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Old 05-13-2010, 11:00 PM
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I'd like to know how Jonathan Gilbert the original or anyone, for that matter' ever came to believe that he somehow invented a 'one use only' high-pitch-Vampire-revealer. Like, why is it "one use only"? If it is one use only who on Earth does he even know it 'works'? It's not like he could 'test' it... Ohh, and I feel sorry for any humans who were unlucky enough to be suffering from serious headache/cryng over something hysterically etc. when the FC and its deputies were on their vampire massacre v2 mode. For they were also going to get locked in that basement it seems. I mean Anna and Jeremy were in the (bathroom?) and the cop comes in, sees a teenager girl in pain, crying with her boyfriend trying to calm her down and he immediately goes "vampire!" and calls the rest of his friends on her as he injects her with vervain (she was still crying after injected) and they drag her out to a basement to be burned alive? Seriously? What if it is a human girl who just passed out due to pain/stress... lol. Guess one needs to break a few eggs to make an omlette, huh, town's heroes? And AGAIN with the fire... You guys just love making those vamps 'suffer' don't you? you could just stake them all one by one, but no, it is just better to burn an entire building down for what fun it is when vamps have a quick death....

I liked that Damon called Stefan out on his jeaolusy, as I don't think every single good thing Damon does/tries to do was to get into Elena's pnts. He let the flood gates open so his emotions seems to be all over the place in this episode and we know this because "talking to Elena's little brother who is making her life difficult" wasn't the first thing he did. That scene with Bonnie, to me, shows that this has a lot to do with Damon doing it because he FEELS he should, that it is coming from somewhere from within, and he wasn't expecting anything in return. It is sad that Stefan can't just see that. Even Anna can see it, IMO, as she sought out Damon to let him know the tomb vampires was attacking for she trusts him to do something about it. And he did. He first sought Alaric, his most trusted BFF and fellow-tomb-protector out, than when he ran into Stefan & Elena told Stefan to take her to safety & then, it seems, sought out Uncle J -the guy he hates so much and can't really trust- to warn HIM about the tomb vamps and get his help in saving the town. And I don't think any of that was about "Elena" either. The fact that he immediately didn't "rush" to Elena and made her safety his number one priority suggests he is not acting out of love for Elena but rather a genuine concern for the town, IMO. And that's what his little speech to her (Katherine) before the kiss also indicates. He found himself wanting to protect the town and is not sure how THAT happened, just like last episode he was surprised about the "Damon loves Elena" revelation... Which really seems to say vampires do NOT really have a 'voluntary' on/off switch for emotions, it doesn't really work exactly like that, it is not as simple as Damon makes it sound. He can just cave in to the bloodlust and act on whim all the time than I guess the humanity switch is definately off, but once a vamp starts to 'settle down' somewhere and interact with people on a regular basis the humanity switch might end up 'on' without even their knowledge. For Damon didn't make a conscious decision to "let his humanity in", it just crept up on him, and this episode he seems to be embracing it much more than usual.

I really love the fact that anytime something needs to be taken care of, the first person Damon seeks out is not Stefan but rather Alaric. It shows how much respect and trust he has for his undeclared BFF, IMO.

Mayor Douchebag did care for his family. And I kind of felt happy and also weirdly sad for Tyler that his last moments with his father were probably the one and only time he heard the guy say "please" to him... Mayor's death, though was most satisfying. I like how his werewolf ass'es plan to mass murder vampires ended up getting him killed along with them... ahahahaha!

Ohh, Anna.. I still mourn her death. ALL she and Pearl wanted was not just their lives, they also did their best to 'protect' the frigging town they saw as their home (despite what it's human inhabitants did to them before, and planned to do now) and what do they get? Staked. And I don't for a moment think John did it out of the goodness of his heart. I think the only reason he staked Anna was because unlike the other vamps she had started to move around. And I don't know WHY she would for a moment think it was a good idea to let her mom's murderer know she was starting to move around. Like Damon, she should have just tried not to attract much attention to herself just for the small chance she could start moving around and get a chance to save herself once they were gone.

Heee! Damon's "I'm a vampire. What's your excuse?" to Mayor just cracked me up, lol. He is about to burn to his death and he is all "what the hell are you, Mayor" and I love how Mayor keeps backing as Damon crawls toward him and looks kind of scared. And I have to congratulate the 'tomb vamp leader v.3' for his commitment to the cause. Here they're all burning to their deaths but he is like "yay, I got my hands on Mayor Lockwood. It may be my last act, but damn if I'll let him go before snapping his neck!".

I liked Elena trying to reassure Stefan about loving him, though I'll admit it didn't look like he was completely sold... And I also liked Stefan's confused feelings regarding Damon. He does try to hate him, which is part of the reason why he still tries to think the worst of him all the time, I guess, but on the other hand, he can't really hate him. Which is the same for Damon. He'll tell anyone, including himself that he hates Stefan, but he doesn't. I think Damon's rejection of him when they were turned really hurt Stefan and then for 145+ years they were hostile to one another but in a way, just like Stefan 'wanted' they are also tied for eternity and neither is really willing to let go off that despite what they may say. They're really all they have -everyone else is a 'temp' due to them being human, after all.

Damn, Anna's death scene I could hold back the tears, but Damon letting Jeremy know about it and how he wanted to help her but couldn't makes me cry. Damn you Ian Somerhalder! This scene is probably my favorite one in the entire episode. And it wasn't just a great Damon scene, letting us some more insight into Damon's heart/soul, but also a great Jeremy scene IMO as it gave me a better understanding of why Jeremy was so angry. It seems all this time there was this weird emptiness/sadness inside him that he could not just explain away and reading the journal he knew it was because his memories of what caused it was taken. So, I guess it is like he has the throb, he can feel it, but not the pain, can't pinpoint it... Awww @ Damon saying "life sucks either way, Jeremy"... I LOVED that Damon, immediately after being taken out of the basement, went to see Jeremy to deliver him the bad news, offer him help (mind wipe) and talk to him. I don't think THAT was for Elena, it was really just Damon's "human" emotions taking hold of him and feeling sorry for both Anna & Jeremy and doing the least he could do under those circumstances and I was more 'touched' by it than I was with his Bonnie apology. Damon does care for Jeremy and I liked that Jeremy responds to him. I’d like Damon to become something like a big brother to Jeremy...

I wanted Matt to die instead of Anna, and could care less for Tyler but as I the hospital watched scene and they're making up I find myself happy they both survived. And hopefully so will Caroline for these two boys need her. I think Matt-Tyler-Caroline kind of formed their own friendship triangle as Elena was too busy with the Salvatore boys and Bonnie is somewhere in between.

I am also happy to know Liz survived. I just hope she never has to learn that Damon is a vampire and that they never have a confrontation. I think she was simply trying to keep a brave face when she was talking about Caroline, btw, but when she was talking to Tyler, she started to crack up. I don't see it as her caring less for Caroline or anything like that.

I don't know what to make of Stefan in that Bonnie scene. I don't think he is disregarding her warning, but I also got a weird cold vibe from it like Stefan REALLY would rather not see things come to that, but will try to protect Damon if he has to and is not all that 'intimidated'. I don't know... now KATHERINE going up against Bonnie will be interesting. I'd like to see Bonnie deal with a powerful vampire. I think she somehow started to underestimate them all a lot...

What I'd like to know, IF Uncle J didn't send Isobel to Damon for her to be turned, WHY on earth was he sending her to Damon in the 1st place? Seriously, who sends a human to Damon Salvatore if it is not for them to be fed on/turned? What, did they think Damon might want to participate in their little vampire poll? Do an interview? WTH?

"Hello John. Goodbye John" - wow Katherine is sooo channelling us. That's what a whole lot of people said when Uncle J 1st showed up in an episode and has been saying ever since. lol.

I must admit I took a weird pleasure from K/D kiss Damon has been waiting for that for 145+ years, and Katherine seemed to be enjoying herself very much, too. I'd like to know what she has planned for the Salvatore brothers... I think Damon did look a bit confused at the end. It feels Damon SHOULD at least know something is weird... But then, he is kind of "off" today what with all the humanity and apologizing... I want to know WHY Katherine showed up. Did NOT look like it was for the Salvatore brothers, as she wasn't there to save them. So, she wanted John to kill the tomb vamps and planned to use the chaos to her benefit to switch places with Elena? But for what purpose? Just to catch Uncle J. off guard, or is she planning to 'replace' Elena for some time. It can't really be because she wants to go back to playing the 'triangle' game with the Salvatore boys, so I wonder why she is back to town. Btw, did Elena & Katheirne have the same clothes? How on Earth did Katherine know what clothes Elena has and which one she'd be wearing that day? If they don't have the same clothes, is Damon blind?

I'm kind of glad Katherine is back, it will mean Damon doesn't get the time to do all that "sad for past crimes brooding" thing it felt he was fast heading towards... UGH! I'd have hated that... I like seeing Damon's humanity, but if it means he is going to get all teary eyed when talking to humans and apologizing to them, no, thanks... We don't need another brooding Salvatore.

When Elena comes home she hears Uncle J's voice and heads for the kitchen, so he is not officially 'dead' yet. I wonder if she'll run into Katherine or just a severely injured, close to death Uncle J... I don't think Katherine will impersonate Elena, she just can't pull it given she knows nothing of the talks Elena had with her friends and their memories etc. and the fact that she can’t compell Damon & Stefan makes things even harder. And I also do not expect her to run around pretending to be Elena all the time as people will catch up on that quickly, too & there being 2 Elena's at the same time in different places will cause questions marks. I guess she may 'kidnap' Elena and hide her somewhere she knows and tell her 'close' friends that they need to just play along with it until she?... What? What is she after, I wonder...

HOW on Earth did Jenna not hear Uncle J's screams, is what I want to know...

Jeremy won't turn into a vampire, IMO. He'll probably wake up next morning to find out thanks to the 'healing' factor of the vampire blood the stupid pills weren't enough to do the job. And will probably go a bit more EMO for an episode or so for can't even managing to die properly... He is needed to be around so Katherine can kidnap him mid-season next year to blackmail Elena & Salvatores and/or kill for an OMG moment. lol.

& Awww... If me eyes don't deceive me, that's Tyler and Jeremy joking around on the float, as Tyler 'shoots' Jeremy... They are sooo cute. I'm looking forward to them growing a friendship come next season.

I'm so sad to see Anna go, which is why I don't at all care about Uncle J dying not really being able to say those last words to his daughter. Well, that's Karma to you, John, you cowardly heartless *******.... (though he is not really ‘dead’ yet)

One think that makes me sad about the Damon/Katherine scene is not that Elena didn't get to hear what Damon had to say (for he can say it again to her when it is time for their real kiss), but that KATHERINE got to hear it as it was quite a vulnerable moment for him, and she is sooo going to throw it in his face and mock him when she reveals who she is. He already has the shame of being a lovestruck fool for 145+ years, and now this... Poor Damon... I'm all for Katherine making him all confused about where his loyalties are and who he loves and how much he loves them BUT I'll hate to see him being mocked.'

Also, I really hope next season, first episode we'll have Damon be 'suspicious' about "Elena" he kissed –IF he has not already realized. He has never kissed Elena before and after 145+ years I don't think he expects Katherine to show up now and kiss him, so it makes sense for him to not go "Katherine" immediately, especially given the woman just sent Isobel to do her work, which makes it seem she had absolutely no intention of dropping by...
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Old 05-13-2010, 11:08 PM
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I actually LOVED this epi..

I wish I'd gotten more Damon/Alaric, but i'll take that one scene

I loooovedd Damon, like always! I think I might have figured out why I prefer Damon over Stefan (Besides the fact that he's simply awesome-er than Stefan )

I absolutely adore ALL of Damon's relationships/non-relationships!

His scene with Jeremy at the end was one of my faves, it reminded me of how I loved them bonding during the second flash-back epi while paying.. whatever they were playing I wanted to see more and I got more.. I hope Damon is the one who guides Jeremy when he's turned next season!

His relationship with Alaric kills me

I have a soft spot for his relationship with Liz the Sheriff

I always wanted to see more of his encounters with Pearl and Anna

His relationship with Stefan intrigues me

His love/obsession with Katherine saddens me

And of course how his relationship with Elena has evolved is by far my fave, but no shock there since i'm a huge DEer

Stefan is just odd for me... he's a sweetheart i suppose, with Elena, and nice in general, but he always seems so detached.. all his relationships besides Elena seem so detached, actually, does he even have relationships outside of Elena and Damon??

The few scenes he's had with Alaric never interested me much, his scenes with Matt that one time felt off to me too. It's like, I know he's the most humane brother, but he doesn't seem to care much about forging real bonds with any of them.. He cares about human life, but i don't think he really cares about specific people persay besides Elena.. Say Alaric were dying, he'd save him cuz he's "good" but not cuz he actually cared cared for him.

Whereas Damon, claims to not care, yet is the one that ends up really caring.. I think it hurt him to see Anna die, I think if Liz were in trouble he'd care, Alaric, Jeremy at some point maybe?..

The kiss

I know it was DK, but his speech was meant for Elena, and that's all that matters to me.. I do hate that Elena didn't hear it though, cuz it's not as if Damon opens up like this very often.. but yeah.. I don't think he knew it was Katherine, because i find it really hard to believe he would just let her go without asking for any explanations.

I read someone mention the possibility of Katherine making it look like Damon killed John, and i'm pretty scared about thatbut now i can't get it out of my head.

Is it bad that during the Caroline/Tyler/Matt scenes, i was super giddy with Tyler/Caroline interaction and just wanted Matt to GTFO??

I hated Stefan's comments about Damon like "I had to tell you before Damon told you in a very insensitive way" Or his talk about how he doesn't do anything if he isn't expecting something in return, as if Jeremy talking to Elena and cutting her some slack would trace back to him.

i love Anna to death, so I was extremely happy when Katherine killed UJ

I can't wait for S2!!!
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Old 05-13-2010, 11:08 PM
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I don't know what to make of Stefan in that Bonnie scene. I don't think he is disregarding her warning, but I also got a weird cold vibe from it like Stefan REALLY would rather not see things come to that, but will try to protect Damon if he has to and is not all that 'intimidated'. I don't know... now KATHERINE going up against Bonnie will be interesting. I'd like to see Bonnie deal with a powerful vampire. I think she somehow started to underestimate them all a lot...
Schumiac: I saw it as Stefan being super cold. Like Bonnie threatened to kill Damon and Stefan, too, if he got in the way. I basically saw Stefan's reaction as something like, "Let's hope it doesn't come to that, because I will kill you first."

Originally Posted by Kary1591 (View Post)
I wish I'd gotten more Damon/Alaric, but i'll take that one scene
There wasn't nearly enough Alaric. I needed moar!

His scene with Jeremy at the end was one of my faves, it reminded me of how I loved them bonding during the second flash-back epi while paying.. whatever they were playing I wanted to see more and I got more.. I hope Damon is the one who guides Jeremy when he's turned next season!
I really liked the Jeremy/Damon scene, too, and I like how it shows the evolution of Damon's feelings for Elena, but also towards humans in general.

Stefan is just odd for me... he's a sweetheart i suppose, with Elena, and nice in general, but he always seems so detached.. all his relationships besides Elena seem so detached, actually, does he even have relationships outside of Elena and Damon??
I mean, I think that's just a part of who Stefan is, lol. He's very closed-off and damaged in his own way, not like Damon. Stefan's been carrying this guilt around for so many years, that I can see how he doesn't want to burden others with it. Whereas Damon has lived for so long without that guilt that he is the "lighter" of the two brothers, despite having the darker past. I think it's a very interesting reversal and I love both brothers a great deal.

I know it was DK, but his speech was meant for Elena, and that's all that matters to me.. I do hate that Elena didn't hear it though, cuz it's not as if Damon opens up like this very often.. but yeah.. I don't think he knew it was Katherine, because i find it really hard to believe he would just let her go without asking for any explanations.
I don't think the knew it was Katherine, either. He was probably just so shocked that the kiss felt like Katherine.

Is it bad that during the Caroline/Tyler/Matt scenes, i was super giddy with Tyler/Caroline interaction and just wanted Matt to GTFO??
I am definitely imagining a triangle next season. Maybe that will be what makes Matt realize he's over Elena When he's about to lose Caroline to Tyler.

Last edited by HappySquared; 05-13-2010 at 11:39 PM
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Old 05-13-2010, 11:19 PM
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I personally LOVED the SB scene. It gave me chills! In a good way, they have so much chemistry and i think they both kind of understood each other.
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Old 05-13-2010, 11:27 PM
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Originally Posted by sendtherain (View Post)

I mean, I think that's just a part of who Stefan is, lol. He's very closed-off and damaged in his own way, not like Damon. Stefan's been carrying this guilt around for so many years, that I can see how he doesn't want to burden others with it. Whereas Damon has lived for so long without that guilt that he is the "lighter" of the two brothers, despite having the darker past. I think it's a very interesting reversal and I love both brothers a great deal.
I guess I just don't see why Stefan is still so closed off and damaged. Him feeling guilt for Damon's deeds didn't make me feel sympathy for Stefan at all, and as much as they say Damon has made Stefan's life miserable all I see him do is taunt him.. The one thing he hurt him with was with Lexi, and he actually wanted Stefan to forgive him for that. Stefan is generally liked by people more than Damon cuz he's not a dick, so why is he so closed-off and tortured? It bugs me

I am definitely imagining a triangle next season. Maybe that will be what makes Matt realize he's over Elena When he's about to lose Caroline to Tyler.
i want this!!!!!!!
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Old 05-13-2010, 11:33 PM
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Kary, I think the idea behind it is Stefan doesn't get close to people, because he doesn't want to hurt them later, either by leaving, or accepting his vampire self. Damon on the other hand doesn't care who he gets close to, because he doesn't care who he hurts. Its part of why SE's relationship is supposedly such a huge deal according to KW and JP-its a risk he's never taken before.

'Cause I don't know who I am, who I am without you All I know is that I should
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Old 05-13-2010, 11:37 PM
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Originally Posted by sunchick116 (View Post)
Kary, I think the idea behind it is Stefan doesn't get close to people, because he doesn't want to hurt them later, either by leaving, or accepting his vampire self. Damon on the other hand doesn't care who he gets close to, because he doesn't care who he hurts. Its part of why SE's relationship is supposedly such a huge deal according to KW and JP-its a risk he's never taken before.
I think this was Damon in the beginning of S1 though.. like him trying to get close to the Sheriff to get into the council.. but i think as much as he tries to not care, he ends up caring.. unwillingly i guess it just mean Damon is the most emotional brother
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Old 05-13-2010, 11:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Kary1591 (View Post)
I guess I just don't see why Stefan is still so closed off and damaged. Him feeling guilt for Damon's deeds didn't make me feel sympathy for Stefan at all, and as much as they say Damon has made Stefan's life miserable all I see him do is taunt him... The one thing he hurt him with was with Lexi, and he actually wanted Stefan to forgive him for that. Stefan is generally liked by people more than Damon cuz he's not a dick, so why is he so closed-off and tortured? It bugs me
Basically what sunchick said, I totally agree with.
I mean, Stefan watched his father die, was turned into a vampire entirely against his will, and felt responsible for forcing his brother to drink human blood. That kind of thing damages a person.

Well, you and Damon get along great, then, because it bugs him too.
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Old 05-13-2010, 11:41 PM
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I think hitting on your brothers girlfriend shows you pretty much still don't care about anyone but yourself, but I'm so not going there this late at night.

The way i see it, Damon takes someone being a normal human being as them actually feeling something for him, because HE is only nice to people when he wants something in return. like Stefan said, he projects his own morals, ideas, paranoias, whatever onto others.

Stefan cares what other people say and think and do, Damon doesn't. (or at least pretends not to. but if he did care, he'd adjust accordingly so people will like him, like Stefan does, and he doesn't )

'Cause I don't know who I am, who I am without you All I know is that I should
And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon you All I know is that I should
'Cause she will love you more than I could She who dares to stand where I stood
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Old 05-13-2010, 11:42 PM
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Originally Posted by sendtherain (View Post)
Basically what sunchick said, I totally agree with.
I mean, Stefan watched his father die, was turned into a vampire entirely against his will, and felt responsible for forcing his brother to drink human blood. That kind of thing damages a person.

Well, you and Damon get along great, then, because it bugs him too.
Damon and I can relate

and the only thing I agree with is that eating your father can scar you for life
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Old 05-13-2010, 11:44 PM
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i don't like cliffhangers,i didn't see that oen coming with katherine

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Old 05-13-2010, 11:46 PM
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i dont really feel like there were actual cliffhangers, like Kevin and Julie were saying there would be. really the only thing i'm left 'wondering' is if Caroline will survive, which I'm almost positive she will. everything else was more 'OMG did that really just happen?' as opposed to 'WHAT just happened?'.

'Cause I don't know who I am, who I am without you All I know is that I should
And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon you All I know is that I should
'Cause she will love you more than I could She who dares to stand where I stood
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Old 05-13-2010, 11:55 PM
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yeah i agree just couldn't find the right word

i want more,we haev to wait till sept

I feel so high school
every time I look at you
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Old 05-13-2010, 11:56 PM
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Pretty good episode, except that it wasn't cliffhanger-ish enough.
SE | S♣K
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Old 05-14-2010, 12:04 AM
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Originally Posted by sendtherain (View Post)
I am definitely imagining a triangle next season. Maybe that will be what makes Matt realize he's over Elena When he's about to lose Caroline to Tyler.
Yayy! I hope so! It's weird because Matt & Caroline getting together is what made me start really liking Caroline's character. But now I really want to see her with Tyler. Still like her with Matt too, though. So a love triangle would be perfect.

For a little while...until I decide which one I like better. Then the producers better go with that one, lol.
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