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MrsEdwardCullen 04-24-2009 07:14 AM

Of Heart Breaks and Hotels - 90210 RPG #2 (Spots Opened)
Of Heartbreaks and Hotels ~Romance Novel rpg~

Welcome to "Of Heartbreaks and Hotels". Since 90210 will not be back until March 31st, I figured we could all come together and do what we think will happen. This is set after the Valentine's episode "Of Heartbreaks and Hotels", hence the title. All the events of that episode and before are involved in this. Oh and NO PROFILES NECESSARY! We know the characters so there's no need


Adrianna -
Navid - Creative Christy
Ethan - MrsEdwardCullen
Annie - Gilmore Girl
Rhonda - Creative Christy
Silver -
Dixon - TeamLaFox
Naomi - TeamLaFox
Liam (Bartender) - MrsEdwardCullen
Christina -
Ty -
Harry -
Debbie -
Kelly -
Ryan -
Brenda -

If I missed anyone, please let me know! I can't wait to get this moving!

MrsEdwardCullen 04-24-2009 07:23 AM

i think it's a good idea to do a skip to spring break...I don't like doing this stuff w/o the creators permission...but she hasn't been on for a lil bit so i'm hoping it's okay. :)


The rays of the sun leaked through the blinds and hit Ethan’s face. His alarm was blaring and he reached over to his dresser and knocked his alarm clock to the ground. He heard something break and he found himself cursing under his breath. He had spent the last few days with Rhonda and he has been really enjoying himself. They went out to the beach and collected beautiful shells, Ethan took her out to swim with the dolphins…which was amazing, and they have been sitting with each other at lunch everyday. There was something that Ethan noticed though…something that bothered him. He had noticed that Annie was spending a lot of time with the new kid Liam.

Ethan tried to not let it bother him though; after all he was the one that broke up with her. That meant that she was free to do whatever she wanted to with her life. Ethan just wasn’t too sure about this Liam character. Ethan didn’t think that he was any good for Annie, she deserved better then him. He just screamed heart breaker, and Ethan worried for Annie. He was still too scared to talk to her though, and their was definitely an awkwardness every time they saw each other in the halls of school.

It was spring break though and Ethan was hoping to get a break from all of that. He was hoping he wasn’t going to see Annie or Liam. He couldn’t imagine either one of them being in the habitat place, it just didn’t seem like either of their scene. Ethan dressed himself and then headed over to pick up Rhonda. They were meeting at school and heading to the place on a bus. He walked up to her door and knocked on it and Rhonda’s mother answered.

”Hey Ethan, glad to see you by again. So glad you and Rhonda are doing this together, I think it’s really sweet.”

“I think it’s always a good idea to give back. Not everyone is as blessed as I am.” He said to her with a smile. He was glad that her family loved him, because that wasn’t always the case. Her family already had complete trust in Ethan, and seemed happy that Rhonda found him.

”Rhonda, Ethan is here!” Her mom bellowed. ”Come inside Ethan, she’s still getting ready. I swear she’s tried on five outfits already Ethan laughed at that. He supposed she wanted to look cute today. Ethan went to the living room and sat down waiting for Rhonda to come down.


Liam didn’t get any sleep last night. He was spending way too much time with Annie, and he wasn’t sure what he thought about that. I mean the girl was fine, but he wasn’t sure if she was just with him to learn from him…or if she was hanging out with him because she actually liked him. Liam was so worldly about so many things, he figured out so many things in the world, but the one thing he still couldn’t figure out was women. They were so complex and complicated, sometimes they did things out of pity and sometimes that pity turned into something more. Women sometimes were users and sometimes they weren’t. Liam was usually very straight forward…okay maybe not…but Annie was definitely a puzzle to him.

Annie thankfully has been using friends as excuses to hang out with Liam. She said she was spending a night at new friends houses…since she couldn’t use Silver as an excuse since Kelly and Annie’s dad seemed to be friends. Liam introduced her to some of his female friends which were magically Annie’s ‘new friends’. Anything so he could show her a good time. They been out drinking together, he took her to the best clubs…of course armed with fake ID’s. He’s taken her out of town a few times…and showed her some beautiful sights. They watched the sunset and the sun rise…admiring all the changing colors of the sky, of course he was a little high while doing that.

Now the fun times were over because he was going to have to do this Habitat for Humanity thing. Something he really wasn’t looking forward too, but he was happy that he was going to be doing it with Annie. He told her he’d meet her there because he thought it would be a bad idea for him to pick her up. He knew that her father thought he was a bad seed. He got in his car and headed to the school and he watched the people fill the bus. He pulled out his phone and texted Annie.

I’m here, are you here yet?

Gilmore Girl 04-24-2009 09:37 AM

I think it's a great idea that we skipped to Spring Break :) Thanks for the new thread :kiss:


Lately Annie spent a lot of time with Liam. It was good to become friends with his friends. They were all pretty cool and she liked to see and experience new things. She completely forgot about Ethan when she was with Liam and she liked him more and more every day. She knew Ethan had his good time with Rhonda and she could care less about them to be honest. He was the one who dumped her, so seeing the two of them together made her rather angry than anything else. In her eyes, Rhonda was a homewrecker. She knew Ethan didn't like Liam, but she did and she was looking forward to have a good time with him at the Habitat of Humanity week.

Her parents were surprised to find out Annie joined the Habitat team, but supported her and were proud she tried new things out. As soon as she was out of the house, her cell phone started to beep. She saw it was Liam and smiled.

I'll be there in 10'. Get me a seat next to you. -A

She took her bags and drove to school where the bus already waited. She entered the bus and found Liam sitting somewhere in the back row. "Hey." She smiled and let herself fall down next to him. "Ready for the trip?" She grinned, seeing he wasn't all too happy. "C'mon, cheer up. It won't get too bad. I promise!" She said with a wink.

MrsEdwardCullen 04-24-2009 09:52 AM


Liam smiled when he saw Annie. He was really glad that she came too because there was no one else that he would have gotten a long with. He saw Ryan doing a head count and he said that were still a few students missing that that they were going to wait on them. Liam was glad that Ryan was the one leading this thing, he actually seemed to be a pretty decent laid back sort of guy…even though he heard rumors that everyone thought he slept with a student but it turned out to be an undercover cop…some kind of crazy story like that. Liam wouldn’t put it past him though.

“Glad you were able to make it.” He said with a smile as Annie took a seat by him. “Seriously, look at all the tools that are here.” He said with a laugh. There were a bunch of the dorkier kids in school that were on this trip. They were all tree huggers and wanting to help the world…Liam knew that this world was already damned and there really wasn’t much that they could do about it. Liam wouldn’t be here if he wasn’t forced too. “It’s not going to be so bad since you’re here. If you weren’t here though, then this would be hell on earth for me.” Liam laughed.

Gilmore Girl 04-24-2009 10:32 AM


She couldn't help but laugh out loud when she looked around. There were really a lot of weird students. Some of them she's never seen before. "Oh god. It's gonna be a really interesting trip." She said and then leaned back. "Well gladly I'm here. The fun can start." She grinned. "I'm pretty sure we're going somewhere in the woods. There are good chances we can disappear for some time."

MrsEdwardCullen 04-24-2009 10:45 AM


"Ooo, you want to disappear with me?" He asked her with a little grin. He picked up his bag and opened it. "I have some good stuff in here if you want to party a little bit with me." He offered to her. "Maybe you should have another 'sleep over' tonight." He said to her. "Or are your parents starting to catch on to that little excuse." She was spending a night at someone's house almost every night. Every time the parents called their though...of course they told them that Annie was good and safe and that they were sleeping or they went to go see a movie. His friends parents were really freaking awesome...willing to lie for their kids to have some fun.

Gilmore Girl 04-24-2009 10:50 AM


"Oooo, guess what.. Yes." She said with a grin back and looked into his bag. "Uh, nice. I can't say it often enough. It's gonna be a wild week." She grinned and then quickly peeked on her cell display. "See? No calls from my parents. It's all good. They're actually very proud of me for participate at this thing here. So I'll probably won't hear anything from them the whole week." She said satisfied and proud. "Plus, we're in the woods. There probably won't be a signal at all anyways." She said with a grin and then opened her bag, showing him a bottle of alcohol. "I brought something with me, too."

MrsEdwardCullen 04-24-2009 10:55 AM


"Oh, look at that...I am really corrupting you aren't I" He asked her with a laugh. That's when he notice someone familiar walk in. Her little blonde curly head...the girl that he had a fight with...the girl that got him in trouble...Naomi. "Looks like there is going to be a familiar face on this trip." Liam said with a sigh. "I swear that girl hates me, I apologized to her and you know what she did? Basically told me that she really didn't give a rats arse. Do you know what her problem is?" He asked her. If Naomi was mute, she would be the perfect woman.

Gilmore Girl 04-24-2009 11:14 AM


"Well, you definitely have an affection on me." She said with a laugh and looked at Naomi who sat down a few rows ahead of them. "Oh... Naomi? Well, she's one of the elite girls. Everyone hates her, including me." She said with a frown and then rolled her eyes. "Guess I'm not the only one who sees a familiar face on this trip then." She said, thinking about Ethan and Rhonda. Of course it was them they had to wait for. "Mr Matthews? When can we go?" She asked.

There are still two students that we need to wait for. I think you know one of them pretty well. He said with a wink and then turned around to sit next to the driver's seat.

Annie made a face to him as soon as he turned around and then looked to Liam. "So, what are we gonna do during the drive? I'm already bored." She said annoyed.

MrsEdwardCullen 04-24-2009 11:22 AM


He heard Mr. Matthew's say there were going to be two other students that she knew really well. "I really hope that he means Dixon and silver." Liam said under his breath. He really did not feel like dealing with Annie's ex. They were having such a good time together...he didn't want Ethan to come in and ruin it...which he would. Liam knew that she still had strong feelings for Ethan. She would bring him up...a lot in their conversations. She really loved him and he was an idiot for letting someone like her go. "Please tell me your brother said he was going to this thing." Liam said with a grin.

Gilmore Girl 04-24-2009 11:30 AM


"I wished he did." She said with a pittiful voice. "But I'm afraid it won't be Silver and Dixon who we're waiting for." She said and then stripped off her jacket and get herself more comfortable. "Do you have any music with you? I forgot my ipod at home." She said with a sigh and opened a can of coke. "Want one?" She asked while looking at him. The sun was shining into the bus and on right into her face. "Excuse me." She said while leaning over him and pulled down the protection against the sun. "As much as I love the sun, it's getting really hot in here."

MrsEdwardCullen 04-24-2009 11:37 AM


"No, I'm good...and I think it's just getting so hot in here because you're sitting next to me." He said while flexing his muscles while laughing. "No, it's a pretty hot day today...a scorcher actually. It's going to suck doing some physical labor out there. It'll be nice when we can disappear and do whatever we want. I actually know a path out there...that leads to a lake...we can go swimming if you want." He offered her. "I doubt Mr. Matthew's knows about it." At least he hoped not. Liam knew all the damn places in this town though. He was kind of an adventure...he liked to travel...find hidden spots and not so hidden spots...he just liked to know where everything was at so he could never get lost.

Gilmore Girl 04-24-2009 11:52 AM


She laughed, hitting him playfully. "Yeah, I bet it's becauseof that." She said, stretching her neck a little up high. "Ugh, don't even remind me. I'm more than up to the swimming part. Sounds very good to me. I'm curious what you're gonna show me out there. Seems like you know all the hot spots." She winked and took a sip of her cold coke. "OK, so this waiting around makes me crazy." She said. "Let's do something. Please."

MrsEdwardCullen 04-24-2009 11:56 AM


Liam leaned over and kissed Annie's lips softly. She said she wanted to do something, so he decided there was one thing that could always cure anyone's boredom and that was making out. He thought she was hot too, so he wanted to know what her lips felt like. They were soft like he thought they were going to be. He wondered if she was going to pull away, she didn't seem like the type of girl that would go around making out with a guy she wasn't dating. Liam was all about taking chances though.

Gilmore Girl 04-24-2009 12:05 PM


Next thing she knew was feeling his lips on hers. First pretty much shocked by his move, she started to enjoy his soft lips. She quickly looked up, just to assure herself he wasn't testing her of anything like that and then kissed him back. He was the first guy she kissed after Ethan and she was glad it was Liam. His lips felt soft, although the kiss itself was more on the rough side. It was the typical longing kiss. Like they wanted to know for so long how the other one's kiss feels. She didn't know if it was appropriate to touch him, but she went for it, putting her hand on his face while kissing him. She looked up at him, breathing hard. She knew he wasn't really the romantic type, so maybe this whole kissing thing was just for the moment and next thing she knew he'd maybe just act as if nothing happened.

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