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Jezebel In Hell 05-20-2009 07:14 PM

Los Angeles Gossip | MYOC

You know that you love Gossip Girl. Always keeping the people of the Upper East Side on their toes, afraid of what skeleton will be yanked out of their closet next... But you didn’t really think that this delightfully vicious brand of gossip blog was only found in New York, though, did you?

Enter Los Angeles Gossip. This site does what Gossip Girl does for the UES for the well-to-do of L.A. and more often than not that means the young and the reckless teenaged sons and daughters of the people who run things. Sex, drugs, and alcohol all wrapped up in a designer package.

So where is the hub of all of this activity? St. Anthony’s Private High School For Girls and Boys, naturally. It’s where the well-off send their brats for an education and to get them started on the right social paths.

Have fun ;)

Rules & Notes
This is mostly centered around high schoolers, but I am not opposed to involving adults.
There is no Boy/Girl rule being enforced.
Plotting with other players in encouraged.
There will be no Gossip Girl PB’s allowed in this game.

Profile Format
Age: 15+
Personality: A few lines about your character. Not too long, not too brief.
TB: You
PB: A picture!

Cast of Characters

Name: Oliver DuBois
Age: 17
Personality: Oliver is everybody’s friend. He is kind to anyone that crosses his path. It isn’t put-on, either. Oliver doesn’t really try to be popular, so he doesn’t hang out with the socially ambitious crowd at school, but he isn’t unpopular, either. Oliver is photographer for the newspaper, but is also into photography as a hobby as well.
TB: Jezebel In Hell
PB: Nicholas D’Agosto

Name: Connor Dunnigan
Age: 17
Personality: Connor is popular for one main reason and it has nothing to do with his sparkling personality. His father owns a film studio and so Connor is surrounded by wannabe movie starlets. He does nothing to discourage the attention, though. Connor enjoys going to parties and hanging out with the elite. He’s more of a follower than a leader.
TB: Jezebel In Hell
PB: Ben Vescovi

Name: Roxanne Pope
Age: 16
Personality: Roxanne is a social climber, but she would never dream of hurting anyone close to her to accumulate popularity or notoriety. She is usually nice, but like many others Roxanne has had her bitch moments. Because of her family’s wealth and connections, the party to be at is usually held at her home.
TB: Jezebel In Hell
PB: Ashley Greene

Name: Athena Slater
Age: Seventeen
Personality: Athena is one of the It Girls at the school. She was born in Greece when her mom was over there for her art, hence the name, and is very priveleged and well liked - loved,even. Even though she has many people who would count her as a friend, she only has a few she finds precious enough to put that name on. She is a sweetheart but can pull her claws out if you even pose a threat to her, or one of her friends. She is a lot smarter than most people would think of such a social butterfly but maybe thats why she so easily can go from group to group, asking favors and helping out when she feels the desire. She doesn't really have a steady boyfriend but is considered the 'catch' of the school as far as single girls go.
TB: JillyHalliwell
PB: Emma Roberts

Name: Annette *Nettie* Landry
Age: Sixteen
Personality: Nettie has always been a color outside of the lines kind of girl. When it comes to clothes, shoes, music, tastes in just about everything she is the one who thinks to think outside the box. If she sees someone wearing something 'trendy' she knows that that is not the thing for her. She is not a fad kind of girl. She is usually by herself with her ipod or a book. She can be aggressive and angry but thats not what she's about, but she does get defensive and can be a bit 'scary', rumors are always going around about her, so she's use to the BS but that doesn't mean that she LIKES being odd girl out.
TB: JillyHalliwell
PB: Skye Sweetnam

Name: Wilson *Sonny* Rogers
Age: Seventeen
Personality: Sonny is the kind of guy who is quiet. He listens. He is your best friend when you don't think you have anyone in the world. And then, he runs to his therphist and has to vent. He is a nice guy, but he gets walked on, all the time. A Romantic by nature he has the hardest time saying no to females.
TB: JillyHalliwell
PB: Teddy Geiger

Name: Jay Masters
Age: Eighteen
Personality: Jay is a good guy, but generally he is a goof off who doesn't take too much seriously. He doesn't do much as far as after school stuff and is only still in school because his parents are insisting, and he is probably going to need a tutor just to finish school, as he doesn't pay much attention in class though he's not a dumb guy.
TB: JillyHalliwell
PB: Shia Lebeof

Name: Destiny Andrews
Age: 17
Personality: Destiny is a classified It girl. She was born in California but raised in France for half her life. While her father worked on heavy duty cases she was off jet-setting with her mother all over Europe, Asia, and the Caribbean. She's a very outgoing and friendly girl who loves to joke around and make new friends. Although, she has one specific group that she hangs outh with she is not afraid to travel outside her circle and make friends with other people. She has had a steady boyfriend on and off for the last year a ahlf but wants to go single because she knows that she can get so many more guys without the extra baggage.
TB: TeamLaFox
PB: Jessica Lowndes

B]Name:[/B] Samantha *Sam* Davenport
Age: Seventeen
Personality: Sam is from New York but moved to LA when her father got a new job, so she's a new student. Sam's mom and dad divorced when she was three and she doesn't get along with her mom much, so she is pretty close to her father. Sam can be a bit reserved and keeps to herself at first glance, but once you get to know her, she comes out of her shell quite quickly. Sam may be a good student, but she can be reckless and wild when she wants to be, especially when the situation calls for it.
TB: kiss and tell
PB: Emily Browning

Name: Ashton Lennox
Age: Eighteen
Personality: While Ashton wouldn't consider himself popular, he does hang out with the 'it' crowd alot. Maybe it's because he is such a charmer and can usually have his way when he wants it, which is usually more often than not. Ladies really do find it hard to resist him because they go weak at the knees in his presence. He usually goes with the flow as far as school is concerned though and he loves a good party.
TB: kiss and tell
PB: Michael Cassidy

Name: Olivia *Liv* Perry
Age: 17
Personality: She is one of those people who appears to be overly friendly. Some people would say that she tries to hard, but it’s really hard for people to hate her. She is a really sensitive person, she doesn’t like cruelty…if someone is mean to her she’s definitely one that will probably end up crying when she comes home. She has a lot of emotional issues and low self esteem, she’s a welcome mat and a lot of the popular people use her.
TB: MrsEdwardCullen
PB: Rachel Bilson

Name: Adam Seban
Age: 18
Personality: Adam loves women…tall women short women, women with long hair or short hair…he just has a great appreciation of them. Some people would call him a womanizer, but that doesn’t really bother him. Adam is just young and he likes to party and have a good time. He isn’t sure how he feels about serious relationships…maybe something that he’ll have in the distant future…but definitely not now. He’s extremely popular, possibly because of his athletics. He’s a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, he’s an excellent boxer, he’s on the football team, and lacrosse. He also comes from an extremely wealthy family. His mom is a very famous fashion designer and his father is a retired model and an actor on a famous TV show. Adam feels like he has it all.
TB: MrsEdwardCullen
PB: Robert Pattinson

Name: Ruby-Elaine *Ruby*,*R.E.*,*Ruby Ela*,*Ruby El* Harris
Age: Thirty-One
Personality: Ruby-Elaine is from Arkansas, and not really use to this area but moved here a few years ago with friends and is now living just off campus of the private school where she just got a job as the new head librarian.
TB: JillyHalliwell
PB: Keri Russell

Name: Hannah Stevens
Age: Twenty - Three
Personality: Hannah is a Teacher's Assistant at the school, as she hopes to be a fully fledged teacher one day. She is a driven individual and she can complete a task diligently. She has a kind heart, but she can put people in their place if she needs to. She is a risk taker, so if someone wants her to do something, no matter how twisted, she will. No questions asked. She is also willing to tutor students if they need it.
TB: kiss and tell
PB: Mila Kunis

Name: Pike Dunn
Age: 35
Personality: Pike is a gentleman through and through, always chivalrous to the ladies and respectful to the others. He doesn’t use foul language and gets kind of upset to hear certain words spoken in conversation. He has a quiet sort of presence that keeps most students in line, but, for the others, he will not let disrespect go unpunished. He teaches Basic Law at school.
TB: Jezebel In Hell
PB: Stephen Moyer

Name: Martin Cavendish
Age: Thirty - Six
Personality: Martin, while he is smart and great at his job, he can be a bit eccentric at times. He has a different teaching style than most teachers and he's okay with that. As long as his students learn, then that's the most important thing. He tries his best to reach out to his students. He succeeds more times than not, but there are times where he is about ready to give up. He never wants to give up on them however, because he is dedicated. If he didn't want to become a teacher, then he wouldn't be at the school, would he? He loves his English class and he wouldn't leave.
TB: kiss and tell
PB: Justin Bartha

TeamLaFox 05-20-2009 07:43 PM

Taking a female for now.

PB is Jessica Lowndes...

AtomicEmpress 05-20-2009 07:56 PM

Spot me, Bridget! Not sure how many....or who...yet.

Jezebel In Hell 05-20-2009 08:36 PM

Nice to have you guys! :D I put up my profiles if anyone is interested in friends or love interests.

AtomicEmpress 05-20-2009 10:49 PM

Okay, here comes my c's! I made five. LOL I MAY HAVE A PROBLEM,lol Do they CMA meetings (Character making anonymous!) anywhere around here?

so I hope the staff member is okay,, otherwise I'll revamp!

Name: Athena Slater
Age: Seventeen
Personality: Athena is one of the It Girls at the school. She was born in Greece when her mom was over there for her art, hence the name, and is very priveleged and well liked - loved,even. Even though she has many people who would count her as a friend, she only has a few she finds precious enough to put that name on. She is a sweetheart but can pull her claws out if you even pose a threat to her, or one of her friends. She is a lot smarter than most people would think of such a social butterfly but maybe thats why she so easily can go from group to group, asking favors and helping out when she feels the desire. She doesn't really have a steady boyfriend but is considered the 'catch' of the school as far as single girls go.
TB: JillyHalliwell
PB: Emma Roberts

Name: Annette *Nettie* Landry
Age: Sixteen
Personality: Nettie has always been a color outside of the lines kind of girl. When it comes to clothes, shoes, music, tastes in just about everything she is the one who thinks to think outside the box. If she sees someone wearing something 'trendy' she knows that that is not the thing for her. She is not a fad kind of girl. She is usually by herself with her ipod or a book. She can be aggressive and angry but thats not what she's about, but she does get defensive and can be a bit 'scary', rumors are always going around about her, so she's use to the BS but that doesn't mean that she LIKES being odd girl out.
TB: JillyHalliwell
PB: Skye Sweetnam

Name: Wilson *Sonny* Rogers
Age: Seventeen
Personality: Sonny is the kind of guy who is quiet. He listens. He is your best friend when you don't think you have anyone in the world. And then, he runs to his therphist and has to vent. He is a nice guy, but he gets walked on, all the time. A Romantic by nature he has the hardest time saying no to females.
TB: JillyHalliwell
PB: Teddy Geiger

Name: Jay Masters
Age: Eighteen
Personality: Jay is a good guy, but generally he is a goof off who doesn't take too much seriously. He doesn't do much as far as after school stuff and is only still in school because his parents are insisting, and he is probably going to need a tutor just to finish school, as he doesn't pay much attention in class though he's not a dumb guy.
TB: JillyHalliwell
PB: Shia Lebeof

Name: Ruby-Elaine *Ruby*,*R.E.*,*Ruby Ela*,*Ruby El* Harris
Age: Thirty-One
Personality: Ruby-Elaine is from Arkansas, and not really use to this area but moved here a few years ago with friends and is now living just off campus of the private school where she just got a job as the new head librarian.
TB: JillyHalliwell
PB: Keri Russell

☆ a million stars ☆ 05-21-2009 01:36 AM

Joining Bridget :)

I'm making a staff member/tutor. I hope that's okay :)

Name: Hannah Stevens
Age: Twenty - Three
Personality: Hannah is a Teacher's Assistant at the school, as she hopes to be a fully fledged teacher one day. She is a driven individual and she can complete a task diligently. She has a kind heart, but she can put people in their place if she needs to. She is a risk taker, so if someone wants her to do something, no matter how twisted, she will. No questions asked. She is also willing to tutor students if they need it.
TB: kiss and tell
PB: Mila Kunis

Other(s) coming.

TeamLaFox 05-21-2009 04:12 AM

Name: Destiny Andrews
Age: 17
Personality: Destiny is a classified It girl. She was born in California but raised in France for half her life. While her father worked on heavy duty cases she was off jet-setting with her mother all over Europe, Asia, and the Caribbean. She's a very outgoing and friendly girl who loves to joke around and make new friends. Although, she has one specific group that she hangs outh with she is not afraid to travel outside her circle and make friends with other people. She has had a steady boyfriend on and off for the last year a ahlf but wants to go single because she knows that she can get so many more guys without the extra baggage.
TB: TeamLaFox
PB: Jessica Lowndes

MrsEdwardCullen 05-21-2009 07:08 AM

reserving Robert Pattinson and Rachel Bilson for now

☆ a million stars ☆ 05-21-2009 07:07 PM

Also save me Emily Browning and Michael Cassidy too. Posting the rest later :)

Name: Samantha *Sam* Davenport
Age: Seventeen
Personality: Sam is from New York but moved to LA when her father got a new job, so she's a new student. Sam's mom and dad divorced when she was three and she doesn't get along with her mom much, so she is pretty close to her father. Sam can be a bit reserved and keeps to herself at first glance, but once you get to know her, she comes out of her shell quite quickly. Sam may be a good student, but she can be reckless and wild when she wants to be, especially when the situation calls for it.
TB: kiss and tell
PB: Emily Browning

My guy(s) coming :)


Name: Ashton Lennox
Age: Eighteen
Personality: While Ashton wouldn't consider himself popular, he does hang out with the 'it' crowd alot. Maybe it's because he is such a charmer and can usually have his way when he wants it, which is usually more often than not. Ladies really do find it hard to resist him because they go weak at the knees in his presence. He usually goes with the flow as far as school is concerned though and he loves a good party.
TB: kiss and tell
PB: Michael Cassidy

I might make another guy soon.

MrsEdwardCullen 05-22-2009 06:52 AM

Name: Olivia *Liv* Perry
Age: 17
Personality: She is one of those people who appears to be overly friendly. Some people would say that she tries to hard, but it’s really hard for people to hate her. She is a really sensitive person, she doesn’t like cruelty…if someone is mean to her she’s definitely one that will probably end up crying when she comes home. She has a lot of emotional issues and low self esteem, she’s a welcome mat and a lot of the popular people use her.
TB: MrsEdwardCullen
PB: Rachel Bilson

Name: Adam Seban
Age: 18
Personality: Adam loves women…tall women short women, women with long hair or short hair…he just has a great appreciation of them. Some people would call him a womanizer, but that doesn’t really bother him. Adam is just young and he likes to party and have a good time. He isn’t sure how he feels about serious relationships…maybe something that he’ll have in the distant future…but definitely not now. He’s extremely popular, possibly because of his athletics. He’s a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, he’s an excellent boxer, he’s on the football team, and lacrosse. He also comes from an extremely wealthy family. His mom is a very famous fashion designer and his father is a retired model and an actor on a famous TV show. Adam feels like he has it all.
TB: MrsEdwardCullen
PB: Robert Pattinson

Jezebel In Hell 05-22-2009 06:11 PM

Nice! Added all of you. My character Connor could use a friend or love interest, if any of you are up for it.

☆ a million stars ☆ 05-22-2009 07:08 PM

My c's are up for SLs. I think Hannah sorta has an LI. But LIs and friends are welcome :)

AtomicEmpress 05-22-2009 07:31 PM

okay here's what my c's have and need.

Athena -
Has - best friend and a person with a crush on her....
could use anything else

Nettie -
Has nothing! Up for anything!

Sonny - Has nothing Also up for anything! I kind of want a school counselor or therapist for him,lol.

Jay - Has a tutor and an LI, up for anything else.

Ruby-Elaine - Could use new friends,etc., an LI, anything really.

Jezebel In Hell 05-22-2009 07:57 PM

I'm making an adult character. Guy, naturally. We don't want the 18+ crowd to be an estrogen brigade. :)

AtomicEmpress 05-22-2009 08:04 PM

lol yeahhhh

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