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Old 04-16-2013, 09:38 PM
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Inevitable | George ♥ Zoe | #19: Because "Don't you know? I would do anything for you."

welcome to the 19th
zoe ♥ george
appreciation thread

the supporters
1. until morning
2. noelle
3. Chrissalaugha
4. Elena_1716
5. then you must kiss me
6. Kiane
7. Cosmic Love
8. ~ Fire & Ice ~
9. Stay to the Lights
10. xlennie
11. Comfortably Numb
12. ~anni~
13. julyhsm
14. tsforever
15. Suddenly Enlightened
16. Leah_LL_Fan
17. IviilBrown
18. blazing star
19. NBalways
20. BlackHalo
21. naturellebella
22. forever yours
22. Laurababora
23. serendipity or fate
24. BoxingKangaroo
25. dalejr89
26. Heαrt&Souℓ
27. Boyfriend & Prettygirl <3
28. TruLove
29. Zee...
30. speedoflifexx
31. Queen of Babble
32. MPFan09
33. kerbear28
34. GZphan
35. Miss Golightly
36. CloisFan
37. toxicgurl169
38. michi-a
39. Evenstar9885
39. Famu
40. Miss Rose
41. LazySummer
42. forblueskiesxx
43. hollowmeadow
44. LysCat
45. AllForBeLieving
46. TuggyAngel
47. xoSummer
48. Kimberly
49. susana@
50. sem1222
51. Kisara
52. Sehj_Delena
53. sprezzatura
54. niadk
55. Venetia
56. Jensen girl22
57. ale-la-pazza1
58. raeofsun
59. TeamLaFox
60. Fan_Girl
61. ds44
62. Dazy143
63. innocent_chick
64. Soeshie20
65. AnneH
66. JRBudgrl8
67. Addie2161

the reasons
Because she almost killed the guy she kinda liked.
Because he saved her from Burt Reynolds.
Because they struck magic, from the moment they met.
Because he climbed into the mud to save her well-toned ass.
Because that goodbye scene was not their last... it's just the beginning with them.
Because he confided in her about his love for Lemon.
Because she has a strong policy against strangers chopping her up into little pieces.
Because he hopes she finds what she's looking for.
Because he's showing her that small towns have their perks.
Because if he wanted to see her again, he could have just asked.
Because he wasn't dying to be seen with her in public, and she couldn't blame him.
Because he stands up for her right to be in BlueBell.
Because she's got googly-eyes for golden-boy George.
Because he'll take his chances being seen talking to her.
Because it didn't occur to him that she signed herself up for the cooking contest.
Because he's keeping track of how she hasn't started off well in BlueBell, and she's glad...
Because he has no interest in Zoe Hart, but when banned from seeing her, he couldn't stay away.
Because "what I got out of that mish-mash.. 'you're having problems with your gumbo'."
Because, "You're coming with me, okay?"
Because he wasn't afraid to grab her purse.
Because they both love the sweet corn risotto from the same restaurant in New York.
Because if George had ever seen Zoe in New York, he'd probably remember.
Because he took her to the market to buy gumbo ingredients.
Because he gave her his tie to use as a tourniquet.
Because she was so focused and in control, and he thought it was amazing and impressive.
Because George doesn't care if Lemon finds out he was with Zoe.
Because she's new in town and doesn't have any friends, and he doesn't like ultimatums, and likes to be trusted.
Because it's "babysteps."
Because she was doing a pretty good job of letting him in.
Because they're the only two Woody Allen fans in BlueBell.
Because she reminds him of a lot of things.
Because Addie was right, with the right person, it does just flow.
Because "There's gotta be some other guy in this town. Someone like George, but single."
because he also misses New York, especially this time of year
because he was wondering if he might want to help her with some of the research
because they will have the BEST take-out that Fancy's has to offer
because everybody knows she's been making eyes at George Tucker
because he admits there may be some sparks there
because yes, they may have flirted
Because the way they looked at each other when they said goodbye said it was just for now
Because “Your Majesty.”
Because “Not in the eye. You just looked me right in the eye!”
Because Zoe’s speech at the MOTY cocktail party revealed her true feelings for George to the entire town!
Because Zoe feels “Lucky to know someone so funny and charming. A man who listens when he’s with you, who really hears you. Who gets you, like no one else ever did.”
Because “I’ve been working like crazy to not have a thing for George since I got here.”
Because he knew that she would call her father…for him. And that’s why he couldn’t ask her to.
Because she did call her father for him.
Because when he grabbed her hand in the hospital room, their connection was UNDENIABLE.
Because her father assumed things between her and Mr. Tucker’s son were “serious.”
Because the look they exchanged after he invited her and her father to dinner was SO SWEET!
Because he got all nervous and flustered when her father interrogated him about the significance of their relationship.
Because Zoe calling her father would make sense if she and George were an “item.”
Because it was OBVIOUS to her father that she has feelings for George.
Because she has no interest in being the person to break George’s heart.
Because “Close talking like this could look like kissing. If anyone saw us right now they would think we were kissing…but we’re not.”
Because when he saw Lavon kissing Lemon, Zoe was the only one he trusted to talk to about it.
Because the look on her face after he told her they were not friends said it all.
Because he gets to start over now, while he is still young, vibrant, and, let’s face it, kinda cute.
Because “(Lemon) wasn’t my destiny. So now it’s my job to find out what or WHO that destiny is."
Because he hopes to see Zoe Hart around again…real soon.
Because “Don’t die.”
Because “You need to seize the day, Zoe Hart.”
Because “What if George is my destiny…?”
Because the smiles these two were exchanging while he was singing in the jazz club were ELECTRIC.
Because “There are a lot of things you don’t know about me, Zoe Hart.”
Because they both want to go to Uganda to see the gorillas in the wild….one of the many things they have in common.
Because “You two lead such an amazing life”….”We really do.”
Because, “Zoe Hart, from the first time I picked you up by the side of the road, you have gotten me.”
Because he’s done everything on his to-do list, except one….
Because kissing Zoe Hart was on his list.
Because their AMAZING first kiss was all that we had hoped for and more!
Because at the end of their night together in New Orleans, they both understood that it was time to go home.
Because, “This night was magical…”
Because, “What is that look on your face?” HOPE
Because “Now I know that George and I would be, that we could be great together.”
Because she put her napkin from the jazz club up on her mirror.
Because she felt the need to give her hair a good toss before she told him to come in.
Because he was up all night wanting to talk to her.
Because he makes her flustered….and he’s flustered, too.
Because he can’t stop thinking about last night.
Because their night together was possibly the best night of his life.
Because she knows he felt what she did in New Orleans.
Because Zoe understands how Rose feels about Frederick Dean…
Because, “I’m real lucky to have you in my life, Zoe.”
Because Zoe wanted to show George that she is in this race, too.
Because the smiles they exchanged during the Bluebell Battle were too cute!
Because, “I don’t want to be just friends. I joined this race to fight for you.”
Because “I’ll wait for you. I’ll wait no matter how long it takes.”
Because even if he made his “choice,” we think he’ll be changing his mind…
Because she crashed his “dream” wedding.
Because he kept his napkin from the jazz club, too…and put it right in his back pocket. It made him sad to look at it, but he couldn’t let it go.
Because he couldn’t hide how thrown he was when he learned that Zoe had decided to stay…as in for good.
Because she won't make anything difficult for him…
Because “We will find a way to coexist. And every day from here on out will get easier…Right?”
Because “I told George I was staying, and he looked like he was going to throw up” and it’s a good thing.
Because “He was upset because he still has feelings for me.”
Because “if it’s not today, then…”
Because “Why didn’t anyone tell me she was staying?”
Because there is nothing that can erase what he feels for Zoe.
Because he can’t marry Lemon when a part of him is in love with someone else.
Because George Tucker standing soaking wet in her doorway is one beautiful picture.
Because he thought that if she went to New York he might be able to put her out of his mind, but now he knows that he can’t…and he doesn’t want to.
Because he kissed her softly as the rain fell. Sigh.
Because he’ll call her tomorrow.
Because “We got a lot to talk about.”
Because he called off his wedding and made a “grand romantic gesture.”
Because he chose HER, and he wants HER.
Because he just turned his whole life upside-down for her.
Because he was jealous.
Because he admitted it was his fault for not telling her how he felt sooner.
Because “So choose me.”
Because “I suddenly felt the girl of my dreams right there within my reach and I HAD TO REACH.”
Because “it was either that or risk spending the rest of my life wondering if I let the girl that I know I am meant to be with slip right through my fingers.”
Because he is ALL in.
Because he fought Wade for her. He fought for her.
Because “We need to take our time. Baby steps. Sometimes, it’s about baby steps.”
Because as much as she wants to ride off into the sunset with him, she can’t right now.
Because he knows how he feels about her, and he knows they can make this work.
Because she can’t be his rebound.
Because she wants to be with him so much…she let him go and asked him to date other people.
Because “One day soon, the stars will align and you will be single and healed, and so will I.”
Because she wants him to be happy.
Because her telling him to date other people…THAT he’s still not happy about.
Because "I am not givin’ up on the two of us.”
Because he is still hoping that they’ll be together someday.
Because he is going to take this time and become the best version of himself that he possibly can be, because well, she deserves that.
Because he deserves that, too.
Because she was so NOT “fine with it” when she found out he was trying to have a one-night-stand.
Because “You can relax, alright. He struck out.”
Because she was relieved that he struck out.
Because “George Tucker, don’t move!”… "Why? Is there a bee in my hair?!”
Because “Do I have time for at least one hurricane?”
Because he sang in Wade’s band for her.
Because it bothered her to see all the other women at the concert noticing George.
Because “Who knew George Tucker could sing like that?” Well…Zoe did.
Because his first date was a disaster, and the first person he told about it was Zoe.
Because it felt good to have himself out there…trying.
Because “You just gotta put yourself first sometimes, I guess.”
Because he slept-walked into her house in the middle of the night and left his toothbrush.
Because she pepper-sprayed him thinking he was a psycho freak!
Because she convinced him to let her observe him over night to find out the cause of his sleepwalking.
Because "You probably won't end up in the Gulf, but just in case, wear a life vest."
Because “See you tonight, Doctor.”… "Happy Halloween!”
Because his routine doesn’t usually have Zoe following him around all night.
Because “You won’t even notice that I’m here.” Sure, Zoe.
Because “How about for tonight, you change, maybe, over…there.” Ahem.
Because “You really think this is a good idea?”
Because the tension on that houseboat was palpable.
Because, “Whatever you say, Doc.”
Because he was going to be a firefighter.
Because “Just pretend that I’m not here.”… "Yeah, that’s gonna be pretty much impossible.”
Because she lost George!
Because when George sleepwalks, Zoe is his girlfriend.
Because “You look awfully pretty this evening.”
Because it was time to go to bed and he held her hand.
Because “So...We’re together, huh?”… "Duh!”
Because “George, are we happy?”… "How can we not be?”
Because “Zoe, you and I, we belong…”
Because they almost kissed again. Sure, he was sleeping-walking, but still!
Because in his dream state, he is in a relationship with Zoe. Zoe is the girl of his dreams. Literally.
Because “it’s not really that big of a surprise, is it?”
Because “Zoe, a part of me is still hung up on you. Like a big, big part. Like pretty much most of me. Like ALL of me.”
Because “The question is, why aren’t we together again?”
Because of course she is still hung up on him, too.
Because we have to think in terms of the long game.
Because he accepted it when she told him that now was not the right time for them.
Because the look on his face when he said good night to her was heartbreaking.
Because “Hey, you wanted me to date. I’m just asking for the same thing." -- ”That is not funny.”
Because “If you need any legal protection, you just give me a call.”
Because she hid behind Wade’s bed to keep their relationship from George.
Because she was afraid George would hate both of them forever.
Because he’s known for awhile, and he’s okay with it…kinda okay with it.
Because when Wade told her that George knows and doesn’t care, the disappointed look on her face spoke volumes.
Because “He says he’s fine with it.” – “Really? He is?”
Because George not being jealous of her being with Wade was NOT cool and NOT what she wanted.
Because she was surprised when Wade told her that George was dating Tansy…because they’re so different.
Because “Actually, it’s a Class C felony…” – “Oh! Nice.”
Because it was painful for her to see him kiss Tansy in her office.
Because he knew she was watching.
Because “So maybe wisecracking wheelman suits you.”
Because “Maybe life’s not a picture. Maybe it’s a movie. And I for one am curious to see how this one ends.”
Because Zoe’s mom has heard about George.
Because “That’s George Tucker, the man you may or may not be in love with?”
Because "Nothing happened to derail that wedding. That's for sure."
Because their first meeting after Wade and Zoe “made it official” was delightfully awkward and bittersweet.
Because, “Yeah, I hope that’s not too weird for you.”
Because “You could take all of the single guys in Bluebell and throw ‘em in one room. You were bound to date someone I knew.” – “And you were bound to date their ex-wife.” – “Touche”
Because “Life in Bluebell.” – “Sure.”
Because Wade went to George for advice about Zoe (and those who would ask WWLLJJD?)
Because they both wanted to see the foreign film with “that guy from ‘The Artist’.”
Because they both thought the movie was brilliant and would have loved to walk out of it at Cannes.
Because the way they were chatting, smiling, and laughing together after the movie was so…natural.
Because “That is who George should be with. Look at them!” – Mrs. Tucker
Because the talking over each other as they made excuses for not going on a double date was hilarious.
Because they both picked the same restaurant to cover up lying about the double date.
Because the simultaneous excuses and talking over each other thing happened again, and it was freakin’ adorable…again.
Because “You two belong together!” – Mrs. Tucker
Because why aren’t they together, again?
Because “Zoe, you’ve made a number of speeches on the subject, why don’t you summarize.”
Because “I’m sorry. What was the question?”
Because “It made more sense at the time.”
Because they admit that they were drawn to each other.
Because, “Okay, FINE! We have feelings for each other. Are you happy?!”
Because “the truth is, yes, there is a chance that there might always be some type of connection between Zoe Hart and me.”
Because Zoe’s reaction when she overheard George tell Tansy that it would be “completely fine” if he never ended up with Zoe Hart was…”Wow.”
Because she just always thought in the back of her mind that she would end up with George.
Because he always saw them circling back towards each other at some point.
Because it’s clear to us that they are still in the same orbit, no matter what they say.
Because, “Alright, then…”
Because the way they were looking at each other on the boat that night left no doubt in our minds that they are lying to themselves.
Because George pulled Tansy’s chair out for her, and Zoe totally noticed.
Because, of course, they both wanted to see “The Book of Morman.”
Because their confused and pained expressions as they watched Mind Face practice were PRICELESS.
Because when she wanted someone to assist her with her scheme to help Wade win the Battle of the Bands, George was the first person she turned to.
Because neither of them understand what Mind Face means. It’s a confounding name.
Because he would do anything for Zoe, including convincing Wade to let him sing in his band.
Because we love seeing them plotting and scheming together.
Because their “low five” was completely adorable.
Because when Zoe came to the bar looking for Wade, you could tell that all he wanted to do was comfort her.
Because he gave her all of his waffles, and his napkin.
Because he looked away when she asked him not to look at her.
Because he went and had a little talk with Wade even though Tansy told him not to.
Because the reason he was pissed was because Wade left the bar with a woman who wasn’t Zoe Hart.
Because protective George is damn sexy!
Because “The monster’s still here.”
Because “I know you’re goin’ through a rough time right now, and if there’s anything I can do, like punch Wade, or have Tansy punch Wade again, or have anyone at all punch Wade..."
Because he realizes now that all his ideas involve punching Wade, but he can work on others…

the future titles
"It's like Zoe Hart has flipped some New York switch in you, and you're not the same person anymore..."
“That is who George should be with. Look at them!” – Mrs. Tucker
“Okay, FINE! We have feelings for each other. Are you happy?!”
“the truth is, yes, there is a chance that there might always be some type of connection between Zoe Hart and me.”
They are a "take the scenic route, see the ducks" kinda couple.
Zoe is everything to George. Always has been.

the previous threads


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Last edited by dalejr89; 05-09-2013 at 02:47 PM
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Old 04-16-2013, 10:36 PM
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Thanks for the new thread, Steph Love the title

I haven't watched the new episode yet, can't wait to watch it tonight after work
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Old 04-16-2013, 10:54 PM
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Old 04-17-2013, 04:31 AM
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tftnt, Steph! Sad I missed the official voting, but it doesn't matter because I ADORE the title choice.

Oh, and I think Rae mentioned the parallels between the dream sequence and the final scene of S1. Definitely noticed that, too. And Zoe's sex hair, Shu.

Can't wait to hear your thoughts on the episode, Anni. I think you'll enjoy it.

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Old 04-17-2013, 04:39 AM
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Wow you guys are awesome, another thread already ! And I love the title. Would've been my pick too.

Just watched and I enjoyed it so much. So much GZ goodness You said it all, but here are my thoughts on GZ from "This Kiss"

GZ dream sequence; just perfection!
Zoe: i will be speaking in hypotheticals
Zoe's voice lowering when she said: push them deep, deep, deep into my sub, sub, sub conscience. Her voice lowering, hilarious.Rachel Bilson was very good this episode! I think she's fantastic with comedy. This was a good episode for her.

This R&J scene cracked me up as much as it made me swoon: Wow, no need for kisses, I’m totally fine. George: no, you’re not!
George looking at Tansy very uncomfortably during the scene, looking for a way to kiss Zoe just for Tansy, so hilarious. “I kissed her just for you” yeah right

One thing confused me a bit. I wondered about the fact that George and Tansy seemed to know that Zoe was doing Juliet after all. They didn't know yet that Zoe was stung by the bees, did they? Zoe thought she would play with Tom. Wouldn't have George expected to play with Wanda? What did I miss?

George’s face when Zoe told him, "I kissed you and I felt absolutely nothing, I’m completely over you " And then Zoe’s face when she sees George kiss Zoe after he invited Tansy to live with him. They are not over each other AT ALL

The moment that Romeo/George bends forward towards Juliet/Zoe, ready to kiss her ,is so amazing
Steph could you make an icon for me from that moment?
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Old 04-17-2013, 05:26 AM
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Love your thoughts, Ellen. I was a fantastic episode for Rachel all around. And their faces in that last scene said it all.

And, oh, YES, the ladies on this thread are mind-blowingly awesome. LOVE how fast we are going through threads!!
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Old 04-17-2013, 06:40 AM
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Yes, Rachel was hilarious in this episode!!

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Old 04-17-2013, 06:56 AM
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Originally Posted by LazySummer (View Post)
.Rachel Bilson was very good this episode! I think she's fantastic with comedy. This was a good episode for her.
I love how she makes faces with her mouth (does that sound weird?) when she's being funny.

Tansy/George's looks during the R/J scene- Tansy's said "KISS HER ALREADY" George's said "I'm TRYING" and Zoe was trying to jump off the table.

The moment that Romeo/George bends forward towards Juliet/Zoe, ready to kiss her ,is so amazing
Yes! WOW.
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Old 04-17-2013, 08:24 AM
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I've just seen the episode and I LOVED all the GZ scenes

Zoe trying to avoid kissing George and George kissing Zoe for Tansy was so funny

I loved the dream sequence

And Zoe is SO not over George Her face after George asked Tansy to move in, poor Zoe

Rae - love your new icon
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Old 04-17-2013, 08:48 AM
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Ratings came out, up in viewers a little from last week, but down a tenth in the demo.

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Old 04-17-2013, 08:58 AM
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And by the looks of everyone's comments, I should be!
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Old 04-17-2013, 09:01 AM
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I can't wait to read your thoughts, Chelsea!!


Found this on tumblr, and it's giving me life, LOL:

I don’t know why Zoe is so freaked out about her dream - I mean, I’ve fantasized about Scott Porter bringing me The New York Times at 1 am plenty of times.

But, really. This Hart of Dixie opening sequence does feel a little contrived - not in the sense that Zoe has the dream, but that she is so shocked and surprised by it. So is everyone, Brick included, for that matter. Zoe seems to have deluded herself into thinking that George was some type of silly crush, when in fact, she actually loved this guy for an entire season year, and felt a connection with him strong enough that he called off his wedding on account of it.

I feel like the writers are doing this - deluding the Zorge romance - so that when they do finally reconcile, it will be a surprise. But that’s impossible, because for anyone who’s ‘shipped these two from the beginning (present company included), their relationship finally beginning will come as no surprise at all.

Sure, there will be casualties. Poor Tansy - she lost her voice, she lost her home, and by season’s end, she’s going to lose George, too. But again, is this really surprising? I never thought that Tansy’s character would stick around long or be more than a very minor character. But she has, and I don’t hate her. She’s self-assured and I do think that she’s offered George exactly the kind of rebound relationship that he needed. But Tansy’s flaw has always been her ability to overlook the worst in people. I mean, she married Wade when he was at his worst and proceeded to date him when he was clearly infatuated with Zoe. From the looks of things, history is about to repeat itself.

With only a few episodes left we can be sure that the Zoe/George tension is going to come to a head. I’m sure the writers will stretch this out well into season 3, but we can be sure that there will at the very least be declarations of feelings, broken hearts, and some Zorge lovin’. Plus, if last night’s episode was any indication, Lemonade is happening, so you all better get on board for that.

But really, if Scott Porter ever wants to bring me The New York Times at 4 am, I’d be cool with it.
source: I Hope you Brushed your Teeth. - The Spin-Off

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Last edited by dalejr89; 04-17-2013 at 09:07 AM
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Old 04-17-2013, 09:18 AM
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I LOVE that review!

And it kinda brings me back to my thoughts about last weeks episode... the GZ stuff having to be "reignited." I haven't seen the ep yet, but I wish they hadn't written it that way. The feelings were always there. But GZ knew that it wasn't the time, so they tried to forget about them. But, Zoe did love George. Very much, in fact. So it shouldn't be some crazy, eye-opening revelation that feelings are still there (and prominent ).

I guess it just bothers me because it gives more weight to the arguments of a certain fanbase and considering the uneven nature (triangle-servicing, I mean) of some of the episodes in the middle part of the season, it's just unnecessary.

I just want them to be written perfectlllyyyy.
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Old 04-17-2013, 09:55 AM
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I do wish they would have written GZ a little better, and added more scenes in the middle half of the season, but the feelings have always been there. So that isn't a surprise. But we can't go back in time, so we move forward and take what we get now. Hart of Dixie has never been the greatest written show, and has always been uneven, we know this, but it still entertains most of us. I watch what I like. If I don't like it, I won't watch live or won't watch at all. Some of this season I DVRed the episodes and watched later, because I just wasn't really interested in the ZW s/l and George would hardly get any screen time, but I'm back and more excited than ever. At the end of the day, these writers will write and do what they want. I'm just along for the ride. I'll take what I can get. No television show will be able to please every fan it has, it is totally impossible.

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Old 04-17-2013, 09:58 AM
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Originally Posted by dalejr89 (View Post)
I do wish they would have written GZ a little better, and added more scenes in the middle half of the season, but the feelings have always been there. So that isn't a surprise. But we can't go back in time, so we move forward and take what we get now. Hart of Dixie has never been the greatest written show, and has always been uneven, we know this, but it still entertains most of us. I watch what I like. If I don't like it, I won't watch live or won't watch at all. Some of this season I DVRed the episodes and watched later, because I just wasn't really interested in the ZW s/l and George would hardly get any screen time, but I'm back and more excited than ever. At the end of the day, these writers will write and do what they want. I'm just along for the ride. I'll take what I can get. No television show will be able to please every fan it has, it is totally impossible.
I agree. I think they shelved GZ and decided to go back to it once they'd played out the ZW stuff. The problem with a triangle show is that it does disservice to the person in the middle. I don't think anyone can question George's feelings. He called off his wedding. Did what Zoe asked him to do (word for word) and is trying to be in her life anyway that he can. But, those feelings have always been there. They haven't died or gone away. Zoe is the one that convinced herself that she's over him, only to realize that she hasn't.
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