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~*~Hopeless Romantic~*~ 05-17-2004 12:17 AM

Reign of Evil - an Angel role play *Starting!*
Reign of Evil

Random idea I had during season 4 of Angel...

Cordelia:Sometimes a sacrifice needs to be made.
Angelus:And you’re the little lamb. Not that there aren’t a few
things I wouldn’t mind doing to that body… other than the
Cordelia:Tell us about the Beast and you can do whatever you want.
Angelus:You’re lying.
Cordelia: Look in my eyes. Angel knows me. You know me. Better
than anyone. So when you look at me, you know I’m not
Faith: I'm not like you...
Angelus: No...but you will be.
Angelus: Oh Lilah, what a team we could have made...
Lilah: Could still make.

Connor: The body. [Lilah] could have been turned.
Gunn: Sired, you mean? No, there wasn’t enough time.
Connor: You don’t know that.

What if Cordelia had made good on her promise? What if Faith hadn't injected herself with the drugs to drug Angelus? What if Lilah was actually killed by Angelus?
And what if he had sired each and every one of them? The fang gang has just lost Cordelia and Faith. Two of the women they cherish most. And one of their enemies just got a whole lot more dangerous.

Scrambling for some way to build their team without their champion, they call in an old friend. Ex Detective Kate Lockley. She's as ready as anyone to take down Angelus and bring back Angel. They called Gwen back to help as well, pulling everyone they can trust.
As for the other two...they can't very well find a band of gypsies to give the girls their souls back, so they have to find another way...before the four take out the whole city.


You Join. You post. It's that simple. DO NOT JOIN if you are not going to be a commited poster. It's not fair to the others.
Take at least 1 character (3 max - even then). Your call.
Bring in your own ideas. Make your characters/storylines your own - this rp is just as much yours as it is mine:)
Be nice, and have fun!

The new Evil in Town:
Taken By:Otep

Taken By: ~*~Hopeless Romantic~*~

Taken By: ~*~Hopeless Romantic~*~ (if someone desperately wants Lilah, I'll give her up)

Taken By: TVGEEK


Those who will try to stop it:

Taken By: AlexEvans

Taken By: ~*~Hopeless Romantic~*~

Taken By:~*Goldilocks*~

Taken By: StarliteParadise

Taken By: TVGEEK

Taken By:Erika J.

Taken By: A Buffy & Spike dreamer

~*Goldilocks*~ 05-17-2004 07:45 AM

Can I take Gunn?

TVGEEK 05-17-2004 10:03 AM

faith kate and connor please. i swear i'll be a good little poster.

~*~Hopeless Romantic~*~ 05-17-2004 10:33 AM

Thanks all. Adding in a minute.

TVGEEK- I already have Kate, sorry!

Pictures of Lily 05-17-2004 12:22 PM

Dude, Gwen in mine! If i can have her, that is...

Erika J. 05-17-2004 02:11 PM

I guess since I can't get Angel(us) or Cordy I'll take Lorne!

AlexEvans 05-17-2004 02:52 PM

Cool storyline. :)

Wesley please.


~*~Hopeless Romantic~*~ 05-18-2004 10:24 PM

Awesome, thanks guys!! All we need is a Fred, and then we'll be good to go!:)

StarliteParadise 05-18-2004 10:25 PM

I'll take Fred please?

Otep 05-18-2004 10:27 PM

angelus daf.

~*~Hopeless Romantic~*~ 05-20-2004 01:26 AM

Alrighty kids - starting this up:)

Angelus and the newly-'reborn' girls have gone to the underground place that used to be a monestary (Remember it from "Dear Boy")

The rest have regrouped at the hotel, and are trying to figure out their next move, trying to figure out a way to not kill those they care about so much.


I lounged back on the old matress we had found, looking around at the people, no vampires around me. I smiled, now I knew why Angelus always had that wicked grin on his face. It was fun not caring, fun not having to always worry about this or that. Completely carefree. I grinned at Angelus. No longer did he and I have to dance around each other like we had so pathetically for months, maybe even years. When you've died and come back, without a soul, mind you - there is no reservations about going after something you want.

The funniest thing was. I didn't feel much different. I mean, sure the whole not breathing, no pulse thing was new, but my attitude hadn't changed. Probably because I had given up most of my soul with my signature on the contract to Wolfram and Hart. I guess now that I didn't have as many obligations to go there, I was freer. Sure, my contract went on even beyond death...but rebirth wasn't in the story. I wonder what the senior partners would have to say about this. The funny thing was, I didn't care anymore.

Hawaii is probably the best place to go after an emotional breakdown. Spending a year and a half on the beaches of Maui was great therapy, and the chance to get away from the underground metropolis of Los Angeles was nice...and now I was back. It was a good feeling to be part of a team again, to be needed...but these weren't the best circumstances. "So where do we start, I'm a bit rusty, and I have to admit that the whole bring back the soul thing isn't my area of expertise."

~*Goldilocks*~ 05-20-2004 07:25 AM


I looked up from the Ax I was sharpening when Kate spoke. I sighed heavily. "I'm not not the magic expert around here." I said pointing over at Wesley who was looking like he was getting more frustrated by the moment. "Find anything yet Wes?" I asked anxiously.

Pictures of Lily 05-20-2004 08:39 AM

I peer through the glass, into the weapons case. "Wow." I breath. I turn around, and shake my head. "You guys have got some weapons here!" I say, and then walk over to the couch and sit on it. "So let my get this straight. Angel, your boss, the man who pretty much single-handedly defeats all evil, is now... evil. And, your got a vampire vampire-slayer. And another of your friends is now evil, too. What are you gonna do?"

Erika J. 05-20-2004 09:10 AM


"Well Guys, I can say that one good thing has come out of this. Angel and Cordy are together. Well, Angelus and...what do we call her, Cordelus? Oh my little Brownie hair. Too bad things happen like they do. Look what it's making me do!" Lorne downed a seabreeze. "They almost make me forget the pain."

AlexEvans 05-20-2004 09:13 AM

"Nothing. Nothing that doesn't require four Orbs, when finding one is almost impossible..." I looked at Gwen. "I doubt there are four of them still in the world to steal, even if we knew where all of them are. So I don't know what we're going to do."

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