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Old 03-10-2004, 12:18 PM
Passionate Fan

Joined: Feb 2003
Posts: 3,190
The Bet Need Relationships/Starting


It's pretty simple a group of friends, players you could call them, get together and decide to bet each other on who can make somebody fall in love with them first.

Rules of the game are
1. Don't fall in love.
2. It has to be somebody that they wouldn't normally go after. A woman who isn't prone to falling in love easy.

If either of these rules are broken then you're out.

They have three months to do this and you have to have proof. A love letter would do, a taped confession, or one of the other's hearing it.

Be careful of that first rule, it's sneaky and can get you when you least expect it. When you're not looking.


B/G rule is in effect. Sorry.
Profile ASAP please.
Please bare with me not being able to post everyday. My computer doesn't often work but I post when I can. But don't let that stop you from posting your heart out. I'll catch up when I'm on.

The Guys:

Name: Nathan *Nate* O'Connell
Age: 26
Job: Teacher
Personality: Shy, soft spoken, kind, funny, intelegent.
Bio: Nate was born and raised in a small town in the Republic of Ireland. He was the middle child in a family of 5 children. his parents owned a pub and they wern't very well off, but they were very happy. When Nate was twenty-three, after graduating collage, he moved to America and stayed with his Aunt(His Mom was American, but moved to Ireland to marry his father) for a while, before finding a place of his own.
Target: Brenn
TB: A Buffy & Spike dreamer
PB: Jude Law

Name:Jason Scott
Personality:Mysterious, Quiet, Loner, Rebellious, Flirt
Bio: Growing up Jason had no choice but to learn to take care of himself and because of it he had to grow up first and he learned not to depend on others. They're aren't many people that he actually cares about but he has friends but they're not close.
PB:Jared Leto

Name: Jared Richards
Age: 27
Job: Carpenter
Personality: Quiet, shy, flirt, conniving, smart
Bio: Jared's your average guy from an average suburban Connecticut home, average home life, average relationships, nothing too exciting. He likes to go out and do things to make up for his lack of fun in earlier years.
TB: Princess Aly
PB: Orlando Bloom

Name:Will Kozie
Job:works at his fathers company
Personality:conniving, intelligent, manipulative, sarcastic, rebellious
Bio:Will grew up with money, lots of money. He works with his father at his father's company that he will one day inherit. Will was basically raised by the hired help since his parents were always busy with there socialite friends He will do anything to get what he wants, no matter who he hurts in the process. Underneath his tough exterior there is a kind-hearted guy but it will take the right person to bring him out.
PB:Ryan Phillippe

Name:Brandan Garret
Job:Runs a club
Personality:Sarcastic, Funny, Charming, Easygoing, Laidback
Bio:There's really not much to tell about Brandan. He was born to loving parents at the time. When he was 10 his got divorced and he lived with his mother. He has no siblings, he was never in any serious trouble, he doesn't resent his parents for anything. So he's just a normal guy who likes to have fun.
PB:Dominic Managhan

Name:Jared Leto
Job:Owns a restauraunt.
Personality:Adventurous,Flirtatious,Romantic,Extoverted and Sarcastic
Bio:Jared was born into a good sized family he had his mom and dad by him all of the time when he was a teenager.He was known as a player at high school because he never could hold down a realationship long enough for himself because he had trouble commiting to the realationships and would purposely cheat on the girls.As he grew older he still stayed the same but never cheated on a girl again.He went to college and took up a culinary major and now he owns and manages his own Restauraunt called "The Black Frog". It is a restauraunt that has all average cuisine and is well liked in the town.
PB:Christian Bale

Name: Davis Alexander
Age: 27
Job: bartender
Pers: smart, flirty, mysterious, rebellious, sarcastic, adventurist
Bio: Davis's came from a wealthy family but his life was far from perfect. He always witnessed his dad cheat on his mom. It upsetted him but soon his mom did the exact same thing. Davis said that it didn't bother him even though it did. He grew out of it but he became what he always hated, he turned out to be like his father but there is nothing he can do about it
Relationships Corrie
Tb: cliffy
Pb:Stuart Townsend

Name: Benjamin *Ben* Pearson
Age: 28
Job: Barrister (Lawyer in court)
Personality: Ambitious, Loyal, Kind, Complimentary, Intelligent.
Bio: Ben grew up in an average family, him his parents and his older brother. Ben was always close to his brother, and looked up to him a great deal. His older brother joined the army when he left school, and was killed in a plane crash. This left a huge mark on Ben, and since the accident, he finds it impossible to talk about his feelings. This has made him harder to get to know, and he doesn't let many people in. Though once he lets you in, you are one of the most important people to him. He is loyal to his friends, and trusts them completely. He was an ambitious kid who turned his dreams of being a lawayer into reality. He is well-driven and determined.
Target: Marissa
TB: Frozen Petal
PB: Brad Pitt


Kayla/Jared R.(Princess Aly)
Giuly/Jared L. (Amy)

The Girls

Spot 1: Southernsunset (Claire Danes)
Spot 2: Phoenix_Girl (Katherine Heigl)
Spot 3: A Buffy & Spike dreamer
Spot 4: Frozen Petal (Emmanuelle Chiriqui)
Spot 5: CherryChica87 (Kate Bosworth)
Spot 6: Princess Aly
Spot 7: Driven (Marla Sokoloff
Spot 8: Cliffy (Katie Holmes)

Name:Corrie Roberts
Job: Photographer
Personality:Sweet, Friendly, Smart, Stubborn, Artistic
Bio: She's the oldest of 5 kids and she was always helping her mother with the younger kids. Growing up Corrie always had her head in a book or in the clouds. Most people think that her childhood was happy but Corrie often got into fights with her parents and as a teenager she went through her rebellious stage. She would have kept things that was except she had a pregnacy scare and it kind of woke her up.
Relationships: Corrie doesn't get crushes easily. She doesn't really believe in love either, so she's confused about her feelings right now that she has about Davis. Of course she finds him attractive but there's something else that draws her to him. She's friends with Marissa, Kayla and Giuly.
PB:Claire Danes

Name: Meghan Greene
Age: 21
Job: Waitress
Personality: Wild, ambitious, fun, sweet, adventurous
Bio: Meghan's a definite dreamer. She has high hopes for herself, and doesn't let others doubts bring her down. Any money she recieves goes straight to shopping, leaving her constantly broke. She's ready to just finally grow up and get things together. Though a good night out never did hurt anyone.
Relationships: Meghan is definitly a people person. She loves attention and surrounding herself with people, so it's not hard to believe that she gets along with almost everyone. The ones she can't get along with are mainly due to her slightly snobbish attitude at times. She's liked Will for awhile, though he seemed a little distant. Crushes never did hurt anyone. Friends? She's friends with Kayla, Marissa, and Brenn. Though she does seem to work her way in with everyone.
TB: Princess Aly
PB:Rachel Bilson

Name:Delia Richmond
Job:She is in the FBI as an agent.*UnderCover*
Bio:Delia was born into a middle class family. She graduated as one of the top kids of the class and went on to college while in college she got the chance to become a FBI agent she quickly accepted and began training.By the time she was 20 she was a qualified agent in the FBI.Now for two years she has been undercover and loves her job.
Relationships:Delia is a fun girl that loves to hang out with many people. She has had a hard time making friends in the past afraid of losing her cover in the FBI but she can't help deny the fact that she is crushing on a guy she just recently met.His name is Brandon and she finds him amazing and kind and just not your average type of guy. She thinks that she is good friends with Giuly.
PB:Kate Bosworth

Name:Emma Bradley
Job:Journalist for a Woman's Magazine
Personality:mysterious, independent, shy, kind-hearted, sweet
Bio: Anyone who ever met Emma would say she is definitely the shy and quiet type. The kind of person who minds her own business and only speaks when spoken too, but Emma has not always been like that. At one time Emma was as wild and rebellious as they came. That all changed the summer after high school ended. Growing up Emma was always the popular girl, the girl everyone wanted to be like. Her best friend was her twin sister Abby, and they would do everything together. They were cheerleaders together, partied together, and covered for each other when one was in trouble. One night in the summer before college started, Emma and Abby went to a beach party together. They both got very drunk and excpeted a ride home from a friend who had also been drinking. The driver hit a rock-cut on the way home and got into a terrible accident. Everyone in the car suffered a few cuts and bruises, some broken bones except Abby who suffered serious injuries. She died later that night in the hospital during surgery. Emma has never gotten over her sisters death and feels partly responsible. She has been withdrwan ever since. After that summer she moved away from her home to attend a colleger where noone would know her past.
TB: Phoenix_Girl
PB: Katherine Heigl

Name: Kayla Davis
Age: 22
Job: waitress
Pers:sweet, loyal, mysterious, sarcastic, funny
Bio: Kayla is alittle unsure of herself around guys because her father walked out on the family when she was 10. Kayla's life was hard, her mom did the best she could to provide but so did Kayla. She had to grow up faster and sometimes she misses out on having a normal childhood. She doesn't trust guys much due to her father but she keeps a really open mind to them
Relationships: TBA
Tb: cliffy
Pb: Katie Holmes

Name: Marissa Fern
Age: 23
Job: Pediatrition
Personality: Flirty, fun, quirky, laid back, loyal.
Bio: Marissa always loved kids, and always wanted to help people, so being a pediatrition wasn't a desision she made. She never thought about it, it was always just what she was going to do. Marissa is consentrates on her job, and it takes up alot of her time, but when she dosn't have work in the morning she will go out and party. Marissa really wants kids, but she knows she has to be wheary of who she chooses to father them, as her father dissapeared when she was born, and left her mother to raise her alone. Marissa dosn't want to be in that situation.
Relationships: Although Marissa wants love more than anything, she dosn't get crushes easily. She has to get to know a guy before she can crush on him. She isn't the type to judge, but one guy Marissa can't stand is Ben Pearson. He seems so cold and alittle up himself. Marissa is good friends with Meghan, Corrie, Giuly and Kayla.
TB: A Buffy & Spike dreamer
PB: Liv Tyler

Name: Giuliana *Giuly* Di Benedetto
Age: 22
Job: Waitress
Personality: Funny, Optemistic, Lively, Loving, Compassionate.
Bio: Giuliana grew up in a small town in Sicily, Italy. All of her life, she dreamed of getting out, and moving to a big city to become an actress. When she turned 18, she left her home-town, and came to America, hoping to live the american dream, and become an actress. She got a job waiting tables in a resteraunt, it had bad pay, and it was hard work but it payed the bills, and she was getting no-where with her acting career.
Relationships:Giuly has always been surrounded by people that she loves, and her friends are the most important people in her life. She is closest to Marissa, Brenn and Delia. Though this is just the start of a huge list. As for guys, Giuly never had any luck with them. She tends not to get that many crushes, but she does have a thing for one guy at the moment. And that's Jason Scott.
TB: Frozen Petal

Name:Brenn Allen
Job:Dance instructer
Personality:Flirty, Seductive, Outgoing, Adventurous, Caring
Bio:Brenn has always wanted to dance for as long as she could remember. She started out wanting to be a ballett dacer but then she got into other forms of dance. She always wanted to be able to teach what she knew to others and that's why instead of trying to make herself famous for her dancing she teaches it and she loves her job.
Relationships: She has a fondness for men, she's probably had a crush on all of the guys at one time or another. Lately she's noticed Jared Richards and Will Kozie. Though she has noticed Nate, alot lately. She loves being around him and can't explain what she feels towards him. She's friends with Meghan, Delia, and Emma.
PB: Jessica Alba

Bio:Long or short
Relationships:Crushes friends, enemies. TBA for now.

[ 03-20-2004: Message edited SouthernSunset ]
Jonny Lang

Just remember if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people.
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Old 03-10-2004, 12:23 PM
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Posts: 1,193
May I have Guy 4 and a girl played by Katherine Heigl please?
Life's a b!tch and then ya there's no point whining about it.

True friends come and go, but no matter they always leave a mark on your life.
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Old 03-10-2004, 12:35 PM
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Pictures of Lily's Avatar
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Can i have Guy 1, and i dunno who the girl will be PB by?
Jumped in the river, what did i see? Black eyed angels swam with me.

I was dropped from the moonbeam and sailed on shooting stars.
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Old 03-10-2004, 01:19 PM
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'Beautiful Disaster''s Avatar
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Guy 8 and girl PB Emmanuelle Chiriqui please [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
So would I be out of line if I said, I miss you?
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Old 03-10-2004, 02:51 PM
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Guy 6 and a girl pb Kate Bosworth i think
"Not all treasure is silver and gold mate"- Pirates of the Carribean

"The cool points are out the window and you got me all twisted up in the game"-Bringing Down the House
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Old 03-10-2004, 04:12 PM
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Guy 3 and a girl pb Rachel Bilson, please [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
You can show up at my house
Completely unannounced
We'll have that movie kiss we talked about
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Old 03-10-2004, 04:20 PM
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Posts: 3,190
Thanks to all of you for joining. I added you all.

There's only 3 spots left, anybody else?

Name:Jason Scott
Personality:Mysterious, Quiet, Loner, Rebellious, Flirt
Bio: Growing up Jason had no choice but to learn to take care of himself and because of it he had to grow up first and he learned not to depend on others. They're aren't many people that he actually cares about but he has friends but they're not close.
PB:Jared Leto

Name:Corrie Roberts
Job: Photographer
Personality:Sweet, Friendly, Smart, Stubborn, Artistic
Bio: She's the oldest of 5 kids and she was always helping her mother with the younger kids. Growing up Corrie always had her head in a book or in the clouds. Most people think that her childhood was happy but Corrie often got into fights with her parents and as a teenager she went through her rebellious stage. She would have kept things that was except she had a pregnacy scare and it kind of woke her up.
Relationships: Corrie doesn't get crushes easily. She doesn't really believe in love either, so she's confused about her feelings right now that she has about Davis. Of course she finds him attractive but there's something else that draws her to him. She's friends with Marissa, Kayla and Giuly.
PB:Claire Danes

[ 03-18-2004: Message edited SouthernSunset ]

[ 03-18-2004: Message edited SouthernSunset ]
Jonny Lang

Just remember if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people.
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Old 03-10-2004, 04:22 PM
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Guy 5 and Marla Sokoloff.
Amy: "Uh, I'm an interior decorator."
Rachel: "You decorated Dad's office and suddenly you're a decorator? Okay, I went to the zoo yesterday, now I'm a koala bear."
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Old 03-10-2004, 04:42 PM
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Posts: 3,190
Thanks for joining I added you.

Just one more spot and profiles and we can start.
Jonny Lang

Just remember if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people.
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Old 03-10-2004, 04:59 PM
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Name: Jared Richards
Age: 27
Job: Carpenter
Personality: Quiet, shy, flirt, conniving, smart
Bio: Jared's your average guy from an average suburban Connecticut home, average home life, average relationships, nothing too exciting. He likes to go out and do things to make up for his lack of fun in earlier years.
Target: TBA
TB: Princess Aly
PB: Orlando Bloom

Name: Meghan Greene
Age: 21
Job: Waitress
Personality: Wild, ambitious, fun, sweet, adventurous
Bio: Meghan's a definite dreamer. She has high hopes for herself, and doesn't let others doubts bring her down. Any money she recieves goes straight to shopping, leaving her constantly broke. She's ready to just finally grow up and get things together. Though a good night out never did hurt anyone.
Relationships: TBA
TB: Princess Aly
PB:Rachel Bilson
You can show up at my house
Completely unannounced
We'll have that movie kiss we talked about
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Old 03-10-2004, 05:25 PM
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Name:Jared Leto
Job:Owns a restauraunt.
Personality:Adventurous,Flirtatious,Romantic,Extoverted and Sarcastic
Bio:Jared was born into a good sized family he had his mom and dad by him all of the time when he was a teenager.He was known as a player at high school because he never could hold down a realationship long enough for himself because he had trouble commiting to the realationships and would purposely cheat on the girls.As he grew older he still stayed the same but never cheated on a girl again.He went to college and took up a culinary major and now he owns and manages his own Restauraunt called "The Black Frog". It is a restauraunt that has all average cuisine and is well liked in the town.
PB:Christian Bale

Name:Delia Richmond
Job:She is in the FBI as an agent.*UnderCover*
Bio:Delia was born into a middle class family. She graduated as one of the top kids of the class and went on to college while in college she got the chance to become a FBI agent she quickly accepted and began training.By the time she was 20 she was a qualified agent in the FBI.Now for two years she has been undercover and loves her job.
PB:Kate Bosworth
"Not all treasure is silver and gold mate"- Pirates of the Carribean

"The cool points are out the window and you got me all twisted up in the game"-Bringing Down the House
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Old 03-11-2004, 01:02 PM
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Sorry I cant post a pic for my wont let me.

Name: Will Kozie
Age: 26
Job: works at his fathers company
Personality: conniving, intelligent, manipulative, sarcastic, rebellious
Bio: Will grew up with money, lots of money. He works with his father at his father's company that he will one day inherit. Will was basically raised by the hired help since his parents were always busy with there socialite friends He will do anything to get what he wants, no matter who he hurts in the process. Underneath his tough exterior there is a kind-hearted guy but it will take the right person to bring him out.
Target:TBA by me
PB:Ryan Phillippe

Name: Emma Bradley
Age: 23
Job: Journalist for a Woman's Magazine
Personality: mysterious, independent, shy, kind-hearted, sweet
Bio: Anyone who ever met Emma would say she is definitely the shy and quiet type. The kind of person who minds her own business and only speaks when spoken too, but Emma has not always been like that. At one time Emma was as wild and rebellious as they came. That all changed the summer after high school ended. Growing up Emma was always the popular girl, the girl everyone wanted to be like. Her best friend was her twin sister Abby, and they would do everything together. They were cheerleaders together, partied together, and covered for each other when one was in trouble. One night in the summer before college started, Emma and Abby went to a beach party together. They both got very drunk and excpeted a ride home from a friend who had also been drinking. The driver hit a rock-cut on the way home and got into a terrible accident. Everyone in the car suffered a few cuts and bruises, some broken bones except Abby who suffered serious injuries. She died later that night in the hospital during surgery. Emma has never gotten over her sisters death and feels partly responsible. She has been withdrwan ever since. After that summer she moved away from her home to attend a colleger where noone would know her past.
TB: Phoenix_Girl
PB: Katherine Heigl
Life's a b!tch and then ya there's no point whining about it.

True friends come and go, but no matter they always leave a mark on your life.
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Old 03-11-2004, 05:41 PM
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I'll take guy 7 and a girl PB Katie Holmes
I am damaged at best
I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart that's still beating
In the pain there is healing
In your name I find meaning
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Old 03-12-2004, 10:13 PM
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Sorry it took so long to post but I couldn't sign on yesterday.

Cliffy the last spot in yours.

Phoenix_Girl It's okay I'll get a picture for you.

I'm going to wait to add profiles when we get them all in. And as for relationships we can just get those in before posting. I'll still do the guys targets.
Jonny Lang

Just remember if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people.
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Old 03-14-2004, 03:12 PM
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Posts: 3,190
Just need profiles from A Buffy & Spike dreamer, Driven, Cliffy, and Frozen petal.
Jonny Lang

Just remember if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people.
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