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Old 12-17-2003, 09:16 PM
Master Fan

Mariachica's Avatar
Joined: Oct 2000
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Melbourne Academy - An Original Role Play

| Melbourne Academy |
There is nothing that competes with habit
And it’s neither deep nor tragic

One of the hardest things to deal with is change. Tradition is a custom at Melbourne Academy that is rarely ever challenged. Privileged children born with silver spoons in their mouths attend the best educational institutions that money can buy, and on the East Coast, Melbourne is it. Whether the children of generations of alumni, or children suddenly thrusted into the lap of luxury, many find themselves at the foot of the registration desk so long as their parents can write them a check. Melbourne’s exclusive campus has succeeded in bring wealthy children together for well over a century. The school has been financed by old money and business tycoon’s investing faith in the idea that their children in return will receive the finest of higher education.

When the announcement of a new scholarship program was introduced last year, the media had a field day.

After a furies meeting between Melbourne’s board members, and much talk among the hallways; a verdict was made. Melbourne Academy was slated to open its doors for the first time in its history to underprivileged and middle class students by way of a scholarship program that would offer scholarships in the fields of General Academics, Science, Art, Music, Writing, and Drama. The announcement was met with a mixed reaction among teachers, students, and parents alike; but despite the rising debate and efforts to refute the decision voted on by the board, the school will open it’s doors to scholarship students this coming fall.

| How the Other Half Lives |

Our Story deals less with the talk and more with the students themselves. Both those harboring the divine right and the backing paycheck to validate their walk down the hallway, and the students who are merely living out the opportune chance of a life time most co-exist with one another – like it or not.

This story is about impending change, the prejudice that comes with that change, and the unlikely alliances formed as a result of that change. This story is about the students of Melbourne Academy, both wealthy and poor alike, and the sudden thrust in which has now forced them together.

| The Other Information |
The same typical rules found in all of my games apply here. There’s no limit to the amount of characters you play as long as you play an equal amount of boys and girls. Proper grammar and spelling is expected. Profiles without bolded subjects will not be added to the first post. I expect profiles to be in within five days. Everyone will take at least one scholarship student, and one paying student. I’m not setting the amount of characters we accept, therefore it will be very easy to make one group with more characters then the other. This is why I ask everyone to look over the profiles. If it gets to the point where we have more wealthy students then scholarship students or visa versa, I won’t hesitate to ask later entries to change. Thanks.

| Paying Students |
| Spot | Mariachica (Drew Fuller and Emilie de Raven)
| Spot | Eidolon14 (Maggie Gyllenhaal)
| Spot | Messed Up Girl (Robert Carmine)
| Spot | xKatx (Bam Margera)
| Spot | Everybody's Fool (Amanda Bynes)
| Spot | DreamOn777 (Adam Brody)
| Spot | chariZmatic (Justin Timberlake)
| Spot | LaurieLaur
| Spot | Old Wolf
| Spot | BraveGirl4Life
| Spot | *Sarahrooie*
| Spot | Shizzle
| Spot | BCD
| Spot | Excalibur

| Scholarship Students |
| Spot | Mariachica (Michelle Nolan and Hayden Christensen)
| Spot | Eidolon14 (John Nolan)
| Spot | Messed Up Girl (Katie Holmes)
| Spot | xKatx (Jordanna Brewster)
| Spot | Everybody's Fool (Chad Michael Murray)
| Spot | DreamOn777 (Adam Brody)
| Spot | chariZmatic (Kristen Kruek)
| Spot | Old Wolf
| Spot | LaurieLaur
| Spot | BraveGirl4Life
| Spot | *Sarahrooie*
| Spot | Shizzle
| Spot | BCD
| Spot | Excalibur

| Paying Students |

Taken By: *Sarahrooie*
Name: Owen Eason
Age: Nineteen
Status: Paying Student
Brief History: Pulling a Leigha
Personality: Owen's intelligent. He's a smart boy. But his problem lies in the fact that he thinks far too much about every thing he ever does. He's worried that one mistake might have a domino effect, knocking one thing down after the other and so on and so on. He's not the social animal, when someone takes minutes to consider what would be the best thing to say next it makes friends slightly more difficult to make even if you're far less likely to lose them. But then it's just as hard to lose friends if you never had any in the beginning. To most it would seem that Owen has nothing to worry about, Daddy's money is always there to drag him out of some of the sticky situations that he seems unlikely to get himself into but that would be where it seems Owen cannot rely on his father. Money is not tight but it would seem that his father is. If Owen screws up that's Owen's problem. That's why he tries not to.
Opinion/Scholarship: Owen's not going to bluntly says that he hates them, is he? He's slightly more intelligent than that. But what he will say is that he's unsure that they will fit in. He might claim that other people will have a problem with them, or that Melbourne will be too much of a change for them but in all honesty it seems far more likely that Owen has some sort of problem with them. To some extent it's jealously. He's quite used to being one of intelligent ones and now that seems far less likely to be the case.
Crush: Here's the thing. You think too much and actually talking to any girl you have feelings for becomes a definite problem. Owen's problem. The problem that he has with friends is probably multiplyed ten times when it comes to women. He worries. His palms sweat. It's very unattractive. He's been single for ninteen years for that reason. But a pretty girl might change that, right? A Cassie Tyler or a Lara Kaufman. Or how about Eli Van Chester, the only female in the world who Owen can actually talk to. He doubts that either will work so mainly he's just saying quiet. I mean, who needs to be in a relationship anyway?
PB: Nate Dushku

Taken By: Everybody's Fool
Name: Grace Evans
Age: Seventeen
Status: Paying Student
Brief History: Pulling A Leigha. Again, I'm lazy.
Personality: Grace is thought of by many as a well-brought up girl. She knows her manners, uses them, and always gives everyone a fair chance. She's funny and likes to make people laugh. One of the ways she makes people laugh is because of her natural ditziness. She knows how to party and loves to do it. With many many friends, she's one of the most liked girls in the 11th grade. Her parents think she's an angel. But when she's grumpy, watch out. She can be like a volcano about to explode. Just stay clear of her when she is angry or grumpy.
Opinion/Scholarship: Grace actually likes the scholarship kids. She was one of those you would consider to be a scholarship kid before her father suddenly got rich and famous so she knows what it's like.
Crush: Grace doesn't really like too many of the paying students for the simple fact that they can be mean to some of the scholarship students. She likes to talk to the scholarship students cause she has a lot in common with them and she actually finds many of them really attractive. She has many friends, a few being from the paying students but she makes many friends with the non-paying students as well. She crushes on one guy and one guy only. She isn't all over a bunch of guys. She has her heart set on one and won't give up on him. That one guy is Shane Keller. She just is mysteriously connected to him for some odd reason. Maybe it's the fact that he's really romantic. Or maybe it's the fact that he has a trouble-making side to him. She's not sure. She just knows that she's really into him.
PB: Amanda Bynes

Taken By: BCD
Name: Melvin *Mel* Greenwood
Age: Nineteen
Status: Paying Student
Brief History: While “Pulling a Leigha,” I’ll just say that Mel was born in Melbourne and has lived here all his life. His older sibling attended the Academy and he’s cleaning up as the baby of the family.
Personality: With a foundation of money comes arrogance and a sense of superiority, with a “higher than thou” attitude. It, of course, depends on the person. Some are humble and don’t take their wealth to heart, while others will only throw an insult at you that relates to money in one way or another. Mel is a bit of both, though more so a spoiled brat. When he’s not loudly boasting about his new Lexus or how he will pamper you if you put out, he is a tad romantic and highly sensitive. Mel believes that anybody with money like him has a split personality – the harsh side that is money-driven and egotistical, and the normal side that acts like everyone else, whether they want to or are naturally genuine. He knows that he is the harsh side and accepts it, but at times, he wishes that his normal side would step out into the light.
Opinion/Scholarship: Mel feels that he deserves to be here, as do the other paying students, more than the scholars, but there’s not a thing he can do to get rid of them. He has no reason to hate them than the fact that they are here due to their talents instead of their wealth like everyone else.
Crush: Okay, now, in all seriousness, who does not take a look at Lara Kaufman and whistle? The accent is a turn on by itself. Hope Langly is banging in her own way. A very special way, if Mel does say so himself. Adrienne Lemieux and Sydney Lowenthall are both gorgeous. It's safe to say that Mel is crushing on almost every girl at Melbourne Academy. Looks are everything. Natalie Parker and Roxanna Suarez and Annabella Whittenmore. Those are just the paying students.
PB: Travis Fimmel

Taken By: ChariZmatic
Name: Devon Hansaw Jr
Age: Nineteen
Status: Paying Student
Brief History: Devon grew up in what seemed a perfect family. His father was well respected and well known business man, his mother was the typical rich wife. Spending her husbands money on brunch with friends and buying newest equipment for her son. Every family has its problems. So did Devons- his father began to rely on alcohol a little too much and trying to keep up the facade to meet with the social status, his mother eventually cracked and was sent to mental hospital. This however is a well kept family secret. One of the few things Devon is extremely sensitive about.
Personality: Understanding, sympathetic, charming are what the teachers and those that don't know him too well, think of him. Promiscuous, loud, manipulative and crude is what Devon is really like. You either hate Devon or love Devon. Majority of girls love him- those that hate him do so with a passion. The face he presents to the world and Devons inner face are two totally different polls of the spectrum.
Opinion/Scholarship: Devon doesn't mind the scholarship students--as long as they're hot and as long as they are girls. The rest of them just bore the cr*p out of him. Who actually works to get into school?
Crush: Devon loves girls. All girls. Actually Devon just likes to play around with girls especially ones that challenge him, one girl in particular has caught his eye. Her name is Cassie Tyler. Perhaps its her, innate strength or the way her nature opposes his. Devon thinks that she'd be one hell of a conquest to break and nail- so to say. Then theres also fiesty Nadia McIntosh and the virgin innocents Allsion Pennington and Marie Collaway. Then again Jayden, Adrienne, Sydney are pretty hot too, and like that, the list goes on.
PB: Justin Timberlake

Name: Lara Kaufman
Age: Eighteen
Status: Paying Student
Brief History: Pulling a Leigha.
Personality: Spontaneous, blunt, whimsical, arcane… are a few adjectives that will allow you to only take a brief look at Lara's personality. She is far from being more complex than any other teen but her mood is more variable than the ocean tides. She doesn't simply listen to the voice of others, she prefers to keep an open mind and to draw her own conclusions. She puts all her heart and enthusiasm in the things she cares about but she doesn’t bother with anything she finds insipid or dull. She can be loyal and generous, or she can be acid and sullen. It all depends on who you are and the way you treat her. She shares her opinions whenever she thinks that she has to be heard. Others have often considered her cynical and she doesn't bother to deny it. She observes the two sides of the coin but she often pays more attention to the darkest one. She feels comfortable around people although she doesn’t embrace everybody.
Opinion/Scholarship: Lara doesn’t have a specific comment to make about the new students. She hasn’t met them yet. She prefers to see them for herself when they arrive. Then she might have an opinion of them. Not that she is too eager. Teens will be just teens. Wherever they come from.
Crush: Ah, the idea of a crush. Lara doesn’t go around getting all girlie and harboring hidden crushes. When she is interested in someone she is interested in someone. Let’s just say that it doesn’t happen all the time. And if it does be sure that Lara would do something about it. Because either she has it all or she has nothing. To her there are no partial choices.
PB: Keira Knightley

Taken By: Messed Up Girl
Name: Alex Knox
Age: 19
Status: Paying Student
Theme Song A Rush of Blood to the Head - Coldplay
Brief History: Alex was brought up by hired help and rarely saw his parents. He never minded much when he was young but as he grew up, he resented the fact that they were never there for him when he was going through those awkward stages of life. Despite these feelings, Alex tends to stay away from his parents even from family gatherings and special holidays. All he knows is that as he long as they put the cash in his account, he’s fine with that.
Personality: People often mistake his silence to be ego-centric but while Alex does tend to be rather mono-syllabic, it’s not because he’s stuck up or shy…it’s just that he really couldn’t be bothered to speak as much as other people do. If he has something to say he’ll say it, if not he’ll remain quiet. It’s the same with people, if you’re worth talking to he will. If not, he’d rather sit and listen. He can be arrogant at times though mostly easy-going and sometimes a little too carefree. However, if the situation ever arises where he needs to focus and apply himself, the job is done quickly and well. Most of the time, he’ll just slack off. He’s talented but so far nobody’s really payed enough attention to notice that.
Opinion: Quite frankly, he doesn’t give. So they worked hard to get in? Good for them.
Crush: Alex hasn't had much experience in the dating apartment and so far, he's satisfied with that though he does have his eye on a few of the other female students. He admires Roxanna Suarez for her open and bitching attitude, something he finds surprisingly refreshing against the rest of the girls who chose to hide behind such obvious facades. As for the scholarship students, he's curious about India Liang, a girl who's active in both her academic and social pursuits yet so emotionless and cold-hearted.
PB: Robert Carmine

Taken By: AngelDevil
Name: Hope Langly
Status: Paying Student
Theme Song:
Brief History: Pulling a Leigha.
Personality:Hope is the kind of person that isn't easily placed in any category. Provocative, flirtatious, cynical, sarcastic, and incredibly intelligent, Hope seems to be the epitome of everything that everyone could want to be. Girls want to be like her and boys want to be with her. Hope knows that he has money and flaunts it to the best of her advantage. But, being the person she is, she constantly stretches herself too thin. Trying to do everything, trying to please everyone, at the end of the day she's less and less like herself. She loses a bit of herself to someone else every day, and it kills her. What she wants more than anything is peace, something she hasn't yet been able to achieve.
Opinion/Scholarship: Honestly, she doesn't really care much. If someone decides that they're worthy of going to Melbourne, who is she to object? It's just another denomination to who goes there, and she doesn't really care how it's chosen.
Crush:To Hope, a crush is just another way of saying that you find someone slightly more interesting than the other people in the world. Right now? She has her eye on a few guys, but that could very easily change.
PB: Beyonce Knowles

Taken By: Old Wolf
Name: Dane Lawrence
Age: 19
Status: "Paying Student"
Theme Song: Got My Own Thing Now - Squirrel Nut Zippers
Brief History: It happened that one day when director Bruce Lawrence was taking coffee at a local cafe in New York City he saw a striking young woman walk in alone and take a seat by the window. Being a very forward man he invited himself over and they struck up a conversation, and it soon was clear to him that this woman had all the makings of a top model. Within a week he had all of the top glamour magazines and fashion agencies buzzing over a new fresh face named Georgia Everett, and by the end of the month that face was plastered on every new issue of Vogue magazine making hers a household name. It was a year later that Georgia married Bruce, yet it was more for the reasons of gratitude to him as well as physical attraction rather than actually being in love with him. It was later that year that Dane was born.
Personality: It's rather strange considering the good looks and charisma of both of his parents that Dane turned out just about the most awkward excuse for a child celebrity that most of the media had ever seen if it was that they saw him at all. Unlike his parents, Dane never liked being in the public eye, and as a little boy he was often captured on film and camera during galas and public outings crying as he was carried quickly away by one of his parents. In school he is typically considered a wallflower even while in conversation with only one other person. He doesn't make a lot of an effort to get to know people, and he figures that if people really want to know him badly enough they'll come to him. He will admit though that he really would like more people to be interested in him than the actual amount that there is which makes each friend he has all the more valuable to him. When someone decides that they like him in any way he's not likely to do anything that would make them change their minds any time soon.
Opinion/Scholarship: Dane has never been in the company of people of a lower class than himself, and the thought of being put in that position almost scares because he's afraid that he'll fit in better with them than he does with the wealthy kids who already think he's odd.
Crush: Dane has never been on a date with any girl, much less even had a girlfriend which he owes a large fraction to the fact that not having a girlfriend has kept him out of the media's eye much less than it would. That isn't to say however that he hasn't watched people from afar, something that he is very good at doing. He's had an on-going crush on Annabella Whittenmore physically, but he is also quite frightened of Marie Calloway because he thinks he might be attracted to her on deeper levels, and also because she's a scholarship student of which he'd rather not relate to. Since both of their mothers were models, Dane and Adrienne Lemieux knew each other as children up until Adrienne's mother's death when the two family's split ways. Dane had a crush on her then, but since they reunited at Melbourne he's come to see her very changed and not the person he remembers her as.
PB: Tobey Maguire

Taken By: Mariachica
Name: Adrienne Lemieux
Age: Eighteen
Status: Paying Student
Theme Song: “Supervixen” by Garbage
Brief History: Adele and Geoffrey Lemieux appeared to be something taken right out of a fairytale. Either that or Entertainment weekly. She was one of France’s top paying models and he was her photographer. Their affair wasn’t so much of an affair in the sense that it was kept secret, but more a publicity stunt that got out of control. Unknown to the public was how unhappy Adele was, having journeyed to France merely to kick start her modeling career, it was the love of her life (a poor makeshift worker) she left back in the States that left her emotionally broken and detached from Geoffrey. Thirteen years after Adrienne was born, Adele was found on the floor dead in her Pent House Hilton sweet with a bottle of rum in one hand, and an empty bottle of Aspirin in the other. That’s what the tabloids said anyway. Rather then a cheep overdose, Adele’s stomach was pumped later to discover traces of cocaine. Many ignorantly say the overdose was pre-medicated, but those who knew Adele claimed she died much earlier on of a broken heart. Geoffrey and Adrienne moved to the States a year later, mainly to escape her memory and the reminder that she would rather be dead then with her family.
Personality: Adrienne Lemieux is known for many things, but the perfect upstanding society princess? Hardly. Melbourne Academy’s very own “bad girl”, Adrienne won’t mask any of her many discretions or reputable vices. Whether it’s the short skirts, the erotic table dances, or the speed racing she’s notorious for as soon as the lights go out, Adrienne lives life in the fast lane and has never been known to slow down for everyone. Adrienne’s always on the look out for fun, and the more probable it is for trouble to result, the more likely she’ll be there backing it up. Just as cynical as she is wild, Adrienne’s constantly on the look out for herself, and depends upon no one else to hold her back. She epitomizes independence and radiates confidence, and if there’s one thing she appreciates most in life it’s the ability to think and act on her own. Adrienne’s not entirely immune to the influences of privileged livelihood though, and like everyone else, she’s very quick to judge. Rather then exclude the people she’s grown up with, Adrienne’s been known to voice her opinions, good or bad, on everyone. Adrienne lives up to her own standards and rules, and looks out for one person and one person only, and that's herself. Everyone else is just road kill.
Opinion/Scholarship: She doesn’t like them, but then again, she’s not exactly reputable for getting along with the classmates she’s grown up with either, so you can pretty much take her word as far as you can throw it.
Crush: Being over run by hormones is a far cry from actually “crushing” on someone, which is exactly what Adrienne would tell you if you were actually contrived enough to ask her. Well, either that, or she’d tell you straight off to just fvck off. It’s called a ‘crush’ for a reason, and that’s because other people aren’t supposed to know about it.
PB: Emilie de Raven

Taken By: Shizzle
Name: Sydney Lowenthall
Age: Seventeen
Status: Paying Student
Theme Song: “Don't Take That Attitude To Your Grave” by Ben Harper.
Brief History: Pulling a Leigha. Can’t think of anything at the moment.
Personality: First impressions seem to stick with an individual for a lifetime and even more, which just might be a great thing for Sydney. She appears to be the epitome of what every parent would like to see their child aspire to be. Sydney is honest, courteous, and intelligent. She is polite to every single individual she happens to meet, with a sharp sense of humor hidden beneath a heavy New York accent. This, however, is only the outer layer that Sydney allows her peers and even her elders to see in hopes that they will glance upon her and approve with great respect and then leave her the hell alone. It will not take long, once you get under her skin, to reveal Sydney’s ‘‘true’’ side. Manipulative, cunning, and opinionistic, Sydney is very open about herself and getting everything she wants. She is a girl who respects the art of bluntless and will not sugarcoat any of her opinions, not even for her closest friends. Some may option to blame her incredible wealth for her upstuck ways. Sydney simply dismisses their opinions by saying she is at least upfront about every situation, opposing hypocrisy. The girl will not stop until she gets when she wants, and heck, where she wants it.
Opinion/Scholarship: Poor kids? Gee, Sydney sure hopes the admissions building is kidding. And, well, if they aren't, better crack out the wet-wipes, sweetie. Because it will be forever and a day before Sydney decides to ever touch anything those filthy, horrible excuses for a waste of her air touched.
PB: Stephanie Linka

Taken By: DreamOn777
Name:Natalie Parker
Status:Paying Student
Theme Song:"Disorder" by Goldfinger
Brief History:Natalie's family is always the family being gossiped about.Her father is a prestigious doctor and is known around the world.Her mother is always taking advantage of her father's status.They've never been a family without drama.First,there was the gossip about Natalie's brother,Jay,when he dropped out of high school.He broke all ties with his parents and moved ot New York to continue with his band.Natalie hasn't heard from him since.Then there were the rumors that Natalie's mother was having an affair.Natalie has always hated her mother and didn't care about those rumors,she still went on to be one of the most well known and intelligent students in the school.She had everything;money,good looks,smarts,spunk,and best of all the greatest boyfriend,Leo.Leo was her best friend and she loved him more than anything.Then last year he was killed in a car accident,coming home from a party.That was the latest gossip about her family and it was the one that hit her the hardest.
Personality:Natalie is now a shadow of her former self.She used to be friendly,perky,sassy,and upbeat.Now,she's moody,brooding,quiet and troubled.The one thing that Leo's death showed her was how shallow and horrible the rich popular world she had been living in was.She was talked about behind her back and it hit her hard.Now,she's separated herself from her old crowd and is trying to change herself completely.She's still morning Leo's death,but has started to change her life and move on.
Opinion:She doesn't mind the scholarship kids.They're different from the kids she's grown up with and feels that getting friendly with them might change her for the better.
Crush: Natalie hasn't dated anyone since her boyfriend,Leo died.But she's starting to think about opening herself up again.She's been mourning for so long that she now feels like it's time to move on from Leo.She used ot be attracted to the rich boys she knew,but now she can't see herself even going on a date with them.She's really looking closely at Logan.He seems like a different kind of guy.Someone who she could really get close to.And yeah,she's really physically attracted to Nick,but she doesn't want ot make any rash decisions.She just wants to go slow and find the right guy.
PB:Sophia Bush

Taken By: LaurieLaur
Name: Lane Sparks
Age: Eighteen
Status: “Paying Student”
Theme Song: Daisy Duke-- Rooney
Brief History: The beautiful house, the lovely wife, the three prodigal children—the overdose of Frederick Sparks two years past remains ambiguous to those who knew him merely through the social scene in which they traded stock advice. A man said to have achieved it all; his painkiller death was a shock to the high class and a devastation within the corporation he had built from the ground. Despite the rumors, allegations and general suspicious behavior of their acquaintances, Erica Sparks and family put on a happy face, played the role they were required to and never left despite moving being the easy way out. Erica recently remarried to George Halifax, another rich member of upper society who entirely ignores Lane and his two siblings. Despite seeming well-adjusted and being some of the most stellar students to ever enter the halls of Melbourne Academy, when Fredrick fell lifeless onto the bathroom floor, everyone else who carries the last name of Sparks broke in one way or another.
Personality: There are some people that can be described with one simple stereotype, but Lane Sparks is the sort to break every mold. Having long been acknowledged as the smartest in his class yet being the least likely to raise his hand, Lane has slacker sensibilities yet remains the likeliest candidate for valedictorian, not that he cares in the least one way or another. Having more hobbies than Madonna has new-looks, Lane does not truly know the meaning of bored. He skates, he bikes, he reads, he writes, he listens to obscure music, he watches classic b movies, he spends hours on the internet—Lane is the sort to always keep himself occupied but if you ever need that shoulder to cry on, he’s more than willing to put aside his own entertainment for the sake of a pretty girl. Having been dubbed a generally nice guy and despite what some would view as good looks, Lane is that dependable good guy but not above taking advantage of what consoling quite often leads to. Maybe girls would think twice before walking into his open arms if they ever visited his website... lucky for Lane only essentially the entire male student population has ever been granted access to Melbourne’s Online Little Black Book.
Opinion/Scholarship: Lane’s official stance on the matter is that change is good, and admittance into Melbourne should not be a privilege limited only to the wealthy but those with raw talent as well. He can debate on it for hours, not that anyone would actually bother to try to get Lane to change his mind, but honestly the only real difference it makes to Lane is whether or not any of the scholarship girls happen to be attractive.
Crush: TBA
PB: Alex Greenwald

Taken By: Mariachica
Name: Christopher *Chris* Stratford
Age: Eighteen
Theme Song: “Bittersweet Symphony” by the Verve
Brief History: His parents are rich. No one really knows how, or cares, since everyone else is rich too. Maybe it's all a result of good stock tips. Maybe it's old money. Maybe his mother is a corporate whore who goes way beyond the blow job on 5th avenue. No one's really sure exactly, and as far as everyone is concerned, money is money. No one cares how you got it, just so long as you’ve got it. Oh yeah, Chris has a sister too. Her name is Kasey Stratford, and if you’re thinking of touching her in any way, shape, or form, be prepared to have both your hands chopped off.
Personality: When you have money, it’s hard to keep yourself leveled and grounded. Chris has traveled all over the world, experienced everything there is to experience all by the age of eighteen, and has never bothered to deny the fact that he’s just a little spoiled. It’s not enough to be better then everyone else, Chris knows he’s better than everyone else. It’s just that he doesn’t go out of his way to flaunt his money, his confidence, or his natural knack to charm his way out of virtually any situation. There’s a difference between self-confidence and being a snob though, and Chris knows this. Rather then walk around all day with his nose in the air and feigning oblivion to all around him, Chris caries himself like any other teenager would. With perseverance and caution. Chris chooses his company carefully and won’t bother sticking around when idle “witty” insults are being tossed around apathetically. He gets enough of that in his head. He doesn’t need to hear it from anyone else.
Opinion: Honestly? He pities them. While Chris has nothing personal against any of them, he knows not all of his fellow peers share those sentiments and more likely then not, the scholarship students will all be met with hostility and unwelcoming masses.
Crush: If you’ve ever seen Cassie Tyler, you’d know what it is that goes through Chris’s mind whenever he sees her. Okay, so it’s just pure lust for the most part, but hell, the girl is hot, and there’s really no point in denying it. And what about Jayden Sketching, Nadia McIntosh, and Alison Pennington? Yeah, they’re all hot too. Notice how they’re also all scholarship students? Hmm, maybe that’s because most of the girls he’s grown up with are grade-A bi*ches and he’d sooner take a screw driver to his head then be caught stuck in a closet with any of them.
PB: Drew Fuller

Taken By: LaurieLaur
Name: Roxanna ‘Roxy’ Suarez
Age: Sixteen
Status: “Paying Student”
Theme Song: Case of the Fake People-- TLC
Brief History: Having long grown up on the fringe of upper class, while the Suarez family is filthy rich, their skin tone and last name has kept them from truly being included within the most prominent of social circles. Rather than fight this common prejudice, the Suarez clan has learned to accept the treatment and prefers to be shrouded in mystery as it is. They keep their life story to themselves, which is the primary reason why no one knows of their links to the Mexican cartel or the real origin of their considerable family fortune. It’s better to be ignored by the masses than inspected by them, a fact Roxy knows well. The business of the Suarez family is nobody’s business but their own.
Personality: If looks could kill, just about every student who ever entered Melbourne Academy would be dead courtesy of Roxanna’s constant glare. Roxy has no appreciation for pretense; those who don’t tell it like it is are highly unlikely to have Roxanna talk to them on more than one occasion. If she doesn’t feel like conversing with someone, she won’t. She doesn’t feel that obligation of making small talk and she has never been one to hide disdain. Due to this, many would call Roxanna a bitch and leave it at that. Of course, the general dislike many of the females at Melbourne Academy direct towards her and the malicious slandering of her male peers could be explained by the fact that Roxy simply isn’t like everyone else. Details aren’t known about her and many facts would be shocking—the fact that she’s daughter to a drug lord might be more interesting but her charity work and hidden kind nature are the truly surprising particulars when it comes to the enigma that is Roxanna Suarez.
Opinion/Scholarship: Roxanna’s knows all about not truly belonging and, while it might show some uncharacteristic concern, she would never wish for other people to feel the brunt of the treatment most snobs are so likely to dish out. Whenever the whole ordeal is brought up, Roxy can’t help but shake her head and smirk at the situation. While others don’t want the students there because they "simply don’t belong", Roxanna doesn’t want them there because, despite good intentions, this whole thing will turn out sour regardless of how amazingly talented the ‘poor’ students may be.
Crush: TBA
PB: Alejandra Cata

Taken By: kat373
Name: Macon Summers
Age: 19
Status: Paying Student
Theme Song: "Click Click Boom" by Saliva
Brief History: His parent's are rich. Therefore he is rich. The end. That's as much as I'm doing without pulling a Leigha.
Personality: Macon is a bit of an asshole. That's it. There really is no other way to describe him. Sure, to his friends he's a pretty cool guy, but to everyone else, you'd be lucky to get a cheerful 'screw you' to pass his lips. And on a good day, he just might not curse you at all. Either way, he's not exactly winning the Miss Congeniality award. He even drives his parents insane, skateboarding on their hardwood floors in their mansion, and pretty much just creating all kinds of havoc for them. But like I said, if you're a friend of his, then he's a pretty awesome guy, and especially an awesome friend. He's always there for his friends, they're like his family, more so than his parents are. Some people just think that Macon's the kinda guy that's hard to figure out. But he's really not, it's actually pretty simple. If you're friends with him, good. If not, ***** you. Or at least that's what he'd say to you.
Opinion/Scholarship: Although he's been mistaken for a scholarship student because of the way he dresses and acts, he's not a fan of them. He doesn't care if they're talented or not, they didn't pay to be here, so why should they? And even so, why would they want to be here? As long as they stay out of his way, he'll be fine with the situation
Crush: Macon's type has always been a little odd. While most people look for girls with a good heart and sense of humor, he's always been looking for the beauties. And the ones that he also has a tendency to fall are usually massive bitches. Or mysteries. Or both. These girls he speaks of are specifically Lara Kaufman, Adrienne Lemieux, and Roxy Suarez. He always falls for them, and usually nothing comes out of it, but to him it's not the end of the world. Tomorrow's another day. And he can just admire from afar. Without becoming a stalker of course.
PB: Bam Margera

Taken By: Old Wolf
Name: Eve Van Chester
Age: 17
Status: "Paying Student"
Theme Song: Evil Angel - Rufus Wainwright
Brief History: Eve was born and raised on a wealthy tobacco plantation in the deep south with all of her carefree whims fulfilled for her. But Eve's life at home was not a happy one for her, and she felt that the only place where she was truly living was at school. Eve was born a fraternal twin to her sister Elizabeth, and was considered the more beautiful of the two, and with most dealings of popularity concerning outward attractiveness, Eve found life at school easy for not only is she beautiful, but also got decent grades. But beauty was about her only card to play, and her problems at home stemmed from the fact that beauty was not something that factored strongly in the household. Elizabeth was the favorite at home due to the fact that she made a much better hostess at dinner parties and such, and over time Eve grew to hate her sister. Then one day a devious plan grew in her head, and she went to her parents in the hopes that she could persuade them to send both her and her sister away to a private school such as Melbourne. Eve succeeded, and gloated in the fact that, not only would she be moved to a place where she had all of the adoration and attention, but that her sister would also be taken away from the comfort of having Mommy and Daddy to worship her so.
Personality: At one point in her early childhood, it might have been that Eve could have been brought up as a well-mannered young woman with much humility and respect, but that was then, and unfortunately this is now. Eve is about as respectful as a vulture and as humble as Norma Desmond. She of course makes it a necessity to befriend all of the most popular girls at Melbourne and flirt incessantly with all the guys that she deems worth giving a second glance, but her priorities remain devoted strictly to herself, and she's ever ready to turn against a friend in order to get what she wants. She realizes that a lot of her negativities stem from her deprivations at home, but instead of coming to terms with her parents and herself, she uses this as a way to get pity from her peers, and to her delight it seems to work frequently.
Opinion/Scholarship: Her standing opinion about the new students is that they're poor. Eve Van Chester does not associate with poor people. It's going to take the majority approval from the rest of her friends or a really good-looking guy to get on her good side. Oh yeah, and the moment they make an allegiance with Elizabeth, she's dropping them as she would anyone.
Crush: Eve has been with nearly every guy at Melbourne on multiple occasions, and her knowledge and skill in the art of seduction has gotten her an infamous reputation during the after hours of the academy. With Eve it has always been lust and never love, but now she thinks that a real relationship might help some of her own insecurity issues. She's had several flings with Lane Sparks now, and she thinks that there may be a connection there. So while she's going to keep playing the field for now(some of her favorites are Devon Hansaw Jr., Mel Greenwood, or even Macon Summers), she's made it a longterm goal to win and keep Lane.
PB: Rose McGowan

Taken By: Old Wolf
Name: Elizabeth *Eli* Van Chester
Age: 17
Status: "Paying Student"
Theme Song: Turn the Page - Chantal Kreviazuk
Brief History: As opposed to her fraternal twin sister Eve's life, Eli had a very comfortable home life and a rather tortured social life. At home, Eli was given all credit for the good things that came from both herself and her sister. At school however Eve ruled supreme over the Van Chester twins and it was obvious that the only reason that anyone liked her was because she was very stunning to look at, a quality which Eli was never able to pull off. She recognized that her parents favored her, and while she did depend on her parents approval she worked continually to try and give Eve credit as well, for she cared about her sister and thought that, if Eve were given more appreciation at home, she might become a better person in the long-run. Her parents however never seemed to see past Eli's ability to be more polite and well-mannered than Eve, but what Eve was to do next would forever change Eli's opinion about her. When her parents sent both of them away to Melbourne Academy, Eve confided with her once they got there that it was her doing, and Eli finally understood the extent of Eve's hate for her. That first day that they got there was to be the last day that they would speak to each other for over a year.
Personality: Scheming, manipulative, and eager to steal the spotlight of her parents from her sister... these are the things that represent the exact opposite of who Eli is. Always being raised to be polite and courteous for the sake of her parents dinner parties made Eli become naturally polite and courteous to everyone. She has only a handful of friends at Melbourne because, for the most part, she's considered a goody-goody, but she gets the feeling that this stereotype was ignited by Eve. As time passed at Melbourne she grew to hate Eve as much as Eve hates her, and with that hatred she's grown to despise everyone who she sees as snobbish and material, and of course all those in league with her sister.
Opinion/Scholarship: Eli actually looks forward to the new arrival of the scholarship students. She's never actually talked to someone who was of the non-privileged class before, but she's come to the conclusion that there must be more of these people who have learned the same respective values as she has. This is what she is desperately hoping at least. She'd hate to see anymore people succumb to Eve's charms.
Crush: Eli's concerns with in regards to romantic relationships is not whether she likes a certain guy or not, but whether ANY guy likes her. There are a lot of paying students that she is physically attracted to, Chris Stratford for instance, but only one of them does she find herself attracted to on a whole, and that's Owen Eason. They're not strangers to each other, in fact she'd like to say they're friends, and this is why she's a bit afraid of something happening between them. With the scholarship students, she thinks that Logan Ashby is adorable, but she's stunned at herself for being attracted to, not only Scott Keller's looks, but also his personality which is not the sort of person Eli usually likes.
PB: Christina Ricci

Taken By: BraveGirl4Life
Name: Annabella *Bella* Whittenmore
Age: 18
Status: Paying Student
Theme Song: "Material Girl" by Madonna
Brief History: Gregory Whittenmore and Whitney Claiborne-Whittenmore hit it off as soon as they sat next to each other in their Political Science class their first semester in Harvard University. After Gregory obtained his MBA in business and Whitney got her degree in Law and passed the bar they decided it was time to settle down and get married. After four years of marital bliss, they were blessed with their first son, Thomas Gregory Whittenmore. After Thomas, three other children were born to the couple: Bryant Nathaniel, Vanessa Camille, and Annabella Margaret. The children basically grew up in large houses with silver spoons permanently attached to their mouths. They were all raised to get what they want by any means necessary with no thought of others. Thomas grew up to be Vice President of Whittenmore Industries, one of the largest construction companies in the world. Bryant followed the footsteps of his mother and became a Hollywood lawyer. Vanessa became an accountant at the firm of Williams & Roberts where she met her fiance, Miles Shippman, heir to the Shippman Suites hotel chain. Annabella, being the baby, has always gotten what she wants and uses all her talents to get something she may really want. She's never been refused anything so she doesn't know what rejection feels like. All in all, she's your typical spoiled little rich girl.
Personality: As said in the history, Annabella is a snobby little rich female dog. She gets whatever she wants whenever she wants and wherever she wants. She doesn't care what people say about her and knows that she has friends that are just like her so everybody else can go to hell. Although she puts on this bitchy front, inside she's really sad and insecure inside because she never really had love in her life.
Opinion/Scholarship: She thinks it's a waste of money and according to her sister, it could be budgeted to improve a lot of things around the school instead of given to poor trash that couldn't give a damn about what they're learning.
Crush: Although she is part of the more popular crowd in Melbourne. Bella does not go for the type of guy you would assume she would. Of course when her friends ask her she would say Devon Hansaw Jr. hands down but she knows way too much about his extracurricular activities to even chance it. Another name she would blurt out would be Lane Sparks but again she knows about that website and the day her name appeared on it would be the day she would kill Lane Sparks. So she keeps her real attractions quiet from her friends fearing their ridicule and possible rejection from the 'in crowd'. On the down low, she thinks Owen Eason is intriguing. She doesn't really know what it is about him but she just thinks he's interesting. Another guy is Dane Lawrence. His quiet nature makes him mysterious and she wants to know what it's all about, knowing why she hides things, it must be good. And as disgusting as it is to her, her eye has fallen upon some scholarship students. She'll never fail to turn her head at George Frances' shaggy blond hair or Trey McMillard's ragged goatee.
PB: Susan Ward

| Scholarship Students |

Taken By: Shizzle
Name: Logan Ashby
Age: Eighteen
Status: Scholarship Student
Theme Song:“Loser Kid” by Busted.
Brief History: Yes, it is quite possible for a widowed mother of three to support her family with a part-time occupation at the local fueling station. Simply ask Marta Ashby, a middle-aged woman who lost her beloved husband four years ago in a fatal car accident compliments to a teen intoxicated with a large amount alcohol. Since the tragedy, the now family of four has been doing slightly below the mediocre status; the annual income of the Ashby’s is dwindling down to less than five-thousand. The two oldest offspring, Summer and Logan, picked up summer-lived jobs once they hit the morphing ages of sixteen and eighteen at the supermarket around the bend to help their mother out. These jobs indeed helped the family’s wealth amount, but not so much as a small little budge upwards. Despite their lack of green dollars, the Ashby’s are well content with what they have and if any of them had the opportunity to ask for more, well, they wouldn’t.
Personality: While some would label Logan adjuvant or stupid or any other word in the thesaurus associating with his poor financial standing, they could not be any more farther from the truth. Logan still possesses a natural jovial outlook, but life has taught him when to keep his mouth zipped when the time calls or to be louder than loud when is necessary. He rarely walks into any given situation before weighing both the pros and cons of every possible scenario before they actually progress. Despite the fact that Logan will be the absolute first and sometimes only individual to take precautions, he is not totally oblivious to having fun. He does not live by the edge of the seat, but he is willing to compromise any adventure that jumps out to him. Not exactly the one who sticks out in the crowd, Logan has an on beat intuition due to his slightly empathetic nature. He is an amiable and sensitive boy, almost overly-sensitive. Logan takes any negative connotation relayed about him to heart, and after so he tries to change himself to fit other’s mold. It is not that he is insecure; no, Logan just wants to be the guy that everyone likes. Not like it is that much to ask, right?
Opinion/Scholarship: Logan has always been academically inclined, inheriting the studious techniques from his own father and even a bit from his mother. His ability to score one-hundred’s on practically every single examination shines through towards his recently received academic scholarship to Melbourne Academy.
PB: Corey Sevier

Taken By: LaurieLaur
Name: Marie Calloway
Age: Eighteen
Status: “Scholarship Student”
Theme Song: Cry Ophelia—Adam Cohen
Brief History: Angelina Calloway was a mere twenty years of age when she brought her baby girl into the world. There was no one else in the hospital room other than those individuals with medical expertise when Marie Calloway was born—no man held Angelina’s hand, no parents waited eagerly in the doorway. It was merely Angelina and Marie from the beginning and that’s the way it has been ever since. Angelina went to night school, gained a degree in education and has been supporting herself and Marie with a teacher’s salary ever since. There are no secrets between Marie and her mother; save for one and that all pertains to dear-old absentee dad.
Personality: Marie Calloway is pretty much like every role Julia Roberts has ever played—a strong girl who can live life happily without seeking approval while still smiling in a wholesome manner. In fact, like Julia, the happy, bright and innocent girl is in fact a role that Marie plays expertly. While unable to bring herself to say a mean word towards anyone, Marie isn’t nearly as perky as she seems and is capable of swallowing doses of reality better than most people her age. She isn’t stupid. She isn’t naďve. She isn’t perfect—she is, however, quite the perfectionist but there’s a difference. Marie is a nice girl who has been raised to be grateful for what she has, courteous to others and smiles when she really wants to cry. While many might think she is the sort to be taken advantage of, beneath her soft exterior is a will made of pure iron and a mind like a steel trap.
Opinion/Scholarship: For Marie, Yo-Yo Ma is not simply an amusing name to say. Having played cello since the age of six, Marie Calloway has become quite the cellist over the years and her musical talents are not strictly limited to that one instrument; able to sing and play piano as well, Marie was given a scholarship to Melbourne Academy for music.
Crush: TBA
PB: Alexis Bledel

Taken By: Eidolon14
Name: Holden Davenport
Age: Nineteen
Status: Scholarship Student
Theme Song: "It's for the Best" by Straylight Run
Brief History: Nothing about the Davenport family history is normal, although you’d never guess it just by looking at Piper or her older brother. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil; no one’s ever thought to question the constant door slamming and speedy getaways that often left burned rubber tire marks in front of their house, nor the dark bruises evident on Piper’s older brother’s forearms and face. Growing up the baby of the family is never easy, but growing up to a father who split when you were eight and a mother who’s current boyfriend has anger management issues makes it that much more difficult. It’s easy to overlook though when the words are never spoken, and despite their often turbulent nature in respects to one another, Piper and her brother are close. And every time Piper’s mother’s boyfriend stumbles into her room during a drunken rage, her brother’s always right there to take the heat, and sometimes the backlash that often results.
Personality: Despite the tens upon hundreds of clichés that suggest otherwise, everyone is judged upon by their appearance, the rumors spread about them, stereotypes, etc. For Holden, it is no different as the people around him invariably make the assumption that because a) he grew up around abusive parents, b) his sister doesn't say much, and c) he's really pale (courtesy of the stupidity that is Melbourne), that he is your typical depressive heroin junkie. While he does find this "since his life isn't dependent on us, he must be a suicidal bastard that is constantly conspiring against me and my friends" rather amusing, Holden isn't anything you'd expect him to be. For whatever reason, people are extremely disappointed when they find out that he is outgoing and does have opinions on everything from the war in Iraq to America's embrance of latter-day emo music. When he wants to be (in other words, when he's around those few people that he considers friends), Holden can be funny and expressive, but what do I know? That's just what I've heard.
Scholarship: Few have a way with their words like Holden Davenport. His ability to sputter out such quick-witted retortments is just one aspect of what many consider to be his so-called gift. What ultimately got him a scholarship into "the hell that is Melbourne", however, was his writing. Apparently, if you're capable of throwing the words grace and naiveté into a sentence and having it make sense, you're considered a genius.
Crush: Crushes, oh crushes. The notion of keeping your feelings about someone concealed just because of a fear of complete public embarrassment? It's amazing how humorous teenagers can be without intentionally trying to be. If you like someone just go ahead and tell them. Holden just hasn't gotten around to letting the "his girl" know.
PB: John Nolan

Taken By: Mariachica
Name: Piper Davenport
Age: Seventeen
Status: Scholarship Student
Theme Song: “Arsenal” by the Kidneythieves
Brief History: Nothing about the Davenport family history is normal, although you’d never guess it just by looking at Piper or her older brother. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil; no one’s ever thought to question the constant door slamming and speedy getaways that often left burned rubber tire marks in front of their house, nor the dark bruises evident on Piper’s older brother’s forearms and face. Growing up the baby of the family is never easy, but growing up to a father who split when you were eight and a mother who’s current boyfriend has anger management issues makes it that much more difficult. It’s easy to overlook though when the words are never spoken, and despite their often turbulent nature in respects to one another, Piper and her brother are close. And every time Piper’s mother’s boyfriend stumbles into her room during a drunken rage, her brother’s always right there to take the heat, and sometimes the backlash that often results.
Personality: You know what they say about the “quiet ones”. If there’s one thing Piper’s perfected, it’s avoiding the masses. Commonly escaping all scrutiny and slipping in and out of hallways unnoticed, Piper keeps to herself and never speaks up unless called upon first. Often misperceived as being the possessor of a shy and self-conscious disposition, most would never consider the idea that Piper’s quietness results from a simple lack of interest. Rather then talk just for the sake of talking, Piper won’t pipe up (excuse the pun) if she has nothing of real value or substance to contribute. And while she’s never been one for unleashing a snide or crude remark verbally, don’t mislead yourself into believing cynical thoughts are tossed around in her head. Piper can be just as jaded and cynical as the next person, but rather then put forth her opinions when she knows they’ll most likely fall upon apathetic ears, she keeps them to herself. And where others rely heavily on the opinions of others, Piper doesn’t. She doesn’t care about doing something because everyone else is doing it, nor does she care about rebelling either. Piper’s her own person and cares very little about where that leaves her with everyone else. Luckily for Piper though, few people ever get close enough to question her.
Scholarship: Art – And it’s all thanks to that quaint little annual ‘Anti-Smoking’ campaign presented to high school students every year. The new billboard blowing up all over town? Yeah. That’s Piper’s.
PB: Michelle Nolan

Taken By: Everybody's Fool
Name: George Frances
Age: Nineteen
Status: Scholarship Student
Brief History: Pulling a Leigha. I'm lazy.
Personality: George is one of the quieter ones in his old school. He didn't talk to many people except who he considered his close friends. It was hard for him to make new friends because he wasn't really that open and doesn't like to start conversations. He's very nice and fair to everyone and likes to stay home and write/play music all day long. He's very determined that he's going to make it in life and has an optimistic look on life. If you were to ask any of his friends to describe him in one word, they would respond with loyal. George is very trustworthy and can keep secrets well, especially seeing that he doesn't talk all that much.
Opinion/Scholarship: George won his scholarship for writing music and performing it. He might be quiet in real life but up on that stage, he's like a whole new person.
Crush: George isn't the sort of guy to be into any of the paying students. He does find some of them attracted to some of them, but would never have a relationship with them. However, he does have quite a crush on Cassie Tyler. He finds her irresistibly hot and would do anything to get with her. As for small crushes, he has to admit that Alison Pennington is very attractive and he wouldn't mind getting with her either. He would never say this aloud... except to who he considers his best friend, Scott Keller. Even though they have a lot of different personality problems, they somehow draw together and get along really well.
PB: Chad Michael Murray

Taken By: LaurieLaur
Name: Scott Keller
Age: Nineteen
Status: “Scholarship Student”
Theme Song: Privilege—Incubus
Brief History: White trailer trash—if you want to label Scott, there it is. Having lived on wheels his entire life, he, his identical twin brother, and his mother inhabit an RV and it is something the Keller family is easily judged by. Certainly their location is more of the slum variety than of a palace, yet to feel ashamed of his position in life has never been a thought to cross his mind. His mother works three jobs, he works one after school himself and they get by—while scraping by might not appeal to most, Scott would much rather have his warm family than trade in his trailer for the occupants of most mansions. The most trading of lives Scott has ever done is occasionally switching places with his brother when one of them wants to get out of something.
Personality: A person controlled almost entirely by mood, Scott has something of a tempestuous behavior. One minute he’s annoyed, the next his fine and the second after that he will be starting a fight. While not quite oversensitive, Scott is easily set off and has always found himself having to keep reign on his temper. Dedicated, loyal and way too damn honest, Scott will both protect those he loves and pour salt in the wounds of others. Scott isn’t what most girls would want to bring home to their parents (unless they really hate their father) but he has a lot more to offer than most expect.
Opinion/Scholarship: Art—it’s always been Scott’s outlet and while it’s rare that he is willing to share his work to just anyone, he has long been getting acclaims.
Crush: TBA
PB: Giovanni Cureau

Taken By: Mariachica
Name: Shane Keller
Age: Nineteen
Theme Song:
Brief History: Shane Keller comes from the wrong side of the tracks. He’s not just on the wrong side of the tracks, the Keller’s have dug themselves a hole, piled the mud on, and pretty much swing with the lowest of the low. All things considered, neither Shane nor his twin brother Scott have ever been ashamed of their third-worldly type slum. One could even go as far as to say that Shane prides himself on his less than privileged status. With a father who’s been MIA for well over twelve years now and a mother who devotes her life to her children, Shane’s not a stranger to work at all, and if it weren’t for the fact that his brother is holding down a job, he’d probably take his stab at one himself. The thing about being a twin though? You can easily trade places and most people are too stupid to ever know the difference. Shane plays off the unique advantage both he and his brother have, and has been known to initiate his own share of switching heists in an effort to put himself in the position of getting what he wants.
Personality: Shane Keller is many things. Polite, courteous, thoughtful, romantic, genuine … all of these are qualities that he lacks, however. Pugnacious, pertinacious, and arrogant? Now that’s more like it. If there’s anything that Shane is notorious for, it’s for his ability to manipulate any situation in his favor. More outgoing and mischievous than his brother, Shane Keller doesn’t just look for trouble, he is trouble, and rather then sit around and wait for it to come to him, he goes out and looks for it himself. Never one to look before leaping or speak before first thinking, Shane lives life by the seat of his pants and plays everything by ear. And for whatever reason, Shane’s got a line of broken hearts trailing very far behind him much despite the fact that he’s never actively pursued anyone or gone out of his way to “woo” anyone. There’s just something about bad boys that good girls can’t help but want to fix. Thing is, Shane doesn’t want to change, but he sure as hell has a good time watching girls take pity on him, and an even better time when he can use that pity to his advantage.
Scholarship: Drama – It only makes sense that Shane would take part in something where he gets to play a different person each time. Shane’s been acting since freshmen year, and surprisingly enough, not only is he good at it, but he actually enjoys it.
PB: Giovanni Cureau

Taken By: AngelDevil
Name: Joseph *Joe* Kennedy
Status: Scholarship Student
Theme Song:The Warmth-Incubus
Brief History: Pretend that you life is from a ridiculously bad b movie and you've got Joseph's life in a nutshell. Raised under the impression that absolutely nothing could ever save him, Joe saw his parents as they really were, finally. His mother an overworked waitress at a diner and his father an on again off again guest appearance in his life. When he started school he had absolutely no intention of becoming who he was, but invariably he found himself thinking that he may just be able to make it if he did well enough in school. Excelling in Science and math, Joe finally found himself with a scholarship to Melbourne academy. Jumping at the idea of going to a school that might actually make something out of him, he never once thought of turning it down. that is, until he remembered that the population of the school might not greet him with open arms. Still, he pushed on, and found himself at Melbourne Academy. B movie right? Thought so.
Personality:Joseph is not quite here nor there. Incredibly bright, he looks for a challenge wherever he can find it and takes it head on. Sometimes people can't figure out where he's coming from, but that doesn't much bother him. He knows what his motives are and where he's going, and as long as it takes him somewhere he's fine knowing that he's the only one that does. At some times incredibly kind and generous and at others disparaging and sharp, Joe tries not to let his upbringing taint the way he sees things, but inevitably he can't escape that fact that there are parts of his persona he can't escape. Every once in awhile, he turns around there is absolutely nothing in his eyes but despair and the idea that no matter what he does he'll end up in the same place his parents did. The idea terrifies him, and what drives him to work harder every minute of his life.
Opinion/Scholarship: Joe's marks in Math and Science awarded him the scholarship to Melbourne. always finding the logic in math and science much more comprehensible than music or art to his psyche, he immerses himself in it. Probably why he got the scholarship.
Crush:Crush? Are you kidding? Either he's too busy sticking his head in the bokos or doesn't feel anything at all, really. There is no in between, not now anyway. Sounds depressing right? Yeah, he thinks so too.
PB: Milo Ventimiglia

Taken By: ChariZmatic
Name: Indiannah *India* Liang
Age: 17
Status: Scholarship Student
Brief History: India is the eldest child of 4. Her mother met her father in Asia, fell in love and much to the dislike of both sides of the family, married soon after. However those disagreements didn't matter to India’s parents, they were very much in love and came back to the USA to start a their own business in catering. Disaster struck when India’s father was killed in a car crash, leaving a 7 year old India, her younger siblings and their mother to themselves. From then on things spiraled downhill. Both sides of the family still refused to acknowledge India’s mother and her children, and the business has often come close to bankruptcy.
Personality: Due to her past and her mothers single minded up- bringing, India has one thing that most others girls her age don't. Extreme stamina and extreme strength. She wants to do and do well at everything and she won't give up until she's done just that. Judo, Karate, student rep, likely to be elected valedictorian. She's got it all going for her and its not all about study either, India is just as an assertive in her social affairs. She can be extremist when it comes to parties and the first to organize social gatherings or events. However something India, does lack is emotional warmth. Her upbringing never gave her much chance of interaction with other peers and she finds almost impossible to open up and show vulnerability of any kind- thus coming across as a bit intimidating and quite cynical.
Opinion/Scholarship: Scholarship in Media journalism- India likes that it gives her the freedom to express her opinions.
Crush: Though India comes across as extremely unemotional and somewhat 'hard' in her relationship with others. She is intuitively drawn to people who she feels are extremely loyal and would be-friend her for life. She feels that Alex Knox and Dane Lawrence have a lot more to offer than what is portrayed, often feeling that she is an extraverted version of them. She is attracted to Trey Mcmillard, theres a certain wiseness about him and she feels that he appreciates life a lot more than most guys his at his age would. Then theres Melvin Greenwood, the type of crush that she's sure she'll get over and one that she'd rather not acknowledge.
PB: Kristen Kreuk

Taken By: *Sarahrooie*
Name: Nadia McIntosh
Age: Eighteen
Status: Scholarship Student
Brief History: The McIntosh family is almost pathetically middle-class. And horribly dull with it. There is very little story to their lives. Christopher McIntosh met Lydia Dunn at a party. Three years later they were married. Two years after that Lydia had given birth to Nadia. They had a son, Marcus two years after that and everyone was very happy. Until Nadia's hit fourteen and suddenly started to rebel. She had nothing to rebel against. Her family were loving, her grades were exceedingly good and everything seemed fine. Yet Nadia seemed to had a problem with something and turned into what she seems to be now. Things took a turn for the worse in most aspects of her life. Except the school work. It seems that you can rebel and get good grades at the same time, seems unlikely right? Nadia thought so too.
Personality: You'll get a sarcastic comment from Nadia if you're lucky but it seems far more likely for her response to be nothing at all. She's doesn't really care. You can think whatever the hell you want about her, it seems very unlikely that will affect her in any way, will it? But she's not some stereotypical bad girl with a snarl and a middle finger up at society. If she was she probably wouldn't be in this situation. While a few months were spend not giving a fvck about the wonders of education that is where Nadia's strengths are and that is where you'll find the cracks in her armor. Call her fat or a whore or ugly and she's very likely to roll her eyes and move on, call her stupid and something flares up. You'll probably end up with a black eye too.
Opinion/Scholarship: Nadia is a genius. Nadia doesn't look like one but really it turns out that she is. So that would be a scholarship right there, for academic excellence. Yeah, it surprised Nadia too.
Crush: To Nadia there seems nothing more pointless than labelling a silly feeling as something else. Something far more important than that. If it was more important than chemical rushing to different parts of your body she's almost certain that people would actually do something about this urges and they would no longer be crushes. They'd be blooming new relationships or heartbreak. And the former only leads to the latter so it seems pretty pointless to have them. Because it's a chain. If Nadia has a crush she'll have to act on it, which will undoubtedly lead to heartbreak. Or she could just be hypocritical. That works too. Like how from time to time her eyes will slip over to Holden Davenport. It means nothing, okay?
PB: Ella Hooper

Taken By: Old Wolf
Name: Trey McMillard
Age: 18
Status: "Scholarship Student"
Theme Song: The Boy's Gone - Jason Mraz
Brief History: Trey never knew a stable home life until the time he turned eight. Up until that point Trey knew no true home except for the Volkswagen that his parents were constantly using to move from place to place across a dozen states and a mountain of towns and cities, but when one night his father fell asleep at the wheel and slammed the Volkswagen into an on-coming truck, Trey, who was in the backseat, found himself the only survivor of the accident as well as an orphan. He was sent to live with his strict yet supportive grandmother where he finally was able to live in a real house as well as have his own room and stabilize himself at one school. His grandmother finally died of a heart attack at age of seventy-four as he was making the final arrangements to attend Melbourne, of which his grandmother was very much looking forward to him doing.
Personality: Having traveled across the country with his parents, Trey has seen a lot of things that he appreciates and detests, and these sort of things affect what his personality began to mold into as he grew older. Starting at eight years old, Trey became much more outspoken than he ever was as a small child prone to saying whatever happened to pop into his mind no matter how offending it might sound. As his grandmother got older, she had Trey tend to her flower and vegetable gardens which she had planted for the last five years, and due to this Trey became very inept with nature and also became a very excellent cook, able to work just about anything into a flavorful masterpiece. Trey is ready to look out for people in trouble, and it usually is that Trey doesn't make a new friend until he is able to help them out and see their weaknesses. It is his belief that someone can't truly be your friend until you've seen each other at your most vulnerable state.
Opinion/Scholarship: Trey was first given the chance to take a photograph at eleven, and he knew as soon as he saw his developed picture that this was his true calling. He's going into Melbourne majoring in photography.
Crush: Trey has never been in many relationships before, and now with his grandmother's sudden death and family finances now to worry about, he's feeling like there's too much pressure on him now to try and think about one. However he can't help but notice the beauty of Annabella Whittenmore or the assertive attitude of India Liang of whom he relates to in the sense of being new at Melbourne. He's not sure if he's ready for something to happen right now, but he only hopes that they might be ready for him when the time comes.
PB: Shane West

Taken By: BraveGirl4Life
Name: Bradley *Brady* Mueller
Age: 17
Status: Scholarship Student
Theme Song: "Numb" by Linkin Park
Brief History: Everything was going well for Caleb and Donna Mueller. They got married when they were 17 and had their first child,Kaleigh, when they were 18 but all was well in their household. However, ten years later and two children later, a rift began to build and throw the Mueller family into a whirlwind that wasn't to be over for awhile. After Kaleigh, they were blessed with Bradley and Mitchell. When Kaleigh was ten, Bradley,7, and Mitchell 5, Donna found out that Caleb was sleeping with their neighbor down the street and she was pregnant with his child. Shortly after finding this, she immediately divorced him and moved the family to a new state. She had been an at-home mom so she only had 100 bucks to her name and three children to feed. They lived from the street, to halfway homes, to shelters, to a trailer, until Donna finally found a job and her birth mother who had been a regular at the diner she worked at. After discovery her long lost daughter and granchildren, she immediately took them into her house and they became a little family. The children all had their own rooms in their grandmother's house and went to school. Kaleigh became a master in the performing arts, Bradley a monster on the baseball field, and Mitchell the smartest boy in school. But tragedy struck during Bradley's sophomore year in high school, his grandmother had a stroke and died. She left Donna the house but things were not the same. Kaleigh went to New York University with a full scholarship in Theatre. Bradley still played baseball but all of his heart hasn't been in it since his grandmother passed, but he still continues to excel despite it that's why he got a scholarship to Melbourne. The school is now looking to recruit his brother, Mitchell, for his talent in the sciences and mathematics. Bradley's father, Caleb, married his mistress and still keeps in contact with his children but Bradley still harbors bad feelings toward him and he does not acknowledge his twin younger half-sisters,Brynne and Brianna.
Personality: Bradley is a really nice guy but mostly keeps to himself. He'll talk to you but you'll probably have to be the one to come up to him first. He's very smart and things he doesn't know or understand, he usually helps his brother. He's very protective of his siblings and his mother as he his her first born son.
Opinion/Scholarship: Bradley was awarded a baseball scholarship which his mother is very proud of.
Crush: It's really hard for Brady to admit he has a crush on someone. He likes to keep busy and he'll tell anyone that the number one woman in his life is him mom with his sister sitting pretty in the number two position. With all that said, he does find a particular girl funny, intelligent, and a big sweetheart to round it all off. He passes her sometimes in the halls and his head has turned from time to time to catch another glimpse. Marie Calloway is a determined girl that Brady respects and would like to get to know better.
PB: Jay Kenneth Johnson

[Taken By: BCD
Name: Alison Pennington
Age: Eighteen
Status: Scholarship Student
Theme Song: Underappreciated by Christina Aguilera
Brief History: The Penningtons could be described as the all-American dream, but no. A father named Andrew who is constantly going into work early and staying at the office late; he’s rumored of infidelity. A businesswoman named April who is always on the top of her game and is home promptly at 6 to start dinner; she makes herself seem like the neighboring mothers when she’s not. The oldest daughter, Alexandra, a highly educated wife and a mother at the tender age of 21; she got knocked up, point blank, and has no regrets, despite when society says. The middle daughters, the twins, are Alison and Amanda, one off in Australia and the other in New York. And there’s the youngest at 12, Abigail, who is unintentionally spoiled. You see – the American family by far. Alison’s brown hair is permanent; she and her twin drew straws to see who would get to do something to themselves to stand out from the other, and Alison chose a new hair color. The Olsen Twins comparisons were old before, but the new color just adds fuel to the fire.
Personality: If you saw Alison in the hallway or passed her as you rushed to class, then your immediate reaction would be that she is a typical Susie Q. And she is. Alison is labeled the prototype of dedicated, determined, and dependable, which her younger sister coined up from a local news station’s theme song. Her pros are easy to pinpoint: the triple D’s above (the words, you pervs), her radiant smile, her generosity. Her cons are that she is gullible and weak, as she never stands up for herself and is walked over like a doormat.
Opinion/Scholarship: Alison loves to try new things, and that involves trying out other personalities. That’s why she loves acting. She likes to be controlling when the script calls for it. Her scholarship is in theater/drama, receiving it after her performance as Juliet in the classic play was recognized.
Crush: Devon Hansaw Jr. is fine. No doubt about it. And Alison hates to have a crush on him, because she was never one to go for bad boys. She's not one to go for any boys. She won't lie and say that Logan Ashby isn't attractive and a great guy. Or that George Frances is super shy and she likes that. The Keller Twins are...pretty. The apple of Alison's eye, however, is Joseph Kennedy. Just because. Have you seen him?
PB: Britney Spears

Taken By: Excalibur
Name: Nicholas *Nick* Schafer
Age: Eighteen
Status: Scholarship Student
Brief History: Twenty five years ago Matthew Schafer and Marjorie Davis met at the local library. She worked there and he was a customer. There was an instant attraction between them since they seem to share the same interests but both of them were involved with other people. An entire year passed before they finally went on their first date. Only three months later they got married. The couple had two children: Kurt and Nicholas. Matthew had many different jobs over the years and there were always financial problems in the family. Kurt impregnated a girl when he was only seventeen years old and he left town with her never to be seen again. Marjorie left her family ten months later. Nick has been living with his father ever since.
Personality: Nick has trust issues. He has friends but he isn't an open book. He listens to what others have to say but never shares his intimate thoughts. Like most teens he doesn't avoid having fun. He can attend a party whenever he is in the mood or he can stay home simply enjoying the peacefulness around him. He seems to be laid back but there are aspects of him that are just a facade. It's not like he is pretending to be someone he is not. It's just that he keeps to himself. He can lose his temper fast but most of the time he tries to avoid trouble. He isn't a saint but he isn't a complete devil either.
Opinion/Scholarship: Writing. He seems to have inherited his interest in literature from his parents. He has been writing since childhood and that's what has got him to Melbourne Academy.
Crush: Since Nick posses a natural ability to not get too close to people he doesn’t spend much time thinking of futile attractions. He sees people. He even finds some of them attractive but he doesn’t lose his sleep over them. There are times when someone’s personality can catch his attention. For instance the mix of strength and enigma that can be found in Indiannah Liang. And there are also times when a specific girl would walk into a room and his eyes would be drawn to them. Like whenever Grace Evans and Natalie Parker are around. But Nick wouldn’t take it too seriously. Casual observation, after all, has never done anyone any harm.
PB: Benjamin McKenzie

Taken By: DreamOn777
Name:Dave Scott
Status:"Scholarship Student"
Theme Song:"I Kissed a Drunk Girl" by Something Corporate
Brief History:Dave is the middle child in a family with his parents and an older brother and younger sister. His mother was born to a poor family and tried to work her way up. His father attended the same college as his mother and they met and fell in love at first sight.But their real problems came when they had to raise three kids.Dave's dad can barely keep a job;he's had three jobs in the past two years.His mother does what she can to help the family out.So,there's definitely tension in the family.
Personality:Since his family is always in and out of debt,Dave was raised to appreciate what he has,even if it's not the best.He's grown into a nice kid with a real sense of humor.He cracks jokes whenever he can.He has never really felt like he fit in anywhere,so he uses his jokes to try and fit in.He's loyal and always a good friend though he hasn't had that many friends growing up.Dave can appear quiet to those who don't know him,but he throws out joke after joke and always tries to keep a good attitude around those he's comfortable with.
Scholarship:He was awarded a scholarship in writing.It's always been his strength.He's nervous around people in real life,but he feels comfortable when writing.
Crush: Dave doesn't really think that many of the paying girls are anything special.Alot of the boys seem to love them,but it stays away from them.That is with the exception of Lara.He has a huge crush on her.She's smart,beautiful,sassy.Sure..he knows that she probably will never give him the time of day,but that doesn't stop him from crushing on her.And then there's Marie.He thinks she's a great girl.She's probably a lot more of person he should be with.But thoughts of Lara always seem to be in his head more often.
PB:Adam Brody

Taken By: kat373
Name: Jayden (Jay) Sketching
Age: 17
Status: Scholarship Student
Theme Song: "The Remedy" by Abandoned Pools
Brief History: Mona Sketching went to Brazil to teach English as a second language to Portuguese children. There she met musician Diego Reyes, and the two fell in love. They had three children: Anna, Jayden, and David. When Jayden was 7 years old, due to reasons that she doesn't even know of, her parents got divorced, and Mona moved herself and her children to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where she had got a job teaching at a high school. Jayden hates Santa Fe. And hates her father even more for not being around. However she was born with her father's artistic ability, and that's how she came to end up at Melbourne Academy.
Personality: In a word, Jayden is cynical. She really doesn't have faith in anyone or anything, and trust is a word that isn't in her vocabulary. She's jaded, facetious, and don't expect her to be participating in many, or rather any, after school activities. To some people she seems somewhat depressed, to others she seems like a bitch, and to most she just seems angry, all of which aren't too far from the truth. But if you get to know her, you'll see she just has some issues, like most people. She's a realist, a very dark realist, but in all honesty she is a good person. That is if you can break through all the walls she has built and can get to see the real her.
Opinion/Scholarship: Jayden is at Melbourne Academy for her innate talents in art. Mostly abstract, but there are a few life forms here and there as well. She really doesn't think much of her, she only found it to be a way to get away from her family and from Santa Fe.
Crush: Although Jay really isn't one to crush, like every normal red-blooded teenager, she also isn't one to deny the hotness of certain people. The people that she wouldn't mind screwing seven days till Sunday are Devon Hansaw Jr., Trey McMillard, Chris Stratford, and Joe Kennedy. She always did go for the attractive type. But just because she thinks these guys are hot doesn't mean anything going to happen. Or so she thinks.
PB: Jordana Brewster

Taken By: Messed Up Girl
Name: Cassie Tyler
Age: 18
Status: Scholarship Student
Theme Song Are You Happy Now – Michelle Branch
Brief History: Living in poverty for most of her life has taught Cassie to cherish everything that she owns. Ever since her father walked out on the household, Cassie has always been forced to work hard for her keep and, especially as the oldest in the family, bear the emotional burdens of her siblings. With all the pressure and the added extra of working hard to maintain good grades in Melbourne Academy, Cassie’s finding it harder to breathe.
Personality: Despite her turbid childhood, Cassie’s actually grown up to be alright. Unlike many others her age, she’s steered away from drugs and alcohol to help her overcome her problems. If it wasn’t for her determination to get out of the mess her father left the family in, she’d probably be ending up on Jerry Springer showcasing her tragic waste of a perfectly good future. Circumstances have always forced Cassie to take charge and be independent and she’s not changing so soon. She’s surprisingly under control for somebody who’s been through so much but isn’t one to thrive off others’ sympathy. Pleasantly amiable and understanding, she gets along with most people. However, Cassie’s not one to be easily swayed and sometimes stands up to what she believes in, a little too strongly. Her ambitious nature always leads to her being hard on herself, her stubbornness doesn’t help either.
Scholarship: Cassie’s always found it easier to express her feelings through the written word. Diary writing soon evolved into something more and this passion has earned her, her writing scholarship to Melbourne Academy.
Crush: Cassie tends not to get too emotionally attached to people, knowing solely that doing so might hurt her in the end. It's taken the departure of her father and a string of unsuccessful relationships to teach her that. Either way, while she's not exactly boy-crazy she's intrigued by Devon Hansaw Jr though she's heard that he's a player and isn't exactly the nicest guy around. Another guy she's noticed recently is Dane Lawrence because she believes that there's a lot more to him than everybody else thinks.
PB: Katie Holmes

| The Profiles |

Taken By: Your FF Name
Name: First and last name. Indicate nicknames with ** or ()
Age: Sixteen – Nineteen
Status: Simply put “Paying Student” or “Scholarship Student”
Theme Song: This is optional.
Brief History: Like stated above, this is optional. If you choose to omit it, simply put “Pulling a Leigha”. If not, write a brief history about your character. It should be somewhere between three to seven sentences. Please no more then seven though, and keep in mind that no one is perfect – every family has its problems.
Personality: A couple of lines. I’ve decided not to specificy, but keep in mind that your character’s personality is going to give other players an idea of who they are. Be creative. Also, this is a private school. Upper class America is not always rainbows and butterflies and if I end up seeing a bunch of rich, understanding kids, I’m going to pull my hair out. The game needs snobby brats. It makes the game interesting. On the contrary, originality is also appreciated, so take your time with this.
Opinion/Scholarship: “Opinion” is for the paying students – that’d be their opinion on the scholarship students. “Scholarship” obviously, is for the scholarship students. Just briefly touch on what kind of scholarship they were awarded (art, drama, writing, etc …)
Crush: Make it one, make it ten, make it a hundred, I don’t care – but give a reason.
PB: Name and Picture. Make sure picture is age appropriate. Sarah Michelle Gellar no longer passes for seventeen years old. Katharine Heagl? She’s pushing it too.

[ 12-23-2003: Message edited Mariachica ]
It's over, we both know, we're both tired of playing our parts
I said goodbye, you said, oh well, nothing's really lost
You call every now and then just to hear your voice talk to me
You used to say everything's alright, but it's not
And that's something you're too blind to see.
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Old 12-17-2003, 09:37 PM
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John Nolan and... I don't know. I need a girl. Maggie Gylleenhaal always works.
The pope rides the short bus.
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Old 12-17-2003, 10:26 PM
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I'm in. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] Save me Jordana Brewster as my scholarship student and Bam Margera as rich kid. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Edited: cause I changed my mind. [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

[ 12-17-2003: Message edited xKatx ]
Bethany: I think God is dead.
Liz: The sign of a true Catholic. ~ Dogma
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Old 12-17-2003, 11:00 PM
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Hee. It's Kat. Thanks for joinin'. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]
It's over, we both know, we're both tired of playing our parts
I said goodbye, you said, oh well, nothing's really lost
You call every now and then just to hear your voice talk to me
You used to say everything's alright, but it's not
And that's something you're too blind to see.
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Old 12-17-2003, 11:52 PM
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I'd like to take Katie Holmes as my scholarship student and Robert Carmine as my paying student please [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
And it’s all the subtle change in landscape and business
Reminds you of your limited time
This time you’ll listen to the movement in your body
How it keeps on despite you and it frightens you
Cause you’re barely alive
- rilo kiley
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Old 12-18-2003, 12:24 PM
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Chad Michael Murray as my scholarship student and Amanda Bynes as my Paid student.
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Old 12-18-2003, 01:56 PM
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Adam Brody as my scholarship student and Sophia Bush as my paid student...
One day you're there and then all of a sudden there's less of you. And you
wonder where that part went, if it's living somewhere outside of you and you keep
thinking maybe you'll get it back and then you realize it's just gone.
banner: Brittany
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Old 12-18-2003, 03:20 PM
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Workin' on my profiles right now.
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Old 12-18-2003, 03:27 PM
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Can I have Justin Timberlake as my paid and Kristen Kreuk as scholarship please?
You know what they'll write on my tombstone? She did it the hard way.
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Old 12-18-2003, 03:49 PM
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UGH! *mad* I had both my profiles all typed out and then my computer fvcked up and I lost them BOTH! [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]
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Old 12-18-2003, 03:52 PM
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forget it.

[ 12-18-2003: Message edited New York City ]
boy meets girl
and then,
they fall forever in love
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Old 12-18-2003, 04:32 PM
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Taken By: ChariZmatic
Name: Devon Hansaw Jr
Age: Nineteen
Status: Paying Student
Brief History: Devon grew up in what seemed a perfect family. His father was well respected and well known business man, his mother was the typical rich wife. Spending her husbands money on brunch with friends and buying newest equiptment for her son. Every family has its problems. So did Devons- his father began to rely on alcohol a little too much and trying to keep up the facade to meet with the social status, his mother eventually cracked and was sent to mental hospital. This however is a well kept family secret. One of the few things Devon is extremely sensitive about.
Personality: Understanding, sympathetic, charming are what the teachers and those that don't know him too well, think of him. Promiscuous, loud, manipulative and crude is what Devon is really like. You either hate Devon or love Devon. Majority of girls love him- those that hate him do so with a passion. The face he presents to the world and Devons inner face are two totally diffrent polls of the spectrum.
Opinion/Scholarship: Devon doesn't mind the scolarship students--as long as they're hot and as long as they are girls. The rest of them just bore the cr*p out of him. Who actually works to get into school?
Crush: Devon loves girls. All girls. Actually Devon just likes to play around with girls especially ones that challenge him, one girl in particular has caught his eye. Her name is (TBA when profiles are in)
PB: Justin Timberlake

[ 12-18-2003: Message edited chariZmatic ]
You know what they'll write on my tombstone? She did it the hard way.
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Old 12-18-2003, 07:06 PM
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I've updated the first post with all who are joining. Plenty of spots are still open.
It's over, we both know, we're both tired of playing our parts
I said goodbye, you said, oh well, nothing's really lost
You call every now and then just to hear your voice talk to me
You used to say everything's alright, but it's not
And that's something you're too blind to see.
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Old 12-18-2003, 08:05 PM
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Save: Alex Greenwald.
I feel like we're standing on the edge of something big. Take a leap of faith with me...
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Old 12-18-2003, 08:16 PM
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I don't join a lot of these sorta rp's any more, but the way you wrote this enticed me, so I'm in. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] Save Tobey Maguire, Shane West, Christina Ricci, and Rose McGowan for me.
Somebody told me....
That you were so stupid....
But I didn't believe them....
But now I believe them...
-Strong Bad
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