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Old 05-21-2009, 07:50 AM
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Gossip Girl | Welcome To College # 2

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Welcome To College, Upper East Siders

College. The time where all the bad and crazy expierences are made. But wait- our Upper East Siders have done almost everything. Sex, Drugs and.. Murder. There's nothing our rich kids haven't done, right? Well, maybe college will teach them something they haven't expierenced yet. Of course they all entered the same college. Surprise! Who would've thought they can't be without one another? But what happens when our UES enter the world of real life? Will their money get them where they want to be or will they need to actually work for their success? That's a secret we'll all witness soon enough.
xoxo Gossip Girl


Take their life they had in Constance and switch them with Harvard and you know what this rpg is about. Their characters haven't really changed a lot from what they were in Constance except a little more grown up. They're all in their second year in Harvard, except for Jenny who just entered Harvard. Nate had a tough time deciding what he wanted to achieve in life and went with business managment along with Chuck. They both are in the same class and become close friends again. Nate had his affaires with some cougars, but it wasn't really making him happy. He never stopped loving Jenny, so he was really exciting and happy she was joining Harvard. He hoped they could start over again, working things out where they've been left.
Chuck was in love with Blair, but respected her decision of being single for a while. She liked to flirt with other guys, which made him jealous. He started to hook up with random students, but it really was all just part of his game. Surprisingly, it worked. The Chuck and Blair game is on again!

Serena was very interested in communications. She liked the classes and was becoming one of her professors best students. She and Dan still had this back and forth relationship. Right now, she was single and unhappy with it. Dan had an affaire with one of his professor's assistance and that was the main point why him and Serena were fighting. He was in love with Serena, but he didn't know why they always seem to fail when they were together. He was always the one who tried to make things work, so maybe it was time to step it up, S.

Blair liked the single part. She liked the feeling of freedom and cared less about other students. She didn't like the fact Chuck was hooking up with other students and was ready to play their dirty little games again. Not to mention the fun factor who came along with it.

Jenny was really happy and nervous to enter Harvard. Her main goal is to become a successful fashion designer. But for building an empire, she needed to know about business. That's why she took business managment as her major. She learnt only afterwards that Nate was a year ahead of her with business managment and was excited to see him again. They never really got the chance to really talk about what happened or about the letter. Maybe it was time to do it now, especially since she wasn't little J anymore.


Blair: MrsEdwardCullen
Serena: kiss and tell
Jenny: Gilmore Girl
Nate: MrsEdwardCullen
Chuck: michelle ling
Dan: Jezebel In Hell

MYOC are always welcomed!


Name Roxanne *Roxy* Lee
Age 21
Personality: She is the kind of girl that has the I don’t give a crap sort of attitude. She bases everything off of personality and nothing else. She comes for a very well off family, but her mom and dad are kind of like hippies, making her someone who is all about the planet and love not war. Some people think that she is kind of weird, but she thinks everyone else in the world is weird and she’s really just one of the normal people.
TB: MrsEdwardCullen
PB: Rachel Bilson

Name William *Will* Davenport
Age 20
Personality: He is some what of a womanizer, he learned it from his father who brought over a women almost every night. His mother of course is always in denial, and usually out drinking or going to some sort of spa. He grew up with a lack of love and because of this he really doesn’t know how to love. He is not one that has a tendency to have female friends, because he’d rather sleep with them then have an actual conversation with them. He finds that he has a lot in common with Chuck Bass, and Chuck Bass is actually one of Will’s role models.
TB: MrsEdwardCullen
PB: Jensen Ackles

Name Amara Elgabri
Age 20
Personality: To the outside world, Amara is a studious, well-rounded young woman who follows every rule to the letter. She is kind and polite, maybe even seeming a little timid in her ways. She has a strange secret, though. Amara has penned a total of three erotic romance novels under the pen-name ‘Alice England’. She is determined that no one find out for fear that no one will take her seriously if they find out about her secret hobby.
TB: Jezebel In Hell
PB: Dania Ramirez

Name: Giselle Meyers
Age: 20
Personality: On with the good girl image Giselle is good a tricking anyone. A girl from a good family she has a strong head on her shoulders and a bright future ahead of her. She portraysa good girl everybody's best friends image but the truth is she can seduce any guy. When she sets her eyes on someone she doesn't stop until she has them.
PB: Autumn Reeser


Name: Derek Hamilton
Age: 21
Personality: Derek is probably one of the most selfless people anyone would ever meet. He may come from a wealthy family, but he doesn't let his money define him. In fact, if it was up to him, he'd be like Robin Hood and steal from the rich and give to the poor. He can also be very eloquent and expresses himself well; even his feelings are expressed to the slight detail, especially if he hates or loathes a person. Most of the time, you can see him with a smile on his face and he's never the one to judge a book by it's cover. He likes to get to know a person.
TB: kiss and tell
PB: Robert Pattinson

Name: Lorelei *Lori* Waldorf
Age: 20
Personality: Lori is a really smart girl, but sometimes she just doesn't apply herself. She was quite surprised when she got a good score on her SATs. Lori was a child model, so she has practically been on the road her whole life. It helped that her Aunt had a fashion line, because she could help model them. Lori was taught by the best, but that didn't mean she is spoilt. Of course, she gets mad sometimes when she doesn't get her own way, but who doesn't? She thinks being a model helped her grow up faster and adapt to the real world quicker. She could have continued the high life for years to come. However, after a few years of going to school via correspondence and private tutoring since she was on the road alot, she decided to settle down and thought Harvard would be a great place to start. The good thing about it is, her cousin Blair also goes to the school, so that's even better. While Lori can be bitchy at times, she still has a good head on her shoulders and would do anything to fit in, but she has a natural knack for making friends. It just comes to her.
TB: kiss and tell
PB: Mary Elizabeth Winstead

Name Jason Smith
Age 35
Personality It's always been Jason's dream to become a professor. His mom died when he was 5 and all he remembers was that she was a great teacher. His dad and him have a really close relationship. After leaving Colorado where he was raised, he decided to go to Harvard and be a professor's assistent. His professor had a lot of faith in him, that's why he got to give some lessons. He now is an English professor his own and likes to teach. He's very liked by all the female students, but he doesn't go out with them. Yet. He's been once engaged to his longtime girlfriend back in Colorado, but it didn't latest because of the long distance.
PB Eric Dane
TB Gilmore Girl

Last posts:


“I can understand that.” She nodded. “It’s so weird being walked in on.” Amara paused, biting her lip gently. “Not necessarily in a sexual way, I mean, just... Being walked in on in general.”

“Anyway, a house sounds impressive. Most guys I’ve met here live in a scroungey apartment subsisting on ramen alone.” Amara laughed just a little.

"Chuck isn't worth all this heartache, B," she replied getting up from the bed and standing behind Blair in the mirror and putting her hands on her shoulders. "You're a beautiful girl who has their whole life ahead of them. Trust me, I don't say that sort of thing to just anybody, cousin or not."
Lori gave Blair a reassuring smile. All she wanted to do was make her cousin feel better, but no matter what she said, it's not going too well.
"I bet right now, Chuck is probably thinking about what an ass he's been!" she said.

"Oh, I forgot who I was speaking to for a moment," she replied. Vanessa wondered what anyone saw in Chuck, even her. She shook her head. To be in the same school as him was gonna be hell. Everything was good when she was homeschooled back home. "I saw you talking to Blair before. You're not together are you? Not that it's any of my business."

"What about the coke?" he asked her with a fake pout. Of course, the coke'll still be there, but he loved playing with her. If you couldn't do that with your best friend, who could you do it to? He changed the pout to a smile. "I have enough money at least." he added with a nod.


“No, really doesn’t look that difficult at all.” He said as the two of them began to work together on it. “I think that a sixth grader could do this.” He said while screwing in some of the nails. He was surprised with how easy they made things now. They had step by step instructions with pictures…meaning anyone at all could really do this. “I don’t think you even really needed me here. I think that you just wanted to look at my face all day.” Nate said with a grin.

Suddenly a girl came into the room. She definitely looked like Barbie, but not in a good way. It was apparent that she had plastic surgery and she kind of reminded Nate of a chicken.
”What is he doing in my room?” The girl asked.

“I think this is her room too…and I’m helping her build something.”

”Well, really hope you two aren’t planning on having sex in here. Because I am telling you right now that I am not going to deal with that Bs. So you better be keeping it in your pants.” Nate’s mouth went slightly agape. He couldn’t believe the nerve of this girl coming in here acting like she owned the whole place.

“Well, I don’t think you have to worry about that…since she is just my friend.” Nate said to her. “Plus, if you really didn’t want that to happen, then maybe you should have thought about getting your own room.” The girl rolled her eyes.

”Whatever…” She said with a flip of her platinum blonde hair. She then disappeared into the bathroom.
“Wow…just wow…” Nate said to Jenny. “I have to admit that I am feeling pretty sorry for you right about now.”



Jenny looked at Nate and laughed. "Yeah, that was my plan. Damn, now you caught me." She said but he couldn't reply because all of a sudden Barbie stood in the middle of the room. Omg was all she could think of. "Hey. Hi, I'm Jenny. Guess you're my new roommate." She said, trying to smile. Jenny had no time to say anything since Barbie who turned out to be Ashley, was babbling all the time. She disappeared into the bathrooom and as soon as she closed the door, Jenny looked at Nate. "Are you serious? This is my roommate? I can't live here. There's no way I can last 24 hours with that chick." She said, feeling slightly miserable. "Oh god, what did I get myself into here?" She asked, putting her head into her hands in total shock. "You know what this means, right? I need to move out asap. There's no way I'm gonna stay in here."
LucasPeyton | BlairChuck | TyAmy| AnnieLiam | NateJenny
Avi: Erin

Last edited by MrsEdwardCullen; 05-21-2009 at 07:56 AM
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Old 05-21-2009, 08:00 AM
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“I am definitely not one of those guys.” William said to her. “Nor do I want to be…I thoroughly enjoy having my own place and I must admit that I am rather fortunate. I know a lot of people like to get apartments because I think that it makes everything feel a little bit more temporary for them, but I am in this place for the long haul. I’d rather be in the comfort of my own home living my own rules. In apartments if you break something…well you get screwed…you really can’t throw too many parties, or you might have your downstairs or upstairs neighbors call the cops on you. Living in a dorm…you live with someone sleeping in the same room as you. That’s really not my style either. If you ever want a place to hang, feel free to come by my place.” He pulled flier out of his pocket. “Luckily I have one left, guess I knew secretly that I was going to be meeting you. I have having a party this weekend and I would really love it if you came.”


He couldn't help but to laugh. He had to admit that the girl was pretty damn obnoxious, he couldn't live with someone like that either. "That's what you get for living in a dorm room." Nate said with a laugh. "I am sure that you can bring something up to your RA and if there's something else avalible then you can go that route." He said to her. "Or you can talk to Serena or Blair, maybe they will let you crash at their place for a while. I am actually pretty sure Serena has another room that's just a guest bedroom." Nate said while they started working on the dresser again. He suddenly heard the girl start singing in the shower. "Yeah, I would want to blow my brains out." Nate said while laughing again. "She sounds like a hyena or a coyote or something." Nate whispered. He really couldn't believe that Jenny ended up with the room mate from Hell. Guess all that pink meant the girl was psycotic.


"I wish I knew what he was thinking. That is one power I wish that I had...the power to read minds. That would definitely make my life a hell of a lot easier." Blair said while standing up. "I just can't sit around and wait for him anymore." Blair said her attitude was pretty fed up right now. "I don't want to be single either...well at least not completely alone. I like the feeling of a guys arms around the feeling of kissing...definitely love it when guys buy me gift. I just have to find someone...and I have to find you someone too Lori." Blair said while pointing her finger at her. "This guy William, as much as I hate him, he is throwing a party this weekend. There should be a ton of people there...meaning that there will be a ton of guys." Blair said while walking over to her bag and pulling out the flier. "So tell me are you game Lori?" She asked her. "I know that you know how to party." She said with a wide grin.

Last edited by MrsEdwardCullen; 05-21-2009 at 08:09 AM
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Old 05-21-2009, 08:38 AM
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"Stop it!" She said while hitting him playfully. "That's seriously not funny anymore. This girl is insane! Next thing you know you'll find me dead in here because she thought I took her jacket." She said with a laughed and then rolled her eyes as she heard her sing in the shower. "Oh god, please shoot me right now." She said as she looked at him. "Oh no, I won't crash anybody's couch. Gladly I heard there are some free apartments down the road, so I might drop there tomorrow morning and see what I can do to get out of here. They said the renter seems kinda creepy, but the apartments are ok. So I'd rather have a weird creep as my renter than a roommate that drives me insane everytime she's in the room." She said with a laugh.
LucasPeyton | BlairChuck | TyAmy| AnnieLiam | NateJenny
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Old 05-21-2009, 08:45 AM
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"They aren't free now Jenny." He said with a laugh. "they are like three hundred a month I believe. Which is a good deal, I believe that all utilities are included. You have like two other room mates but at least you all have sererate rooms and I believe bathrooms as well. I know Dan is doing that, but I really don't go over his place too often." Nate said with a shrug of his shoulders. "Think you can make the payments for that?" He asked her, kind of insinuating that if she needed the help then he would be more then happy to help her. He knows that her father isn't exactly made of money and he wouldn't be able to shell out even more money so Jenny wouldn't have a crazy room mate.
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Old 05-21-2009, 08:53 AM
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"Oh, I know they're not for free, thanks very much. Nothing is in this world." She said with laugh. "I guess I'll just need a job. But that's ok, I knew I have to get a job anyways. Lily suggested to give my dad some money for me and Dan, but you know my dad. He'd never actually take it." She said with a smile. "But I have a bank account with some money. It will help for me for the first few months." She said with a nod. "Yeah, Dan seems a little weird lately. Guess the break-up with Serena afflicted him a lot."
LucasPeyton | BlairChuck | TyAmy| AnnieLiam | NateJenny
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Old 05-21-2009, 09:02 AM
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"Yeah of course it did, I know he was pretty broken up about it...even though it seemed to be more of a mutual type thing. I honestly and truly believed that the two of them were going to last." Nate said with a long sigh. He really felt bad for the two of them. They were two people that wanted to be together, but kept finding faults or reasons not to be together. "They will probably get back together again. They are just too attracted to eachother and have too much history to not get back together."
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Old 05-21-2009, 09:07 AM
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"Yeah, maybe. I'd be happy. I always liked Serena and she only had the best intensions when it came to Dan. Even we got along so good. Especially during the time we lived together. She felt like a sister to me. So I guess her and Dan... They just need to figure out a way how not to fight about things all the time. Dan needs to accept that world she's living in." She said with a shrug. "It was never for Dan. Funny, he always wanted to protect me to get into this high society world, always was concerned for me to end up being hurt and sometimes I wished he'd just let loose and make a step towards this whole new world."
LucasPeyton | BlairChuck | TyAmy| AnnieLiam | NateJenny
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Old 05-21-2009, 09:11 AM
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"Yeah, Dan always seemed to resent the fact that Serena was able to get whatever she wanted by just dropping her name. I guess it was just something he really wasn't used to. I know Dan believes in working hard for what you want...and for some included...we really don't have to do much to get what we want. We were born with special privileges. Sometimes it seems grand and beautiful and great...but we have expectations that we have to live up too. I don't feel like I have to work as hard as most...but I really wouldn't want to trade my life for anyone else'." He really couldn't imagine life being poor. He knew that he certainly wouldn't like it.
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Old 05-21-2009, 09:25 AM
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"Yeah, I can't really imagine you being poor." She said with a laugh. "I mean, I love my dad and I love the fact that he did everything in his power to give us this certain lifestyle the best he could, but I want more. I wanna become successful you know." She said with a smile. "I really wanna do it on my own and I like the fact of that. Making it on my own." She took a screw and twisted it into the board. "Thanks for helping me, Nate. I really mean it. You totally gave me the welcome I needed." She said honestly.
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Old 05-21-2009, 09:28 AM
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It really didn't take them long to set it all up and next thing he knew he heard the shower turn off the the singing stopped. "I really don't know if I'm ready to face the witch again." He said with a laugh. "We finished up here...want to head out somewhere? Maybe we can see if there are any openings at the apartments." He offered. "I mean it's beginning of the semester I really hope that they aren't all full." He said for her sake. He knew that they got filled up pretty quick and they would be lucky if they could find an open room for her.
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Old 05-21-2009, 09:40 AM
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"Wow, good teamwork!" She said while giving him a high five clap. "I love it. Looks really great, don't you think?" She said stunned and then looked back at him as he suggested to leave. "Really? You're not annoyed by me?" She laughed. After all they nearly spent so much time together. Nearly the whole day and then they went to this party in the evening. "I'd love to get out of here. Before she gets out of shower actually." She said with a relieved laugh and then grabbed her jacket and her bag. "Let's go." She said, walking out of the room.
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Old 05-21-2009, 09:52 AM
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They walked out of her dorm together. He really hoped that she could get out of her living situation. Her roommate seemed to be half crazy and thought it was insane that she was so outspoken like that. SHe didn't even know what the Hell she was talking about. "Hopefully we can get something for you. But I have a feeling that we will." Even if Nate had to pay someone off. He knew that Jenny wouldn't let him buy her an apartment...but he could sure as hell pay someone off to make sure that she was able to have a room. "I know there are only a few of them." He said as they hopped back in his car. "They really should have more, but guess they don't want to take away buisness from the real apartment complexes."
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Old 05-21-2009, 10:18 AM
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"Yeah, I hope you're right. Otherwise I'm screwed. I think if none of those appartments are avaible, I'm gonna sleep in a motel." She laughed. "Maybe they'll build some more appartments soon. I mean, what if there are people who can't live with another person? There are so many weird creeps in college. You'll never know when you share a room with a psychopath." She laughed, feeling a little uncomfortable by this thought. What if Barbie turned out to be Hanibal #2?
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Old 05-21-2009, 10:25 AM
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my lunch is soon thank god cuz i feel like i'm about to blow my brains out here.


"Well you can always rent a regular apartment, but that's going to cost a lot more money." he said to her. "The aparments around campus are actually pretty pricy..." He warned her. "I mean there's always one of those avalible if you want to put down a safety deposit of one thousand dollars plus six hundred for the first months rent." He said to her. He paid alot more for his place, but that's because he had the money for it. He just knew around Harvard they knew people had money so the only way to get a good deal was to get an apartment through campus. "I can help you if you want don't feel bad for it...I just know it's a lot of money." He said to her.
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Old 05-21-2009, 10:31 AM
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"No!" She said, turning her head. "I mean, thanks a lot. Really, I appriciate it, but I'm gonna figure out something on my own." She said with a short smile. "I always figured out something on my own. That's how I've been raised. It's a miracle you're still alive after the couch incident." She said with a laugh and gave him a little nodge in the arm. "Really, just the fact that you're coming with me and look at the apartments means a lot to me." She was so glad she didn't have to go by herself. She knew Nate had more experience and knowledge when it came to the prices around campus. He'd tell her if this price was too high.
LucasPeyton | BlairChuck | TyAmy| AnnieLiam | NateJenny
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