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biabiabia 11-11-2009 08:59 PM

The Vampire & The Maiden [D♥B] Appreciation #54: Because Bonnie's big heart can bring out Damon's humanity
f i f t y f o u r.t h r e a d s
vampire maiden

welcome to the damon salvatore & bonnie bennett appreciation thread

"Bonnie was fascinated by
the surge of Power she felt from Damon"
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21. BrathanSupporter (Tia)
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24. biabiabia (B)
25. gizzie_fan
26. eNVyLove
27. BreanBamonFan (Quin)
28. LuckyRabbit (Kate)
29. LittleMissObsessive
30. collide (Sydney)
31. ForeverFaraday (Saben)
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65. Brucas_Is_Love (Chelsea)
66. sharstarz07 (Sharie)
67. BlueFlameDancer (Rachel)
68. ilovecappie (Ariana)
69. cmhughes02 (Christina)
70. 1beaut (Monique )
71. deathly_smirk (Asma)


Damon and Bonnie have so much chemistry that it feels like sparks flame... I love that they have a link in with she can communicate with him, I love how whenever Bonnie is in trouble without thinking she calls to Damon and that Damon would run to help her even when under the control of a powerful force. Another reason I love them is that Bonnie is the only person that could open up his shell. As well the fact that they both enjoyed the kiss and the fact that Damon was willing to get hit so that Bonnie could not be injured. I also love that in the show that Damon was willing to let Bonnie help them with the dishes.

Bonnie and Damon are not your average couple and that's why I love them. You can tell that there's something they see in each other that everyone don't. When it seems that Damon could care less about anyone, he shows his humanity when he's with Bonnie. Damon is always there to save Bonnie and in a way she saves him too. She saves his soul.

I became a Bonnie/Damon fan without even seeing any scenes between them and also not knowing the history of the books. Once I saw the Vampire Diaries first promo on the CW; while everyone else was probably hooked on Stefan/Elena or Elena/Damon; I was hooked on Damon with Bonnie. I just saw the two separated, Bonnie was in a scene with Elena and I saw Damon talking to Stefan and I put the two together in my head and I was like "they would really look great together" so after that, I went to find out what their names were on the show and I found it on a Vampire Diaries site so then I started chatting with other Damon&Bonnie fans on the Vampire Diaries Board on Fanforum. So that's why I love Damon and Bonnie, I think they would be awesome together! They are also my top pairing on Vampire Diaries and I can't wait for scenes on them to keep coming in.

I've always been a fan of the underdog couples; the ones who may be overlooked or over-shadowed. Very rarely, these couples come out on top. I strongly believe that this is the case with Bonnie and Damon. The fact that they are both supernatural in being makes their appeal even greater. They have a connection that nobody else has. Damon may deny that he cares about her, and Bonnie can scream and yell that she's afraid of him all she wants, but actions speak louder than words. She pulls the humanity out of Damon -- she's seen him at his most vulnerable state, and even made him blush. Any girl that can do that to someone like Damon is definitely a keeper. Sure, they may not the forefront of the books and of the show, but that's what makes them perfect; little looks, touches, and kisses... the moments are so subtle, but sometimes those moments are the ones that make the biggest difference.

I don’t remember how or exactly when I became a fan of Damon and Bonnie, but I can definitely say that I’m glad that I did. All I knew was that it was quickly approaching the new TV season and I needed a show to become invested in. I found it in The Vampire Diaries. Watching, I related to Bonnie and what she was going through with discovering something new about herself. Damon is, of course, attractive but I felt that deep down he was capable of caring for someone. Naturally, I felt drawn to these two deep characters, both of them quickly becoming my favourites.
I eventually found myself reading the books. Needless to say, the discovery of a borderline relationship between Damon and Bonnie made my little shipper heart burst. Damon has always been seen as selfish and unfeeling but whenever he’s around Bonnie, I couldn’t help but notice that he was more human than I’m sure he felt comfortable admitting. Bonnie brought out a side of Damon that no one knew existed, extracting feelings from him that no one else could. She broke the wall around his heart, without even trying and he endlessly brought her back from the edge of death. I’ve always been captivated by couples that have been built up throughout the course of a series and Damon and Bonnie definitely have that going for them.

I've loved Damon and Bonnie right from the start in the books. Damon is very selfish and only does something with an alter motive. But with Bonnie there is no selfish reasons. He has saved her multiple times. When she calls for him he comes. He wants to take care of her and makes sure she is safe. I can't wait to see them interact in the show. They are complete opposites, and that is why they will work as a couple. 10 threads and not one scene, we shippers rock.

Bonnie/Damon, Damon/Bonnie, Bamon, Donnie. There are many different names for this ship, but folks, all of them add up to the same thing. Which is "Friggin Awesome". When we first meet Damon, he is just an evil, cruel, sexy, badass vamp who looked upon humans as food and nothing more. Then rolls around The Dark Reunion, and Bonnie enters the equation. Bonnie is a human (or should I say witch) who (and I'm going to quote Nightfall here) "has never hurt a harmless thing for malice" (Nightfall, 147). They don't seem to really fit, do they? Well, yes. Yes, they do. One of the main reasons the Bonnie/Damon relationship appeals to me (and I'm sure to many people) is that she brings out the human side in Damon, the side that he would swear he didn't have. He wants to protect her and keep her safe (but of course, he wants to do all of this while still maintaining his badassness). He wants to be the vampire she goes to when she's in trouble, and though he may pretend to be annoyed when she does call for help, he still does it without a second thought (except for when he is controlled by Malach). He will not let any thing harm his little bird. He would rather take a punch in the face from a stronger vampire then see her get hurt (Nightfall, 158). Some people (and these people are difinitely not Bamon fans) think that she is too young and immature, but I happen to disagree, and apparantly so does Damon. Because though he has an interest in beautiful, sexy Elena, Bonnie is (and now I'm quoting Damon) "definitely a maiden" (Nightfall, 159)."

Bonnie and Damon would be a wonder together. She's a powerful witch & he's a powerful vampire. They are both talented in their own rights. Not only that, but they could also balanced each other. He's damaged, but she's the down-to-earth loyal to all her friends. He needs that light in his life...he needs her. It also wouldn't hurt if occasionally he could teach her to let loose and get dirty together. And when their love grow, it wouldn't be because of revenge or anything related to his brother or his past. It would be because he truly felt for her as she felt for him. They would also already know each other stories because both have never been the type to lie about their abilities or hide who they really are. Their love would be something out of the supernatural world EPICness.

I fell in love with Damon and Bonnie because throughout the books all Damon's relationships, whether it were with his brother or with Elena were selfish.
But when it came to Bonnie, well something happened that he never expected. He started to care for her, started to care about her which he has never done on his own accord (without starting from revenge or getting back at someone).
She makes him feel things he hasn't felt in a long time, and she brings out the caring, unselfish side to him.
These two may make an unlikely pairing, but it's something bred from something pure, something special and rare.
She is his saving grace, and he is someone who understands her the way nobody else does.
He makes her believe that she can accomplish anything, to show her that she doesn't have to be afraid of who she is and the powers she posesses.
And together they bring out all the things in themselves they never knew existed.

I love Bamon because they are both hot & there alot more to them meets the eye. I think they are both a balance of fire & ice & light & dark which is very hot & intriguing.

Not only are Damon and Bonnie the characters who have the most potential as a couple, they're not the typically clichéd Vampire/Human relationship. Everyone knows that Bonnie Bennett is the altruistic, innocent girl who will give her life for the people she loves, and Damon Salvatore is the conniving, resident bad-boy of Mystic Falls who cares for no one but himself. Their strong personalities completely contrast each other that when you put two and two together, they almost complement. It's fantastic to see that, finally, a female character on the show can level with Damon. I mean, it's not everyday you see him get burned and left speechless, right?
What's great about these two is that as a viewer, you will never get bored: Damon will definitely always try to charm her, but Bonnie will constantly resist him. You really can't ignore their undeniable chemistry; it's there: in their dialogue, in their eyes, in their body language. Despite Damon and Bonnie's lack of scenes together, they will be one of the most amazing couples on this show. And all this coming from someone who's never read the books.

"His lips were cool, like silk, but everything else was so warm.
She didn't need to be afraid; she could just let go and float on this"
Made by nemapasara; full-size front | back

1. Good Girls Go Bad – Cobra Starship
2. Harder To Breathe – Maroon 5
3. Undiscovered – James Morrison
4. Say (All I Need) – OneRepublic
5. Ordinary Life – Kristen Barry
And I show you my sins, show me all your scars / As we settle in, its written in the stars
Your watery eyes got me send me floating / And my weak heart is swimming with devotion
6. Next To Nothing – Breaking Benjamin
7. Water – Breaking Benjamin
8. Little Bird – The Weepies
9. Small Things – The Audreys
10. Hazy – Rosi Golan
What if I fall and hurt myself? / Would you know how to fix me
What if I went and lost myself? / Would you know where to find me
If I forgot who I am / Would you please remind me oh? / Cause without you things go hazy
11. Light Up The Sky – Yellowcard
12. Wicked Games – Chris Isaak
13. Yellow – Coldplay
14. When You Were Young – The Killers
15. Strange and Beautiful – Aqualung
I've been watching your world from afar / I've been trying to be where you are
And I've been secretly falling apart / I'll see
To me, you're strange and you're beautiful
You'd be so perfect with me but you just can't see / You turn every head but you don't see me

LuckyRabbit 11-11-2009 09:01 PM


biabiabia 11-11-2009 09:05 PM
( visit the @damonandbonnie LJ for more )
1-3: BrathanSupporter / 4-6: breakingdawn_
7-8: sweet_zelda / 9: nemapasara

( click here: @damonandbonnie LJ for more )
Made by nemapasara
Made by **Eternal**125
Made by queen.blair
Made by BrathanSupporter

♥ DB eyesex
♥ DB smiling at each other
♥ Damon saving Bonnie
♥ Bonnie using her powers on Damon
♥ DB kissing
♥ Bonnie rejecting Damon, Damon being intrigued
♥ Damon giving Bonnie a nickname
♥ DB flirty banter
♥ DB UST (Unresolved Sexual Tension)
♥ Stefan/Elena and Bonnie/Damon Double Date
♥ Damon and Bonnie having sex!
♥ Damon making Bonnie laugh.
♥ Bonnie and Damon hug.
♥ Damon/Bonnie defending the other.
♥ Damon and Bonnie make an agreement
♥ The crow watching over Bonnie
♥ Bonnie using telekinesis on Damon
♥ Bonnie calling Damon with her mind
♥ Bamon comforting each other
♥ Damon & Bonnie uniting to prank on Stefan
♥ D&B Role Playing
♥ B being a vampire for Halloween and Damon, Harry Potter.
♥ B&D Love/Hate Relationship
♥ Bonnie and Damon fight crime After Hours.
♥ Bonnie and Damon solve mysteries After Hours.
♥ Bonnie and Damon have adventures After Hours.
♥ Bonnie and Damon kiss After Hours.
♥ Bonnie and Damon get kinky After Hours.
♥ Bonnie and Damon make out in a dark, empty cold alley After Hours.

Shock To The System by CallMeFireFly
The Clearing by CallMeFireFly
Birdsong by ShibaMiso
January by ShibaMiso
February by ShibaMiso
Aware by ShibaMiso
What Have You Done? by steffy2106
Point Of No Return by Aspen-SiredBySpike
Decisions, Decisions by Morrigue
As You Were by stefanie-k
A Day Of Chivalry by Jules13
Twisted Symphony by mindFREQ.
Encounter by mindFREQ.
As Night Falls by Strawberry-Miow
Queen Of All Shadows by River
Sequel to Queen Of All Shadows: Ties That Bind by River
The Red & Black Series 1: Rennaisance by Echo Blackthorn
The Red & Black Series 2: How Soon Is Now? by Echo Blackthorn
The Red & Black Series 3: Black Magic by Echo Blackthorn
Dichotomy by Cassie Winchester
Transcendent by Cassie Winchester
Out of the Shadows Into The Light by Jazzii23
And There Will Be Blood by Jezzi B.
Encounters by WriterGirl9
Pleasuring Encounter by Feather Blossoms
Unleashing the Beast by Feather Blossoms
My Diabolical Master Plan by GEM1588
Never Say Never by AFamiliarSmile
And Then There Was Me by LilCrafty6
The Vampire and the Witch by BlackNPurple
The Vampire Threatens the Witch by BlackNPurple
The Vampire and The Psychic; LJ Community
Damon & Bonnie; LJ Community
The Vampire's Witch (Books); LJ Community

Never Be Ready by RuslanaSlastena
Just That Girl by WinchesterFAngel
Brightest Hour by nmpsr14
Time is Running Out by nmpsr14
Ordinary Life by HaloSupporter
Strange&Beautiful by HaloSupporter
Good Girls Go Bad by HaloSupporter
//The Distance from A to where you'd 'B'// by 1BEAUTMUSICVIDS

Because she is his Maiden and he is her Vampire.
Because he saved her.
Because Bonnie is the type of person that Damon would grow to respect
Because Damon would want a strong queen of darkness, and who's better than Bonnie?
Because Bonnie wouldn't be afraid to put Damon in his place
Because only a witch could tame Damon
Because only Bonnie can break through Damon Shields
Because the witch can make the vampire feel pain
Because Bonnie can make Damon cry out loud
Because her smile and his charm fit together quite perfectly
Because Nothing Can Break Through His Walls Other Than His Queen Of Shadows
Because Bonnie can do a spell to make Damon dance all night
Because Damon and Bonnie makes us go crazy
Because they've met their future soulmates in each other
Because she feels his presence when he is near
Because thinking about DB makes us giddy
Because he will do anything to make sure she is not hurt
Because Bonnie became Wendy & bought out Damon's inner Peter Pan
Because Damon became Peter Pan for Bonnie
Because Katerina said it would be cool if Bonnie and Damon got together
Because they are not exactly ordinary humans, they can relate to one another
Because she'll love him for who he is ♥
Because the Bamon Sisterhood is going to knock your pants off!
Because Damon covered her body in the bathtub
Because their kiss was like fireworks
Because Damon has a thing for maidens
Because Halloween is Bonnie and Damon's official holiday
Because the string pulling their hearts together is a never ending one.
Because whether or not they want to, they can't be themselves without one another.
Because Bonnie will know how to tame the "Beast"
Because no one can deny chemistry that strong. Not when it slaps you in the face...
Because Katerina said DB "really get into it"
Because when asking for the necklace back, Damon did say please
Because she didn't fall for none of Damon's crap
Because He Wanted To Taste Bonnie’s Candy
Because "Seriously when was the last time you saw Damon speechless?"
Because Damon learned a very valuable lesson, you don't play with fire!
Because we want Angst, Romance, Love and Hotness and Bamon has the full package!
Because Bonnie pwned Damon
Because their first scene was so epic, that we have to have another one
Because it takes a lot to shock Damon, and Bonnie succeeded.
Because Halloween proved that they have history!
Because sassy-cocky , wouldn't they just be perfect together
"Ohhh Bonnie, so loyal"~ Damon Salvatore
"Because we love the way Damon said "Ohh Bonnie"
Because their second scene will be hotter than the first
Because the second Bamon scene is going to rock
Because we can not wait for the next Bamon scene
Because he asked, she declined - not falling for his charm like most people do!
Because he gave her a smile and she gave him the death glare *woot*
Because She Left Him Breathless And Alone
Because She Left Him Stunned And Confused
Because The Witch Silenced The Vampire
Because She Burned His Hand And Will Burn His Heart
Because He Found Her "Funny"
Because whether they are a couple or not, they are both epic!
Because she is like the only one that didn't receive threat warnings from Damon yet!
Because the sparks flew, the chemistry was right and it was the beginning of greatness.
Because we were right, Damon's mistake was messing with the fire-starter
Because Damon needs some ice for that burn
Because Damon Can't Let Bonnie be the Girl Who Got Away
Bonnie bewitched Damon with her sassiness
Because the Witch is strong enough to stand up to the Vampire

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theactors; Damon and Bonnie are portrayed by the amazingly talented and gorgeous
actors, Ian somerhalder & Katerina Graham.

eternalfate 11-11-2009 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by LuckyRabbit (Post 41196431)
cute. thanks^_^ u forgot to change the beginning of the OP to .54 & fiftyfour though hehe.

You posted too early:lmao:

biabiabia 11-11-2009 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by LuckyRabbit (Post 41196431)
cute. thanks^_^ u forgot to change the beginning of the OP to .54 & fiftyfour though hehe.

I'll change it right now :)

ED: Bought to add it to the Navigation thread. Is everything ok? I don't feel I messed up too bad :lol:

LuckyRabbit 11-11-2009 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by BrathanSupporter (Post 41196569)
You posted too early:lmao:

crap! man! i swear i thought it was the end:confused:

eternalfate 11-11-2009 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by biabiabia (Post 41196589)
I'll change it right now :)

Alright let me help you with the previous threads links and since Saben forgot to add it on the last thread you have two to add:lmao: give me a sec:gone:

LuckyRabbit 11-11-2009 09:13 PM

should i get the mod to delete. or should i post the 2nd part of the OP on my part then B can delete the second stuff to make it even?

eternalfate 11-11-2009 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by LuckyRabbit (Post 41196680)
crap! man! i swear i thought it was the end:confused:

It's alright :lmao: you won't me to get a mod to delete it?:look:

BlueFlameDancer 11-11-2009 09:17 PM

can we post?

biabiabia 11-11-2009 09:18 PM

This is literally destroying my poor PC :lol:
never again!

eternalfate 11-11-2009 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by biabiabia (Post 41196841)
This is literally destroying my poor PC :lol:
never again!

Alright you messed up on the last OP after the 51 thread just add these two : { 52 } {53 }

LuckyRabbit 11-11-2009 09:22 PM

yes please get the mod to delete it. i feel like a douche :lol:

& is it just me or if FF acting up for u guys too?

biabiabia 11-11-2009 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by BrathanSupporter (Post 41196873)
Alright you messed up on the last OP after the 51 thread just add these two : { 52 } {53 }

Thanks Tia :hug:
And I'm sorry guys, this took SO long.
I blame my computer!

Stay to the Lights 11-11-2009 09:22 PM

Tftnt b!

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