresistible..;)

Betsybelle 02-10-2013 09:07 AM

I'll restate my theory here:

I wonder if maybe dreams will play a part in this. Perhaps Gold thinks that all Belle needs is some sort of prompt for her memories to kick in, maybe a potion that can allow her to dream about their past. Perhaps he'd be relatively confident that if she dreams about them, she will be curious to know why she's dreaming of this strange man in another life, a strange man who loves her and who she loved. Maybe the potion can bring out her true feelings, feelings which are buried beneath the curse.

I would sort of love this or a variation thereof because I love the idea of Gold having utter faith in their love and by him trusting in Belle's memories of them, he would be showing a great deal of faith in the incredible strength of their love.

I just don't see them taking the long route of her falling in love with him - and I hope not, too, because as much as she'd be drawn to him, that would take up a large chunk of time. We've been through the process of them taking it slowly, post-Croc. Ok, we really didn't see it aside from the burger date, but the point is it happened.

It sounds like Gold is going to do something and something relatively big, which makes sense because this story warrants it. I suspect Belle will feel more kindly to him and be drawn to him, but I think TLK will come into play in another way; I don't think she's just going to fall in love and then when the time is right, kiss him at an ordinary moment, thereby breaking her curse. I think that kiss will happen at dramatic juncture somehow.

By the way, if Gold is still the cursed down deep, then the TLK that breaks Belle's memory lock should also break his curse.

Sweet Charity 02-10-2013 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Betsybelle (Post 67681512)
I'll restate my theory here:

I wonder if maybe dreams will play a part in this. Perhaps Gold thinks that all Belle needs is some sort of prompt for her memories to kick in, maybe a potion that can allow her to dream about their past. Perhaps he'd be relatively confident that if she dreams about them, she will be curious to know why she's dreaming of this strange man in another life, a strange man who loves her and who she loved. Maybe the potion can bring out her true feelings, feelings which are buried beneath the curse.

I would sort of love this or a variation thereof because I love the idea of Gold having utter faith in their love and by him trusting in Belle's memories of them, he would be showing a great deal of faith in the incredible strength of their love.

I just don't see them taking the long route of her falling in love with him - and I hope not, too, because as much as she'd be drawn to him, that would take up a large chunk of time. We've been through the process of them taking it slowly, post-Croc. Ok, we really didn't see it aside from the burger date, but the point is it happened.

It sounds like Gold is going to do something and something relatively big, which makes sense because this story warrants it. I suspect Belle will feel more kindly to him and be drawn to him, but I think TLK will come into play in another way; I don't think she's just going to fall in love and then when the time is right, kiss him at an ordinary moment, thereby breaking her curse. I think that kiss will happen at dramatic juncture somehow.

By the way, if Gold is still the cursed down deep, then the TLK that breaks Belle's memory lock should also break his curse.

I love this theory :in_love:

Betsybelle 02-10-2013 09:59 AM

Thanks, Sweet!

I have more thoughts, triggered by a suggestion from Narcisica:

Maybe Gold could feed his feelings into her, send his love THROUGH her, so that she would experience is love for her over again.

Imagine if he sent Belle his memories (that's Narciscia's suggestion - good one!!!) of the 30 years without her and we got to see him, in those flashbacks, being so lonely without her. Perhaps we could see him talking to the chipped cup at home, wishing out loud that Belle could be there with him, things like that. He could even send his thoughts, something like: "Belle, if only you knew after you left how much I regretted lefting you walk away. You are the best part of me........I love you so."

Let's make it even better by suggesting that this potion can only work because of their intense emotional and spiritual bond. Gold would pour his love into it by working on it and that love would be the key to unlocking Belle, not anything else - just the love - the real magic.

More thoughts (not on this, though). Some blogger asked what the big deal was with Rumbelle becasue all she could see was that he loved her and bought her things. Huh?

What exactly has Rumple or Gold ever bought for Belle? That's one of the things I love about him; what he gives to her can't be bought. He gives her himself, for one - he ripped his soul open for her. For another, Rumple was quite a modern man in FTL. He fell in love with Belle's spirit, intelligence, bravery - among other things. Belle was frustrated by what she saw as a future dull life of the typical woman, but paradoxically when she was in the castle and couldn't go anywhere, emotionally and intellectually she was freer than she'd ever been in her life. When Rumple asks her what she's doing or why she agreed to go with him, he listens to her carefully and looks at her directly. He doesn't interrupt because he's honestly interested in what she has to say. It's the same way in SB; he doesn't just love Belle, he respects her.

Rhonwen 02-10-2013 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Betsybelle (Post 67682118)
Thanks, Sweet!

I have more thoughts, triggered by a suggestion from Narcisica:

Maybe Gold could feed his feelings into her, send his love THROUGH her, so that she would experience is love for her over again.

Imagine if he sent Belle his memories (that's Narciscia's suggestion - good one!!!) of the 30 years without her and we got to see him, in those flashbacks, being so lonely without her. Perhaps we could see him talking to the chipped cup at home, wishing out loud that Belle could be there with him, things like that. He could even send his thoughts, something like: "Belle, if only you knew after you left how much I regretted lefting you walk away. You are the best part of me........I love you so."

Let's make it even better by suggesting that this potion can only work because of their intense emotional and spiritual bond. Gold would pour his love into it by working on it and that love would be the key to unlocking Belle, not anything else - just the love - the real magic.

More thoughts (not on this, though). Some blogger asked what the big deal was with Rumbelle becasue all she could see was that he loved her and bought her things. Huh?

What exactly has Rumple or Gold ever bought for Belle? That's one of the things I love about him; what he gives to her can't be bought. He gives her himself, for one - he ripped his soul open for her. For another, Rumple was quite a modern man in FTL. He fell in love with Belle's spirit, intelligence, bravery - among other things. Belle was frustrated by what she saw as a future dull life of the typical woman, but paradoxically when she was in the castle and couldn't go anywhere, emotionally and intellectually she was freer than she'd ever been in her life. When Rumple asks her what she's doing or why she agreed to go with him, he listens to her carefully and looks at her directly. He doesn't interrupt because he's honestly interested in what she has to say. It's the same way in SB; he doesn't just love Belle, he respects her.

I like this..

He does respect her, something other men in her life never did before. He allows her to be independent, loves her idea, and thoughts, and finds it wonderful that she is so brave..

TOnight!! :)

Betsybelle 02-10-2013 12:57 PM


I like this..

He does respect her, something other men in her life never did before. He allows her to be independent, loves her idea, and thoughts, and finds it wonderful that she is so brave..
Thanks! They really are a lot alike in many ways. I think it's just wonderful that Rumple didn't have that chauvinistic, paternalistic attitude so many men had back them.

I won't be upset if there are no Rumbellle references tonight because Gold is carrying that shaw around him and that's something Belle obtained for him. More importantly, she's always in his mind, heart and soul


I HAVE to tell you what just happened to me. The area where I live got pounded by snow and so our driveway, while it's been mostly cleared out, still has quite a bit of snow on the sides. Today I wore flip flops (not sure what they're called in the UK, but they have open toes) because I was going to get a pedicure. My father was driving me there and for some reason, he pulled out of the garage and inadvertently forced me to step on the snow in order to get in the passenger side.

Well, that was interesting. Flip flops are NOT meant to be worn on snow and I started slipping and sliding, until my feet literally went out from under me. I grabbed onto the door handle, thank god ,because my legs shot out and under the car; the door handle is the only thing that prevented me from going full body under the car.

So I have snow and dirt all over me; I try getting up again, but my feet keep slipping and sliding. I step back onto the snow and, what do you know? My legs went out from under me again, again I gripped the car door handle and again, my legs shot right under the car. One of my flip flops went flying and landed in the middle of the driveway, lol.

I was so annoyed that I said "******* Dad".........NOT ****you, of course, but just "******* Dad). Then he pulled into the garage, I got in the car and off we went.

This will now be fodder in my office, which I love, lol - but wow, I was rather put out. My father thought I was wearing boots and taking flip flops - which actually makes sense, but I never thought about it

Lucas4Brooke 02-10-2013 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Betsybelle (Post 67681512)
I'll restate my theory here:

I wonder if maybe dreams will play a part in this. Perhaps Gold thinks that all Belle needs is some sort of prompt for her memories to kick in, maybe a potion that can allow her to dream about their past. Perhaps he'd be relatively confident that if she dreams about them, she will be curious to know why she's dreaming of this strange man in another life, a strange man who loves her and who she loved. Maybe the potion can bring out her true feelings, feelings which are buried beneath the curse.

I would sort of love this or a variation thereof because I love the idea of Gold having utter faith in their love and by him trusting in Belle's memories of them, he would be showing a great deal of faith in the incredible strength of their love.

I just don't see them taking the long route of her falling in love with him - and I hope not, too, because as much as she'd be drawn to him, that would take up a large chunk of time. We've been through the process of them taking it slowly, post-Croc. Ok, we really didn't see it aside from the burger date, but the point is it happened.

It sounds like Gold is going to do something and something relatively big, which makes sense because this story warrants it. I suspect Belle will feel more kindly to him and be drawn to him, but I think TLK will come into play in another way; I don't think she's just going to fall in love and then when the time is right, kiss him at an ordinary moment, thereby breaking her curse. I think that kiss will happen at dramatic juncture somehow.

By the way, if Gold is still the cursed down deep, then the TLK that breaks Belle's memory lock should also break his curse.

I like this theory.. I'm, torn on watching her fall in love with him all over again... I would love to see that because I think we were jiped out of it the first time, as Belle wasn't meant to be a longtime character originally or at least not right now. But it would take most of what's left of the season and would probably mean she wouldn't get her memories til the season finale and I know many would be angry over this and I also just want to see them happy and together fighting their battles together.

ETA: wow Betsy that's so scary I'm glad you're ok.

Betsybelle 02-10-2013 01:00 PM


Betsybelle 02-10-2013 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Lucas4Brooke (Post 67685421)
I like this theory.. I'm, torn on watching her fall in love with him all over again... I would love to see that because I think we were jiped out of it the first time, as Belle wasn't meant to be a longtime character originally or at least not right now. But it would take most of what's left of the season and would probably mean she wouldn't get her memories til the season finale and I know many would be angry over this and I also just want to see them happy and together fighting their battles together. ETA: wow Betsy that's so scary I'm glad you're ok.

I understand what you mean, though I can't say we were jipped as there was only so much they could air and we got enough. I mean, of course I wanted more, but what could they do? I hope we'll see flashback scenes via dreams or otherwise because then we can see more of their sweet relationship developing.

Lucas, thanks! Yeah, it was scary. Just another in the long line of stories I have to tell about myself, lol. I was so annoyed, lol, but now I'm going to regale my office workers with this tale!

Lucas4Brooke 02-10-2013 01:11 PM

:nod: I hope we get more through flashback too. Jane kinda eluded that she would show more of there relationship in th dark castle so I'm hoping she uses this opportunity to do it ;).

Grace52373 02-10-2013 01:25 PM

I am anticipating and dreading tonight's episode!

Anyway, from Emilie and Robert's tweets, Gold is going to be a rock for her, and it is suppossed to be a romantic story. I am hoping they are right, and it doesn't involve Belle seeing someone else while Gold tries to get her back. I think her friends are going to explain things to her, and she will be depending on him when he returns to help her find herself so to speak. That is what makes the most sense to me, and fits in with Emilie's tweets. I can't see her dreaming of her past, because Gold does not look like previous Rumple, but I could be wrong, and Belle recognizes him despite his gold skin. maybe hearing about her relationship will help her trust him again, and they will work together to retrieve her memories, maybe without magic, which will be a challenge for Gold. I think he will have to gain her trust and love through non-magic means, and true love's kiss will do the rest. We won't know yet, until we see it, or hear more spoilers. I only mentioned the tweets above because they have been out and discussed for awhile, so I assumed everyone has heard them. If you haven't, I am sorry. Betsy, I am glad to hear your okay. We didn't get much snow in Philly, but we did get enough to shovel.

Betsybelle 02-10-2013 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Grace52373 (Post 67685879)
I am anticipating and dreading tonight's episode!

Anyway, from Emilie and Robert's tweets, Gold is going to be a rock for her, and it is suppossed to be a romantic story. I am hoping they are right, and it doesn't involve Belle seeing someone else while Gold tries to get her back. I think her friends are going to explain things to her, and she will be depending on him when he returns to help her find herself so to speak. That is what makes the most sense to me, and fits in with Emilie's tweets. I can't see her dreaming of her past, because Gold does not look like previous Rumple, but I could be wrong, and Belle recognizes him despite his gold skin. maybe hearing about her relationship will help her trust him again, and they will work together to retrieve her memories, maybe without magic, which will be a challenge for Gold. I think he will have to gain her trust and love through non-magic means, and true love's kiss will do the rest. We won't know yet, until we see it, or hear more spoilers. I only mentioned the tweets above because they have been out and discussed for awhile, so I assumed everyone has heard them. If you haven't, I am sorry. Betsy, I am glad to hear your okay. We didn't get much snow in Philly, but we did get enough to shovel.

Emilie and Bobby haven't tweeted about this, though...........

Also, keep in mind that Belle recognized Gold right away as soon as the curse broke in the finale. She knew who he was because she loved him deeply and felt it in her heart. My theory has Gold putting some potion in a drink to kick start her memories. It doesn't matter what Belle in her awake state knows or doesn't know because real Belle knows who this man is.

I'm sure it won't happen like this, though, lol.

crazy_diamond 02-10-2013 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Lucas4Brooke (Post 67685653)
:nod: I hope we get more through flashback too. Jane kinda eluded that she would show more of there relationship in th dark castle so I'm hoping she uses this opportunity to do it ;).

I do hope so!! :D

I'm just hanging onto to their rollercoaster :D, who knows what will happen next..

Angelinthestreet 02-10-2013 02:24 PM

I have been thinking a lot and in my opinion, if done right this memory loss story line will certainly strenghten their relationship. The breaking of the cup was hard for Gold (and us), but it can also symbolise the start of a new relationship that will look fondly at the past but will be mainly turn toward the futur as far.

I am really excited to see Gold being Belle's rock, even if I want her to also be helped by her friends, I'd like for Rumple to be her primary source of support. She is at her most vulnerable, and in those moments, the one you need the most is the person you can show everything without fear of judgement or be abandonned, and this person for Belle is Rumple. Them being each other rocks is something I have been wanting since there reunion so we can see them working as an unit that face its problems and obstacles together. as couples do.

Even if this is cursed!Belle their link is still here, season 1 showed us with snowing, Ashley/Thomas, Leroy and Astrid that even if the curse twisted their true personnality and made them miserable, it couldn't destroy the love they have for each other. It was the same with Rumbelle, even if we didn't have a whole season to explore it, Belle trusted this stranger, even when he was taking her in the wood, just the two of them. Even now, Belle's subconscious recognised him : before she opened her eyes and fully woke up she was smiling, for half a second, after the kiss in episode 12. Even with her mind cursed, her heart and body recognised him.

I am sure once Gold will be back, seeing Belle will be his first priority and with them both having the time to cool of, things will be able to start again on the right path, and the next obstacle throw at them will be face together, memory loss or not, because that is how strong Rumbelle is. Now, what I'd also like will be for Rumbelle to have bedroom scene similar to the snowing one minus the interruption, that would be great to see them waking up next to each other and greating each other good morning with a nice make out session ! :blush: ;)

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