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crash landing 08-04-2010 07:03 AM

Hawaii Five-0 Hot Seat #1: Let's Get To Know...niam!
This is a game where our board peers get to ask each of us questions in order to get to know each other. Each person will be in the seat for 5 days in order for others to ask them questions before the next person is moved into the seat

Up Next

Previously in the Seat
:star: Talkative One {Sarah}
:star: NikNak {Nikki}
:star: Wingster {Kush}
:star: Karma Police {Paulina}
:star: Considering Disobedience {Bee}
:star: bluewhiteheart {Hannah}
:star: Rinslet {Hannah}

Hawthorn 08-04-2010 07:34 AM

I'll start the third degree. :evil_lol: :lol:

- What are your all time main fandoms?

- Your first celebrity crush?

- Do you have any siblings?

- What's on your computer wallpaper?

crash landing 08-04-2010 07:42 AM

- What are your all time main fandoms?

:star: Battlestar Galactica
:star: Roswell
:star: Harry Potter
:star: Pirates of the Caribbean

thats about it for top favourites :lmao: I've got many other fandom through

- Your first celebrity crush?

Leo :D

- Do you have any siblings?

Little sister :bunny:

- What's on your computer wallpaper?

Hawthorn 08-04-2010 11:13 AM

Nice wall! And I think one of the first times we "met" was on the BSG board. :)

- Have you watched the H5O original series?

- What's the board you post on the most around :ff: ?

- A movie you've watched over and over again.

crash landing 08-04-2010 11:15 AM

I think that was it as well :) BSG

- Have you watched the H5O original series?

Nope but had heard of it. Think my mother did watch it but I only watched un-related of Hawaii from 2004 that lasted 7 episodes :pout:

- What's the board you post on the most around :ff:?

Currently its here actually :lmao:

- A movie you've watched over and over again.

Thats a very long list :rotfl:

crazy_diamond 08-04-2010 01:02 PM

What are your fave new programmes at the moment?

Favourite sport?

NikNak 08-04-2010 01:31 PM

I can be in the hot seat next. :)

Wingster 08-04-2010 01:53 PM

^ and i'll be after you

What shows are you dropping from your schedule?

crash landing 08-04-2010 02:42 PM

What are your fave new programmes at the moment?

Out of the new ones that I grabbed this past year will say The Vampire Diaries. Didn't really pick anything new up, actually I did with both Legend of the Seeker and Merlin with how both are great. Too bad LoTS isn't back. Oh, Spartacus was fanastic and tbh was surprised about Caprica. I really was effy during the before show time but it was great

Favourite sport?

Hockey is the only thing that I watch :D

What shows are you dropping from your schedule?

Not 100% sure cause going to give them 2-4 episodes before dropping but ...

:star: How I Met Your Mother
:star: The Big Bang Theory
:star: Supernatural

Karma Police 08-04-2010 04:09 PM

Can I be added to the hot seat list too?

What 3 items would you take with you on a deserted island?
Do you play any instrument?
Your favourite song atm?

crash landing 08-04-2010 04:25 PM

What 3 items would you take with you on a deserted island?

:wiggle: My cat Buddy
:wiggle: My ipod where it would somehow not die and always stay charged :lmao:
:wiggle: Harry Potter boxset {books}

Do you play any instrument?

Nope :star:

Your favourite song atm?

Weirdly :lmao: no don't have a favourite song atm

Hawthorn 08-05-2010 03:38 AM

- Favorite movie genre?

- List what you consider your three best qualities.

- Aliens or vampires? :D

- Do you have a blog?

- Favorite ice-cream flavour?

crash landing 08-05-2010 06:35 AM

- Favorite movie genre?

Science Fiction/Paranormal

- List what you consider your three best qualities.

I'm a very independant person, so think thats a good quality :lmao: Organized is a good one too and I'm quite organized. When things are going good, I can be very friendly too but have been in a bad slump. So kinda not so much

- Aliens or vampires? :D

Do you even have to ask :lmao: wait, you don't know me as well as others. So you may not know my vampire obsession

- Do you have a blog?

I've had LJ for 5 years but haven't been using it for the past year or two. Plus delated my original and made a new one

- Favorite ice-cream flavour?

Strawberry :drool:

NikNak 08-05-2010 02:02 PM

How did you get your screenname?
Do you want to be a moderator here? If so, which board(s)?
How did you find FF?

crash landing 08-05-2010 02:35 PM

How did you get your screenname?

Its been about 4 years since I've had this screename and can't place why I choice it. Think its cause I was quite a poster even before getting it, so felt it fit

Do you want to be a moderator here? If so, which board(s)?

I've already been a mod at :ff: before, 3 times actually. At this point, don't really want to be a mod again. There's a few boards that I might when the time comes, this one maybe. A few shows get boards and might want too. I've just really not been posting as much and not really active on any boards enough

How did you find FF?

Crashdown website :D

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