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KatB 02-27-2015 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by sunshine and gunpowder (Post 80365599)
that is really awesome :)

I mean we have so many people who gave up on the show, which I totally get, so it is nice to see you got rewarded (as was I) to not giving up

Yeah, it was hard at times not to give up but I made it through season three of Hart of Dixie so this was defiantly doable. :)

looking at the stars 02-27-2015 05:38 AM

so we sure deserve that :high_five:

lessismore 02-27-2015 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by KatB (Post 80365424)
Yeah, I actually started watching The Mindy Project again, gave up on it in season one, just cause I was so unhappy with New Girl and wanted to watch something I would possibly enjoy. And I actually liked it a lot better than season one. It really improved, plus they added Rea Perlman! I didn't stop watching New Girl but it was more of an obligation, if you know what I mean. So I am excited to once again look forward to watching it.

so happy to hear! And I am totally with you! I never give up but it was so hard to keep watching S3, I felt like an obligation too tbh :lol: There are mabe 3-4 episodes that I enjoyed in the whole season. They messed up so badly imo. Thank god S4 redeemed the show I fell in love in S1 :D :love: Now I look forward to next episodes too! In fact out of misery I re-watch the released episodes so many times, it has become pathetic :rotfl:

KatB 02-27-2015 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by lessismore (Post 80366309)
so happy to hear! And I am totally with you! I never give up but it was so hard to keep watching S3, I felt like an obligation too tbh :lol: There are mabe 3-4 episodes that I enjoyed in the whole season. They messed up so badly imo. Thank god S4 redeemed the show I fell in love in S1 :D :love: Now I look forward to next episodes too! In fact out of misery I re-watch the released episodes so many times, it has become pathetic :rotfl:

I hear ya. Not that I ever watch more than once, lol..... Although for me the first half of this season was worse than last season. I was okay with Jess and Nick, not a huge fan but they had their moments. That being said, the aftermath of the break up didn't ring true. They were in love and in 401 Nick is encouraging Jess to hook up with a guy. If I remember, I haven't rewatched it since then. It's like, even though I am not a huge Ross and Rachel fan, I can appreciate how the show dealt with it and how years later, it was still weird when the other would date someone. That could be why Schmidt and Cece will always have a special place in my heart. They never completely gave up. Like another of my all time favorite couples, like in my avatar, Barney and Robin. They never gave up completely. Together forever!!!!

lessismore 02-27-2015 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by KatB (Post 80366731)
I hear ya. Not that I ever watch more than once, lol..... Although for me the first half of this season was worse than last season. I was okay with Jess and Nick, not a huge fan but they had their moments. That being said, the aftermath of the break up didn't ring true. They were in love and in 401 Nick is encouraging Jess to hook up with a guy. If I remember, I haven't rewatched it since then. It's like, even though I am not a huge Ross and Rachel fan, I can appreciate how the show dealt with it and how years later, it was still weird when the other would date someone. That could be why Schmidt and Cece will always have a special place in my heart. They never completely gave up. Like another of my all time favorite couples, like in my avatar, Barney and Robin. They never gave up completely. Together forever!!!!

Aww Barney&Robin :sigh:

I do get you however definitely Ness is more of RR and Schmece is Mondler to me too. Or Derena and Chair :lol: There are differences too obviously but so many similarities too!

I enjoyed this season so much because they put emphasis on friendships and family dynamics rather than romance. With Schmece they build up friendship, trust first and then now they are building romance... I liked friendship of Nick and Jess, and their cute attractiveness to each other tbh in the first 2 seasons... But when they became a couple it didn't feel right to me at all. It seemed to me that Jess wanted Nick when he was getting responsibilities, and his grumpy lazy self is not something she wants, she wants to fix him. And this season they give him a gf who does not want him to change at all. And she dumped him for getting responsibilities. They gave Jess a bf who she does not need to fix at all. Who she has tons of common things. Who she blurted out an ILY first, who she wanted to move in and not feeling uncomfortable about it... With Ness those dynamics kinda bothered me because people do change but it wouldn't be a reason to be in the relationship imo. True love is loving someone the way they are, with their imperfections that seem perfect to you, with their wierdness etc. In a way it seemed like Nick loved Jess more than how Jess reciprocated... They had beautiful moments but I liked Nick in their relationship more, and found Jess so annoying. They even recently showed how she was NOT even listening to him in most of the time... I mean how disrespectful is this?... And it also bothered that they said Nick fell in love with Jess the moment she walked in the loft. It and many others things felt so forced to me... But it is essential that they are slowly building up them too, even now. Because these dynamics are changing for them too. I just think many fans do take things very simply and disregard all the comlexity to it... Besides I think Jess should figure out herself more than herself in a relationship, meaning better if she stays single for a while :rolleyes:

Turning to Schmece... We couldn't see Cece's date (Paul) but he was a normal guy, opposite of Schmidt obviously... And it didn't last and as Schmidt said she shouldn't be with a normal guy. He means Cece deserves the best but I can translate it to best version of Schmidt :D And now Schmidt has a though strong gf who hates his flaws, versus Cece who is also strong and though however she loves him the way his wierdo self too. But it was their dynamic since the beginning imo. Schmidt turns everyone crazy but with Cece she is so understanding with him, she even likes it. Every season showed that. Like who would like to be yelled the way Schmidt did to Cece when he learned about breast reduction? That is why I was suspicious about that SL but it showed that Cece really knows Schmidt, and didn't take it offensively... that she got used to all the wierdness of his personality and she loves his personality, truly. And Schmidt is insecure with Cece but he started to understand that he can make her happy and however that is achieved even if it includes just being her friend... He is there for her unconditionally. I really love it... I really love how they developed these dynamics more this season... So I am very happy this season. And it is super funny! :D :lol:

Maybe I rambled a lot but I hope it didn't fell as annoying :blush:

KatB 02-27-2015 10:55 PM

Mondler, I have always loved them better so I like your comparison. Ross and Rachel, I liked them in the beginning then they became exhausting. Their break up episode was flawless though, unlike Nick and Jess. We know exactly what and why they broke up. After season three I could care less about Ross and Rachel though. Their reunion in the final episode felt so forced, it was painful.

Friendships are key, to any show like this, it's more important, especially in the beginning than the romances. I never noticed Jess trying to change Nick too much. The only thing I can recall is the bank fight. But what I recall was Nick wanting to grow up a bit which can happen, especially if you are in a relationship that may end up going somewhere. I am with you that it did seem to me that Nick was a little more in love than Jess. I do like their friendship lately. Nick has really been a good friend to her lately. But yeah, I like a slow burn which is why I like Schmidt and Cece. I love how Schmidt who like all of us is clearly flawed and she says, he's perfect.

"But it was their dynamic since the beginning IMO. Schmidt turns everyone crazy but with Cece she is so understanding with him, she even likes it. Every season showed that. " I love that cause it reminded me of season one and the see Cece run t shirt. Also Schmidt asking Cece that she liked him, even his personality and she said it surprised her too. So many moments.

"He is there for her unconditionally. I really love it... I really love how they developed these dynamics more this season" What can I say, you said it all, I agree 100%. Can't wait to see where this ride takes us.

lessismore 03-01-2015 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by KatB (Post 80377630)
Mondler, I have always loved them better so I like your comparison. Ross and Rachel, I liked them in the beginning then they became exhausting. Their break up episode was flawless though, unlike Nick and Jess. We know exactly what and why they broke up. After season three I could care less about Ross and Rachel though. Their reunion in the final episode felt so forced, it was painful.

Friendships are key, to any show like this, it's more important, especially in the beginning than the romances. I never noticed Jess trying to change Nick too much. The only thing I can recall is the bank fight. But what I recall was Nick wanting to grow up a bit which can happen, especially if you are in a relationship that may end up going somewhere. I am with you that it did seem to me that Nick was a little more in love than Jess. I do like their friendship lately. Nick has really been a good friend to her lately. But yeah, I like a slow burn which is why I like Schmidt and Cece. I love how Schmidt who like all of us is clearly flawed and she says, he's perfect.

"But it was their dynamic since the beginning IMO. Schmidt turns everyone crazy but with Cece she is so understanding with him, she even likes it. Every season showed that. " I love that cause it reminded me of season one and the see Cece run t shirt. Also Schmidt asking Cece that she liked him, even his personality and she said it surprised her too. So many moments.

"He is there for her unconditionally. I really love it... I really love how they developed these dynamics more this season" What can I say, you said it all, I agree 100%. Can't wait to see where this ride takes us.

Aww :hug:

I loved them both, but maybe Mondler a little bit more :blush: I watched it after the show ended actually (and while preparing to TOEFL lol ) so I was not bored with back&forth. Surely if I were watching at the same time, I might have gotten bored :blush: But I definitely agree that their break up was more solid than Nick&Jess', that is why I am symphatatic with Ness shippers even tho I didn't like them as a couple. Even tho I saw the signs still it could have been done more solid imo.

It seems to me that they are mixing them both with NG couples. Like, yes, Schmece is more of Mondler but they also have some parallels with RR too and vice versa.

What I wonder now is when will Schmidt learn Cece's feelings and how he will react this time... He needs to redeem himself!!! I am hoping he will :love:


KatB 03-01-2015 03:18 AM

I love loved Mondler. You have no idea. I saw the potential back in season one and the producers didn't even plan on them till around midway through season 4 I think. But if you go back and watch, they were the best of friends, sharing secrets that no one else knew. They would sit in one chair together. They just clicked. So when London happened I was over the moon. And even though they (the producers) meant it to be temporary, I am so glad it lasted, half of the entire series. Like I said RR, I liked till about the beach episode then then just drug it to a boring and repetitive place.

Jess and Nick's break up reminds me of Barney and Robin, the first time. I still can not tell you why either relationship ended. Other than the show runners wanted it to end. I mean come on writers! You can't think of one thing? I'm sure we could, not trying to bash either couple and I love Barney and Robin (who are still and will always stay married!) but I'm sure we could think of something that would make sense. Like commitment issues, which Robin already had, btw.

I hope he redeems himself too. I really think in a lot of ways he has redeemed himself. I was hoping we would get SC soon but I now think it may not be till the end of the season.

lessismore 03-02-2015 01:01 AM

I didn't know Mondler was not the plan all along because they were so lovely together even pre -mondler :D :love: I took them as foreshadowing tbh and always thought they were the plan as much as RR.

I found HIMYM finale very realistic and that way I liked it, but also it was so sad for a comedy and didn't make me happy... However it was ALWAYS Robin for Ted, he always told that story so it was not a surprise for me. And writers love their pilot-finale parallels ;) Nevertheless the way they did it was over the top cringe worthy imo. Especially giving Barney the one thing Robin can not ever give... And breaking up them after focusing on their relationship and making audience to invest on them that much... Cruel if not anything else... And I loved Ted and Mother so much, Mother was the best imo :love: It made my heart break into pieces... So in years TR did what they wanted to and became ready to be together, bu I agree that it still does not explain why BR had to break up... because Ted did everything opposite of Robin wanted and Barney loved the way she is!!! and then they took all they gave to Barney like that...It was really sad as Lily said. It even conflicts with the title of the show :lol: So I take the alternative ending as a real ending. Mother didn't die, TT stayed married. BR got divorced however their ending is open, they will make it happen the second time :blush:

See this I love abt Schmece these couples we love in common are all the couples who love each other the way they are and does not want to change but they change in their own dynamics...

For instance, I really do like Fawn as a character, she is funny but I didn't understand how anyone can like someone while hating his flaws, the things that actually make them. Schmidt is all about flaws and I love him the way he is :lol: Cece loves him the way he is. I liked Elizabeth too but Elizabeth loved the old Schmidt, NOT the Schmidt he became. She went through with it because she saw old Schmidt in him... As Nick said once you want to change him so badly but also you accept him the way he is because that is the part of the ecosystem :D Same as Monica, remember one time she became Manana when she met her credit card stealer and she got softer, easy going... They did typical SL with Schmidt when Jess tried to make Schmidt relax and he has gone hippi :lol: Same as Schmidt then Monica understood that she can't be Manana. And I also remember how Chandler said to her how he loves her flaws (as in being a cleaning obsessed, very coordinated and neat) and being the person who understands her. These type of things make my heart melt in couples :blush: Same as Barney and Robin. Remember the time how Ted told Robin that she never lets people to take care of her (I think he complained about it because he loves taking care of people...) and then how Barney told her that how it is amazing that she is an independent, strong woman and how amazing the way she is :love: Schmidt told Cece many times that how special and amazing she is. He said that she has skills she can use like being strong, confident etc and that she does need to be a graduate even, she is amazing the way she is for him but I loved how he built her confidence more :love: (I am taking you haven't watched Gossip Girl but this is also same with Chuck and Blair. well they are twisted characters haha but one thing is constant: They love each other's every parts and remind each other how strong, special, amazing they are :love: )

Oh boy, I rambled a lot again :blush: :lol:

Can't wait for the next epi. It looks funny but I hope there is something Schmece in it too :love:

KatB 03-02-2015 05:19 AM

It's been a long night so I don't have the presence of mind to reply to everything. I mean that was a lot to take in, lol.....

No I don't watch Gossip Girl. You might enjoy this article, it talks about Monica and Chandler and how it happened.

How Friends Decided to Pair Off Monica/Chandler -- Vulture

lessismore 03-02-2015 07:17 AM

Sorry I rambled a lot again :lol: Thank you for the article! I will read it.

wish I had time to make parallel gifs. There are too many :love: :blush:

Awww Cece :love:

KatB 03-02-2015 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by lessismore (Post 80411375)
Sorry I rambled a lot again :lol: Thank you for the article! I will read it.

wish I had time to make parallel gifs. There are too many :love: :blush:

Awww Cece :love:

I loved it so much when she called off the wedding. Even though like you, I loved Elizabeth. She and Schmidt were kinda great together. I would have liked a few more episodes with those two.

lessismore 03-02-2015 08:50 AM

Well I might like Schmidt with other people but definitely I "ship" him with Cece. I am not a multi-shipper :lol:

Hey, I read the article you linked:

Most shows have trouble managing one big couple (see: New Girl), let alone two.
:lol: Very true I guess... :sigh:

looking at the stars 03-02-2015 09:20 AM

do we ahve a new title for them=

lessismore 03-02-2015 03:34 PM

AWWWWWWWWW new thread time :yay: :love:

How about:

Schmidt and Cece not being together does not make sense to us. Caramel Miracle FTW!! :blush: (maybe not the last part haha but I loveeeeee caramel miracle)

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