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Old 07-04-2016, 04:05 PM
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Dead of Summer Episode Discussion: 1x02 - Barney Rubble Eyes

A new camper finds himself in the middle of the mystery of Camp Stillwater in “Barney Rubble Eyes,” an all-new episode of “Dead of Summer,” airing TUESDAY, JULY 5 (9:00 – 10:00 p.m. EDT), on Freeform.

The campers arrive to Camp Stillwater and quickly Alex and Blotter realize one of their new charges, Anton, is going to be a handful. With the tendency to wander off into the woods talking to himself, Alex and Blotter think the shy kid just has an imaginary friend. But when Anton starts talking about “the Tall Man” and communicating cryptic messages to them, they begin to wonder what lurks in the woods around Stillwater. Meanwhile, flashbacks show how Alex got his “if you want something in life, you have to take it” attitude.

Guest stars: Zachary Gordon as Jason “Blotter” Cohen, Charles Mesure as Sheriff Boyd Heelan, Andrew J. West as Damon Crowley, Benjamin Wilkinson as Tommy Delasotta and Tony Todd as the Tall Man.

“Barney Rubble Eyes” is written by Ian Goldberg and directed by Ron Underwood.

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Old 07-04-2016, 10:21 PM
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Thanks Fran!
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Old 07-06-2016, 03:39 AM
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Thanks for the thread.

I liked this second episode too.

Theory of the week about Deb: She's an occultist. And she is going to use Joel for sex magic.

There was a brief reference to sexual rituals while the Deputy was talking with his mom. And then later in the episode there was another reference, when we find out through the same Deputy that Damon's last name is Crowley. Which is probably a reference to the famous Aleister Crowley. I can't see it being anything else.

Also, I think Deb probably knows who Damon is and what he's doing with the remains of the Tall Man. I think she wanted the remains of the Tall Man to be found.

Maybe Damon is the one who gutted and ripped the heart out of the deer. And Deb knows about it too.

Damon probably burned Dave's cabin too and Deb knows about it. It didn't work as she wanted because the Deputy is alive and now he has the Lake Stillwater map and Deb isn't happy with that.

I still think Deb's behind Dave's death (Dave was trying to say things to Amy). The same way I now think Deb's behind Jason's (certain?) death (because of Jason, the police is checking on Damon).

We got to see more of the old man playing piano in the opening of the first episode. In the first episode, he seemed scarier though. If this Tall Man is supposed to be a bad person or the big villain of this story, he's not scary at all.

Deb is a gazillion times scarier than him.

Maybe that's the point. Maybe he's not scary because he's not that bad.

Sometimes I had the feeling he's being controlled/possessed by something. Can't explain it. Just a thought.

The show is implying that the Deputy's dad died at the Lake Stillwater.

Alex's flashbacks showing how he became a manipulator and calculist person that will do anything to get what he wants were good.

I'm enjoying watching Charles on the show and I hope the Sheriff is hiding things too. In the first episode that seemed to be the case. In this second episode, it looked like he had no clue about anything. I want him to know more and hide things, because if he really has no clue, then he won't survive. And that's not good because I want Charles to stay on the show.

The episode title is cool.
Child of the wilderness. Learn to find your way in darkness.
Learn to be lonely. Learn to be your one companion.

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