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Old 06-09-2007, 08:25 PM
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Manderley * A Pyoc/myoc*

Ok, so this is based on the novel Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier, the characters are the same but that’s it, it doesn’t have to play out like the book at all., just the basic back story. Remember, this role-play is in the 1930’s so for any Myoc’s try to get the pics of them in style from that era if possible.

The Background

One year ago, wealthy Maxim DeWinter’s wife Rebecca drowned while sailing in the bay of the coast of their estate, Manderley. In the time since then, Maxim, Max, has been acting so strange, that many believe that he still hasn’t gotten over his wife’s death. Finally, in an attempt to get away from all of his problems, he went on vacation to Monte Carlo. He went there simply for relaxation, but it seem he got more than he bargained for. While there, he met a beautiful young woman and eloped with her. Now he’s bringing her back home to Manderley with him, and everyone is talking

The story

Max DeWinter has just brought home his shy, and much younger, wife home. Everyone is curious about the new Mrs. DeWinter, and how she’ll measure up when compared to Rebecca.
If they were expecting a Rebecca clone, however, they are certain to be disappointed. While Rebecca was social, accomplished, beautiful, and talented, his new wife is young, shy, quiet, and very new to her rich state. Before she married Max, she was a poor orphan working as a paid companion to Mrs. Van Hopper, a crude and rather tasteless American women.
Now that she has arrived at Manderley, the new Mrs. DeWinter is terrified that her fairytale has became a nightmare. Her husband has became distant and moody, she feels that everyone-including Max- is comparing her to Rebecca, and everywhere she goes, there is the sinister housekeeper, Mrs. Danvers, a woman who was Rebecca’s friend, and is still obsessed with her, dangerously so…
None of these, however, compares to the rumours. Rumours that Rebecca’s death was no accident, rumours that it was murder, and that the killer is none other than Maxim!

The characters
Mrs. DeWinter
Age- 21
History- The young shy orphan was swept off her feet when she became friends with Maxim in Monte Carlo, but when she told him she was leaving, she never expected that he would propose! She is desperately in love with him, but she can’t shake the feeling that he is still in love with Rebecca. This feeling is strengthened by the fact that ever since they returned to Manderley her husband has became moody, restless, and tempermental. She wants to make him happy, but she doesn’t know how.

PB Emilia Fox

Maxim DeWinter
History- Ever since Rebecca’s death, Max hasn’t been the same. But, is it because he is truly the grief stricken widower, or is he a murderer? Many people seem to wonder. Especially since his remarriage was so quick, only a year after the accident. Max desperately loves his new wife, but he seems to have trouble showing it, he has a broody and rather tempermental personality.

Beatrice Lacey
History-Maxim’s sister, a blunt, outspoken women who tells exactly what she thinks, the minute it pops into her head.

Giles Lacey
History-Beatrice’s husband. A fat jolly man

Frank Crawley
History- Maxim’s estate manager, and close friends. Very kind to the New Mrs. DeWinter

History- The old Butler at Manderley, he knows everything and everyone

History- A young male servant at Manderley
TB- Angelus’sslave
PB-Ben Mckenzie

Mrs. Danvers
History- Possibley one of the creepiest women you will ever met, Mrs. Danvers is a very efficient housekeeper, but she is also still clinging to the memory of a dead women. She seems to hold contempt for the new Mrs. DeWinter as no one could compare to her Mrs. Dewinter!

Jack Favell
History-Rebecca’s cousin -and by some rumours more than a cousin- who still maintains contact with Mrs. Danver, or “Danny” as he calls her. Max despises him, and because of this, he only hops in when Max is away.

History - the son of former workers at Manderley, Ben is a bit off in the head, though harmless. He knows more than he lets on.

I would like to ask everyone to take at least 2 characters. It’s not necessarily B/G, but please take to. MYOCs encouraged. They can be servants, townspeople, ex.
Note, in keeping with the spirit of the novel and movies, Mrs. DeWinter is not given a first name
Mal/River Rose/Ten Buffy/Angel
You may forget but let me tell you this, someone is some future time will think of us.
Icon credit myannarose
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