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April7739 07-12-2018 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by TaraJoyful (Post 94486751)
I'm actually curious to see if Bellamy is actually mad at Clarke, because it didn't seem that way to me. :look:

When she walks away after taking Madi, he looks devastated. He's very aware of how betrayed she feels by him in that moment.

I agree. I don't think Bellamy's mad at Clarke. Because I feel like Bellamy is closer to achieving a balance of using his head and his heart right now, I feel like he can see where Clarke is coming from and see why she's so furious with him.


I think some members of Spacekru will be upset with her for leaving him, but is it weird that I don't really see Bellamy being furious about that?
Yeah, I think Spacekru's gonna be PISSED at her. And rightfully so. That's a member of their family she left behind there, and yes, even though that family would not have existed without Clarke being willing to sacrifice her life for them, the fact of the matter is that they became a family and a key member of that family is not coming back with her to the valley.

My friend and I were talking about this today, and at first I was like, "No, I don't want the show to present Echo as the concerned girlfriend and Clarke as heartless! That's not gonna help anything." But then she and I started thinking about it and talking about it, and we decided that we actually HOPE Spacekru is really upset with her, because we think it could open her eyes to what exactly she did, and we think that it might help her better understand where Bellamy is coming from when she sees that those people care about him like she cares about Madi. (I mean, she and Madi only had each other, but those seven only had each other. Yes, a SLIGHTLY bigger group of people, but still a pretty small group for 6 years.) As I noted above, I do think Bellamy is going to have an easier time understanding Clarke than she is currently having understanding him, so maybe actually seeing how much Spacekru cares about him will be a good thing for her. And it might remind her how much she cares about him, too.


I think what they both did was unforgivable in the other's eyes, even if they understand it down the line. So I don't want the Day Trip forgiveness talk to come back.
I don't think that what either one of them did was unforgiveable, though. I doubt Bellamy feels that way. Clarke won't always feel that way. Forgiveness has always been a pillar of Bellamy and Clarke's relationship. They've forgiven each other even when they haven't been able to forgive themselves.

I just hope that the show doesn't make it seem like Bellamy is the only one who's done something that needs to be forgiven here. That whole episode was Bellamy and Clarke BOTH making questionable calls, BOTH doing things that could be considered a betrayal to each other, BOTH breaking each other's hearts. Not one part of that episode was one-sided, (same goes for all the other "civil wars," too, like Eligius), so I don't want the resolution to be one-sided, either.

Now I'm finally caught up on the thread today!

Steph26 07-12-2018 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by destroyer of worlds (Post 94492414)

This show has burned me so much when it comes to Bellarke though so I’ll wish for this but not have high hopes for it. :lmao:

Same. While I think it would be good, it seems too good for Bellarkers. :lol:

BlueDog9 07-12-2018 06:15 PM

Which are you?

April7739 07-12-2018 06:23 PM

:lol: If I still played Sims, I'm sure I'd have Bellarke ones. But I don't think I'm Jaclyn either, there. I'm the person who's been thinking a lot and typing out a lot of analysis for days.

BlueDog9 07-12-2018 06:28 PM

I'm Jaclyn at this point.

jediwands 07-12-2018 07:13 PM

I’m thinking and thinking more. Plus, I’ve got someone on my board scared to watch the episode. She’s a diehard Bellarke shipper and based on what little she knows she doesn’t want to watch. She had relatives in town and couldn’t watch live. So she keeps asking me questions hoping the reality isn’t as bad as what she’s imagined inside her head. I don’t know how to soften the blow since I know she’s going to be upset yet I still want her to watch. I also know her... she’ll either see both Clarke and Bellamy as justified or she’s going to be mad at Clarke.

April7739 07-12-2018 07:25 PM

I feel like people just have to watch rather than building up thoughts and opinions in their mind before they’ve even seen it for themselves. :shrug:

Damocles 07-12-2018 08:05 PM

All I know is, I'm not giving up on Bellarke until the show ends, or one or both of them die.

(But I will keep expectations low just to feel better about myself).

LadyTomcat 07-13-2018 12:08 AM

I finally saw the episode and it was just... aaaa urgh, I don't have proper words :D only thing I can remember clearly was that sexy smack :D :D I felt like if they were alone, Bellamy should just grab her hand and say that he loves her :D :D

Honestly, I thought about how can writers make them romantic duo in this situation and even if it feels really like "not the good time", there is one possibility. Probably there is a reason why they didn't have a propper conversation, maybe writers waited for these kind of situation and now, when they do talk to each other, they both be yelling at each other, crying, they will put all emotion out there and it will be exactly at that moment, when they will both feel so much vulnerable and "standing on the edge", that one of them (and my guess is that it will be... maybe even SHOULD be Bellamy) will break that tension and say that he loves her out loud...


Originally Posted by a little chaos (Post 94474521)
... He put his feelings for Clarke aside...

I think you are right in every word in this post except this part. He didn't put feelings aside completely, he wanted to save her too, but he was in the middle of terrible desicion - he can't keep safe everyone - "his" family, Madi, Clarke, Octavia... so he made a choice and in his own way, he really tryied to safe everyone. Including Clarke, including Madi and even Octavia...


Originally Posted by snoopy4839 (Post 94474690)
The only thing that really upset me is Clarke leaving Bellamy behind...


Originally Posted by Steph26 (Post 94474742)
But what I really don’t like that is that there are three people in the arena risking everything for her (Bellamy the most) so that she could live, but then she’s like, “Peace out! We’re going to take off, good luck fighting to the death because of stuff you did for me!”

I don't like it either, but it really reminded me about Bellamy and Pike's mess. And if you go back to the scene when Clarke was chained up and she was screeming on bellamy, it was exact same situation as with Bellamy back in the bunker. It doesn't feel good, but it didn't feel good back then either. But maybe, just maybe writers thought that it is best way to show changed "heart and head", to show, that they really can become the same, because now they can trully understand each other. And if they overcame S1-4, they can overcome this one too. Actually the more I think about it, the more I feel like I can't be really mad about Bellamy's choice to "use" Madi. He was the first one who made really huge sacrifice, he poisoned his own little sister. He really could have killed her. With Madi he really seemed to have faith, that Wonkru will follow her, so she will be safe.


Originally Posted by destroyer of worlds (Post 94475080)
I felt that Bellamy truly thought that she would be safe with the Flame (and that's why he freaked out when she didn't awaken immediately) and that it was still the best plan that they had, under the circumstances

Exactly! :))


Originally Posted by April7739 (Post 94492972)
Yeah, I think Spacekru's gonna be PISSED at her. And rightfully so. That's a member of their family she left behind there, and yes, even though that family would not have existed without Clarke being willing to sacrifice her life for them, the fact of the matter is that they became a family and a key member of that family is not coming back with her to the valley.

I just realized... even John was willing to stay for Abby :D writers really did a good job to make Clarke look like the worst in the world... :D

CanIcallYouKate 07-13-2018 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Lxury (Post 94494364)
All I know is, I'm not giving up on Bellarke until the show ends, or one or both of them die.

(But I will keep expectations low just to feel better about myself).

This is exactly how I feel, 100% :nod:

I cannot wait for the inevitable confrontation between Bellamy and Clarke. Whether this comes in the form of screaming, crying, anger, fight or in a quiet, calm conversation, I have no clue. I'd be for screaming and crying of course, because conflict and angst comes with a much bigger pay-off for me :lol:

destroyer of worlds 07-13-2018 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by BlueDog9 (Post 94493047)
Which are you?

I’m more like Jaclyn :lol: except for the crying part. I was more ragey initially. :lol:

Only able to post more later but great posts, girls ... and I love this tweet:

BlueDog9 07-13-2018 06:39 AM

I want the screaming and crying too Kate :high_five:
everything else melts away

destroyer of worlds 07-13-2018 06:57 AM

Oh that’s a beautiful B&W set. :love: It makes me sad to see where they were (in that reunion scene) and where they are now though. :cry:

TaraJoyful 07-13-2018 07:43 AM

So here's a random thought I had last night (yay for wine...), how do you guys think Spacekru is going to react to Bellamy's part to play in giving Madi the Flame?

I've seen so many people talking about how mad they're going to be at Clarke for leaving him, but not how they'll react to Bellamy's actions.

I mean, Raven Murphy and Monty in particular have traumatic history with that thing due to the whole A.L.I.E. issue. Especially Raven. :no:

Bellamy did make the decision that made sense at the time in order to keep everyone safe, but to me it stills falls in that morally gray area where it still wasn't "right."

I think I'd prefer it if they explore how both Bellamy and Clarke were in the wrong at different times in 5x09, rather than just "everyone is mad at Clarke" again.

Do you think that's going to be something they address in the show?

CanIcallYouKate 07-13-2018 08:20 AM

that's a great point, Tara :nod:

Here is me wishing we'd gotten 16 episodes, again!

I would love to see their reactions to Bellamy's decision but I do not hold out much hope. It seems to me that (important) little character moments might be dropped, given that we only have 4 episodes left. If this goes like in previous seasons, the pace of the plot will only increase :look:

destroyer of worlds 07-13-2018 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by TaraJoyful (Post 94498309)

I think I'd prefer it if they explore how both Bellamy and Clarke were in the wrong at different times in 5x09, rather than just "everyone is mad at Clarke" again.

Do you think that's going to be something they address in the show?

Absolutely! Honestly, I don't understand why people are mad at Clarke but are okay with what Bellamy did. I truly don't. It's an opportunity to explore what both of them did wrong, and isn't one of those situations (in the past) where blame should fall squarely on just one party. (though I really do think Bellamy is more at fault this time)

I agree with Kate though, it's unlikely that it'll be explored in a completely satisfactory manner ... one thing that is a bit frustrating to me about this season is that the emotional moments in the show don't seem to be given enough time to be impactful. We know that Bob/Eliza are capable of it, it's just the writing and direction that isn't allowing them to, right now. 16 episodes really would have been better this season, I was okay with the initial seasons having less episodes but this one really would have benefited from more time.

TaraJoyful 07-13-2018 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by destroyer of worlds (Post 94498688)
Absolutely! Honestly, I don't understand why people are mad at Clarke but are okay with what Bellamy did. I truly don't. It's an opportunity to explore what both of them did wrong, and isn't one of those situations (in the past) where blame should fall squarely on just one party. (though I really do think Bellamy is more at fault this time).

Okay I am so glad you said that because I feel the same way! :nod:

A lot of people have been saying that Clarke is cold hearted for "leaving him to die," but I honestly don't see what other option she had at the time. :look:

Octavia is awake, and is clearly willing to do whatever it takes to prevent Madi from threatening her control of Wonkru. (I mean...she literally tried to have Clarke and Madi killed even though they were leaving.)

And there is no guarantee that Madi would have even been able to talk to enough people to get anyone on her side before someone loyal to Octavia took her out.

That's why I honestly don't think Bellamy is going to be mad at Clarke for leaving. He knows that she has to protect Madi. And he knows that what he did put even more of a target on her back.

ETA: I also agree with Kate about this season Sarah. I honestly feel like how they approach these last 4 episodes will be the deciding factor in whether or not this season is one of their best...or ranked right there with season 3.

There has been way too much plot driving character behavior going on.

destroyer of worlds 07-13-2018 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by TaraJoyful (Post 94498758)
Okay I am so glad you said that because I feel the same way! :nod:

A lot of people have been saying that Clarke is cold hearted for "leaving him to die," but I honestly don't see what other option she had at the time. :look:


Exactly, well said. I'm legit stumped that people are angry at Clarke for leaving even though she had just been betrayed by Bellamy, and really ... there was nothing that she could do since she and Madi themselves were in danger. Do people really expect her to risk her life as well as her child's life JUST when they literally escaped death seconds ago?

Bellamy would understand why she did it, it was the only choice. Doesn't mean that she won't still feel a tinge of guilt at it, but she had to do what she needed to do.

TaraJoyful 07-13-2018 10:13 AM

Oh yeah, I definitely agree that she'll feel guilty. Just like Bellamy already clearly feels guilty about his decision regarding Madi. I mean, the look on his face as she was walking away with Madi was just...:thud:

I like that they're both in that head space right now though. All of their emotions are raw, so when they finally have a conversation again it's going to be brilliant.


destroyer of worlds 07-13-2018 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by TaraJoyful (Post 94499404)

I like that they're both in that head space right now though. All of their emotions are raw, so when they finally have a conversation again it's going to be brilliant.


I just hope that they're allowed to have that conversation because I'm losing faith that it'll happen, just because we're running out of time ... and as Kate said, things only ramp up towards the finale, which leaves even less time for emotional conversations even if Bellarke desperately need one ASAP.


BlueDog9 07-13-2018 10:36 AM


TaraJoyful 07-13-2018 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by BlueDog9 (Post 94499651)


I really do think we will get that conversation between them, considering how dramatic they made last episode and how they haven't really had one yet so far.

Because of the war it might be in the middle of everything that's going on, but this is the roughest patch their relationship has ever been through so I can't really see them not addressing it.

CanIcallYouKate 07-13-2018 10:53 AM

Ok, I never make any hyperbolic statements if I can avoid it, but if we do not get that conversation, I'm going to be so done with this show.


Just kidding :P

I really need this to happen though and I would be very surprised if they didn't give us some big emotional scene where they can at least get some of the conflict off their chest. :fingers_crossed:

BlueDog9 07-13-2018 10:57 AM

They're just torturing us by making us wait til the finale for it.

destroyer of worlds 07-13-2018 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by TaraJoyful (Post 94499757)

Because of the war it might be in the middle of everything that's going on, but this is the roughest patch their relationship has ever been through so I can't really see them not addressing it.

Seriously, it's so needed right now. I don't even care (much) about the romance aspect of it right now, I just want them to be okay again and for that, no waffling around anymore ... they just need to lay it all out on the table and talk things through.

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