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Old 07-30-2005, 08:08 PM
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The Talamasca | Based on the Ricean universe crossed with Buffy

I forgot to add INVITE ONLY

Note: I’m only starting this with a note because there are some truly rabid Anne Rice fans out there who would be offended by me using certain things that come from the Ricean world. Anne Rice is a goddess. Most of what I’m about to write is hers or is inspired by some of the books I’ve read of hers. Did that grammar go good? I are smart, truly. Also, remember that I said ‘inspired by’. I’m changing the Talamasca around and I might even warp a few characters according to my own selfish little purposes. Anyway, the above was my attempt at making a disclaimer.
Because I’m listing neat factoids about all of the characters you don’t need to be an Anne Rice freak to be part of the RP. Rock on.

Buffy Summers has been through a lot. She’s died twice. Once out of those two times she even made it to heaven, but fate would be making things too simple if it had let her stay there in perpetual bliss. Buffy was ripped from heaven and brought back to Earth to face yet more demons and vampires. Her home town was completely destroyed and some of her friends died and somehow Buffy Summers still remains. Naturally, others specializing in the field of the paranormal had to notice her and all of the good she’d done.

One organization in particular, The Talamasca, has noticed her skill and that of her close friends. They stay under the radar, so it’s a rarity for them to welcome others into their own exclusive circle. They collectively decided that it would be wonderful to welcome a slayer into their world, to educate her on their laws and the laws of the vampire world.

How could Buffy refuse an invitation from a group like that? Although it was emotionally difficult, Buffy left her friends and uprooted her little sister Dawn to come with her.

Now, about the Talamasca…

The Talamasca demand complete obedience, loyalty and devotion from their members. The purpose of this group is to document anything that seems a little creepy, kooky, and altogether ooky. They keep records of witch families, the witch trials of the dark ages, hauntings, and, most importantly, vampires. They also have a nice collection of ‘Vampire Refuse’ - Items that vampires have left behind. Along with the vampiric refuse, the Talamasca also has an extensive collection of antiques, art, old scrolls, manuscripts, and poetry. They have ‘motherhouses’ (bases of operation) all over the planet. Their main motherhouse (for the purpose of this RP) is located in New York City.

Now, what does a powerful organization like the Talamasca need one lonely little slayer for? Well, that’s complicated.

See, vampires have to live by laws (The Vampire Laws I was too lazy to dig out my copy of The Vampire Lestat. Can you really blame me? That book is buried somewhere in my room…)

Ever since Lestat’s surfacing, though, certain vampires have gotten envious. Having his fill of groupies every night? Giving the Dark Blood to whichever pretty young thing he pleases? And all because he’s a rock star. It’s all a load of crap. At least that’s what some vampires believe. Buffy was brought to the city to keep order. She’s the muscle to the Talamasca’s brains.

She’s also about to learn that not all vampires must be cursed with a soul to care and love like humans do. The descendants of Akasha (Mommy vampire) and Enkil (poppa vampire) never actually lose their soul. Time can make one apathetic, but it can’t take away the soul. Descendants of demons… Well, those are the vampires Buffy has been running into up until now. (See, I warp things to suit my own purposes. It’s how things go.)

Plot? What plot? Okay, in a nutshell… Buffy is welcomed into a world she never knew existed and she loves it. She’s the iron fist that keeps the vampires in line and, with the recent Lestat incident, there are plenty of vamps out there who need a smack down and/or dusting. Dawn is encouraged by the Talamasca to get in touch with the inner power that comes with being the physical manifestation of The Key.

Buffy Summers(Cliffy) - A slayer, Buffy is gifted with exceptional strength, honed senses, and agility that rivals most wild animals. She is a warm and loving individual, but it is hard to earn her trust. She is extremely protective of her younger sister, Dawn, and acts as more of a mother to her than a big sister. She’s been through her share of destructive romances but never seems to give up on love.

Dawn Summers(StarliteParadise) - On the surface, Dawn Summers is an ordinary teenage girl. In reality she is anything but. Dawn was created by monks who wanted to protect something called ‘The Key’. They figured that, being the sister of a slayer, Dawn would stay safe from harm. She is very much a human being with emotions and thoughts all of her own. Dawn may not know it, but since she was ‘The Key’ she possesses great potential as a witch. It’s up to her to tap into those powers.

Jessica *Jesse* Reeves(Psycho Hose Beast) - Jesse’s family tree is an interesting one. She is a mortal descendant of Maharet, one of the first five vampires. Because of her family ties, Jesse has a bit of psychic power and has an extraordinary grip on the spiritual world. Her family was killed in a car crash, but Maharet took her in. Jesse studied history and several languages and her interest in the paranormal grew. Now, as a young adult, Jesse has found new family in the Talamasca.
Emily Bergl

(This is where I truly stray from canon, mmkay? I’m just going to throw in my favorite vampires and warp their pasts to fit the RP.)

Maharet (Jezebel In Hell) is one of the first vampires and one of ‘the redhaired twins’. Her past is sort of sketchy. Akasha, the queen of vampires, stole Maharet’s eyes. I’d say that’s a good enough reason for Maharet to loathe Akasha, wouldn’t you? Anyway, Maharet used to wander about, stealing the eyes of those whose lives she’d take. Maharet is kind to those she’s close to, but always seems a bit distant.
PB: Nicole Kidman

Mekare(Old Wolf) is the other redhaired twin. Akasha stole her tongue so, like her sister Maharet did with eyes, Mekare would steal her victims’ tongues. Mekare is pretty much insane, or at least she sounds insane.

Marius(Psycho Hose Beast) was born Marius De Romanus - a wealthy little Roman. One night he was knocked unconscious by a Druid Priest named Mael. Mael believed that Marius was extraordinary and wanted him to be the druids’ new god. He was taught about vampires and led to a grove where he drank Divine Blood and became a vampire. After he’d become a vampire, however, Marius fled leaving behind an angry Mael.
Craig Parker

Mael (Jezebel In Hell) was a druid priest. See above. After Marius fled the ceremony, the druids decided that they still needed a god. It was decided that Mael would become that god. He was treated cruelly which only made his grudge against Marius worse. He’s grown to tolerate such things over the hundreds of years.
PB: Liam Neeson

Pandora(SummerNights) was once Lydia, a stunning Roman courtesan. She knew Marius as a mortal, but their relationship truly began when Marius turned her into a vampire. He loves her deeply even though he chooses to live without her.
PB: Leonor Varela

Lestat(Cliffy) is rightfully nicknamed The Brat Prince. He exposed secrets in his music that were supposed to be kept and guarded by the older vampires. While the majority of vampires followed the rules, playing in the shadows, Lestat fed on his groupies openly simply because he could. Now that Akasha has been destroyed, Lestat has no real ally except for maybe the curious Jesse Reeves.
PB Stuart Townsend

Rodney-Before he was turned Rodney was a cruel person. He wasn't somebody you wanted to make angry. If you did then he'd ruin your life, he never killed anybody because he thought it was better to take away everything they loved in life then to take their lives away. He only did it to those who wronged him though. As long as they left him alone he left them alone.
Colin Farrell

Charles Potter is a Private Investigator who specializes in strange or paranormal circumstances. He is basically a last resort for those who have lost someone. Ever since Lestat appeared, Charles' business has been booming. Charles has managed to pin down several missing young girls who were last seen being taken to see Lestat. He is just now learning of the Talamasca and is going to them for help.
PB: Christopher Meloni

MYOC Notes
Do you want to make up a vampire? How about a Talamascan? Just write out a short blurb like I did above for all of the PYOC’s. Since there are already so many vampires I’d suggest taking a human, but in the end it’s up to you.
~Bridget - Exploder of Brains
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Old 07-30-2005, 08:22 PM
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cliffy spuffy dreamer's Avatar
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Thanks for the invite

I'll take Buffy and Lestat

I also want to let you know that I'm going to be out of town on monday. I'll be back the following tuesday. I have to go out and visit my grandparents. I won't be able to post around this time. If it's an inconviance and gets in the way of this rp then I understand and I'll just watch it. I hope it's not to much. Hope ya understand. Thanks for the invite
I am damaged at best
I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing
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Old 07-30-2005, 08:26 PM
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Hey thanks for the invite. lol Can I have Pandora and a male Myoc Vampire.Played bys unknown for now? I need to go brush up on my Anne Rice character visuals because I don't remember what Pandora's suppose to look like. but then I own her book but haven't read it. lol it's on my list to read though.
Icon by bittersweet_art over at livejournal
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Old 07-30-2005, 08:49 PM
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Thanks alot for the invite; I'm flattered. I'll take Mekare & an myoc human. Now time to go out and look for a picture of redhead psycho Nicole.
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Old 07-31-2005, 12:25 AM
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Ooooh. I think I just had a happy.

Jesse and Marius, pleeeeeaaaaase!!!
Can't you trip like I do?
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Old 07-31-2005, 08:39 AM
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Oh, thanks for inviting me! I'll take Dawn and a made up if that is ok.
<3 Jen <(^.^<)

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Old 07-31-2005, 10:32 AM
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I'm soooo glad that all of you joined! I'll edit the first post in a jiffy.
~Bridget - Exploder of Brains
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Old 07-31-2005, 12:38 PM
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I swear, Liam Neeson would make the perfect Mael... Just a thought
~Bridget - Exploder of Brains
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Old 07-31-2005, 02:32 PM
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Thanks for the invite hun, but for once, I can't join I'm leaving for a vacation Sunday and I wont be back til the next Monday! But thanks!!!
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Old 07-31-2005, 03:09 PM
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Aw, have fun while you're gone!
~Bridget - Exploder of Brains
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Old 07-31-2005, 03:12 PM
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Here's the Pandora Picture. If She doesn't work I can find somebody else.

Leonor Varela

Rodney-Before he was turned Rodney was a cruel person. He wasn't somebody you wanted to make angry. If you did then he'd ruin your life, he never killed anybody because he thought it was better to take away everything they loved in life then to take their lives away. He only did it to those who wronged him though. As long as they left him alone he left them alone.
Colin Farrell
Icon by bittersweet_art over at livejournal
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Old 07-31-2005, 03:54 PM
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Oh, awesome, she makes a good Pandora, I think.
~Bridget - Exploder of Brains
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Old 07-31-2005, 04:55 PM
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This is about the best I can do for Jesse, Bridget. Think it'll work???

Emily Bergl

Aaaand Marius

Craig Parker
Can't you trip like I do?
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Old 07-31-2005, 08:06 PM
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PB Stuart Townsend


I am damaged at best
I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart that's still beating
In the pain there is healing
In your name I find meaning
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Old 08-02-2005, 04:54 PM
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Sooo...when do we get to start this sucker?
Can't you trip like I do?
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