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Old 07-27-2004, 09:47 PM
Extreme Fan
SummerNights's Avatar
Joined: Apr 2004
Posts: 2,598
Medieval Earth MYOC ~starting over~

I'm giving this another go since I let the last one die out. It's easier to start over the sort through who's still interested. it's a little different though.


It's kind of like Lord of The Rings without the ring. It takes place in medieval times, with Lords, Knights, Ladies with some Elves, Wizards and Hobbits mixed in.

The plot is pretty simple, everybody's been invited to the Palace for the annual summer celebration. Everybody's invited to have fun even the peasants will get the week off.


B/G rule in in effect, 2-10 characters. If you take more then 2 think of taking one of each race. If you take only 2 again let it be of a different race. No Human/Human or Elf/Elf. Mix it up. if you only take 4 characters it has to be one from each race.
Please Post profiles as soon as you can. I'm putting a 48 hour time limit on them. I don't want to have to hunt you down for them. The profiles are pretty simple.
Feel free to use characters from the LotR movies.

Humans Unlimited Spots

King: Shempy (Gerard Butler)
Queen: Shiri S
Princess: Summernights (Keira Knightley)
Spot: Summernights (Johnny Depp/Diane Kruger)
Spot: Starvixen1000 (Nick Stahl)
Spot: Dimaranwen
Spot: StarliteParadise
Spot: In Fair Verona

The King
Taken By: Shempy
Name: King Valendil *Val* Halbrad
Age: 39
Race: Human
Status: Royalty
Personality: Caring, dedicated, brave, noble
Relationships: Is married to Queen Astoama and has a daughter Princess Ireth. This is his second marriage, in his first, his wife was murdered do to lack of the kings participation in a battle. Since then he has become very close to the inhabitants in his kingdom, whether they like him or not. He is loyal to his wife, for he loves her very much but also because of his daughter, she is the most important thing in his life. Even after all of this said, he still has a weakness towards beauty, he has a slight wandering eye, but I guess thats normal for a man.
Played By: Gerard Butler

The Queen
Taken By: ShiriS
Name: Queen Astoama *Ama* Halbrad
Age: 20
Race: Human
Status: Royality
Personality: Reserved, Sincere, Thoughtful, Understanding
Relationships: Due to her shy-ness, she really doesn't have that much of a support system as far as friends and family go. Her family only consides of her husband Val and her step-daughter Ireth. She finds that she is more friends with Ireth than she is mother-daugther. Maybe it's because they are so close together in age. Her best friend is a peasent known as Yoawiel. Ama has known her all her life and she confides in her alot. Being Queen can be stressful and she is glad she has Yoawiel to talk with when she isn't speaking to her husband and such.
Played By: Kate Winslet

The Princess
Taken By: Summernights
Name:Princess Ireth Halbrad
Age: 18
Race: Human
Status: Royalty
Personality: Sweet, Graceful, Serene, Loyal
Relationships: She loves her father King Val dearly and evn though she misses her mother very much she's come to love her step mother Queen Ama just as much. Her best friends are Yoawiel and the elf Tari but she tries to get along with everybody. She looks up to the wizard Merdock and trusts his wisdom. She adores the hobbits and she's fasinated by the elves. Ireth has been in love with Tun for as long as she can remeber. She's known him all her life and nobody had ever made her feel like he does. She doesn't care that he's a peasant but she is worried about what her parents might do if they find out.
Played By:Keira Knightley

Taken By: Starvixen
Name: Tun
Age: 19
Race: Human
Status: Peasant
Personality: Mysterious, Lost, Realistic, Loner
Relationships: Tun is use to working hard and really never getting ahead. He is use not getting what he wants. But he really only wants one thing and that is Princess Ireth Halbrad. He will never voice these wants because a princess would never want a peasant when she has her pick of any one in the kingdom. He respects and admires the King greatly. He is friends with Lessien she being the only that can bring him back to reality. Knights are the ones he serves so he gets along well with them. He respects Elvaralas very much and looks up to him.
Played By: Nick Stahl
Nick Stahl

Taken By: Summernights
Name: Elrond Amandil
Age: 39
Race: Human
Status: Knight
Personality: Distant, Mysterious, Seductive, Passionate
Relationships: His best friend is the King himself and he doesn't really think of him as a King. But then he's know Val his whole life and he wasn't always King. He finds Queen Ama beautiful but it ends at that. he values his friendship with Val and his family and wouldn't want to try to ruin it. He finds all women beautiful more especially Yoawiel. He tries to be around her as much as he can, she's the reason he comes to visit the royal family so often. He' s pratically moved in there so he can see her. He's never really fel tthis way about anybody before but he's not really scared about his feelings for her.
Played By:Johnny Depp

Taken By: Summernights
Name: Lessien Táralóm
Age: 22
Race: Human
Status: Peasant
Personality: Conniving, Determined, Loyal, Protective
Relationships: Lessien hasn't let many people get close to her, she doesn't trust them easily and not many people win their way into her good graces. She doesn't much like the royal family and only puts up with them because she has to. Though she is very attracted to King Val but she doesn't mess with married men, especially ones who wives could have her beheaded. She does try to get along with the other peasants but the only one she really likes is Yoawiel. She crazy about the Knight Elvaralas and she flirts with him as much as she can. Though she wouldn't admit it to herself her feelings for him are stronger for him then anybody else she's known.
Played By:Diane Kruger

Taken By: Dimaranwen
Name: Elvaralas Menlaus
Age: 36
Race: Human
Status: Knight
Personality: Reclusive, charming, devoted, obstinate
Relationships: Although extremely loyal and charming, Elvaralas keeps to himself. He finds crowds intimidiating sometimes, and he only enjoys the company of those he likes. Since childhood, Elvaralas has been friends with King Valendil Halbarad, despite their different standings in society. Val is older than him by four years, but Elvaralas does not look up to him as an older brother, although he admires him. Elvaralas has his own family, which he is rather ashamed of. The Menlaus family is rich and powerful, but they are horrible people that Elvaralas wishes to have no connection to. He often spends time with Val and Queen Ama, but he feels less loyalty to her, especially because she is so young. He would never betray her, but he is less inclined to take orders from her. When he is not with the king, he enjoys, the company of Tun, whom he finds interesting. He sees himself in Tun at that age. As for romantic entanglements, Elvaralas often avoids them. He is being pressured to marry and start a family, but those who are eligible are young, and he does not wish to imprision a woman. It is for that reason that he denies his feelings for Lessien. She is beautiful and protective, but he would never let her sacrifice freedom for him.
Played By: Eric Bana

Taken By: StarliteParadise
Name: Yoawiel
Age: 28
Race: Human
Status: Peasant
Personality: Persistent, Loyal, Strong-willed, and Compassionate
Relationships: TBA
Played By: Lonneke Engel

Taken By: In Fair Verona
Name: Auron Erasmos
Age: 30
Race: Human
Status: Knight
Personality: Arrogant, Haughty, Elitest, and Pretentious.
Relationships: TBA
Played By: Ioan Gruffud

Elves Unlimite Spots

Spot: Summernights (Brad Pitt/Natalie Portman/Tom Felton)
Spot:Shiri S (Orlando Bloom)
Spot: Starvixen1000 (Michelle Trachtenberg)
Spot: Shempy
Spot: Dimaranwen
Spot: StarliteParadise
Spot: Pelefina
Spot: In Fair Verona

Taken By: Starvixen
Name: Tári Oronar
Age: 1,114
Race: Elf
Status: Lady
Personality: Impetuous, Naïve, Passionate, Creative
Relationships: She is supposed to be a respected and reserved lady elf. Not someone who only purpose in life is to make others crazy. She gets along really well with Isilrá and Tarawiel. She finds great pleasure in annoying Haldamir and Darcyn usually seeks them out to do just that. She is usually is found with her partner in crime Isál and he is usually the one with the common sense out of the two of them. She has been starting to get this odd fluttery felling whenever She is around him. She chooses to ignore it even though it is getting stronger. She enjoys hobbits very much and has a grand time with them. She has never really been around humans too much and finds the intersing but doesn't want to get attched because she will eventually lose the to death.
Played By: Michelle Trachtenberg
Michelle Tractenberg

Taken By: ShiriS
Name: Haldamir Culnámo
Age: 2,410
Race: Elf
Status: Warrior
Personality: Brave, Realistic, Stubborn, Sarcastic
Relationships: Haldamir perfers to stick with his own race when it comes to basic life. He knows he can trust his own kind with his life and that makes him feel safe. Of course why should he need to depend on his race to keep him safe. He's a warrior, he can take care of himself. He finds it amusing that Tári enjoys annoying him. He finds that having little spats with her is rather fun. He does that on his spare time. Also on his spare time, when he's not trainging, he enjoys conversations with his friends Aragorn and Kareswen. He really enjoys the company of Kareswen. In fact, he seems to find himself falling for her each time he's around her. He really doesn't know what it think about that.
Played By:Orlando Bloom

Taken By: Shempy
Name: Freya
Age: 1060
Race: Elf
Status: She considers herself a warrior since she is an expert archer and has many times disguised herself as a male elf in order to get into some action.
Personality: Impatient, curious, longing, temperamental (but still very caring for her people and nature)
Relationships: Freya is good friends with Isal she sees him almost like a little brother, even though he is part of the higher class, he is still a nice person to talk to, same with Darcyn. She doesnt get along very well with Aragorn she hates his arrogance but always tries to show him that she is not affraid of him and could take him down anyday....Her best friend is Kareswen they get along rather well, although Freya is more "tough" and outspoken they make a good team. Freya cant really find what she's looking for in a man...she prefers a strong and rugged looking man and honestly, none of the elves have the type of looke she's attracted to, they are much to fair. She has seen a couple of humans she finds attractive though like the knight Menlaus and even the wizard Raran looks good to her.
Played By: Isle Fisher

Taken By: Dimaranwen
Name: Tarawiel *Tara*
Age: 2,019
Race: Elf
Status: Lady
Personality: Headstrong, opinionated, capricious, enigmatic
Relationships: Since Tara is so headstrong and opinionated, she often disagrees with more conventional beings that are firm in their opinion that women should be nothing but pretty ornaments. She has always fiercely opposed this view, so she isn't too popular with many people. She loves how Tári is different, and they often agree on the subject of female's roles in life. Tara doesn't actively crusade for equality, so she doesn't avoid the entire male part of the population. She enjoys the company of Darcyn and Haldamir, but those are strictly platonic relationships. Although Tara's opinions clash with more widely accepted beliefs, she doesn't have any particular enemies. She does have those she defiantly disagrees with, like Aragorn. They often quarrel, usually over something trivial and unimportant. She used to hate his arrogance, but now, her feelings are beginning to change. She seeks him out now just to fight with him, but she believes that she might just want his company. She would never admit those feelings, especially since she's sure they would never be reciprocated. Aragorn could have any woman he desired, as he has pointed out on some occasions, and Tara hardly stands out from the rest.
Played By: Rose Byrne

Taken By:Summernights
Name: Aragorn
Age: 2798
Race: Elf
Status: Warrior
Personality: Arragant, Confident, Charming, Defensive
Relationships: Aragorn doesn't care who he's around as long as he can get along with them. He doesn't get along with some people but he's okay with that. It's not like he can be friends with everbody. He has a few close friends and they're the only ones he cares about. They are Darcyn, Haldamir, and Tara, though his feelings for Tara are alot stronger than friendship and that's the one thing that scares him. He hasn't admitted his feelings to her because he's afraid that he'll be rejected btu they feelings are still there as strong as ever.
Played By: Brad Pitt

Taken By:Summernights
Name: Kareswen
Age: 1,564
Race: Elf
Status: Lady
Personality: Quiet, Calm, Clumsy, Witty
Relationships: Doesn't have alot of friends except for her best friends Freya and Isilrá. She doesn't talk much to people she doesn't know and some of those who know her won't hang around her because she's kind of clumsy. Something not many elves are. She gets along better with the hobbits, Mungo and Camellia in paticular. The only person who has ever been able to capture her heart is Haldamir. He doesn't seem to mind that she's clumsy and when she's around him she has no problem talking. She doesn't feel as clumsy around him either.
Played By:Natalie Portman

Taken By:Summernights
Name: Isál
Age: 1,078
Race: Elf
Status: Lord
Personality: Shy, Smart, Loyal, Loving
Relationships:Isal likes to think that he gets along with everybody, nto whether those people think the same you'll have to ask them. He has a large number of people who he considers friends and from different races. He likes them all. Freya is his best friend though and he's crazy about her in a strictly brotherly way. Tari is the love of his life she just doesn't know it. He's nervous about telling her because she might not feel the same way.
Played By:Tom Felton

Taken By: StarliteParadise
Name: Darcyn
Age: 1023
Race: Elf
Status: Lord
Personality: Strong, Optimistic, Protective, and Gallant.
Relationships: TBA
Played By: Elijah Woods

Taken By:Pelefina
Name: Isilrá
Age: 500
Race: Elf
Status: Lady
Personality: dreamy, optimistic, sensitive, idealistic
Relationships: Because she is a sort of a dreamer, Isilrá gets along best with others like her. One of her best friends and favorite people to talk to is Tári. Haldamir and her clash for the very same reason - he is very grounded and she is far from it. More than anything, though, Isilrá loves the world of wizardry and sometimes likes to quietly observe them in action.
Played By: Amy Acker

Taken By: In Fair Verona
Name: Aurelia Emberstone
Age: 2,100
Race: Elf
Status: Lady
Personality: Aloof, Mysterious, Introverted, and Timid.
Relationships: TBA
Played By: Rachel Weisz

Hobbits: Unlimited Spots

Spot: Summernights (Dominic Monaghan/Alyson Hannigan)
Spot: Shiri S (Emilie De Ravin)
Spot: Starvixen1000 (Seth Green)
Spot: Shempy (Alexis Bledel)
Spot: Dimaranwen
Spot: StarliteParadise
Spot: Pelefina
Spot: In Fair Verona

Taken By: Starvixen
Name: Drogo SandyBanks
Age: 99
Race: Hobbit
Personality: Stubborn, Persistant, Impulsive, Adventurous
Relationships: Even though Drogo is more likely to be knee deep in trouble then anyone else. He is very sweet and thoughtful hobbit. He is usually getting other hobbit’s like Mungo and Dray into trouble with him. He doesn’t understand patience and is more likely to jump into a fight then to diffuse any. Conflicts usually are between Leara because the just are both too stubborn for there own good. He likes her but he just can’t seem to get along. He is fascinated with elves and that means he is always getting trouble with them and is a big nuisance.
Played By: Seth Green
Seth Green

Taken By: ShiriS
Name: Camellia Boggy-Hillocks
Age: 124
Race: Hobbit
Status: --
Personality: Skittish, Imaginative, Friendly, Quiet
Relationships: Being the bubbly hobbit that she is, she is friends with mainly anyone she meets. She may be a little skittish at first but after a while she's just a plain old little friendly hobbit. Of her race, her best friends are Leara and Hinia. She thinks of Hinia as her little sister because of their age difference. It's fun to have a sister! She gets along with the other races as well. Yes, her bestfriend out of the other races would have to be Kareswen. Camellia really enjoys being around her. She also really enjoys being around Elf Lord Darcyn. Actually, she's sort of swooning over him but she's also swooning over the King so you could say she's a little boy crazy. She knows nothing could come with either one of those. Who would fall for a hobbit anyway?
Played By:Emilie De Ravin

Taken By: Shempy
Name: Leara Topleaf
Age: 96
Race: Hobbit
Status: ~~
Personality: Sweet, fun, emotional, stubborn
Relationships: Leara easily gets along with all of the hobbits like Camelia and Peredo but Leara will always be found along side of Dearyan she has a lot of fun with her and they are some what of trouble makers when they are together. She thinks Dray is the cuttest hobbit she's ever met, mostly personality wise. She loves his mischievous/childish side and finds him very fun to be with. She's not sure if what she's feeling for him could be something a little more serious, but for now they are just good friends. The one she usually has arguments with is Drago he thinks he's better at everything.
Played By: Alexis Bledel

Taken By: Dimaranwen
Name: Peredo Grubb
Age: 67
Race: Hobbit
Personality: Peculiar, considerate, unpredictable, effervescent
Relationships: TBA
Played By: Hayden Christensen

Taken By:Summernights
Name: Dray Roper
Age: 190
Race: Hobbitt
Personality: Michevious, Gullible, Saracastic, Friendly
Relationships: He can usually be found around his best friends Peredo, Mungo and Hinia. Dray loves being around the elves almost more then anything, he prefers a hobbits company over anybodys. He also likes the Wizards, Merdock and Alassë especially. The one he likes to be around th emost though is Leara. He has more fun around her then anybody else. Though he's always trying to impress and for some reason it always backfires on him and he ends up looking like a fool. She deoesn't seem to care though. He's not sure how to explain what he feels for her.
Played By:Dominic Monaghan

Taken By:Summernights
Name: Dearyan Proudfoot
Age: 103
Race: Hobbitt
Personality: Sweet, Talkative, Cheerful, Innocent
Relationships:Leara is one of the people she trusts most in the world, which might not say much since Dearyen is pretty trusting. But Leara is her best friend, they're more like sisters. They can always be found together probably talking about nothing that makes sense to anybody else. Though Leara doesn't like him Dearyen likes Drogo as way more then a friends. She doesn't care how he acts she thinks he's wonderful. She also likes to be around Hinia and Drayga.
Played By:Alyson Hannigan

Taken By: StarliteParadise
Name: Hinia
Age: 52
Race: Hobbit
Personality: Passionate, Nurturing, Fun-Loving, and Humble
Relationships: TBA
Played By: Liv Tyler

Taken By: Pelefina
Name: Mungo Took
Age: 100
Race: Hobbit
Personality: shy, hard-working, tactful, polite
Relationships: Because he is generally easy to get along with, Mungo is friends with alot of his fellow hobbits. He would consider Dearyan and Dray to be his best friends. While he does get along with Drogo, he finds that whenever he hangs around him they get into some sort of mischief. The one hobbit that makes his heart beat a little faster and his cheeks turn one shade redder than they usually are is Hinia.
Played By:
Adam Brody

Taken By: In Fair Verona
Name: Drayga Stonestump
Age: 47
Race: Hobbit
Status: -
Personality: Bright, Idealistic, Ardent, and Benevolent.
Relationships: TBA
Played By: Emma Watson

Wizard Unlimited Spots

Spot: Summernights (Viggo Mortensen/Angelina Jolie)
Spot: Shiri S (Jason David Frank)
Spot: Starvixen1000 (Sarah Michelle Gellar)
Spot: Shempy (Liam Neeson)
Spot: Dimaranwen
Spot: StarliteParadise
Spot: In Fair Verona

Taken By: Starvixen
Name: Alassë Lossëhelin
Age: 209
Race: Wizard
Personality: Eccentric, Graceful, Mysterious, Skillful
Relationships: Alassë is not known for her out-going friendliness. She is much more happier observing before she approaches anyone. Being a young wizard she is eager to learn, and this is really the only time you won’t see her calm and in control, is when she is around other wizards who are more powerful, pestering them with questions. Especially Merdock and Gyn.She gets along well with the King and Queen and has a fondness for Princess Ireth Halbrad. She loves the hobbits and is usually very fond of their antics. She respects Elvaralas and Aragorn for there dedication to the kingdoms. She also admires Darcyn’ very much but does not want to put herself out there. Another wizard she wants to learn from is Gregory even though he is way out of her league.
Played By: Sarah Michelle Gellar
Sarah Michelle Gellar

Taken By: ShiriS
Name: Gyn Fallohide
Age: 876
Race: Wizard
Status: --
Personality: Honest, Wise, Trustworthy, Kind-Hearted
Relationships: Because of his age, Gyn has seen maybe humans come and go. He knows better than to get attached to any one human. That's why he is more friends with beings that he knows won't dye off anytime soon. Hobbits, Wizards, Elves...he treats them all the same. Although he tends to favor his own race over all the others. He favors those who have been around as long as he has, which is mainly Merdock. He has taken it apon himself to take Cheyanne and Alassë under his wing due to their youth. He helps where he can. He has no current love connections that he wishes to speak of.
Played By: Jason David Frank

Taken By: Shempy
Name: Merdock
Age: 885
Race: Wizard
Status: ~~
Personality: Witty, wise, powerful (but likes to conceal it), moody
Relationships: Since Merdock is rather....moody, he prefers to wander on his own. He likes to spend time with the elves because he finds them to be intellectual creatures unlike others, but also enjoys spending time with the Hobbits. He doesnt like to admit that he likes to spend time with them because they are fun, he just makes the excuse that the hobbits are the ones that need him around. As for his race, he talks to each wizard every once and a while but keeps most contact with Gyn since they are the oldest.
Played By: Liam Neeson

Taken By: Dimaranwen
Name: Learyan
Age: 823
Race: Wizard
Personality: Pensive, knowledgeable, realistic, alluring
Relationships: TBA
Played By: Rhona Mitra

Taken By:Summernights
Name: Gregory
Age: 705
Race: Wizard
Personality: Quiet, Wise, Generous, Open minded
Relationships: He likes most everybody, he doesn't get to be around the hobbits often so he isn't sure what to think of them. He can mainly be found around the Elves and Humans. He's made soem good friends among them. Raren is his best friend. As for love he isn't sure he's ever felt a romantic attachment to anybody. He's attracted to plenty though, Alassë and Isilrá are a couple.
Played By:Viggo Mortensen

Taken By:Summernights
Name: Cheyanne
Age: 534
Race: Wizard
Personality: Sweet, friendly, Seductive, Eccentric
Relationships: Has never confessed love to anybody, not even those she really loves. She lets them say it to her first and then tells them me too. Doesn't mean she doesn't feel it though, she thinks she might feel it towards Merdock but she's not sure. She's never actually been In love. She respects Gyn above anybody else. He's her dearest friend and she can usually be found around him. He's like a brother to her. Learyan is like her sister and Cheyanne can tell her anything. She's also drawn to the human Auron, even though he is full of himself. That doesn't stop her from being attracted t him though.
Played By:Angelina Jolie

Taken By: StarliteParadise
Name: Raran
Age: 264
Race: Wizard
Personality: Wise, Docile, Whole-Hearted, and Friendly
Relationships: TBA
Played By: Hugh Jackman

Taken By: In Fair Verona
Name: Dryden Altareign
Age: 550
Race: Wizard
Status: -
Personality: Satiracle, Bold, Intellectual, and Witty.
Relationships: TBA
Played By: Christian Bale


Taken By:
Name:For Names use Here orHere
Age:16-80 (Humans) 16-200 (Hobbits) 100-900 (Wizards) 100-4,000 (Elves)
Race: Human, Elf, Wizard, Hobbit
Status: Peasant, Knight, Lord, Lady, Royality, Warriors (For Elves and humans Only)
Personality: 4 Words
Relationships: TBA when profiles are in and I ask for them. If you want to ask around for serious relationships like family and lovers but from friends and crushes just post them. Enemies as well if you want.
Played By: Link to picture please. As much as I'd like to say post the picture, I'm being extra cautious. Cause I have ten characters myself.
Icon by bittersweet_art over at livejournal

Last edited by SummerNights; 07-30-2004 at 04:42 PM
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Old 07-27-2004, 09:47 PM
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Just in case.
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Old 07-27-2004, 10:33 PM
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I'll take one of each.

Human, Queen: unsure
Elf: Orlando Bloom (hehehehe)
Hobbit: Emilie De Ravin
Wizard: Jason David Frank
It's just you & me, we got a thing they cant shake
Maybe, it's a little hard sometimes to take
But I'll tell you something, its a life worth living

Just so you know, I wouldn't give it up, no.
Jason Morgan & Sam Mccall

Last edited by Shiri S; 07-27-2004 at 10:41 PM
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Old 07-27-2004, 10:48 PM
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I'll Take One of each,

Human: Nick Stahl
Elf: Michelle Trachtenberg
Hobbit: Seth Green
Wizard: Sarah Michelle Gellar
"This is so not life at all
Help me out-out-of this nightmare".

Icon Credit to angel_1stdegree

Last edited by Starvixen1000; 07-27-2004 at 11:15 PM
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Old 07-27-2004, 11:02 PM
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I think Ill take the human king and a she elf.
reserving Gerard Butler
"Not all treasure is made of silver and gold mate."
~Jack Sparrow~
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Old 07-27-2004, 11:09 PM
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Thank you all for joining I'll add you.

Shiri S what are you doing to me? Jason and Orlando? Oh the things I could do to the two of them. :drools: Well okay we have to talk about one of them having a relationship with one of my girls.

Oh and since you're playing The Queen if you'd prefer to have somebody younger then she can be the Kings second wife and my characters step mother. It's whatever you want to do.

Anyway I'm going to go add everybody.
Icon by bittersweet_art over at livejournal
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Old 07-27-2004, 11:13 PM
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Weee Gerald Butler! I'm still not sure who I want for the Queen PB
It's just you & me, we got a thing they cant shake
Maybe, it's a little hard sometimes to take
But I'll tell you something, its a life worth living

Just so you know, I wouldn't give it up, no.
Jason Morgan & Sam Mccall
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Old 07-27-2004, 11:14 PM
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I am sorry to ask but can I change my human male to Nick Stahl Please sorry to such a bother
"This is so not life at all
Help me out-out-of this nightmare".

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Old 07-27-2004, 11:17 PM
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I know Gerard Butler is so sexy and he has to go and be my father.

Sure thing StarVixen and good choice. Nick Stahl is gorgeous.
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Old 07-27-2004, 11:24 PM
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I get him for a husband! Rawr. Any suggestions on who you want your step-mother to be? I think I'm gonna go with the way younger than the king idea.
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Old 07-27-2004, 11:29 PM
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Ummm, I have no idea.
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Old 07-27-2004, 11:34 PM
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you're a lot of help I think I'll just wait til the King's profile is turned in.
It's just you & me, we got a thing they cant shake
Maybe, it's a little hard sometimes to take
But I'll tell you something, its a life worth living

Just so you know, I wouldn't give it up, no.
Jason Morgan & Sam Mccall
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Old 07-27-2004, 11:34 PM
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I know! Im even excited about being Gerard Butler!! lol that sounds so stupid, BUT I AM! I mean come on, he is only the sexiest man alive *drools*
Im trying to find a good "king-ish" look....hmmm well he looks royal to me in all of them anyways
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Old 07-27-2004, 11:36 PM
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Oh Oh OH try something from Attila. he looked so good in that movie, almost as good as he looked in Timeline and Dracula, not to mention Tomb Raider 2.
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Old 07-27-2004, 11:44 PM
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I've got my queen. Kate Winslet. Just need to find a pic. wee Gerald!
It's just you & me, we got a thing they cant shake
Maybe, it's a little hard sometimes to take
But I'll tell you something, its a life worth living

Just so you know, I wouldn't give it up, no.
Jason Morgan & Sam Mccall
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