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Old 04-08-2014, 06:29 AM
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Ice & Fire (Jon ♥ Daenerys) #24: A blue rose in the hands of fire waiting the right moment to fully grow.

welcome to the 24th
appreciation thread

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Jon Snow is the bastard son of Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell. Although he was raised by his father and loved by his trueborn brothers and sisters, his doubtful place in Winterfell and the upcoming changes in his family has led him to join his Uncle Benjen in the Night's Watch. The Night's Watch is now what he first expected, and Jon at first had a hard time getting along with his fellow recruits and his new life at The Wall, but after realizing that they are all just in the same position, Jon became more friendly with the others and even takes it upon himself to help out his Brothers when they need it.

Meanwhile, beyond the Narrow Sea, Daenerys Targaryen is the last princess of the Targaryen dynasty. She and her brother lived through the charity of various people of the Free Cities. In an attempt to regain the Iron Throne, Viserys arranged for Dany to marry Khal Drogo so he can use Drogo's Dothraki army to conquer the Seven Kingdoms. However, through her marriage, Daenerys instead learned how to act fitting of her role as "Khaleesi" and begun standing up for herself and for others.

Even though Jon and Daenerys live in opposite ends of the world and have not met or heard of each other yet, both their stories bear similarities.

They both started in a similar manner, not having a true place within their family and being placed in a situation they did not like in the beginning, but they eventually found their new family there. Their other similarities include shared values, they have shown compassion for others, especially those who are unable to defend themselves, and they both share a common companion with the Mormonts, Jeor and Jorah. The television series have also given them the added advantage of showing the viewers how similar their situations are by often filming them in the same angles, and by usually putting their scenes right after each other.

Although only time will tell if there's a purpose to these parallels, it certainly makes it exciting to see what will happen once these two meet.

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● ● ●

their story

Episode 1:
Jon and Dany are both introduced as outcasts. Jon is seen with the Stark family where he is looked down upon because he is the bastard son of Eddard Stark forcing him to hold the name Snow. Dany has been ousted from the kingdom her family once ruled and went into hiding for holding the name Targaryen. In order to rule again she is forced to marry into the Dothraki where she becomes even more of an outcast.

Other notes:
Jon and Dany have shots where someone above them is looking down at them. Catelyn looks down at Jon from a balcony and Drogo looks down at Dany from a horse. In these shots they both look intimidated.

Jon and Dany watch ritual death. Jon watches a deserter of the Nights Watch become beheaded and Dany watches Dothraki fighting and killing at her wedding. These deaths mark the ways of the lives they will build for themselves in future episodes. Jon joins the Nights Watch. Dany becomes a Khaleesi.

Jon convinces his father not to kill a litter of direwolves and is able to keep one for himself. Dany receives dragon eggs as a gift and feels and instant connection to them.

Episode 2:
Jon and Dany begin journeying toward their new homes. Jon leaves Wintferfell to ride north toward Castle Black and The Wall while Dany rides with the her Dothraki tribe toward Vaes Dothrak.

Other notes:
The fire on the candles Dany stares at around her dragon’s eggs fades into the campfire Jon is beside.

Both travel with a member of their family. Jon travels with his Uncle Benjen and Dany travels with her brother Viserys.
Episode 3:
Jon and Dany are threatened and receive help that saves their lives. After making his peers look foolish and weak during training at The Wall three men gang up on Jon and hold a blade to his neck. Tyrion shows up and uses his words to get the men to retreat and leave Jon unharmed. Dany begins to act more like a Khaleesi and commands her tribe to stop travelling. This move enrages Viesrys who holds a blade to her neck. She is saved by Rakharo.
Episode 4:
Instead of being saved from others, Jon and Dany do saving of their own. They show their compassion and strength. Jon came to Sam’s defense and with the help of his direwolf Ghost sent a warning to others who dared give Sam a hard time. Dany is horrified when she sees Viserys mistreat one of her maids. He then went on to mistreat Dany, but she fought back and gave a warning to Viserys.
Episode 6 & 7:
Jon and Dany both perform important rituals. Jon takes his oath and officially becomes part of the Nights Watch while Dany eats a horse’s heart to ensure the boy she is pregnant with is strong.

Other notes:
Jon’s wolf Ghost uncovers a human arm outside the wall and an assassination attempt is made on Dany. They both begin to better understand the dangers that are ahead of them from being a man of the Nights Watch and a Targaryen.
Episode 8:
Dany and Jon both question the cultures they have become a part of. When Jon learns of his father's imprisonment he instantly wants to go to help both him and his sisters, but he can't because he is trapped by the power of the oath of the Nights Watch. When Dany sees her Dothraki people pillaging a village and capturing women she is devastated. Though she had eaten a horse heart and become fully integrated into the Dothraki clan she does not approve of their behavior, especially toward women, and wishes for change.

Filming notes:
Jon set the zombie he was fighting on fire so the zombie would be destroyed. That fire bled into the next scene where another fire is shown where the Dothraki are destroying, pillaging, a village.
Episode 9:
Jon and Dany consider extremes in order to help save the ones they love. Jon struggles with his want to abandon the Nights Watch after he learns that his brother Robb has gone to war in order to save their father. Dany, desperate to find a way to save an ailing Drogo, goes to an extreme by enlisting the help of black magic to try and save him.

Other things to note:
Jon was given a sword that was meant for Jorah Mormont who is with Dany and the Dothraki people.

Jon learns the identity of Aemon Targaryen as the old man of the Nights Watch gives him council on Jon’s struggle to stay or leave. That scene led to Dany’s first scene of the episode.
Episode 10:
Jon and Dany deal with loss and grief. Jon began to throw away his oath and look for his brother Robb. He began to go back to the life he had known, but in the end truly began his life in the Nights Watch. Dany gave up the life she had grown to know with the Dothraki. Both her and Jon were reborn. Jon stepped out beyond the wall. Dany stood up with newborn dragons.

Other notes:
Dany’s first scene led into Jon’s first scene. Jon’s second scene led into Dany’s second scene. Jon’s final scene led into Dany’s final scene.

Both of their loved ones faced betrayal. Dany believed the witch would save Drogo’s life. Ned believed if he made a false confession his life would be spared.

why we like them

Jon and Dany are the perfect storm of parallels. It’s as if they are on a journey in order to become the people they need to be for one another. I know they will play a role in each other’s lives because although they are worlds apart they are on the same path. They’ve had moments where they’ve been cast aside, but then they became stronger. They show compassion and humanity which is a trait that seems hard to come by in their world. They’re loving, loyal, fierce, and seem to become more connected as time goes on despite the fact that they travel in different directions. They are not normal, they are great, and they would be great for each other.

The reason I ship Jon/Dany simply put they are both kind and decent people which is very rare on this show and not to mention my favorites. They're both willing to stand up and protect the people they care about no matter the consequences. Dany just trying to find her way back home whereas Jon trying to figure out just exactly who he is, with both being faced with tough decisions to make and are making the right ones. The parallels are endless to many to even get into but I can't wait for the day when they finally meet and become King and Queen of Westeros!

I admit, it was first the pretty fanart I saw on tumblr that got me to ship them, plus the fact that both Jon and Dany are some of my favorite characters in the series so far. However, as the series went on, the show made it obvious how their stories are indeed very similar. I'm interested to see if their stories will ever collide, especially when they seem to be growing up in the same manner. Whether they meet as friends, enemies or lovers, it will surely be interesting to see, and it is that potential, even if they haven't had any scenes, that keeps me coming back to Jon/Dany.

So why do I ship Jon and Dany. I will admit that from the very first episode I was struck by the similairities of there situations they both seemed to isolated. Jon due to his birth status and Dany as a result of her being completely dominated by her brother. It was this that made me ship them. As the series progressed the parallels between them where even more noticable and although they may not have interacted yet I am hopeful for the future.

I’ve started shipping Jon/Dany because they are my two favourite characters and I thought that they would look so pretty together. Then I’ve started to pay attention to them and I found a lot of parallels between them. It is like they are made for each other; they are meant to be together. I found their parallels so in intriguing and amazing. Firstly, they both come from big families, Jon from the Stark family and Dany from the Targaryen family. However, they both feel like they are left out from their families and they do not belong to them because Jon is a bastard in the family in people’s eyes and Dany is just a tool to the throne in Viserys’s eyes. Jon then went to the Wall and Dany went to Dothraki. They both did not expect their journey was going to go well but they actually found themselves being a part of a real family. Throughout the first season, Jon took the oath and became a part of the night watcher. He is willing to sacrifice himself to protect the realm and becomes the strong and determined man he always wants to be. And Dany grows from a girl who only takes orders from her brother to a fierce queen who is determined to protect her people and becomes a true dragon. Finally, Jon is now going to face the wildlings and white walkers beyond the Wall and Dany is going to cross the sea; both of them are going to face a whole new environment which they have never been to. It is like they are going to go through a long journey before meeting each other. It is actually the most beautiful build up I’ve ever seen and it is going to be worth the wait when they finally meet each other.

They mirror each other so perfectly, it’s almost impossible to imagine one without relating him/her to the other. One art was all it took for me to realize how beautiful they could be. Whenever anyone asks me just why I ship the two of them together romantically, I simply say that it is the potential. Individually they are incredible characters, but together they could be so much more.

I had already realised that Game of Thrones wasn't the type of show where "ships" flourished. However, when I looked at Jon and Daenerys, I knew that somehow, they would also be the couple I would root for. Maybe it's the slight impossiblity of it all; he's in the North, at the Wall, while she's in the south, seperated by land and sea. Or maybe it's the fact that he's associated with ice, her with fire. He's the wolf, she's the mother of dragons. The parallels and contrasts between the two are what make Jon/Dany so appealing to me. It might lead to nothing, but it doesn't matter. The beauty of their stories, and the intangible connection between the two, will always give me hope that fire and ice might one day meet after all.


Daenerys Targaryen / Jon Snow [Game of Thrones]
I am colorblind
This hurricane is chasing us
Night Time
F Yeah Jon/Daenerys
F Yeah Kit/Emilia
future titles
Because you can be the king but watch the queen conquer.
Because "Him and Dany will meet at some point." - Kit
I want a combination of Jon Snow and Daenerys on the Iron Throne." - Richard Madden
past threads
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23

Last edited by powerfully; 06-04-2014 at 04:58 AM
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Old 04-08-2014, 06:31 AM
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Old 04-08-2014, 07:50 AM
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Love the title
Jon Snow
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Old 04-08-2014, 08:33 AM
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Welcome guys
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Old 04-08-2014, 10:15 AM
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Thanks for the new thread
"I return to your service, my Queen. If you'll have me."
"It would be my honor."

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Old 04-08-2014, 10:30 AM
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the title is so symbolic, it has to mean something!
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Old 04-08-2014, 10:33 AM
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Thanks for the new thread
For everyone who didn't read the books here is an explanation for our title:
Blue winter rose - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
♔Queens ♔


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Old 04-08-2014, 01:26 PM
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thanks for the link
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Old 04-08-2014, 06:29 PM
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TFTNT! Love the title

YAY for a new season
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Old 04-08-2014, 10:40 PM
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Can I please be added to this ship?

Even though they have never met, I feel like they are just meant to be!!
I havent read the books but dont mind being spoiled.. Does this ship have a chance? or have i fallen for another ship that will never sail?
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Old 04-08-2014, 10:50 PM
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Welcome Leelala you've been added

Once this chip meets I think they have a huge chance yes. The only thing we're waiting for is that they MEET

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Old 04-09-2014, 02:45 AM
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TFTNT and the explanation with the blue rose. Now I got the symbolic meaning and our new title as well

And welcome Leelala. I think when they finally meet they fall in love with each other.

That gif
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Old 04-09-2014, 03:19 AM
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Thanks for the warm welcome!!

I hope you are right and they do get the chance to meet each other... Its such a big world.. Are we allowed to hint/discuss spoiler like topics here??
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Old 04-09-2014, 03:36 AM
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Sure we can discuss in here about everything. When we speculate we don't need spoiler tags but if there are hints about the further storyline it's better to use the spoiler tags
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Old 04-09-2014, 03:37 AM
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Oh and just wanted to say that the OP looks incredible and I'm once again astonished how many fans this ship has without even met each other
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