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Old 04-06-2009, 09:18 PM
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Wayward Melody's Avatar
Joined: Dec 2000
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Blood & Magic |A MYOC RPG

*banner by faith in you

Seven years ago what was thought of as a biological weapon began appearing all around the world. It was a sudden shortness of breath, followed by neurological distress and later death. No one but magical/otherworldly beings survived this epidemic which none, not even those who survived could figure out. Different parts of the world have sectioned themselves off to different types of otherworldly species; Japan is the largest habitat for lycans in the known world whilst much of Europe is the playground of the fey. The Americas (both north and south) are still scattered with many of each kind still clinging on. In New York, newly renamed Liberty City the blood is on the ground for real. Many wars run concurrent; treaties drawn, homes are no longer safe. It is a city on fire and some just want to watch the world burn…

About The Races:

About Vampires –The world of the vampires is in a hierarchy, a rank of nobility. Going in this order: Emperor/Empress, King/Queen, Grand Duke/Grand Duchess, Prince/Princess, Marquis/Marquise, Count/Countess, Baron/Baroness, all the rest are part of the ‘common court’. The Emperor and Empress are in charge of the whole coven. Vampire life can also be influenced by courting rituals (i.e a Count vampire is the lover to a member of the common court, member of the common court gains status by being attached to Count over say, a Baroness). Vampires can challenge for the position of their superiors in a battle of blood where the vampire that is challenged and the challenger will see which can survive the longest without feeding (or to the death) or a battle of wits the likes of which is determined by one or both of the mated pair in charge. Only one challenge can go on at any time. Similarly a higher member of the vampire nobility can challenge someone less than they are if they feel a challenge is imminent or if they feel they’ve been besmirched.

All vampires feed on the blood of the living, no exceptions, no other animal can suffice. The living can be fed on and survive provided the vampire doesn’t take too much of their blood. The biting of a living being will not render that being undead. There are no side effects initially when a vampire bites you (other than blood loss) however being habitually bitten by a vampire addicts the subject to the one who’s doing t he biting in a manner much like a drug addiction. Vampires are incapacitated during the day, as in not awake, dead, unable to move. The older the vampire the earlier they can wake in the evening. Lower level vampires (anyone below the rank of prince or princess) are not allowed to make another vampire without the permission the emperor or empress; if they go outside of this they face exile or worse.

Vampires are extremely agile and can jump from great heights without worry, they cannot however fly. They are extremely strong and can lift, throw, and hold more than three times their body weight. Vampires can die or be injured by any kind of fire, are susceptible to harm from holy objects and usually expire in about two days without blood. Vampires carry the look at which they were turned for eternity and they cannot breed in the traditional sense, not even with a living being.

Vampires are currently at war with both the Lycans and the (unofficially) Mages and have a treaty of truce with the Fey.

About Lycans – Lycans are born, not made, no one knows for sure how exactly or where exactly Lycans came into being. The rule of the Lycan community is strictly ageist, meaning the eldest leads no matter how good a fighter she/he is or isn’t. Lycans age but at an odd rate, but they do age: a hundred year old Lycan would most likely resemble someone in their 30’s. The oldest living Lycan known aged to 760 years of age, no one knows why none have aged longer. Lycans are encouraged mate with other lycans to preserve the line and it isn’t uncommon for parents to betroth their young children. A lycan who mates with a human may or may not give birth to a lycan and since the powers of lycanthropy don’t manifest until after puberty it can leave progeny confused.

Lycans can operate in full human guise, in full wolf guise or in half guise but only the eldest of the lycans can work the later. In all of these forms lycans can be injured/die by silver (even when mixed with other metals it can still kill them). Lycans are extremely strong, stronger than vampires by half but they are quite slow by comparison.

Lycans are at war with the Vampires.

About Mages – Mages are the only humans that survived the vetting, and it was only their powers which saved them. Mages are evolved humans who carry the power to wield one of the five elements (earth, wind, water -includes ice, a specialty of water magic-, fire, metal) or pure energy and bend it to their will. The lesser mages have to have something to start with to do magic (like dirt in hand) but the more practiced mages can produce it from nothing. Fire mages are very rare, having mostly been destroyed by the vampires who they posed threat to. Mages appear human and age at the normal rate. In order to survive most mages live in small groups with other like mages (i.e. water mages gather together) in order to produce great amounts of a certain kind of magic to deter attacks.

There really is no leader of the mages since they don’t live in close quarters but since the near extermination of the fire mages most have a fear/hatred of vampires. Some opportunistic mages are known to hire themselves out as bounty hunters to the Lycans for a price to hunt vampires. Mages are also involved in an unofficial war with the Fey who feel that magic should be limited and take most every opportunity to kill them. Since mages are human they are subject to death in any way a human could be killed.

Mages are (unofficially) at war with both the Vampires and the Fey.

About Fey – The fey have a very developed sense of honor and when they give their word it is practically unbreakable. The fey are also all…a little crazy. Fey are unable to breed with anyone but other fey and since the world of faeries is very small most have interbred at one time or another. Fey have a reserve of magical power and once tapped, like a battery they must recharge through sleep. Although they have control over all four elements this can make besting a power mage in battle difficult. Fey are not born, they are made. All fey were once human beings, stolen at childhood and replaced with changeling children. The children are always taken for a reason be it beauty or some certain talent that is though will amuse other faerie. Fey are deathly allergic to iron and it can cause death for them; it also, even in the smallest amount can cause their magic to go haywire. The age of the fay is variable since they inherently know how they would look in any part of their lives should they have ages in a way akin to normal humans. They can adopt any of these guises but it is a choice once made cannot be undone. In the purest sense of the word fey are not able to achieve goodness unless it benefits them in some way.

The Fey are (unofficially) at war with the mages and have a treaty of truce with the Vampires.


+ The boy/girl rule is in effect, for every character you take.
+ Please try to post every other day, if you’re not going to be able to please post and let everyone know. (Inactive players gone from the game for more than a week without notice will have their profiles deleted)
+ This game is a dark game, dark stuff should happen
+ If you’re loosing interest in a character instead of giving them up arrange for something to happen to them: death, moving to a different part of the world ect. That kind of stuff can be wrapped up in ten minutes or less and it would give closure to their story.
+ Please Plot. Plot by Pm, plot by e-mail, plot by chat program, as Nike says “Just do it!” Before starting the game I want everyone to have a small paragraph ready with relationships. It doesn’t have to be anything major but something like Sally Vampire is related to Joey vampire because they have the same maker. Sally vampire really hates Leo lycan because he killed her mate. Sally vampire is part of the common court and wants to be Ethan Vampires lover. This kind of stuff can really keep a game going.

Profile Info:

For Vampires
Rank: (emperor, queen countess ect.)
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits:
Played By (with picture link only):
Taken By:

For Lycans
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits:
Played By (with picture link only):
Taken By:

For Mages
Type of Magic?
Can They Create Magic From Nothing?
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits:
Played By (with picture link only):
Taken By:

For Fey
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits:
Played By (with picture link only):
Taken By:

Residents of Liberty City:

The Vampires...

Name: Casidy Aglionby
Age: 3356
Rank: Queen
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Mature, Determined, Sly, Witty, Competitive.
Relationships: Louis Aglionby's lover, but just in name. Others TBA.
Played By: Maggie Gyllenhaal
Taken By: michelle ling

Name: Louis Aglionby
Age: 1256
Rank: King
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Wise, Twisted, Adventurous, Bored, Playful.
Relationships: Is mated (the vampire equivalent of marriage to) Casidy Aglionby and they occupy their respective places, as King and Queen together as a unit. They are not romantically involved but they love each other deeply as friends and as a strong political force. Since his marriage isn’t all encompassing Louis has a string of lovers (all male), most dangerous of which is Casimiro Sortani who occupies only one station rank below him and whom he suspects as wanting to later usurp his power. He believes that his wife and many other friends in the court keep him safe, including a member of his progeny Drake Lacroix – the first vampire he ever made. Additionally Louis still has certain proclivities towards a lycan who was once in his service by the name of Alexander Sutton, he'd give anything to find him because he's the one who ran away and got away with it. Little does he know he's being tracked down for killing a fire mage so long ago (human and their silly little grudges) by the daughter of the man he killed, Aya Maeda who's all grown up now and just as powerful.
Played By: Casey Skinner
Taken By: KervyQT16

Name: Richelle Miennette
Age: 476
Rank: Princess
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Flirtatious, Naive, Easy going, Playful, Opportunistic, Brash
Relationships: A princess by right, Richelle was happy with her Prince who was sadly defeated for the throne by her "mate" Casimiro Sortani. While there is an attraction between her and her new Prince, Richelle is still bitter about the whole ordeal. Surprisingly, despite her bitterness, she doesn't get along with Drake Lacroix either for siring Casimiro. Maybe it's because he's her Prince and despite the fact that they don't get along, she thinks Drake has no right to have the Prince. The order has been compromised. It'll always be Prince/Princess. That's how it goes, right?
Played By: Autumn Reeser
Taken By: kiss and tell

Name: Casimiro Sortani
Age: 452
Rank: Prince
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Conceited, Extravagant, Insincere, Flighty, Impulsive
Relationships: Currently working his way up the aristocratic latter, one rung at a time. Both King Louis and Queen Casidy Aglionby are his latest conquests, and it’s safe to say that neither of them seem to be aware that they’re sharing the very same lover. For now, at least. His attachments to the two of them are thin at best, because Casimiro’s only ever got his political agenda in mind—and getting close to Louis and his beautiful mate will make seizing his title and position just that much easier. The only person he does seem to be fond of is Drake Lacroix, his sire and (occasionally un-) willing friend and companion. Almost like Anne Rice’s Lestat and Louis, except with the roles reversed. And Lestat is considerably more whiny. Lastly, there's his rather troublesome relationship with his Princess and mate, Richelle Miennette (who insisted on keeping her last name, for some ridiculous reason)—it was only after defeating the previous holder of his title that he realized the Princess came with the territory, so now he's basically stuck with her. They don't get along particularly well, and Casimiro doesn't even bother putting up a front for the sake of the Court; everybody else seems to know whenever they have a spat. Truthfully, the only reason she's alive is that she can actually hold her own. And there's some smidgen of mutual attraction there. But that's about it.
Played By: Romulo Arantes
Taken By: dreamboat 370

Name: Drake Lacroix
Age: 673
Rank: Count
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Rebellious, Devious, Controlling, Energetic, Determined
Relationships: Drake holds a bit of resentment towards Louis even after all these years for the very fact that he had changed him in to a vampire unwillingly. Though Drake has found the advantages and disadvantages of a much prolonged life, it didn't mean that the bitterness between the two had subsided. The wedge had driven itself much deeper when Drake acted on his vampire instinct and had sired Casimiro unintentionally. Lack of blood, human wise that is, could drive anyone up the wall. With the taste of human blood tainted on his tongue, and changed his perspective on certain things.
Played By: Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Taken By: ~+Yamiko

Name: Victoria Normandeau
Age: 347
Rank: Common Court
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Conceited, Impertinent, Possessive, Naïve, Raw
Relationships: Tba
Played By: Josie Maran
Taken By: dreamboat 370

The Lycans...

Name: Vaughn Hennings
Age: 135
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Persistent, Conscientious, Wary, Distrustful, Obedient
Relationships: Somewhat grudging leader of his pack, which occurred only after their eldest member recently (within the past few years) passed away during an incident with vampires. Not exactly the friendliest Papa Wolf, especially toward the younger and more stupid set of lycans, but he tries his best to, at the very least, protect them from harm. He wouldn’t be the one to come to for advice and a fatherly hug, that’s for sure. He unwillingly took in Astrid Kane after she had no where else to go, feeling some kind of lycan-lycan obligation, but her behavior constantly has him no less than irritated. Generally, he’s indifferent toward the rest of his pack.
Played By: Henry Cavill
Taken By: dreamboat 370

Name: Daniel Kelly
Age: 44
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Honest. Kind. Careful. Strong. Dependable.
Relationships: Has been with girlfriend Meginne Xian for only a little while. Their love at first sight courtship has grown into something more. On the other hand he has had a standing flirtation with Hannah Alldredge one of many mages he feels protective of (though he doesn’t broadcast this to his elders). Amongst his friends in the pack are Alexander Sutton who is both buddy and confidant.
Played By: Paul Blackthorne
Taken By: KervyQT16

Name: Alexander Sutton
Age: 38
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Reliable, Restless, Impatient, Resilient, Resentful
Relationships: He’s been sort of unbearable to be around ever since being nabbed by Louis Aglionby for a lycan plaything, a position he was all too eager to abdicate since day one. Fortunately for his sanity and well-being, he managed to liberate himself after just four or five years of servitude with help from other members of his pack, but he hasn’t quite left the memory behind. There’s still plenty of bitterness and resentment remaining, something his closest and possibly only friend Daniel Kelly has to put up with on a daily basis. But he's not about to let that resentment go to waste. Enter Kiara Lewis, a mage whose assistance Alexander has enlisted for one single task: eliminating Louis Aglionby in the most torturous, agonizing manner possible.
Played By: Ben Barnes
Taken By: dreamboat 370

Name: Miles Redman
Age: 37
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Impatient, Guarded, Rough, Loyal, Attentive.
Relationships: Miles is a lycan who has had his fair share of downfalls. While he won't divulge too much, all there is to know is that his life wasn't very good. Enter Aya Maeda, a woman he took in years ago after she was attacked. Now, he's come to the realization that he has feelings for her. He is also friends with Lucian Evans and they have a big brother/little brother relationship. They always have each other's backs.
Played By: Paul Rudd
Taken By: kiss and tell

Name: Meginne Xian
Age: 33
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Brainy, Loving, Quirky, Curious, Graceful.
Relationships: She is dating Daniel Kelly. She fell for him at the first sight and things heated up soon. But now she is not so sure about their relationship since Hannah Alldredge came into the picture. She lacked confident in real love before she met Daniel and then she believed in love for him. But now she is beginning to fall back into doubt.
Played By: Sun Li
Taken By: michelle ling

The Mages...

Name: Jennifer Wells
Age: 33
Type of Magic? Earth
Can They Create Magic From Nothing? Yes.
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Intuitive, Brutal, Genuine. Cunning, Protective.
Relationships: Currently has one bad tude and a healthy distrust of anyone new - see her rancor towards Aya Maeda as evidence of that – as well as anyone who isn’t a made. Partially this is a response to her being left by Issash, her then lover who stayed for the birth of their child before kidnapping it. It was only later she found out he was a faerie. The only person she’s shared all this with is Kiara Lewis, the only person she completely trusts. Successful relationships were hard to come by but she’s been with Anthony Milo for two years and it’s the happiest she’s been in awhile.
Played By: Keeley Hawes
Taken By: KervyQT16

Name: Kiara Lewis
Age: 33
Type of Magic? Energy
Can They Create Magic From Nothing? Yes
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Witty. Sarcastic. Determined. Adventurous. Skillful.
Relationships: Her close friend in the mages is Jennifer Wells. Kiara knows that she can count on her for anything and the same goes. She's a genuine friend and probably the only mage that she can actually confide in. It is widely known that the Mages hate Vampires with a passion, and with Kiara, it's no exception. She's even in cahoots with Alexander Sutton to bring down the King, which is of course Louis Aglionby, in the worse way possible. She also works with Lucian Evans whenever he needs something done, so yes, she also helps the Lycans but there's nothing wrong with that.
Played By: Elizabeth Banks
Taken By: kiss and tell

Name: Anthony Milo
Age: 25
Type of Magic? Wind
Can They Create Magic From Nothing? Yes
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Caring, Confident, Sophiscated, Curious, Adventurous.
Relationships: Happily in love with Jennifer Wells now. They have been going out for 2 years. Anthony was very protective over Jen and he kept her from knowing one part of his past. He saved a Fey, his species' enemy, in the past. Her name was Ainelis. And now she felt she owed him a life debt but he really doesn't want other mages know about this story, because it might cause inner conflict in the group. And he met Aya in a occasion and he finds her very fondable. He enjoyed her company and shared feelings with her when he had hard times with Jen.
Played By: Jensen Ackles
Taken By: michelle ling

Name: Hannah Alldredge
Age: 23
Type of Magic? Water.
Can They Create Magic From Nothing? No.
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Chatty, Coquettish, Bold, Mercurial, Clever
Relationships: Home-wrecker extraordinaire. She has her sights set on Daniel Kelly, an older lycan who just so happens to be in a relationship with someone else—but is that about to stop her? I think not. If anything, the fact that she has some competition just makes the entire ordeal just that more exciting and Daniel just that more desirable. Not that he wouldn’t be desirable without the girlfriend. Rawr. When she’s not fighting over Daniel, she’s entirely easy-going and amiable, which is why she was the first to accept Aya into the Liberty City mage community, and even into her own home. No questions asked. Hannah’s curious about the newcomer, interested, but not at all distrustful.
Played By: Zooey Deschanel
Taken By: dreamboat 370

Name: Aileen "Aya" Maeda
Age: 20
Type of Magic? Fire
Can They Create Magic From Nothing? Yes (Though in order to create a powerful attack, she relies on a staff her father had given her)
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Insightful, Reserved, Uncanny, Apathetic, Straight Forward
Relationships: TBA
Played By: Erika Sawajiri
Taken By: ~+Yamiko

The Fey...

Name: Issash
Age: 156
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Debonair, Audacious, Obstinate, Loyal, Outspoken
Relationships: As the oldest of the Fae, and also one of the most respected, Issash has had his fair share of scrutiny as well as kindness. Once upon a time, he and Jennifer Wells were lovers, and he kept his identity concealed because she probably wouldn't have gone as far as she did if she found out what he really was. They had a child together, and he left Jennifer and took the baby and turned the baby into a faerie. Jennifer is oblivious and so are some of the fey as if the truth were to break out that he had a child with a mage, he doesn't know what will happen. The only person he really respects with the secret is Tanir, his ally and protégé who Issash has seen grow from human to fey and has helped him with the transition.
Played By: Lee Pace
Taken By: kiss and tell

Name: Ainelis
Age: 100
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Curious. Kinky. Naïve. Raw. Jealous.
Relationships: Owes a life debt to Anthony Milo for saving her life from a group of thugs trying to stab her through with iron.
Played By: Amanda Seyfried
Taken By: KervyQT16

Name: Tanir
Age: 72
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Astute, Protective, Candid, Inquisitive, Brazen
Relationships: Serves as the fey community guard dog. One of few males in the first place, so naturally feels an obligation to keep an eye on the other members of his species. Particularly those of the fairer sex. And Maxim, who seems to be tormented constantly by Merilinn—which is actually pretty funny, I mean, she’s obviously got a thing for him, but neither of them seem to realize it. Best to let them figure it out for themselves. Tanir is just that great of a friend. Then there's Issash, the eldest of the Fey and possibly the only individual Tanir has genuine respect for, believe it or not. As far back as he can remember, Issash had been there in his life, guiding him through the transition from human to fey, and it's for that reason the two of them are incredibly close.
Played By: Steven Strait
Taken By: dreamboat 370

Name: Maximununne “Maxim” Huang
Age: 65
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Dangerous, Smart, Skillful, Quiet, Distant.
Relationships: TBA
Played By: Jackson Rathbone
Taken By: michelle ling

Name: Merilinn
Age: 17
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Bossy, Self-centered, Fanciful, Blithe, Impish
Relationships: Has a fifth grade girl-type relationship with Maxim, i.e. playful hair pulling, shoving, occasionally lighting on fire, fleeing on sight and giggling. She’s not quite experienced enough to know her urges to do these things to her fellow fey are a sign of some deeper, amorous feelings, so instead she mocks him at every turn. Maybe eventually she’ll have an epiphany, or accidentally kill Maxim—whichever occurs first. All she knows at the moment is that he’s fun to tease.
Played By: Meeli Mullari
Taken By: dreamboat 370

NPC's/Up For Grabs...

Name: Julius Aesop
Age: 5,350
Rank: Emperor
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Bloodthirsty, Flippant, Blunt, Savage, Manipulative
Played By: Alexander Skarsgård
I want to believe the past is done with us
the moment we are done with it

Last edited by Wayward Melody; 04-24-2009 at 04:56 PM
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Old 04-06-2009, 09:30 PM
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Ooohh baby. I'll take (the? a?) vampire prince and a fey for now.

Also, do Fey age naturally? Do they have regular names? That wasn't mentioned in the information section.

If need be, I'll edit bits of my profile once my questions are answered. For now, here they are.

Name: Casimiro Sortani
Age: 452
Rank: Prince
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Conceited, Extravagant, Insincere, Flighty, Impulsive
Relationships: Tba?
Played By: Romulo Arantes
Taken By: dreamboat 370

Name: Merilinn
Age: 17
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Bossy, Self-centered, Fanciful, Blithe, Impish
Relationships: Tba?
Played By: Meeli Mullari
Taken By: dreamboat 370
a bird may love a fish, signore, but where will they live?
All hail Em, The First of her name,
Queen of Chris Evans' heart,
Mistress of the Marvel Universe
and Roleplaying Board's fairest and kindliest Mod ever!

Last edited by winter soldier; 04-06-2009 at 10:11 PM
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Old 04-06-2009, 10:26 PM
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Changed the bit about fey's look and they can call themselves whatever they like. To be honest I think they'd have more fantasty type names as you chose but it's up to the mun.

Name: Jennifer Wells
Age: 33
Type of Magic? Earth
Can They Create Magic From Nothing? Yes.
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Intuitive. Brutal. Genuine. Cunning. Protective.
Relationships: Pm me...
Played By: Keeley Hawes
Taken By: KervyQT16

Name: Ainelis
Age: 100
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Curious. Kinky. Naïve. Raw. Jealous.
Relationships: Pm me...
Played By: Amanda Seyfried
Taken By: KervyQT16

Name: Louis Aglionby
Age: 1256
Rank: King
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Wise. Twisted. Adventurous. Bored. Playful.
Relationships: Pm me...
Played By: Casey Skinner
Taken By: KervyQT16

Name: Daniel Kelly
Age: 44
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Honest. Kind. Careful. Strong. Dependable.
Relationships: Pm me...
Played By: Paul Blackthorne
Taken By: KervyQT16
I want to believe the past is done with us
the moment we are done with it

Last edited by Wayward Melody; 04-06-2009 at 11:00 PM
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Old 04-06-2009, 10:32 PM
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Alrighty! Thanks for clarifying.

These profiles are too easy. They're tempting me into taking more.

Which I probably will. But we'll see how things go with other joiners.
a bird may love a fish, signore, but where will they live?
All hail Em, The First of her name,
Queen of Chris Evans' heart,
Mistress of the Marvel Universe
and Roleplaying Board's fairest and kindliest Mod ever!
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Old 04-06-2009, 10:42 PM
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But that was the point and also by not putting a bio section I'm hoping people feel compelled to revel those back stories in their relationships portion and also through the game itself.
I want to believe the past is done with us
the moment we are done with it
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Old 04-06-2009, 11:06 PM
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Wooh, so you got the game up, huh?

I'm taking a vampire and a mage. Gonna work on the profiles some time tonight.
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Old 04-06-2009, 11:14 PM
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I did. I'm glad you're joining.
I want to believe the past is done with us
the moment we are done with it
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Old 04-07-2009, 03:38 AM
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A Mage and a Fey please
❁ ϲɑԵ ❁
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Old 04-07-2009, 03:53 AM
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You start at last Mandy
I'll take a vampire and a fey. Maybe more later.
I cant promise a miracle but I’ll always be trying.
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Old 04-07-2009, 08:49 AM
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reserving Liv Tyler for a Fey

reserving a vampire Alexander Skarsgård

reserving a lycan taylor kitsch

reserving a mage Katherine Heigl

Last edited by MrsEdwardCullen; 04-07-2009 at 10:08 AM
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Old 04-07-2009, 08:58 AM
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An excellent plan, Mandy.

I'm taking two more. A mage and a lycan, obviously. Best to have one of each. Profiles momentarily.

Reserving Henry Cavill and Zooey Deschanel.
a bird may love a fish, signore, but where will they live?
All hail Em, The First of her name,
Queen of Chris Evans' heart,
Mistress of the Marvel Universe
and Roleplaying Board's fairest and kindliest Mod ever!

Last edited by winter soldier; 04-07-2009 at 09:23 AM
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Old 04-07-2009, 09:45 AM
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Name: Julius Aesop
Age: 5,350
Rank: emperor
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: bloodthirsty, flippant, blunt, savage, and manipulative
Relationships: would like to have an empress and a mistress.
Played By (with picture link only):Alexander Skarsgård
Taken By: MrsEdwardCullen


Name: Lucian Evans
Age: 30
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: affectionate, tolerant, understanding, composed, and gentle
Relationships: TBA pm me if you want or i will pm once more profiles are in
Played By (with picture link only): taylor kitsch
Taken By: MrsEdwardCullen


Name: Julia Frost
Age: 23
Type of Magic? Ice
Can They Create Magic From Nothing? Yes
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: impulsive, gullible, sincere, foolish, and childish
Relationships: TBA
Played By (with picture link only): Katherine Heigl
Taken By: MrsEdwardCullen


Name: Freya
Age: 48
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Regal, sophisticated, wise, ingenious, and proud
Relationships: TBA
Played By (with picture link only): Liv Tyler
Taken By: MrsEdwardCullen

Last edited by MrsEdwardCullen; 04-07-2009 at 10:16 AM
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Old 04-07-2009, 09:54 AM
Master Fan

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Name: Vaughn Hennings
Age: 135
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Persistent, Conscientious, Wary, Distrustful, Obedient
Relationships: Tba
Played By: Henry Cavill
Taken By: dreamboat 370

Name: Hannah Alldredge
Age: 23
Type of Magic? Water.
Can They Create Magic From Nothing? No.
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Chatty, Coquettish, Bold, Mercurial, Clever
Relationships: Tba
Played By: Zooey Deschanel
Taken By: dreamboat 370

Also I'm going to edit this post with possible storylines, since we have to develop relationships. Please feel free to PM me if you're interested in any of this. I'm posting it now, just in case people need ideas for their characters and want to form them around a storyline or two.

Casimiro Sortani
Friends: I could see him making only the convenient sort of friendships, likely with members of the court and the court only. Befriending common vampires wouldn’t really benefit him at all. Unless, of course, they might be able to provide information or assistance in climbing the aristocratic latter. I’m also looking for one main friendship with another male vampire with whom he can connive and bitch about being JUST a prince wah wah I should totally be higher up wah wah. Mainly someone who puts up with his incessant whining.
Lovers: Again, he’d probably use inherent vampire sexuality to his advantage and ‘make nice’ with vampires higher up on the food chain. But maybe he’d have one or two lesser vampires for convenient sex, doubtfully anything more than that. He’d only waste efforts with courting and whatnot on those above him.
Enemies: Oho, just about anything could happen here. Mages, lycans, other vampires he’s stepped on to earn his position as Prince, whatever. Maybe someone he defeated who may have been the Prince previously. That’d be a good rivalry.

Friends: I see her as the type to make friends easily, but lose them just as quickly. She’s entirely self-absorbed without really meaning to be, and that could turn a lot of people off. Maybe she could have a vampire associate or two? Curiosity would drive her to befriend out of her ‘species’—she may even allow one or two of them to feed off of her occasionally, without really knowing what she’s getting herself into.
Lovers: Her youth makes her disinterested in this sort of thing right now, as she’s hardly just begun exploring her magical abilities and is much more interested in that, but I’m sure she could be swayed should the right person come along.
Enemies: Any fey she might’ve rubbed the wrong way, any mage who may take offense to her fanciful and excessive use of magic, whatever.

Vaughn Hennings
Friends: Other lycans around his age would probably be the only people he’d trust enough to befriend, though anyone older would immediately have his explicit respect and loyalty. Younger ones he’d likely ignore in that snobby, superior sort of way, like a college student would with high school students you know that kind of thing. When I was your age, I RAN TWICE AS FAST UPHILL BOTH WAYS IN THE SNOW. He’s in his second century of life, people. He’s immediately got that grandpa thing going on.
Lovers: I’d like an awkward, young engagement storyline here. Maybe his parents fixed him up with a girl (when he was a kid) who he’d never really met, solely because of her strong, healthy bloodline. Either they can be married at this point or still engaged (commitment phobe?) but he’d probably insist on separate beds and keep a distance of 10-20 feet from her at all times and maybe avoid her like the plague. How this develops is entirely up in the air.
Enemies: He’s smart enough to steer clear of making enemies within his own species, though perhaps his wife/fiancé may have an admirer who’s a bit jealous and resentful of Vaughn? Because he’s hardly taking advantage of his beautiful wench and keeping other interested lycans from making a move? IDK.

Hannah Alldredge
Friends: Hannah’s synonymous with social butterfly here. She’s got a compulsive need to befriend nearly everyone, and takes extra special joy in wearing down the introverted, grumpy sorts with her upbeat and cheerful demeanor. Girl can keep up a conversation with a mute. She can and WILL talk your ear off. Although, if someone doesn’t particularly like her, it doesn’t bother her in the slightest. She’s got enough self-confidence to know there isn’t a thing wrong with her—clearly, the other person has some sort of friendliness defect. Of course, she’s not about to befriend vampires or fey, but anyone within her own species is free game.
Lovers: As friendly as she is, she’s probably a little ADD. One man, unless completely and utterly fabulous, most likely wouldn’t be enough to keep her attention for very long. She’s experimented once or twice with lycans, and seems to have a bit of a thing for them. She’s got the lycan fever, y’all. I can definitely see her amorously stalking some fabulous, lycan alpha-male type.
Enemies: UNHEARD OF. Except maybe among fey and vampires. Hannah’s killed her fair share of fey, though it’s not something she gets any real pleasure out of. It’s just necessary. But if the hot lycan guy has a mate already, or another interested lycan female, I can certainly imagine her not getting along too well with her.
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Last edited by winter soldier; 04-09-2009 at 10:12 PM
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Old 04-07-2009, 12:48 PM
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Love the way you structured your storyline requests so I'm doing the same...

Louis Aglionby
Friends: Louis is the type of guy who likes to collect friends. He sees friendship as largely disposable. Anyone equal to his level who he perceives as a possible challenger to his powers he’d be most likely to befriend if strictly to deter them from challenging him in future if he could engender in them some sort of feeling for him.
Lovers: Louis is gay and would most likely have several male lovers but only one he’d have any real feeling for. Also, he’d want to have a female consort who would be his equal in power, a lover in name only.
Enemies: This is a guy for whom a certain amount of trouble is never enough. In the past he kept lycans as slaves for his amusement. He also, despite the danger to himself enjoys watching fire mages burn by their own magic so perhaps someone’s mother/father/uncle/brother was a victim of Louis’ cruelty.

Daniel Kelly
Friends: Daniel really loves people and he takes it upon himself to take care of anyone around him. I see him as the kind of guy who would have a lot of friends both male and female and that he’s well trusted amongst them. I think he’d also have friends in the mage community and feel a certain responsibility to keep them safe as well, though he doesn’t usually share that bit with his superiors.
Lovers: Daniel is a one woman kind of guy. He’d be 100% loyal and would treat whoever he was dating with respect and also a healthy dose of chivalry. If anyone wants to be Daniel’s ex either a mage or a lycan that would be welcome, he'd probably want to still be friends.
Enemies: Any vampire is a no go zone.

Jennifer Wells
Friends: Not many. Jennifer is very closed off emotionally so to break into her world requires a certain amount of élan. However, if you do break in she’ll adore you forever. She’ll kill for her friends without blinking an eye, in fact she’s done it before – if anyone wants in with that idea please let me know. In lovers and friends Jennifer would only involve herself with other mages, she’s mistrustful of anyone else.
Lovers: Jen tends to fall in love with her male friends occasionally misinterpreting their friendship overtures as something more. For all her strength she’s got a shady past and can cling sometimes although she doesn’t mean to. A friend who Jennifer had feelings for who didn’t feel the same and a current boyfriend would be welcome. A relationship with Jennifer would not be easy because not even a lover can steer her, she’s guided by her own personal compass and walks to the beat of her own drummer.
Enemies: A LOT. Even amongst the mage community. Because Jen does her own thing she is known to sometime endanger whatever group she happens to be in. I would like for a fey to have some kind of familial link to Jennifer to screw her up a bit, either a daughter who went changeling or some ancient connection.

Friends: Ainelis gets along well with her fellow fey but beyond that not many friends. She owes a mage a favor (preferably a male mage) for saving her from drowning and she likes to make moon eyes at him…so it’s sort of a friendship.
Lovers: Does it move? If it moves Ainelis most likely has shagged it, wants to shag it, will in future shag it, will make plans so she can shag it…you get the point. By and large this doesn’t equate with any warm and fuzzy feelings but occasionally and much beyond her control she’ll develop certain feelings…of course that doesn’t stop her from doing anything because sex is fun and Ainelis is all about the fun.
Enemies: A few and mostly mages. Not big bad to speak of.
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Last edited by Wayward Melody; 04-07-2009 at 01:18 PM
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Old 04-07-2009, 03:26 PM
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Male PBs are so hard to find, really. Feel free to PM me if you guys want to collaborate something with one of my characters.

Name: Aileen "Aya" Maeda
Age: 20
Type of Magic? Fire
Can They Create Magic From Nothing? Yes (Though in order to create a powerful attack, she relies on a staff her father had given her)
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Insightful, reserved, uncanny, apathetic, straight forward
Relationships: TBA
Played By (with picture link only): Erika Sawajiri
Taken By: ~+Yamiko

Name: Drake Lacroix
Age: 673
Rank: (emperor, queen countess ect.) Count
Five Most Prevalent Personality Traits: Rebellious, devious, controlling, energetic, determined
Relationships: TBA
Played By (with picture link only): Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Taken By: ~+Yamiko

And since you're all doing those structure thing-a-ma-jigs...

Aileen Maeda
Not a whole lot. Aileen has found it difficult to maintain friendships, more so after the human race had been wiped out. Aileen has a tendency to shroud herself in her own mystery. She constantly travels from one place to another, especially when she's perhaps the only fire mage left in existence. The only thing close to having had a friendship was with a few wolves that had taken her in for a few nights after a vampire had attacked her. She had never seen those wolves since.

Although she tends to be reserved, Aileen does have a soft side and does have the desire to find someone to be with in terms of a relationship.

Like all mages, her common enemies are vampires. They were the main reason that she had been constantly on the run and in hiding since her abilities of fire were a dangerous threat to them.

I'm going to do one for Drake later on but if any of you guys want to collaborate, hit me up with a PM.
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