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April7739 07-12-2016 07:24 PM

Bellamy Blake [Bob Morley] #29: They treat me like a machine, a contraption free from emotion. But all I ever do is feel.
Bellamy Blake
[ B o b M o r l e y ]

The Army:

001. KeepThisaSecret
002. Stay to the Lights
003. Walt Reynolds
004. YoursToHold
005. AlwaysCB
006. xlennie
007. light the fuse
008. ring of fire
009. Rickylious
010. jules166
011. DefineDelicate
012. XxNamikoLoveXx
013. Nekoshoujo
014. - Nina -
015. MyLastDayWithoutYou
016. tessa21
017. BehindBlueEyes
018. InsideMyHeart
019. bellamy
020. CityGal
021. sourburst
022. b4dark
023. brave princess
024. marcus2596
025. LuvinJames23
026. Fuzzy Dunlop
027. SassyCat
028. PetrificusTotalus
029. Natasha Romanoff
030. Ciiisu
031. Nianfan1
032. gigilove
033. kenni727
034. ParsD
035. lickherwounds
036. RecklessWriter
037. ElenaBelle
038. Karma Police
039. bandcandy
040. Vacatia
041. HutchLaw_Girl
042. Lionheart Queen
043. redrose13
044. ceecee11
045. Sincerely, Me.
046. Comfortably Numb
047. bellarkes
048. Beyond Insane
049. Lexipedia
050. De Medici Queen
051. wild sage growing
052. BoneLady
053. keroppi
054. thesedays
055. Heidsdk
056. Fogh
057. April7739
058. Voldara
059. AnaMack
060. megprescottfan
061. anettbianka
062. ||michelle||
063. jessystorm
064. Quillan
065. Alexa
066. RebelQueens
067. CanIcallYouKate
068. Lutine
069. vanityten
070. Brienna
071. Steph26

Vote for Bob to get his own board here and join his campaign!

25 Reasons to Love Bob Morley:

01. His talent
02. His personality
03. His sense of humor
04. His intelligence
05. His understanding of Bellamy
06. His honesty
07. His willingness to stand up for himself
08. His advocacy for worthwhile causes
09. His cool nerdiness
10. His vulnerability
11. His kindness
12. His playfulness
13. His modesty
14. His devotion to his fans
15. His amazing arms
16. His hands
17. His ever-present smile
18. His adorable freckles
19. His hair
20. His voice (real voice and Bellamy voice)
21. His compassion
22. His positivity
23. His dedication to his character
24. His quirkiness
25. His ability to be a great role model

Season 1 - "What's wrong with a little chaos?"

Bellamy began, it seemed, as the bad guy.
He opposed the heroine and was antagonistic toward those presented as good and wholesome with his selfish desires.
He gave no thought for the lives of others whilst promoting anarchy on the ground.
But with each episode, a bit more of his mask was stripped away to reveal a man who cared far more than any would have guessed.
He was a man terrified, desperate for a sense of power and control that had always eluded him.
He had spent his life in perpetual fear for his sister and with the heavy responsibility of not just her safety, but also her very life.
His failure to his mother and sister weighed heavily upon him, leading to rash decisions to protect his family as he’d been unable to do before.
But with more time on the ground, the parameters of family changed.
He began to feel responsible for not just Octavia but all of the 100, and he felt each death keenly.
His guilt culminated in Day Trip as he faced the deaths of the culling, which bloodied his hands.
It was a turning point as he recognized he’d strayed from the good man his mother had raised.
As Clarke helped him to recognize that his poor choices didn’t define him, that he has done good and is needed,
he came away determined to be the man his mother had raised him to be.
His fierce loyalty and protective spirit shone through as he sacrificed and repeatedly put his life on the line for others.
At the beginning of the season, he was a man who cared only about his sister.
At the end, he extended that love to everyone else.

25 Reasons to Love Bellamy Blake:

01. His loyalty
02. His bravery
03. His complexity
04. His passion
05. His honesty
06. His integrity
07. His confidence
08. His humility
09. His ability to accept responsibility
10. His ability to inspire
11. His capacity for love
12. His devotion to family
13. His trustworthiness
14. His tenacity
15. His resilience
16. His strength
17. His relatable flaws
18. His desire to be a good man
19. His willingness to show his emotions
20. His protectiveness
21. His intriguing storylines
22. His ability to forgive
23. His leadership
24. His sex appeal
25. BUNS!

Season 2 - "There are some lines you can't uncross."

As the adults from the Ark came to the ground and began imposing rules once more, Bellamy struggled again under their authority.
He was no longer the young man on the Ark who needed to toe the line and keep his head down in order to protect his family.
He had come to be a leader and felt a great responsibility for the lives of others.
He chafed as the adult leaders literally and figuratively tied his hands, preventing him from doing what he felt was his duty.
Bellamy is a man of action, so he couldn’t sit idly by while there was power within him to do something.
So he infiltrated Mt Weather, again proving his loyalty and fierce protectiveness as his life was in perpetual danger.
Yet during this time, his view of friend and foe shifted, as he was at the mercy of those he presumed to be his enemy.
He witnessed firsthand the good residing in Mt Weather as so many worked to save him and his people - some paying with their lives.
And then there were the children. The circle of those to protect expanded, but he ultimately failed.
As he was faced with the harsh reality that not all could be saved, a choice had to be made.
Days before, Bellamy vowed with fierce determination that he would kill everyone in Mt Weather,
unable to foresee his heavy heart as he and Clarke weighed the lives in Mt Weather against their own people.
What happened at the end of the season broke him. In retrospect, this may have been the beginning of his downfall.


❮ Jason Rothenberg:

"Bellamy has really risen as a true hero in many ways.
Totally pure, although he started in a pretty dark, selfish place in season one…
He’s going to be inspirational to his people, and he’s going to be recognized as the hero that he really is.
I guess you could extrapolate to a future where he is, in some way, really given responsibility.
And when Clarke goes off on her own, Bellamy stays, because he feels responsible now.
He feels ownership in many ways. These are his people.
Everything he’s done to get them back here, he’s not going to throw away.
He’s going to make sure that they continue surviving."


"Morley has an onscreen presence that lasts for days.
He commands any scene he’s in
and I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re seeing him
as the star of an action series on the big screen one day.


"Morley’s character, Bellamy, has always had a certain edge
but this past season (Season 3) showed Bellamy crossing the line
with his friends and family (and sometimes viewers).
Morley as the lost and fractured Bellamy in Season 3 was heartbreaking to watch.
He raised the emotional stakes in every scene he was in
and even though we didn’t always agree with the choices his character made,
there was no denying that Morley slayed the performance."


Morley uses his eyes and body in unison with his outstanding ability
to deliver dialogue in meaningful and powerful ways...
This isn’t a gift that every actor possesses,
and when an actor like Morley taps into how to use his body
in a way equal to his ability to portray words, it’s a truly beautiful thing...
Morley brings Bellamy’s best and worst qualities to life week after week,
and for that his talent should be respected and rewarded
because he is truly a gifted actor.

Season 3 - "I have to live with what I've done."

Choices made in Mt Weather weighed heavily on Bellamy. But he carried on.
His duty to his people remained constant and was a responsibility he would not shirk.
He was doing all he could to be happy, but another betrayal shattered that. Another Grounder proved herself untrustworthy.
For a second time, lives within Mt Weather - lives he felt a need to protect - were lost because he trusted the wrong person.
Bellamy was determined not to make that mistake again as his perception of friend and foe narrowed further.
Unfortunately, his anger and desire for vengeance led him down a dark path.
Through it all, he justified his choices, truly believing he was doing what was right for ‘his people.’
In the end, it was his loyalty which snapped him out of it as one of his own was to be executed,
a man who had shown him respect and in turn earned his, a man who continued to believe the good in Bellamy despite his struggles.
Unfortunately, though Kane and others were saved, another was not.
While not directly responsible for Lincoln’s death, it will forever weigh on Bellamy due to its effect on Octavia.
Bellamy once again had to face his demons and decide who it was he wanted to be.
At the season’s end, he is still on a journey of discovering himself and determining who he will be, but along the way
(though he gets sidetracked at times) he is not allowing his mistakes to hold him back from who he can be.
At the end of the season we see a Bellamy more aware of himself, of what is right and wrong,
and ready to become once again the hero they all need.


BUNS . Arms . Hair . Selfies . Facial Hair . Glasses . Bellamy Quotes
Season 1 Moments . Season 2 Moments . Season 3 Moments

More ideas are always welcomed!


The 100 as Bellamy Blake (2014 - present)
Lost in the White City as Avi (2014)
Blinder as Nick (2013)
Neighbours as Aidan Foster (2011-2013)
Road Train/Road Kill as Craig (2010)
Sea Patrol as Sean (2010)
The Strip as Tony Moretti (2008)
Scorched as Brendan (2008)
Home and Away as Drew Curtis (2006-2008)


❮ Alexa:

Congrats on 25 threads guys! We are finally here and in my honest opinion, Bellamy/Bob deserves far more!
Bellamy as a character is one of the more complex and interesting characters on tv right now.
He isn't perfect and he makes mistakes, but it makes him so much more root-able because he is so genuine and real.
Bob is such a charming, sweet, charismatic guy and he deserves all the support he's gotten and more.
He's such a phenomenal actor that really makes you feel for, and understand Bellamy.

❮ April7739:

Bellamy Blake jumped out to me as my favorite character right when I started watching this series,
and that is in large part due to Bob Morley's fantastic portrayal. It's clear that he understands and appreciates
the character more than anyone else, and he constantly sets new standards of excellence
for himself as an actor by expertly portraying Bellamy's inner turmoil, struggles, passions, and desires.
There are so many subtle nuances to his performance that are easy to overlook, but when you notice them,
you realize just how much time Bob spends "in this guy's head," as he would say.
I am so thankful to have discovered the amazing talent that is Bob Morley because of this show.
It's because of him that Bellamy Blake is the heroic antihero that rivets and intrigues me so.
Plus, he's hotter than the sun!

❮ Brienna:

I usually have a soft spot for the protective big brother character.
That's what made me interested in Bellamy to begin with.
But of course Bellamy is so much more than that.
He has his own story, his own development, his own struggles to go through.
He's a strong person who's not afraid to show his emotions when he has them.
And I love a character who goes both ways like that.
And Bob just does it so well. He draws me in every time I see him on screen.
He makes me feel for him, he makes me feel with him.
He sells it even when I don't want to be sold on it. He's easily one of my top three actors.

❮ CanIcallYouKate:

I love Bellamy because he’s emotional and brash and considerate at the same time.
He takes care of Octavia and loves her and Clarke more than himself
and would do anything for them and buns!
I love Bob because he understands Bellamy like no one else can.
He’s an amazing actor who can convey more in one look than others in a lifetime of acting.

❮ juve:

One of the main points of Bellamy's character is his loyalty.
Loyalty to his sister and his delinquent family and wanting to keep them safe.
Bellamy could have chosen to abandon them like Clarke did at the end of season 2 but he never does.
Even when Bellamy makes the wrong decisions you can see he cares for his family.
He just wants to keep them safe. Like Bob said at a con, Not my children!
I hope Bellamy learns from his mistakes and becomes even stronger to continue protecting his family.
Regarding Bob, I love him as an actor. I don't watch much TV but as of recent,
he really impressed with his acting range in regards to emotions and everything he conveys with his eyes.
It's excellent. Bob also seems really easy going and witty. I wish him the best.

❮ Karma Police:

25 threads and we still can’t get enough of Bellamy and Bob.
It took me a few episodes to warm up to his character,
in the beginning he was a rather off-putting but the writers slowly started to add layers
and we saw that behind the bravado and the tough exterior is a very caring and vulnerable person.
Bob adds a lot of depth with his acting, I’m in awe of his acting, his eyes are so expressive,
he can convey so many emotions without doing much, it’s the little things, it’s subtle.
He understands and loves the character like no other, he cares about him, wants him to be understood.
What I love most about this thread is that we go from goofing around
to serious character analysis’ to goofing around again. It’s never boring.

❮ kenni727:

Bellamy is a deeply flawed person - which is what makes him real.
And makes him someone to relate to and root for.
While I don't approve or agree with all of his choices I still admire his tenacity and drive.
His desire to do what's right and his struggle to figure out what that is makes him fascinating to watch.
His passion and loyalty won my heart as they resonate deeply with me.
It is those qualities which enable him to endure. They are qualities necessary for humanity to survive
So in many ways Bellamy's arc mirrors that of the human race.
Mistakes were made but we must find a reason to fight and keep going.

❮ Lionheart Queen:

So please that we've arrived at this milestone ... especially this year when it's been
a topsy turvy year of being a Bellamy fan. It's been bittersweet with many good moments
where I've gained a deeper appreciation for this incredibly complex and intriguing character ...
and bad moments which have been hard to watch. But through it all, Bob has remained stellar ...
he brings such a rich, layered perspective to Bellamy's characterisation that,
love him or hate him, you'll never be indifferent when it comes to Bellamy.
IMO, it's impossible to imagine anyone else in this role now and that is all thanks
to the beautiful and talented Bob Morley. Can't wait for more of Bob's nuanced portrayal of him
and what is in store for this character in Season 4 and beyond.

❮ Quillan:

For me, in the beginning, it was difficult to like a character such as Bellamy.
I feel as though he is one of those characters you are meant to hate at first.
Throughout the season(s) you learn how dynamic a character Bellamy is, all thanks to the acting of Bob.
It's crazy how you can go from disliking a character to loving them.
Sure, there is a lot to like about Bob/Bellamy. For most it would be the looks. . .
I am still trying to figure out what exactly I love so much about our little Baellamy Blake.
Or maybe. . .that's the flaw in my thinking.
Maybe there is simply too much to love about him to confine it into one simply put testimonial.
So I guess my consensus is that I have no idea what I love about him. He just makes me speechless.

❮ Steph26:

What I love about Bellamy is that he has so many layers.
It's always interesting to watch each layer get peeled off.
He's fiercely loyal with a big heart, always wanting to do what he thinks is right.
Bob Morley has brought Bellamy to life; his acting is always on point,
and Bellamy wouldn't be Bellamy without Bob Morley.

❮ Voldara:

Bellamy Blake, is one of the most amazing characters on TV right now.
He is powerful, but vulnerable. Kinda but ruthless. If he cares about someone,
there is nothing in heaven or hell that could stop him from protecting them.
He is fiercely loyal. Bellamy Blake is a great character, in large part from Bob Morley.
Bob not only plays the character Bellamy, he becomes it. He makes you fall in love with Bellamy.
We have gone on a journey, and Bob has been the tour guide.
He makes the character come alive.Something I am eternally grateful for.
Bellamy represents the best and worst parts of ourselves, and Bob could not play it any better.
We have been blessed to have him on our screens and in our lives.
These 25 threads is just a testament to how powerful of an effect he has had one us.
Here's to 25 more.

And if you're here for the BUNS...

...or here for THIS...

Fan Videos:


Future Titles:

◄| "We take care of ourselves."
◄| "They say they'll forgive your crimes. I say, you are not criminals."
◄| "Whatever the hell you want. Whenever the hell you want."
◄| "Bellamy is the kind of emotionally complicated and morally challenged character that makes television so much fun." - SpoilerTV
◄| He's so tall and handsome as hell; he's so bad, but he does it so well.
◄| A true leader is one who is humble enough to admit their mistakes.
◄| "I have to live with what I've done."
◄| Bellamy “Emotional Epicenter” Blake
◄| Bellamy "Talk Nerdy to Me" Blake
◄| We miss his motivational speeches!
◄| There will be doubters, non-believers, and skeptics. And then there will be you proving them wrong.
◄| You are loved more than you know.
◄| Every saint has a past; every sinner has a future.
◄| The only thing I know is this: I am full of wounds and still standing on my feet.
◄| Can you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be?
◄| There’s a battle raging inside between who I am and who I should be.
◄| I’m pretending to be an adult … I think it’s working. (Bob’s Twitter)
◄| Our new brave princess.
◄| I want to be a better brother, better son, better adversary to the evil I’ve done.
◄| My strength did not come from lifting weights; it came from lifting myself up every time I was knocked down.
◄| I've been cold, I've been merciless, but the blood on my hands scares me to death.
◄| Can a man still be brave if he is afraid? That is the only time a man can be brave.
◄| Are you the man who did awful things, or the man who is horrified by the awful things he's done?
◄| More than a cardboard cutout of masculinity.
◄| When someone does something wrong, don't forget all the things they did right.
◄| "Morley as the lost and fractured Bellamy in Season 3 was heartbreaking to watch." -HiddenRemote
◄| "He raised the emotional stakes in every scene he was in." -HiddenRemote
◄| "Though we didn’t always agree with the choices his character made...Morley slayed the performance." -HiddenRemote
◄| "Making someone else happy is the best gift you can ever give." - Bob Morley

Past Titles:

#1: He’d do just about anything for his sister. Even hitch a ride to Earth. |►
#2: We’re on the ground now and that means that WE are grounders! |►
#3: “My voice & Bellamy’s voice are quite different."- Bob "It’s like Batman.” - Devon Bostick |►
#4: “If Bellamy learnt anything from season one, it's how to run!!!" – Bob |►
#5: “He’s going to be inspiration to his people, and he’s going to be recognized as the hero that he really is.” |►
#6: "Bellamy is very stoic, yet emotional, that can be tricky sometimes because I just want him to let it out." |►
#7: “If there is one thing Bellamy Blake is not good at, it’s giving up on the people he cares about.” |►
#8: “Without Morley there is no Bellamy Blake” – Spoiler TV |►
#9: “He’s going to make sure that they continue surviving.” - JR |►
#10: We hope Bob appreciates how many Mountains, Waterfalls and Store fronts we have to identify for him. |►
#11: "Bellamy is going to do work to be trusted. He CAN be redeemed." - Bob Morley |►
#12: “Some actors just have “it.” “It” can’t be taught and Morley has “it” in spades.” – TV Junkies |►
#13: He might not always have been the good guy, but he always had a good heart. |►
#14: You’re ripped at every edge but you’re a masterpiece. |►
#15: There's only one logical explanation for how he got this good: GOD SCHOOL. |►
#16: Baellamy Blake: “He’s put so much heart and soul into Bellamy, that he’s made him a real living breathing man” – SpoilerTV |►
#17: “What’s wrong with a little chaos?” |►
#18: “I think Bob Morley did a really great job of humanizing that reality.” – Eliza Taylor |►
#19: Bellamy “I Got a Glock in my Rover” Blake: “Bellamy shot him.” –Jasper |►
#20: Redemption is not just about the survival of our soul; it's about the revival of a soul that was once dead. |►
#21: Bellamy “Like a Boss” Blake: He’s thud-worthy. |►
#22: “Stop this? I’m just getting started.” |►
#23: SS: "I support the crap out of that. I can't begin to describe what a great dude BM truly is." #BobAppreciationDay |►
#24: Bob both perfectly fits who Bellamy is and creates who Bellamy is in every scene.|►
#25: "It's such a privilege playing a polarizing character. Love/hate him, generating an emotional response makes it worthwhile" -B.M. |►
#26: "Anyone else bored of Bob Marley jokes?" - Bob Morley |►
#27: "Keep the positivity and the love." - Bob Morley |►
#28: In truth, you like the pain because you think you deserve it. |►
#29: They treat me like a machine, a contraption free from emotion. But all I ever do is feel. |►

previous threads:
001 . 002 . 003 . 004 . 005
006 . 007 . 008 . 009 . 010
011 . 012 . 013 . 014 . 015
016 . 017 . 018 . 019 . 020
021 . 022 . 023 . 024 . 025
026 . 027 . 028 . 029 . 030

Uncredited gifs courtesy of DailyBellamyBlake, DailyMorley and bell-arke

Thanks to kenni727 and jessystorm for the season summaries.

Now go ahead and post

Leelith 07-12-2016 07:28 PM

TFTNT! :flowers: I love this title so much. :in_love: It's so sad, but true.

April7739 07-12-2016 07:34 PM

So I went with this title because of all the talk that often happens in this thread about how Bellamy is the heart of the show, the emotional epicenter, the one who's the most open and vulnerable about how he feels. And I've often said that I find that so unique and refreshing to see in the male lead of the show, so I just thought . . . yep, perfect title for me to use.

It's from a gifset somewhere that I'm too lazy to go find and post. I've posted enough artsy stuff tonight. :lol:

Damocles 07-12-2016 07:35 PM


April7739 07-12-2016 07:36 PM

You're welcome, Lisa! Bellamy threads are my absolute favorite to start. :D

I've got a question for you guys: On the 25 Reasons to Love Bob Morley and 25 Reasons to Love Bellamy Blake lists in our OP, which is your top reason (on each list)? And why?

Damocles 07-12-2016 07:44 PM

Bob I'll go with personality...because come on :lol: He has a sense of humour but is not a pushover, is super nice to his fans - seems super smart. What's not to love.

Bellamy, I'll go with loyalty - everything he's done, whether good or bad has been out of loyalty to his people.

April7739 07-12-2016 07:49 PM

Good choices, Lisa.

I could definitely go with personality as #1, for the reason you listed. I'll be different and go with talent, though, which is obviously what I put at #1 there, because I believe it was the first idea suggested for the list. His talent just never ceases to amaze and inspire me.

For Bellamy, I'll go with . . . BUNS! :lmao: No, just kidding. I'll go with . . . his complexity. Because I'm a sucker for characters who aren't always good and aren't always bad, but rather straddle that grey area in between. I think it's fascinating to watch development like that play out on screen. And I know that Bob himself really appreciates Bellamy's complexity.

Damocles 07-12-2016 07:52 PM

I was going to go with complexity, but I tried to be more specific :lol:

April7739 07-12-2016 08:43 PM

Yeah, complexity is nice and broad. :lol:

This is a cool vid, for anyone who hasn't seen it:

Stars Fade 07-12-2016 08:58 PM


For Bob, i think I'm goingwith understanding bellamy and devotion to his character. He always surprises me on how well he knows Bellamy. I could hear him talk about Bellamy forever. He gets Bellamy in a way that the writers doesn't and sometimes the fandom don't as well. He knows that fans don't really like Bellamy in season three and he said so himself, he's going to love Bellamy if the fandom doesn't.

For Bellamy, loyalty and complexity. Same reason as you guys. It's always for the people. He doesn't really care for himself. The things he done is always to protect his people. And I love that he grew as a character.

April7739 07-12-2016 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Stars Fade (Post 86777546)

You're welcome!


For Bob, i think I'm goingwith understanding bellamy and devotion to his character. He always surprises me on how well he knows Bellamy. I could hear him talk about Bellamy forever.
Good choices! There really are no bad choices here. :lol:

Did you see the post on Tumblr that said "Listening to Bob talk about Bellamy is like porn." :lmao:


He gets Bellamy in a way that the writers doesn't and sometimes the fandom don't as well. He knows that fans don't really like Bellamy in season three and he said so himself, he's going to love Bellamy if the fandom doesn't.
I think it's pretty obvious that Bob is a very deep thinker, and a very intelligent, analytical guy. I always like how he says that he spends time "in Bellamy's head." He really becomes the character--which is quite an accomplishment considering how different their personalities are.

See, the thing is, too . . . I have nothing against Bellamy in season three. I still love the character. I'm still rooting for the character. I don't excuse what he did, but I'm willing to analyze his motives and empathize even if I might not agree.


For Bellamy, loyalty and complexity. Same reason as you guys. It's always for the people. He doesn't really care for himself. The things he done is always to protect his people. And I love that he grew as a character.
He really doesn't care about himself much at all, does he? He's probably one of the most selfless characters in the whole series, to be honest. Ironic considering the fact that he was willing to do anything to save his own ass back in the beginning of season 1. Like you said, he really has grown.

I'm one of the people who believes that he really doesn't even like himself anymore, which is why he puts so much energy into loving others.

Stars Fade 07-12-2016 09:21 PM

Bellamy got a deep an attractive voice. It's a turn on. Bob is bob. stll a major turn on for me.

I'm the same way about Bellamy in S3. I'm always trying to understand his actions.

Bellamy doesn't really care for himself. He asked to be killed for the culling. He volunteer to rescue a girl he doesn't know. He volunteer to go on a suicide mission to mount weather. He disguised himself undercover. he volunteered to be volunteer for his blood instead of the girl in the cage next to him. I forgot his name. he constantly asking if everyone is okay that hardly anyone asked if Bellamy's okay.

April7739 07-12-2016 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Stars Fade (Post 86777777)
Bellamy got a deep an attractive voice. It's a turn on. Bob is bob. stll a major turn on for me.

I'm constantly amazed by how he can alter his real voice to be so vastly different. Apparently it's partially a result of him being hungover when they were filming the Pilot. The voice just came out that way.


I'm the same way about Bellamy in S3. I'm always trying to understand his actions.
He's such an interesting character because, even though I don't agree with his actions, I do understand where he was coming from.


Bellamy doesn't really care for himself. He asked to be killed for the culling. He volunteer to rescue a girl he doesn't know. He volunteer to go on a suicide mission to mount weather. He disguised himself undercover. he volunteered to be volunteer for his blood instead of the girl in the cage next to him. I forgot his name. he constantly asking if everyone is okay that hardly anyone asked if Bellamy's okay.
:clap: Those are all great examples of how he has consistently put others before himself. I guess if we think about it, even in the early days of Season 1, there was always somebody he would put before himself: Octavia. So he wasn't completely selfish, not even then. He just wasn't nearly as selfless as he is now.

Karma Police 07-12-2016 09:36 PM

TFTNT! :hug:

As for your question:

Bellamy: definitely his loyalty. It's something very important to me. I'm extremely loyal and I'm immediately drawn to characters who are protective of the people they love/care about and would never betray them, always stand by their side.

Bob: his understanding of Bellamy, he clearly spends a lot of time analysing his character, trying to understand his motivations. Also love his devotion to fans. As I mentioned the other day, it's sweet that he tweets people he meets at cons to thank them and wishing them best luck with their future plans.

April7739 07-12-2016 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Karma Police (Post 86777926)
TFTNT! :hug:

You're welcome!


Bellamy: definitely his loyalty. It's something very important to me. I'm extremely loyal and I'm immediately drawn to characters who are protective of the people they love/care about and would never betray them, always stand by their side.
I love this character trait, too. I think it's a trait that a lot of people value in real life, so when you see that in a character, it draws you to them. Especially when that character trait remains consistent, as it has with Bellamy.


Bob: his understanding of Bellamy, he clearly spends a lot of time analysing his character, trying to understand his motivations. Also love his devotion to fans. As I mentioned the other day, it's sweet that he tweets people he meets at cons to thank them and wishing them best luck with their future plans.
It seems that everyone who meets Bob has a really nice experience and raves about how down to earth and sweet he is. Hopefully I'll have the same experience! (There's a worry in the back of mind that I'll go nonverbal. Because as talkative as I am, sometimes I just lose the ability to speak when I get star-struck! :lol: )

Bob has been doing so many cons lately, too. Like, he's barely had a break it seems. That really shows how devoted he is to his fans.

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