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Old 03-22-2004, 04:36 PM
Passionate Fan

Joined: Feb 2003
Posts: 3,190
Roommates P/Myoc Starting

10 Sophomores in college with different personalities have one thing in common, they have no where to live.

The all see the ad for a remodeled warehouse that needs tenants, they all go looking for a room.

The place has 10 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room, and a gameroom.

Can these ten very different people live under the same roof without killing each other? Will they be able to make friends? Will opposites attract?

B/G Rules. Either two roommates or one roommate and a made up.
Post as much as you can.
Profiles in within 24 hours of asking for them, 48 hours at the latest or I'll open them back up.


The Loner

Name:Noah Steele
Bio: Noah grew up in a trailer park and he was never well off. Luckily, he got a scholarship because of his good grades and was able to attend college. He's very laid back and is really caring although he doesn't show it. He's pretty much a loner and doesn't trust to many people.
Likes:Photography, running, and soccer
Dislikes:Art, singing, and acting
TB:California_ here_ I _come
PB:Drew Fuller

The Rebel

Name: Jared Reynolds
Major: Undecided
Bio: Jared has always went against any rules. You tell him to go right, he'll go left. He was a monster for his parents to raise compared to his sisters, "perfect little angels." He's gotten a bit better, but still loves to go against everyone and to havea good time. He's learned when to stop now, or atleast knows a little more. He's a free thinker, and won't put up with anything he doesn't like. This all tends to get him in trouble, but he shrugs it off. Nothing he hasn't experienced before. When it comes to girls he's a bit of a player. He just likes casual hookups.
Likes: guitar, music, partying, drinking, girls
Dislikes: Rules, having to conform, people judging him, snobs
Relationships: TBA
TB: Princess Aly
PB: Brendan Fehr

The Jock

Name: Parker Ambrose
Bio: Parker was the boy in high school that had all the girls around him because he was always on a sport. If it was Winter he was on the basketball team, fall he played football, during the spring he played lacross and during the summer well summer was when he had his time off to hang out with his buddies. He was always very well liked because he was a jock and things came easy to him. He was a good talker and always managed to get out of doing long term assignments in classes and such. Girls loved him because he knew a way to a girls heart. Now a days girls still are drawn to him but he isn’t all that interested. Sure he loves woman but he just is trying to get his good grades so he can be done with school doing one of the things he most enjoys. Taking Pictures of people, animals and scenery.
Likes:Photography,Woman,Football,Television,Hamburgers,Hot Tubs,Motorcycles,Cars,Nascar,NFL,Beer,Books,Sports Illustrated,Money,His family.
Dislikes: Paintings,Men,Soccor,Independent Films,Sushi,Ice cold water,Bicycles,Swim teams,Pepsi,Magazines,Being Poor,his old teachers.
PB:Chad Michael Murray

The Nerd

Name:Miles Quinn
Bio: Miles is an only child of very powerful lawyers. He was never around his parents much and when they were around they were always pressuring him about school and how he should be a lawyer. When they find out that he wasn't going to follow in their footsteps they basically disowned him. Thanks to an inheritance from his grandmother he's able to pay his way through school. He had to get a job though to pay his rent. He's a sweet guy, who's a little on the quiet side. He also seems to say the wrong thing when it comes to talking to okther people.
Likes:Reading, writing, being by himself, the rain, storms, the stars
Dislikes:Bullies, loud music, Pollution, snakes, sharks
PB: Adam Brody

The Player

Name: Kyle Johnson
Major: Law
Bio: Kyle's father and mother didn't have a good marriage, and were divorced when he was 10, because of his parents he is afarid of comitment. Kyle has always gotten what he wants, not once has he not had his own way. Everyone kyle has gone after he has gotten, it's all a game for him, he wants to find someone that he can't get but is yet to find her. Until theday comes when he does find her, he will keep on having fun moving from woman to woman.
Likes: Girls, Sex, Parties, Music, Hockey
Dislikes: Always getting his own way, people who think they are better then him.
Relationships:TBA when all profiles are in
TB:Zans the Man
PB:Hayden Christensen

The Sweetheart

Name: Sara Mitchell
Major: Psychology
Bio: Sara was born into a nice family with two loving parents. She was well liked in the school but not really considered popular. She had two best friends that she always hung around and did stuff with. She always had an outgoing personality that made people believe that she was a fun person. Some people thought that she was a goody two shoes because she never drank or did drugs in high school. But she didn’t find them necessary to have a good time. She still is very similar to the way she was back then.
Likes: Pop Music,Dorritos,Coke,Poker,Romance Novels,Talking on the phone,Exercising.
Dislikes: Punk Music, Potato Chips,Pepsi,Go Fish, Suspense Stories,and being lazy.
Relationships: TBA
PB:Alexis Bledel

The Drama Queen

Name: Amber Bishop
Major: Psycology
Bio: Amber has always thought her life was a drama. Ever since she was little she has had an overactive imagination and has always been completely paranoid. She thinks the whole world is out to get her. Since she does she accuses everyone for every little thing even if it's not true. She's never had a good relationship with her father, because she found out he cheated on her mother...and always been close to her mother...although her mother is cold hearted and doesn't show love to her daughter. Because of this Amber has always had bad realtionships. She makes her whole life into a soap opera.
Likes: Amber likes writing and acting. It seems a logical way to get away with her dramatical ways. She also has a shopping addiction. Whenever she is stressed the first thing she does is buy buy buy.
Dislikes: She really hates partying and drugs. Her life is already dramatic enough as is to add anyting like that into the mix. She also dislikes people who talk smack.
Relationships:TBA when all profiles are in
TB:Zans the Man
PB: Mila Kunis

The Bad Girl

Name:Elise *Eli* Crane
Major:Dance, Medieval Studies
Bio: Eli is someone you could say grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. She's had to work fro everything and anything she wanted, including getting into college. She had to work to get a scholarship, most people would be surprised to know that Eli finished in high school in the top ten of her class. She just has an attitude that people don't like. She doesn't like being told what to do, she likes to have fun and she thinks if she can manage to get her school work and her work done as well then she's doing good. Eli has something of a reputation around campus but nobody has been able to find out if it's true. They think she's messing around with Medieval Studies Professor.
Likes:Music, history, parties, drinking, her job as a bartender, Guys, Her Medieval Studies Professor, dancing, drawing
Dislikes:People telling her what to do or thinking they're better then her, Spiders, insects, fighting
Relationships:TBA when all profiles are in
PB:Eliza Dushku

The Princess

Name:Roma Peirce
Bio: Roma grew up in an extremely rich family and has always gotten what she wants. She's very stuck up and thinks herself above many. She's only friends with you if you're rich, hot, or have a smoking car! She's actually very loyal to her friends though and will protect them at all costs. She may come off as a bi*ch to many but she's really just a very lost girl looking to get along in the world.
Likes:Writing, dancing, cars, money, and hot guys
Dislikes:Singing, poor people, art (Mona Lisa? please!lol), and meat
TB:California_ here_ I _come
PB:Kirsten Dunst

The Tomboy

Name: Kirsten Moore
Major: Art
Bio: Kirsten grew up living with three older brothers. It was either play sports with them or sit all alone. So she chose to hang out with them. They taught her everything about practically every sport imaginable, makign her very good. She never got along well with other girls, and has always been considered "one of the guys." She likes this--most of the time. The only problem is she never dates guys don't see her as anything more than one of them.
Likes: Art, talking, skateboarding, basketball, basically all sports
Dislikes: Girlie-girls, suck ups, whiners
Relationships: TBA
TB: Princess Aly
PB: Laura Prepon

Others Please ask someone before using them as a connection if it's more then a friend. Like if they're dating or related to them. Post it here or pm them.


Name: Alexia Monroe
Age: 19
Major: English, she's going to be a writer
Bio: When she was a little girl she used to be neighbors with Kyle. She was your regular old tom boy...used to roll in the dirt with Kyle. She always had a crush on him, but he always saw her as a boy..a.nd always went after the girly girls...he was a player since he was a kid. From 5-14 they had been best friends...but when her father died her and her mother had to move away to live with her grandparents...then her grandparents and mother died on a plane trip to Vegas. Alexia has kept in contact with Kyle...hardly though...he was always busy with girls and his life. He gives her an address of a new place he's going to be living at...Alexia enrolls in college there and manages to get a dorm. She wants to give Kyle the surprise of his life...maybe now he'll see her for the woman she has become and hopes to be the one who changes his playin ways.
Likes: She likes movies, aerobics, talking, and cuddling.
Dislikes: ponies, too much make up, and ****s
Connection: Old best friends with Kyle the player
TB: Zania1
PB:Laetitia Casta

Bio: Long or short
Connection:Who from the roommates the now and for how long. Are they friends, dating, related.

[ 03-22-2004: Message edited SouthernSunset ]

[ 03-23-2004: Message edited SouthernSunset ]
Jonny Lang

Just remember if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people.
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Old 03-22-2004, 04:41 PM
Master Fan

CherryChica87's Avatar
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The Jock and the sweetheart
"Not all treasure is silver and gold mate"- Pirates of the Carribean

"The cool points are out the window and you got me all twisted up in the game"-Bringing Down the House
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Old 03-22-2004, 04:47 PM
Passionate Fan

Joined: Feb 2003
Posts: 3,190
Thanks for joining Amy I added you.
Jonny Lang

Just remember if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people.
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Old 03-22-2004, 04:58 PM
Elite Fan

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The Princess and The Loner please, thanx! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]
"He a storm."
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Old 03-22-2004, 05:42 PM
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The Drama Queen and the Player please.
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Old 03-22-2004, 05:59 PM
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The rebel and the tomboy.
You can show up at my house
Completely unannounced
We'll have that movie kiss we talked about
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Old 03-22-2004, 06:35 PM
Passionate Fan

Joined: Feb 2003
Posts: 3,190
Oh all the roommates are taken so I guess we can start. I'm just going to drop the made ups unless somebody else joins.

Name:Miles Quinn
Bio: Miles is an only child of very powerful lawyers. He was never around his parents much and when they were around they were always pressuring him about school and how he should be a lawyer. When they find out that he wasn't going to follow in their footsteps they basically disowned him. Thanks to an inheritance from his grandmother he's able to pay his way through school. He had to get a job though to pay his rent. He's a sweet guy, who's a little on the quiet side. He also seems to say the wrong thing when it comes to talking to okther people.
Likes:Reading, writing, being by himself, the rain, storms, the stars
Dislikes:Bullies, loud music, Pollution, snakes, sharks
PB: Adam Brody

Name:Elise *Eli* Crane
Major:Dance, Medieval Studies
Bio: Eli is someone you could say grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. She's had to work fro everything and anything she wanted, including getting into college. She had to work to get a scholarship, most people would be surprised to know that Eli finished in high school in the top ten of her class. She just has an attitude that people don't like. She doesn't like being told what to do, she likes to have fun and she thinks if she can manage to get her school work and her work done as well then she's doing good. Eli has something of a reputation around campus but nobody has been able to find out if it's true. They think she's messing around with Medieval Studies Professor.
Likes:Music, history, parties, drinking, her job as a bartender, Guys, Her Medieval Studies Professor, dancing, drawing
Dislikes:People telling her what to do or thinking they're better then her, Spiders, insects, fighting
Relationships:TBA when all profiles are in
PB:Eliza Dushku

I'll add the profiles after relationships are in, that way you can just edit them in. I won't ask for relationships until all profiles are in.
Jonny Lang

Just remember if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people.
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Old 03-22-2004, 07:04 PM
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Name: Kirsten Moore
Major: Art
Bio: Kirsten grew up living with three older brothers. It was either play sports with them or sit all alone. So she chose to hang out with them. They taught her everything about practically every sport imaginable, makign her very good. She never got along well with other girls, and has always been considered "one of the guys." She likes this--most of the time. The only problem is she never dates guys don't see her as anything more than one of them.
Likes: Art, talking, skateboarding, basketball, basically all sports
Dislikes: Girlie-girls, suck ups, whiners
Relationships: TBA
TB: Princess Aly
PB: Laura Prepon

Name: Jared Reynolds
Major: Undecided
Bio: Jared has always went against any rules. You tell him to go right, he'll go left. He was a monster for his parents to raise compared to his sisters, "perfect little angels." He's gotten a bit better, but still loves to go against everyone and to havea good time. He's learned when to stop now, or atleast knows a little more. He's a free thinker, and won't put up with anything he doesn't like. This all tends to get him in trouble, but he shrugs it off. Nothing he hasn't experienced before. When it comes to girls he's a bit of a player. He just likes casual hookups.
Likes: guitar, music, partying, drinking, girls
Dislikes: Rules, having to conform, people judging him, snobs
Relationships: TBA
TB: Princess Aly
PB: Brendan Fehr
You can show up at my house
Completely unannounced
We'll have that movie kiss we talked about
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Old 03-22-2004, 11:10 PM
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Name: Kyle Johnson
Major: Law
Bio: Kyle's father and mother didn't have a good marriage, and were divorced when he was 10, because of his parents he is afarid of comitment. Kyle has always gotten what he wants, not once has he not had his own way. Everyone kyle has gone after he has gotten, it's all a game for him, he wants to find someone that he can't get but is yet to find her. Until theday comes when he does find her, he will keep on having fun moving from woman to woman.
Likes: Girls, Sex, Parties, Music, Hockey
Dislikes: Always getting his own way, people who think they are better then him.
Relationships:TBA when all profiles are in
TB:Zans the Man
PB:Hayden Christensen

Name: Amber Bishop
Major: Psycology
Bio: Amber has always thought her life was a drama. Ever since she was little she has had an overactive imagination and has always been completely paranoid. She thinks the whole world is out to get her. Since she does she accuses everyone for every little thing even if it's not true. She's never had a good relationship with her father, because she found out he cheated on her mother...and always been close to her mother...although her mother is cold hearted and doesn't show love to her daughter. Because of this Amber has always had bad realtionships. She makes her whole life into a soap opera.
Likes: Amber likes writing and acting. It seems a logical way to get away with her dramatical ways. She also has a shopping addiction. Whenever she is stressed the first thing she does is buy buy buy.
Dislikes: She really hates partying and drugs. Her life is already dramatic enough as is to add anyting like that into the mix. She also dislikes people who talk smack.
Relationships:TBA when all profiles are in
TB:Zans the Man
PB: Mila Kunis

Just want to add a thanks to Tasha for helping me with my profile. So thanks Tasha your the best... even though you won't read this.

[ 03-22-2004: Message edited Zans the Man ]
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Old 03-22-2004, 11:14 PM
Passionate Fan

Joined: Feb 2003
Posts: 3,190
Thanks for getting those in, we just need a few more profiles and we can start.

[ 03-22-2004: Message edited SouthernSunset ]
Jonny Lang

Just remember if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people.
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Old 03-22-2004, 11:29 PM
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can I take two spots?

here's my girls profile...I'll add my guy profile once more people get their profiles in.

Name: Alexia Monroe
Age: 19
Major: English, she's going to be a writer
Bio: When she was a little girl she used to be neighbors with Kyle. She was your regular old tom boy...used to roll in the dirt with Kyle. She always had a crush on him, but he always saw her as a boy..a.nd always went after the girly girls...he was a player since he was a kid. From 5-14 they had been best friends...but when her father died her and her mother had to move away to live with her grandparents...then her grandparents and mother died on a plane trip to Vegas. Alexia has kept in contact with Kyle...hardly though...he was always busy with girls and his life. He gives her an address of a new place he's going to be living at...Alexia enrolls in college there and manages to get a dorm. She wants to give Kyle the surprise of his life...maybe now he'll see her for the woman she has become and hopes to be the one who changes his playin ways.
Likes: She likes movies, aerobics, talking, and cuddling.
Dislikes: ponies, too much make up, and ****s
Connection: Old best friends with Kyle the player
TB: Zania1
PB:Laetitia Casta
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Old 03-23-2004, 02:46 PM
Passionate Fan

Joined: Feb 2003
Posts: 3,190
Sure thanks for joining.

We just need a few more profiles before we can start.
Jonny Lang

Just remember if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people.
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Old 03-23-2004, 03:06 PM
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CherryChica87's Avatar
Joined: Apr 2001
Posts: 12,063
Name: Parker Ambrose
Bio: Parker was the boy in high school that had all the girls around him because he was always on a sport. If it was Winter he was on the basketball team, fall he played football, during the spring he played lacross and during the summer well summer was when he had his time off to hang out with his buddies. He was always very well liked because he was a jock and things came easy to him. He was a good talker and always managed to get out of doing long term assignments in classes and such. Girls loved him because he knew a way to a girls heart. Now a days girls still are drawn to him but he isn’t all that interested. Sure he loves woman but he just is trying to get his good grades so he can be done with school doing one of the things he most enjoys. Taking Pictures of people, animals and scenery.
Likes:Photography,Woman,Football,Television,Hamburgers,Hot Tubs,Motorcycles,Cars,Nascar,NFL,Beer,Books,Sports Illustrated,Money,His family.
Dislikes: Paintings,Men,Soccor,Independent Films,Sushi,Ice cold water,Bicycles,Swim teams,Pepsi,Magazines,Being Poor,his old teachers.
PB:Chad Michael Murray

Name: Sara Mitchell
Major: Psychology
Bio: Sara was born into a nice family with two loving parents. She was well liked in the school but not really considered popular. She had two best friends that she always hung around and did stuff with. She always had an outgoing personality that made people believe that she was a fun person. Some people thought that she was a goody two shoes because she never drank or did drugs in high school. But she didn’t find them necessary to have a good time. She still is very similar to the way she was back then.
Likes: Pop Music,Dorritos,Coke,Poker,Romance Novels,Talking on the phone,Exercising.
Dislikes: Punk Music, Potato Chips,Pepsi,Go Fish, Suspense Stories,and being lazy.
Relationships: TBA
PB:Alexis Bledel
"Not all treasure is silver and gold mate"- Pirates of the Carribean

"The cool points are out the window and you got me all twisted up in the game"-Bringing Down the House
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Old 03-23-2004, 03:11 PM
Passionate Fan

Joined: Feb 2003
Posts: 3,190
Thanks for getting those in Amy.

We just need

California_ here_ I _come profiles. If they're not in by tomorrow night I'm going to have to put them back up for grabs.

Also need Zania1's guys profile.

I'm still debating if I want my made ups. Would anybody take a connection with either of them if I did? PB's are Elijah Wood and natalie Portman.
Jonny Lang

Just remember if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people.
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Old 03-23-2004, 06:06 PM
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~ The Loner ~

Name: Noah Steele
Major: Photography
Bio: Noah grew up in a trailer park and he was never well off. Luckily, he got a scholarship because of his good grades and was able to attend college. He's very laid back and is really caring although he doesn't show it. He's pretty much a loner and doesn't trust to many people.
Likes: Photography, running, and soccer
Dislikes: Art, singing, and acting
TB:California_ here_ I _come
PB [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]rew Fuller

~ The Princess ~

Name: Roma Peirce
Major: Journalism
Bio: Roma grew up in an extremely rich family and has always gotten what she wants. She's very stuck up and thinks herself above many. She's only friends with you if you're rich, hot, or have a smoking car! She's actually very loyal to her friends though and will protect them at all costs. She may come off as a bi*ch to many but she's really just a very lost girl looking to get along in the world.
Likes: Writing, dancing, cars, money, and hot guys
Dislikes: Singing, poor people, art (Mona Lisa? please!lol), and meat
Relationships:TBA wh
TB:California_ here_ I _come
PB:Kirsten Dunst
"He a storm."
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