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Captivating 07-23-2015 08:27 PM

Gasp!!!! Mandy!!!! :eek: :yay: :hug:

winter soldier 07-23-2015 08:28 PM

Manddddyyyyyyyy I'm so happy!!! :bunny: :back_hug:

Starfield_Scribe 07-23-2015 08:34 PM


degausser 07-23-2015 08:39 PM

MANDY. :hug: :hug: :hug:

Wayward Melody 07-23-2015 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Captivating (Post 82591362)
Gasp!!!! Mandy!!!! :eek: :yay: :hug:

I think you owe me some storylines, young lady. Aurora will accept nothing less.

And damn, if I had known I'd have gotten this reaction I'd have returned more quickly. :lol:

degausser 07-23-2015 08:51 PM

You've been sorely missed. :nod:

winter soldier 07-23-2015 08:59 PM

Especially by me. :love:

DingosAteYurBaby 07-23-2015 09:26 PM

OOC: My characters are open for most things. Let me know if you want anything.

Name: Dexter Finn
Age: 19
Previous RPG: The Cape
Year: First
Major: Journalism
Theme Song: “Blackbird” by The Beatles
Personality: Independent. Impulsive. Determined. Caring. Happy
Three/Five Relevant Life Facts:
- Dexter grew up in New York City, but the dream of attending NYU was a pipe dream. Raising himself, due to a druggie for a mother and an absentee father, Dexter was destined to be just another statistic. That changed when he found his father in Rockport, MN.
- Initially, Dexter was a loner. Staying away from making connections was the only way for him to protect himself. Then he met Randi DeMoss. She was beautiful, vibrant and a firecracker and Dexter finally let himself connect. Everything was perfect. His father and he were connecting, he was getting good grades and he had the perfect girlfriend. Then a drunken night with another girl during a stupid fight with Randi brought their romance to an end. It didn’t help that the girl was Randi’s sister, Rae or the fact that the two had developed real feelings for each other. Randi distanced herself and wanted nothing to do with him. Rae fell into the wrong crowd. Dexter focused on school and his familial relationships.
- The rest of his senior year went well. After high school, he, Johnny and Parker traveled the world and Dexter saw places and people he never thought possible. Now, he’s enrolled as a freshman at NYU, majoring in Journalism. His hope is to eventually get into law school and follow in his father’s footsteps. He’s not super happy about being in his old stomping grounds and has been too afraid to check in and see if his mother is still around.
Taken By: DingosAteYurBaby
Played By: Matt Czuchry

Name: Nolan Grimsby
Age: 23
Previous RPG: N/A
Year: N/A
Major: N/A
Theme Song: “Dark Come Soon” by Tegan and Sara
Personality: Nurturing. Stubborn. Reckless. Self-Medicating. Attention Whore.
Three/Five Relevant Life Facts:
- The older of two middle children, Nolan definitely knows what it’s like to life in the shadows. This is definitely where his extroverted persona developed growing up. When his little brother, Nick, got diagnosed with leukemia, the shadows definitely got bigger. Oddly enough, this brought him and Nick closer. While the rest of the Grimsby clan, babied and made their lives around Nick’s illness, Nolan and Nick took every moment as precious and even at 10 years old, was a better caregiver to Nick than his parents.
- Nolan’s love of being the center of attention and Nick’s love and raw talent with music became their haven and ultimately is what made growing up in their family bearable. It eventually led them to, with their older brother, starting a family band. They were moderately successful. Released an album. Met celebrities. Toured the country. Nolan loved every moment of it, though there was a part of him that wasn’t allowed to be himself…and that weighed on him and led him to begin dabbling in various drugs to help dull the pain. Nolan is attracted to men and aside from Nick, whom he trusts more than anyone, hasn’t told another soul for fear of being rejected or pigeonholed.
- The fifteen minutes of fame wore off and after their parents paid off their dept, Nolan and the others were left with a moderate amount of money left. Out of protectiveness, Nolan followed Nick to Greenwich Village and works as a bartender and lives in an off campus apartment with Nick and various couch surfers. Nolan is proud of Nick for going to school and knows that with his ability and perseverance, Nick will be a great success one day. Nolan, on the other hand, still thrives for the spotlight and dreams of attending NYU’s drama program. He’s thinking about applying for next year, but after being rejected his first time, he doesn’t hold high hopes.
Taken By: DingosAteYurBaby
Played By: Daniel Sharman

Name: Daisy Summers
Age: 20
Previous RPG: N/A
Year: Second
Major: Urban Design and Architecture Studies
Theme Song: “Broken” by Seether
Personality: Smart. Self-Conscious. Creative. Driven. Irrational.
Three/Five Relevant Life Facts:
- Daisy was born to a wealthy family. Her mother died when she was just a child and she was left with her cold and distant father. Her father’s way of parenting was to buy Daisy’s affection and it worked well when she was a child. The older she became, the more she craved parental guidance and affection, but it was no use.
- Daisy went through an extremely rebellious stage in high school. She partied. Dated. Hung out with the wrong crowd, but it did nothing to garner her father’s attention. Her only source of parental affection was that of her housekeeper, Madeline. Daisy had always thought of her as a second mother and the only one who truly cared about her. When Madeline became ill in her old age, Daisy was determined to make her proud and turn her life around. Daisy put her nose in the books and let her social life fade to black and Daisy graduated at the top of her class. Sadly, Madeline didn’t make it to her graduation and Daisy realized that if she wanted anything, she was going to have to do it herself.
- She began NYU as an Urban Design major and has been excelling in all of her classes. Though a recent rejection by her American Law professor Spencer has left her in sorts. No surprise she had some daddy issues, but Spencer intrigues her and she’s felt something she hasn’t in quite a long time. She has let her social life become nonexistent and she is determined to change that. This year she has vowed to change her ways and try to balance her life out.
Taken By: DingosAteYurBaby
Played By: Holland Roden

sumiregusa 07-23-2015 09:45 PM

Mandyyyyy!! :D

winter soldier 07-23-2015 10:38 PM

:hug: Nolan.

My profile(s) are coming tonight, since I finally have an evening off.

AtomicEmpress 07-23-2015 11:06 PM

MANDY! So much happens while I sleep.

winter soldier 07-24-2015 01:01 AM

I'll be stopping at three, for now. Unless someone has a specific want for my nebulous fourth character, like an interesting storyline. :D The twistier, the better. PM me if you have needs.

CJ definitely needs stuff. Room-mate(s), for example. Friends. Enemies. A new love interest to balm his tortured soul. :cheers: I absolutely do not advocate someone actually making Jakob as a character. Nope.

I broke up this giant blocky paragraph of a bio for the sake of readability.

Name: Carey Johansson (“CJ”)
Age: Nineteen
Previous RPG: N/A - original
Year: First
Major: Undeclared
Theme Song: "Jackass" – Green Day
Personality: Absent-minded, easygoing, tactless, juvenile, comedic.
Five Fast Facts:
- High school was the best four years of CJ’s life, hands down. Growing up in a small town suburb of Chattanooga, TN with a population of less than 9,000, he was a big fish in a small pond and he rather liked it that way. He lived comfortably, his father owning his own chain of convenience stores and gas stations and his mother a retired labor and delivery nurse turned homemaker, there was always enough money to go around and likewise something delicious being baked or roasted in the Johansson’s sizable chef’s oven. His childhood wasn’t fifties sitcom-esque but it was happy and relatively drama-free, barring the odd drunken brawl at the neighborhood barbecue or gossip-driven spats between housewives with little else to do but make up stories about who was stepping out on whom.

- In elementary school while whacking whiffle balls from tees with giant plastic bats CJ would discover his second greatest ever love – what he’d soon come to know as the sport of baseball. In middle school he wielded his first aluminum bat with gusto, his school tragically too small and poor to afford a legit afterschool baseball club but he made a second home out of the Chattanooga Magic Mountain batting cages. By the time he’d reached high school CJ had already set his heart on a future career as a professional athlete, and rather than focusing a lick on his studies he poured his heart and soul into junior varsity and varsity baseball – improving, competing, winning, and most importantly, getting noticed. His obsession paid off in that regard—CJ earned a fair bit of attention from college scouts as early as his sophomore year on the team, having lead his rinkydink school to numerous state and regional championships as a star hitter and third baseman. Though he wasn’t precisely the top of the food-chain at Signal Mountain High—that honor belonged to the members of the football team, as per the typical culture of any small town school—but he was certainly one of the more popular students with his very own entourage of hangers-on and eager teenage girls looking to become the future Mrs. Johansson and ride his coattails to fortune and glory.

- Sophomore year was a monumental year. Not only was his baseball career burgeoning and his social status neatly established, but CJ caught the eye of probably the only other person in a class of 200 who had absolutely minimal interest in the opposite sex. Jakob was an art student dabbling in photography and was therefore tasked with the job of yearbook photographer; CJ was the school’s single greatest athlete and potential future claim to fame. Under the pretense of professionalism CJ and Jakob spent a great deal of time together, largely behind the equipment shed on the football field and in the back seat of CJ’s beat up jeep cherokee. Theirs was a romance for the ages—something worthy of novelization or gay coming of age foreign film. Jock and artist. Artist and jock. For CJ, having only recently come to grips with his alternative sexuality, Jakob was like a life jacket, introducing him to his homosexuality slowly and gently whilst being completely understanding of his stupid teenage boy faux-pas. He was utterly smitten. Stupidly so. Though still quite in the closet—knowing his fellow jock friends would have no other choice but to kick the shit out of him for being queer—he had no qualms with imagining his future life with Jakob, gay married and living in a more enlightened part of the world sometime after high school…

- Upon graduation, CJ legitimately had his pick of NCAA division I schools and a full ride guaranteed. He bypassed them all without hesitation, and merrily followed after Jakob to NYU—a division III school, laughably nonexistent on the baseball radar. But Jakob wanted to attend Tisch’s film program, wanted to spread his queer wings and fly north to the nearest gay metropolis and fit in amongst his fellow artsy hipsters, and after three years of very intensive dating CJ didn’t think twice before putting Jakob’s wants and desires before his own. Precisely three months later, after having moved in to their very own apartment and starting classes and experiencing just a small sliver of what NYC had to offer, CJ’s persistent cornfed simplicity and cultural cluelessness became more annoying than endearing and Jakob promptly kicked him to the curb.

- Stranded in a huge city completely on his own, CJ floundered. He was far too ashamed to simply drop out and head back home to Tennessee, tail between his legs and heart thoroughly broken, but a series of calls home to his old baseball coach (far more understanding than his father) reinvigorated him with purpose. He’d tough out his freshman year at NYU, flex his muscles in the spring when baseball season came around, and once more the division I offers would come rolling in and he could peace out of NYC for good. In the meantime, he’d move into a shared flat with some roomies, take a job at Starbucks, survive on his tips and scholarship stipends, bumble his way through gen-ed classes and desperately try to get over Jakob.
Taken By: winter soldier
Played By: Penn Badgley

Wayward Melody 07-25-2015 11:18 AM

Name: Aurora Kidd
Age: 18
Previous RPG: N/A
Year: Freshman, Computer Science
Theme Song: Karma Chameleon – Culture Club
Personality: Destructive, Artistic, Mythomanical, Hedonistic, Outgoing
Five Fast Facts:
• As the baby of a repressed holy-than-thou family, Aurora looked to big sister Ginny to lead her behavior. Unsure of if she wanted to follow in her footsteps or be mommy and daddy’s little angel; Aurora tried a little bit of everything. She played the uptight choir girl with the promise ring affixed to her finger until she decided she liked the feeling of boys (and girls) more than the weight of a gold band upon her finger, which was about the time Virginia left Dallas.
• Without her sister around, Aurora decided to emulate her in her absence. She took it a bit further, became a practicing Wiccan and otherwise troublesome brat. The one positive thing is that despite her many changes Aurora never let her grades slip and so it was a no brainer to apply exactly where Ginny was and reattach that sisterly bond.
• Aside from a very promiscuous lifestyle Aurora hasn’t really done that much in her life, but you wouldn’t know it by the way she talks. A habitual liar with a flair for the dramatic but the plausible she’ll weave you the most engaging story ever, capture your attention and forget about you the next moment.
• Aurora is ambidextrous, double jointed and flexible (in pretty much all ways that count). At some point during her journey to New York she chatted up (and subsequently hooked up) with a Yogi of some repute. And his friends. And his friends friends. That experience taught her a lot. That she taught him some things too came as something of a surprise and promptly sent her speeding out of town with the swiftness of a gazelle avoiding lions.
• Aurora doesn't do relationships, except when she does. Ginny remains the v.i.p. of her circle but certain non-cosmopolitan gays, strange lovers, and curiously sardonic friends she's beginning to learn that some ties just may be worth having.
Taken By: Wayward Melody
Played By: Emily Bett Rickards

There is another one coming. Count on it.

winter soldier 07-25-2015 01:12 PM

There's my gurl. :D

AtomicEmpress 07-25-2015 06:20 PM

I don't have alot for my c's if anyone else needs anything,etc. let me know and we'll brainstorm.

winter soldier 07-25-2015 07:14 PM

I want ze stuff with Pammers!

Wayward Melody 07-26-2015 12:23 PM

Name: Dalton Reeves
Age: 45
Previous RPG: N/A
Year: Professor & Associate Dean of Film, Television & New Media
Theme Song: Simple Man - Lynyrd Skynyrd
Personality: Steadfast, Hard-Working, Entrepreneurial, Stubborn, Giving
Five Fast Facts:
• Born in Philadelphia to ne’er-do-well, upscale suburbanites Dalton initially wanted for nothing, besides the praise of father and mother who didn’t seem the least bit interested in him. This was until fumbling toward ecstasy at the age of sixteen with another boy in a broom closet on the property of his then high school. Liberal though such an area tended to be the act shamed his father. The man raised a hand to young Dalton in an attempt to ‘beat the gay out of him’ and Dalton beat a trail out of Philly as quickly as possible. Since then he has never concealed his sexuality and will speak about it to whomever.
• The young man went west, gradually coming to Los Angeles. A film lover from an early age Dalton offered both enthusiasm and no small amount of charm as a set P.A. He learned a great deal about the industry and worked tirelessly. He found a home in fictional worlds that were more clearly realized than any love he’d ever before felt or had sought to feel. We he came of age his gradually transitioned into casting and later management under the tutelage of a producer who’d met him by chance.
• His favorite movies had always been war films, particularly those set in simpler times, drawn to the romanticism of heroes saving the day and coming out golden, on the side of angels. Such naiveté propelled a twenty-two year old Dalton to enlist in the army just in time for the Gulf War. The realization of the true nature of war made him sober up rather quickly. Though he’s loathe to talk about his experience (and the event that led to his awarding of the distinguished service cross) he did pen a fictionalized account of his experience which was later turned into an Oscar winning film but a notable director.
Dalton continued to write movies, eventually directing a pair which brought him even more attention. Soon the recipient of two Golden Globes (and six other nominations) and two Oscar nominations, Dalton grew bored. He went back to school to earn his degrees and eventually turned to becoming a teacher. He still is very active within the Hollywood circle which does lead him away from New York on occasion, thus why he shares the Dean position with someone a little less mercurial with their time.
Taken By: Wayward Melody
Played By: Grant Bowler

I need things, so many things. Contact me if you need things. Things! :yay:

degausser 07-26-2015 07:18 PM

I'll get the OP updated with the more recent profiles tomorrow and try to get this going sometime during the week before I move over the weekend. I'm pretty sure I will be without internet for a couple of days, possibly even a week, so I'd like to at least get this going for everyone else so you're not waiting on me.

I still have a few people to contact, but that too will come tomorrow as I'm le tired.

winter soldier 07-27-2015 04:05 PM

Saving Bradley Cooper for my 4th character. His profile to come.

winter soldier 07-27-2015 09:22 PM

Here's Tyler. He could definitely use stuff - all I have for him is SLs with Mandy. :bunny: Please give, thanks.

And a J.Law for Jack to hate, Letty! :evil_lol:

As always, if someone suddenly desires to play the wife character I've mentioned in my profile--Mrs Lily (name can be changed to suit your tastes) Falco, I'd absolutely love it.

Name: (Dr.) Tyler Falco
Age: Forty-three
Previous RPG: N/A - Original
Year: Professor | Applied Psychology
Theme Song: “Sunshine Superman” - Donovan
Personality: Unflappable, self-assured, analytical, pro-active, patronizing.
Five Fast Facts:
- Tried and true, born and raised Brooklynite, Tyler was the kid of two aging hippies of the Woodstock age who never quite got the memo that adulthood meant responsibility and having children involved more work than simply feeding them, clothing them, and keeping their fingers away from electrical sockets. He grew up in a household of expansive permissibility, though fortunately managed to dodge several bullets in the forms of illicit drugs, juvenile delinquency, and STDS by being the oldest of four and thus feeling personally responsible for the rearing of his three younger sisters. But he wasn’t perfect, by any means. Sexual experimentation was not only permitted in the Falco household but actively encouraged and Tyler started young with the girls in his neighborhood before veering slightly off the path of normalcy to the more ‘experimental’ scene—dabbling in dominance and submission, bondage, and his personal favorite—roleplaying. During one particular sojourn he made the acquaintance of a young girl with a violent rape fantasy and, far too young and inexperienced himself to talk this out with her properly, establishing limits, safewords, etc… he happily indulged her. Her desperate pleas to stop went ignored, presumed part of the fantasy, and Tyler left the encounter satisfied but opened his door the next morning to greet a bevy of policemen and an arrest warrant for rape. Fortunately for him, the charges were dropped one week later, when the girl was found dead of apparent suicide. Though he narrowly escaped prison his neighbors were far from kind, treating him as if he were some disgusting sexual predator and Tyler barely managed to graduate high school with the weight of his arrest looming over his head. Not two days after his graduation, he enlisted in the army to escape Brooklyn and his battered reputation.
- Desert Storm was just pure bad luck. Tyler barely got through basic training with his head above water before being thrust into combat and it may very well have killed him were it not for Dalton Reeves, his personal guardian angel. The two of them got through their tour together, forming a bond of camaraderie in the fox holes that unfortunately wouldn’t last upon returning stateside. Dalton went one way and Tyler went the other, homesick for the grime and stink of NYC enough to risk returning to the place he’d endured countless hardships and nearly dying a dozen times to escape from. Wisely, he chose to settle in Manhattan, far enough away from his old stomping grounds that no one batted an eye at his face nor his name and proceeded to enroll in a local community college. Psychology would be his field of choice and he’d pursue it, eagerly, through four years at BMCC for his undergrad all the way up through his masters and doctorate at NYU. Though he’d accomplished enough by then to reinflate his boyhood ego he never quite forgot about the events that’d led up to his enlisting and that guided his educational and research focus toward the development and evolution of human sexuality.
- Years later, and Tyler is finally in a place where he’s happy with who he is and what he does. Now employed by NYU and well on his way towards tenure and even a cushy spot as a department head down the line (practically promised by the dean when the current head retires) not only is his professional life in its prime but his personal life is a thing most men only dream of. Currently in an open marriage with a beautiful 25-year-old grad student—who just so happened to be one of his students before she promptly switched majors to get that ass—Tyler not only gets to come home to a foxy younger woman who’s always DTF but sometimes there’s two, or three, or a mix of sexes waiting for him in his bedroom… at her behest. They married for the comfort of emotional support but neither has qualms with one another engaging in extramarital relationships, so long as both parties are upfront about it. And, whenever possible, share.
- Inexplicably, Tyler has garnered a reputation for being a bit of a lothario amongst the student body (only partially rooted in truth). His open and engaging (occasionally flirtatious) nature has encouraged no small number of his students to flounce into his office with various genitalia on display, beseeching him for an easy A and in exchange they’d ‘do whatever he wanted.’ He keeps a trunk of ‘research props’ handy for just such an occasion, horrifying each and every one of them with enormous sex toys or puppy collars or elaborate bondage trussing and to date, not a single one of them has made a repeat trip—choosing instead to complete their essays and readings on Freud and Pavlov and operant vs classical conditioning like good little undergrads. Should some student actually take him up on ‘The Great American Challenge,’ he might actually choke on his own spit.
- For all his many, many character flaws Tyler has a certain weakness for the pathetic and vulnerable. Mostly his wife exists to shut the door in his face when he comes home with yet another stray dog, abandoned box of kittens, and once—memorably—some drugged out kid so skinny you could count his rib bones. He’s still paying for that kid’s rehab—now on attempt #5—but fortunately his wife never expected to live a life of any particular luxury.
Taken By: winter soldier
Played By: Bradley Cooper

sumiregusa 07-28-2015 09:38 AM

Can't wait for the game to start. :bunny:

Not that anyone would, but if there's any need still for stuff or new characters, feel free to PM. I'll see what I can do.

Captivating 07-28-2015 11:14 AM

Aww, too bad his wife is 25 or I could've worked with that. haha. I love me some Bradley Cooper. ;)

winter soldier 07-28-2015 11:17 AM

Bradley Cooper is also in an open marriage, so.... ;)

AtomicEmpress 07-28-2015 03:42 PM

Name: Lily Falco
Previous RPG: N/A - Original
Year: Third year Grad. Student
Major: Sociology
Personality: Adventrous. Bright. Down-to-earth. Caring. Sexual.
Three/Five Relevant Life Facts:
- Lily was born in a farmtown in Tennessee. Her family had crops of cotton, and she dealt with milking cows as her major duty for most of her life. It was a small town and there wasn't much to do so sex generally happened early in the town of Millbranch. Lily was no exception to this rule and was generally one of the more adventrous sexually speaking. The guys were all interested in her but half of them chickened out and just said they had slept with. Once she was eighteen and graduated she had already been accepted into NYU - she took a bus in the middle of the night and had the rest of her things shipped. Her parents always thought she would come back home after four years - but she knew that would never happen. She met and got into a relationship with her former teacher, Tyler Falco who she eventually married. She needed someone solid to count on in New York, and that was definately him. She also needed a way her parents couldn't force her home. And a marriage did that. Lily and Tyler are open both with their secrets and their marriage.
- Lily has a mild form of Bipolar disorder that wasn't known about until she was in her first year at NYU. She is well medicated and Tyler helps monitor her and take care of her in this front. She is generally pretty even but has had ups and downs.
- She has always loved animals, from the ones on the farm when she was a child to the birds she often feeds at the park. She has a thing for buying stuff with animals on it, everything from animal figurines (which are slowly taking over every surface in the Falco's place) to cups and aprons with animals printed on them.
- Lily and Tyler are both very sexually open as long as they are honest with each other about things and share when possible (threesome, orgy, the occassional trip to a fetish club when Lily has her way about it)
- They own and run a sex toy,etc. review site where they do both written and video reviews called Frisky Business.
Taken By: AtomicEmpress (Pammie)
Played By: Jennifer Lawrence

degausser 07-28-2015 03:46 PM

Obviously Jack is going to have an irrational hatred towards Lily on account of her being Jennifer Lawrence. :evil:

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