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Old 03-20-2004, 12:06 AM
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A Girl Like You- a semi-myoc rpg

a girl like you

Mail order bride
(the below is taken from an actual mail-order bride website)
Welcome to the internet's best information portal for men seeking foreign wives. This site contains extensive information intended to help educate and inform men who are about to become involved in what is fast becoming a common way to meet and marry a woman from a culture outside North America.

He's not Rockefeller.She's not Cinderella
Agency's around the world,still do the mail order bride business...thats right a man can find a wife through mail or e-mail...Internet or catalogue...Of course you can't expect prefection,just as she wouldn't expect riches behind belief.But every now and then...she turns out to be his Cinderella.

The Plot
Five men who have been friends since they were teenagers are now coming upon or hubbing over their thirties a time when the pressure hits to get married and settle down for many different reasons.The guys together all decide to surf a website and do something more deseperate then anything they'd ever admit to...the five men pick five different women from different countries...women who they believe they could click with in the ways they need.Are they about to find the love of a lifetime? Or realize you can't just order barbie and not worry about the rest.

The Rules
1.Yes we have a Boy/Girl rule going on here..
2.If you pick a pb I don't think fits you must change it.sorry.
3.Please try to make your posts as long as possible.Two lines Min. no max.
4.Have Fun.
5. Basically Its not a rule but the marriages are the end of Thread One they will all be Married that doesn't mean that one guy won't love anothers wife,etc....Its designed for such humor and Drama..

The Cast

The Boys
The Business man
Name: Evan Stanton
Age: Thirty-One
Personality/History: Evan is pretty nice guy, but all and all he's thought of as major workaholic, his work defines who he is..without he would have no idea.His father was a screw off,and rarely ever had a job for more than a month...naturally he thought of his dad as a loser and ever since he turned sixteen busted his butt to get the money so his mom could leave his deadbeat dad and live on her own...after he made a live for his mother,when he was about Twenty-five he started working solely for became his way of defining his existence...He's charming,funny,kind...but his the work ethic of three normal people put together...he's made himself a richish lifestyle that he's sure any woman would die for...unforunately his work gives him no real time for emotional attachments.
Job: Adveristing Agent
Reason for wanting Bride: he needs a family image in order to get a promotion...his boss wants the person who gets this particular promotion to have a good image..and not a lone single bacholar image...
Taken by: JillyHalliwell
Played By: Brendan Fraser
Brendan Fraser- Evan
The Mama's Boy
Name: Jonathon James
Age: 28
Personality/History: Jonathon is a nice guy, always doing what he was told. Of course, he didn't like doing so, the first chance he got to move out, he did, going to live on his own, but of course, he wanted to stay close to his family and moved into a house not to far from his parents. He loves his job as a teacher, loving to see those kids brighten up when they figured out their problem.
Job: Teacher
Reason for wanting Bride: With him being much into kid, he's always wanted someone who loved them as much as he did, and always took his time into find one. One day his mother had come over and pressured him into not being as picky and just finding someone to have children with. With that, and his friends, he decide that it might be a good idea to do this.
Taken by: StarliteParadise
Played By: Luke Wilson
Luke Wilson- Jonathon
The Player who got no play
Name: Josh Morris
Age: 29
Personality/History: Josh has always liked his freedom. Right when he turned 18 he left home. He always hated rules and being tied down. He's had numerous girlfriends, all relationships rooted solely in sex, and was quick to tire. One day he woke up and was sick of that lifestyle. He wanted to change. So he devised a plan with his friends, and this is what they came up with. It could work... right? He's a nice guy, very carefree. He's been in love once, and misses that security in a way.
Job: Bar tender
Reason for wanting a Bride: He's been playing the field for what seems like forever, getting no where, and is frustrated. It's time to settle down.
Taken By: Princess Aly
Played by: Ben Affleck
Ben Affleck- Josh
The Heir
Name: Stosh Valmont
Age: 30
Personality/History: His mother died when he was a child, he doesn't remember anything about her. His father was away doing, god knows what. And he was shipped off to boarding school the second he was old enough to be. And that's how his childhood and adolescence went. He can't even remember if he ever left the school until he graduated. Growing up Stosh rebelled against his family, and in his boarding school, there were a ton of spoiled rich kids looking to do the same. No matter what trouble he got into, his father found a way to use his money to cover it up. Now thirty, and set to take over his fathers enterprise, he's ready to take on the world. Stosh appears to be reckless, but what really does he have to be afraid of, he already has everything...right?
Job: nothing. He can have some income as a hobby but he's pretty rich now...
Reason for wanting a Bride: His elderly father, who is dying of cancer, tells him that if he doesn't find a wife by the time of his death all his inheritance will go to his Uncle. And that's the last thing he wants.
Taken By: ~¤ Impressions ¤~
Played By: Galen Gering
Galen Gering- Stosh
The Romantic
Name: Elijah *Eli* Parker
Age: Thirty-Four
Personality/History: Elijah was born in New York City to a lawyer and a stay-at-home mother. While his father was rarely at home, his mother raised and cared for him tenderly. She raised both Elijah and his younger sister, Adelaine, until Adelaine committed suicide when Elijah was eighteen. She was fourteen years old. Elijah's mother couldn't seem to bear the grief of losing her daughter, and became very cold and distant towards Elijah. She later committed suicide herself, claiming that she wanted to be with her daughter, when he was twenty. He and his father remained cut-off from each other and still are to this day. He married his high school sweetheart, Ariana, but caught her cheating on him in their fourth year of marriage. Elijah has always been yearning for love that he lacked after his sister's death from his mother. He often craves attention to ensure that people remember and love him. He has a very witty sense of humor and has the uncanny ability to make a room of people burst into laughter. He loves children and loves people.
Job: Originally, Elijah was going to follow his father and become a lawyer. But when he and his father got caught in a rift, he decided to become a writer and is now a reporter for the New York Times.
Reason for wanting Bride: Elijah has always been a little weary of women since the three most important ones left him in one way or another. He still persisted, however, but only ended up with his heart broken over and over again. He knows that the idea of a mail-order bride seems ludicrous and is most likely a scam, but he still can't help but be hopeful to the fact that perhaps he will find his perfect woman from it. At least that's what he tells himself to keep his spirits high.
Taken By: Burnination101
Played By: Jude Law
Jude Law- Elijah

The Girls

The Scam-Artist
Name: Serena Jolie
Age: 19
Country: France
Personality/History: This is nothing new for Serena's family, as mentioned in her reasoning. Serena has been in love once, but was forced away from him when her mother found her a husband. She hated the guy, but was made to pretend and hates it. Due to this all she's very insecure and easy to push around. But she puts on a good act.
Bride of: The Heir
Reason for wanting an American Husband: Serena's mother and older sister brought her into this. They've shown her the ropes, and taught her how to use her good looks to her advantage. So far she's been married once, ended in a nasty divorce, and came out with a nice million. Truthfully she doesn't like this business, but it works. And she needs the money.
Taken By: Princess Aly
Played By: Mischa Barton
Mischa Barton- Serena
The Runaway
Name: Reiko *Rei* Matsui
Age: Twenty-Two
Country: Japan
Personality/History: Reiko was born into a contemporary Japanese home, where contemporary simply means she did not have the same number of tasks within the family as generations before. Her father, the staple of the family, passed away due to unknown causes when she was seventeen. This caused her family to spiral into debt. Her mother continued to work as a seamstress while Reiko began a job at an electronics company. When she realized that their jobs would not support the entire family (which consisted of three other boys), she knew that she would have to try and find a way to save them. She then decided to sell herself as a mail-order bride due to her knowledge of the propsperity in America. Because of her troubled up bringing, Reiko is very wise in the worth of a dollar and is very selfless. There are times where she wishes she could do something for herself, but would rather sacrifice for the sake of another. She's light-hearted and loves to enjoy herself, and is a very extroverted person. She enjoys the company of those who make her feel comfortable and make her laugh. She's very compassionate and benevolent.
Bride of: The Mama's Boy
Reason for wanting an American Husband: Reiko has always been a believer that there is someone out there for her, but just perhaps not in Japan. She has seen the good-looking Americans that are often the models for popular companies, such as Calvin Klein. Her hopes are high for finding someone exactly like that, but she refuses to let them go. But more importantly, Reiko needs to leave in order to both escape the pressures of her family life and to save them as well.
Taken By: Burnination101
Played By: Kelly Hu
Kelly Hu- Reiko
The Merry Wife
Name: Rebecca Portokolas
Age: 26
Country: Greece
Personality/History: Rebecca was born into a quite happy family, and was very close to her mother. She wasn't like your type of wild child, she loved to clean and help her mother out with the house work. She wasn't close to her dad, and she actually barely knew of him for he had left her mother when she was quite young. Her mother got married to a great man, who she wished was her actual father. She learned to cook when she was only the age of 8 and has perfected she skills to this very day.
Bride Of: The Business man
Reason for wanting an American Husband: Rebbeca grew up learning everything from her mother, the skills of keeping the house, being a good person, how to show love to ones the care about. But the thing was, she found Greece to olden day for her. She wanted a better life to have a bigger home to clean and somewhere her family would be able to live in without the many children in a room..
Taken By: StarliteParadise
Played By: Vanessa Paradis
Vanessa Paradis- Rebecca
The Angel
Name:Leonora *Nora* Salvatore
Age: Twenty-Five
Country: Italy
Personality/History: Leonora is that kind of soul that you only find once out of a million people she's purely and honestly good,human doormat who would do anything you asked her to without question unless it pounds against her moral coventions..a sweet soul she basically raised her two sisters and her brother and now that they've left home..she was all alone her father disappeared after her youngest sister was born and left her mother to have a nervous break-down,and Leonora who wanted to be an artist gave up her dreams of going to art school to raise the other she's free and lonely,her mother passed on six monthes ago and when she was told about a way to go to America and not be alone in the new country she jumped at it.An avid animal-lover she had a small zoo back at home,and had to give them away to families before she left..
Bride Of: The Player who got no Play
Reason for wanting an American Husband: Leonora has always wanted to travel but more over she wants to visit other places and help others over the world..not to mention being a secret romantic she wishes maybe to find someone who can love her..
Taken By: JillyHalliwell
Played By: Julia Brendler
Julia Brendler-Nora
The Wild One
Name: Naomi Clephonie
Age: 25
Country: Jamaica
Personality/History: She is very independent and confident in who she is and what she's all about. She is extremely stubborn and sarcastic. Naomi always seems to find a way to make the most simplest of tasks complicated, even if she doesn't mean to. Naomi lives in the heat of the moment and that has gotten her into trouble in more than one occasion. All the other times she has found a way out of any serious trouble, but she couldn't this time. She somehow found her way deep into the "undercity" of Jamaica and she wanted a way out. What she thought was an easy task, turned out to be her living nightmare. The people who run the "undercity" have connections everywhere, and before she knew it, Naomi was a marked woman. Her family disowned her and she was constantly looking over her shoulder. That's why she had to leave, there was nothing left of her life there to save. It's possibly that Naomi will tame her ways to keep a low profile, but then again...she's a woman with nothing to lose.
Bride Of: The Romantic
Reason for wanting an American Husband: Most of the information is in the P/H. Naomi got into a lot of trouble back and home that left her with nothing. She needed a way out, and with no money, this was the only way.
Taken By: ~¤ Impressions ¤~
Played By: Chantel
Chantel- Naomi

Name:Anna Roberts
Personality/History:Anna grew up in the same town as Evan and Jonathon did and they were like the three musketeers for a while there. She dated Evan for a year and then had to let him go when she was leaving. She hated the breakup but got over it. She always held a fancy for Jonathon but just couldn't come up with the right things to say to him. She was always outgoing and fun and extremley extroverted. She still is too day just a little bit more grown up and her maturity is better.She moved away to see her family in Maine and is glad to be back considering she hasn't had any chances whatsoever at seeing any of her buddies.
How they feel about all of this:She dislikes it greatly because she wants either Jonathon or Evan and will do anything to ruin this for them. She was there first and now some simple mail order bride isn't going to come in and take something from her she has been vying for, for years.
Taken By:Cherrychica87
Played By:Sandra Bullock
Note: If you want to do another character like a friend or such, that'll be fine.
Also I've found before that not that many people know what I mean by Merry wife--Basically think of the 50's the perfect kind of woman.

[ 03-23-2004: Message edited JillyHalliwell ]

"One must always be careful of books," said Tessa,"and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us." -Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
[ICON CREDIT: sourburst]
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Old 03-20-2004, 12:10 AM
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The scam artist and the player [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
You can show up at my house
Completely unannounced
We'll have that movie kiss we talked about
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Old 03-20-2004, 12:17 AM
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The Romantic, pb: Jude Law
The Run-Away, pb: Kelly Hu

I'll have the profiles in tomorrow or Sunday. I'm off to bed. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

[ 03-19-2004: Message edited Burnination101 ]
Continue to give yourself to others because that’s
the ultimate satisfaction in life - to love, accept, honor, and help others.
- Sarah Ruhl, "Eurydice."

icon credit: spikesbint on LJ
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Old 03-20-2004, 12:19 AM
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Name: Josh Morris
Age: 29
Personality/History: Josh has always liked his freedom. Right when he turned 18 he left home. He always hated rules and being tied down. He's had numerous girlfriends, all relationships rooted solely in sex, and was quick to tire. One day he woke up and was sick of that lifestyle. He wanted to change. So he devised a plan with his friends, and this is what they came up with. It could work... right? He's a nice guy, very carefree. He's been in love once, and misses that security in a way.
Job: Bar tender
Reason for wanting a Bride: He's been playing the field for what seems like forever, getting no where, and is frustrated. It's time to settle down.
Taken By: Princess Aly
Played by: Ben Affleck
You can show up at my house
Completely unannounced
We'll have that movie kiss we talked about
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Old 03-20-2004, 12:24 AM
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Thanks for joining both of you [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

"One must always be careful of books," said Tessa,"and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us." -Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
[ICON CREDIT: sourburst]
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Old 03-20-2004, 12:48 AM
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The Mama's Boy and The Merry Wife
<3 Jen <(^.^<)

"My junk is you."
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Old 03-20-2004, 12:58 AM
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Thanks for joining, I added you [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

"One must always be careful of books," said Tessa,"and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us." -Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
[ICON CREDIT: sourburst]
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Old 03-20-2004, 12:41 PM
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may I have the Heir and the Wild one, not sure about the pbs yet.
Maybe, you have to let go
of who you were to become
who you will be.
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Old 03-20-2004, 01:30 PM
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Name: Serena Jolie
Age: 19
Country: France
Personality/History: This is nothing new for Serena's family, as mentioned in her reasoning. Serena has been in love once, but was forced away from him when her mother found her a husband. She hated the guy, but was made to pretend and hates it. Due to this all she's very insecure and easy to push around. But she puts on a good act.
Bride of: The Heir
Reason for wanting an American Husband: Serena's mother and older sister brought her into this. They've shown her the ropes, and taught her how to use her good looks to her advantage. So far she's been married once, ended in a nasty divorce, and came out with a nice million. Truthfully she doesn't like this business, but it works. And she needs the money.
Taken By: Princess Aly
Played By: Mischa Barton
You can show up at my house
Completely unannounced
We'll have that movie kiss we talked about
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Old 03-20-2004, 01:51 PM
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Oh man...I wanted to join but looks like your full [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] I missed this rp! Oh well if you happen to find you have any opening pammie please pm me

[ 03-20-2004: Message edited CherryChica87 ]
"Not all treasure is silver and gold mate"- Pirates of the Carribean

"The cool points are out the window and you got me all twisted up in the game"-Bringing Down the House
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Old 03-20-2004, 02:45 PM
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Princess Aly thanks for getting your profiles in so quickly [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

we just need them from-
~¤ Impressions ¤~


"One must always be careful of books," said Tessa,"and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us." -Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
[ICON CREDIT: sourburst]
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Old 03-20-2004, 02:49 PM
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Not a problem [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
You can show up at my house
Completely unannounced
We'll have that movie kiss we talked about
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Old 03-20-2004, 04:57 PM
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my guy profile will be in, most likely, tomorrow

Name: Naomi Clephonie
Age: 25
Country: Jamaica
Personality/History: She is very independent and confident in who she is and what she's all about. She is extremely stubborn and sarcastic. Naomi always seems to find a way to make the most simplest of tasks complicated, even if she doesn't mean to. Naomi lives in the heat of the moment and that has gotten her into trouble in more than one occasion. All the other times she has found a way out of any serious trouble, but she couldn't this time. She somehow found her way deep into the "undercity" of Jamaica and she wanted a way out. What she thought was an easy task, turned out to be her living nightmare. The people who run the "undercity" have connections everywhere, and before she knew it, Naomi was a marked woman. Her family disowned her and she was constantly looking over her shoulder. That's why she had to leave, there was nothing left of her life there to save. It's possibly that Naomi will tame her ways to keep a low profile, but then again...she's a woman with nothing to lose.
Bride Of: The Romantic
Reason for wanting an American Husband: Most of the information is in the P/H. Naomi got into a lot of trouble back and home that left her with nothing. She needed a way out, and with no money, this was the only way.
Taken By: ~¤ Impressions ¤~
Played By: Chantel
Maybe, you have to let go
of who you were to become
who you will be.
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Old 03-20-2004, 05:14 PM
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Thanks for getting her in so quickly [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] added you.

"One must always be careful of books," said Tessa,"and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us." -Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
[ICON CREDIT: sourburst]
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Old 03-21-2004, 12:28 AM
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Name: Rebecca Portokolas
Age: 26
Country: Greece
Personality/History: Rebecca was born into a quite happy family, and was very close to her mother. She wasn't like your type of wild child, she loved to clean and help her mother out with the house work. She wasn't close to her dad, and she actually barely knew of him for he had left her mother when she was quite young. Her mother got married to a great man, who she wished was her actual father. She learned to cook when she was only the age of 8 and has perfected she skills to this very day.
Bride Of: The Business man
Reason for wanting an American Husband: Rebbeca grew up learning everything from her mother, the skills of keeping the house, being a good person, how to show love to ones the care about. But the thing was, she found Greece to olden day for her. She wanted a better life to have a bigger home to clean and somewhere her family would be able to live in without the many children in a room..
Taken By: StarliteParadise
Played By: Vanessa Paradis

Name: Jonathon James
Age: 28
Personality/History: Jonathon is a nice guy, always doing what he was told. Of course, he didn't like doing so, the first chance he got to move out, he did, going to live on his own, but of course, he wanted to stay close to his family and moved into a house not to far from his parents. He loves his job as a teacher, loving to see those kids brighten up when they figured out their problem.
Job: Teacher
Reason for wanting Bride: With him being much into kid, he's always wanted someone who loved them as much as he did, and always took his time into find one. One day his mother had come over and pressured him into not being as picky and just finding someone to have children with. With that, and his friends, he decide that it might be a good idea to do this.
Taken by: StarliteParadise
Played By: Luke Wilson
<3 Jen <(^.^<)

"My junk is you."
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