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BlondieLeigh 01-09-2013 04:15 PM

I think the whole show changed so much after the first A reveal, and that losing that mystery of not knowing anyone who was involved just made the show that little bit less interesting. I'm putting my losing interest in 3A down to that more than anything, I liked it a lot better when the whole thing was a mystery. Basically, I'm only happy if they don't give me answers

collide into you 01-09-2013 07:28 PM

to me PLL jumped the shark with that A faked ian's suicide storyline. now it's just a bunch of OTT, creepy, OMG moments thrown together.

i hope against all hope that nothing bad happens to toby because that would mean no more spoby AND treegan.

BlondieLeigh 01-10-2013 06:33 AM

The note didn't bother me, because that is the sort of thing A would do, it was that he didn't write it and we know that. Considering how important some of the stuff in it was, there is no way the police would have just accepted that he wrote it without investigating. They seemed to just drop it and that was weird. I'm not saying we should have been shown the investigation into the note etc. Just that it should have at least been mentioned that the police had doubts as to whether or not he had written it or not.

Hopefully if something bad does happen they'll still hang out. That picture :D

collide into you 01-10-2013 07:19 AM

actually, that was not my main problem with that storyline. didn't ian had a hole in his head? so A took his dead body and put a bullet in the head. IMO, that was too much for a kids show and ever since PLL only cares about being more creepy, dark and violent.

i will miss the treegan BTS pics if there is no more spoby/toby.

BlondieLeigh 01-10-2013 07:27 AM

They've left it unclear as to whether or not he was actually dead in the bell tower, so it may have actually been that that killed him. I always figured he was dead in the tower, though. The bullet was the A team trying to cover for one of their own/or gain some power over them (on the very unlikely chance it wasn't one of them)

Me too :(

collide into you 01-10-2013 07:46 AM

well, if ian was still alive (which i don't believe because realistically he should have his neck snapped after falling off like that) and the team shot him in the head in cold blood, then it makes the show even less appropriate for kids.


BlondieLeigh 01-10-2013 08:00 AM

Yup, realistically he had to have died in the tower, but they never actually confirmed that, just that he'd been dead a week before he was found. They've got way too obsessed with dark/gory details than not only making it age appropriate for the people likely to be watching that channel, but also being logical.

That pic :love:

collide into you 01-10-2013 08:18 AM

whether they put a bullet in ian's head when he was dead or alive, it was just too much. i don't mind violence because i only watch tv shows full of gore details lol, but those shows don't air on ABCFam (channel co-owned by Disney!!) and are not meant for young audience.

i love the coloring in that picture :in_love:

BlondieLeigh 01-10-2013 08:40 AM

Yeah, that was going too far. So uneccessary. I see it in other shows all the time, but the difference is they're crime shows, and don't include 12yos in their target audience. I wouldn't be surprised if PLL is rated 15 here.

collide into you 01-10-2013 11:16 AM

i really wish PLL would tone down the focus on being edgy, but no, now we have toby cavanaugh, of all people, trying to run people over and doing god knows what else :rolleyes:

BlondieLeigh 01-10-2013 11:31 AM

Obviously I understand the need for the dark elements, it's just sometimes, they go way too far, because their focus has become the shock/horror factor over logic and progression. They even have the liars heal super fast so they can move onto the next incident quickly.

collide into you 01-10-2013 11:40 AM

yeah that's why i say this show is over the top ridiculous now. they don't care about logic as long as they can make everyone look creepy.

BlondieLeigh 01-10-2013 12:14 PM

I'd take logical over creepy any day. The best mysteries are always the logical ones.

collide into you 01-10-2013 12:47 PM

ICAM :nod:

still haven't seen the ST scenes and i don't see it happening anytime soon :(

BlondieLeigh 01-10-2013 01:00 PM

I'm still two episodes behind and I can't see that changing soon, especially with NCIS coming back over here tomorrow. I'll need to watch that multiple times because that's what I do :lol:

I'm aiming to at least be caught up by the finale, because I've watched those live since I started watching, but at the moment I get the feeling that I'm going to be rush watching the weekend before.

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