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miss_salvatore 01-27-2011 04:21 PM

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOELLE!!! Don't kill me!!! **runs and hide**

Steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeff! :love:

TruLove 01-27-2011 04:21 PM

Renata :make_out:

Steph, I missed you :bawl: I haven't been on that much here or on twitter.

the video is amazing :bawl: :love:

miss_salvatore 01-27-2011 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by foxyfreds (Post 53454237)
I'm good thanks :kiss:

WHY TILL SATURDAY? :eek: Can't you livewatch?

Livewating never works with me! :pout:


I miss my FF ladies :bawl:

foxyfreds 01-27-2011 04:23 PM

All you people that haven't been around much....BETTER BE FROM NOW ON? :rant:

delenalover 01-27-2011 04:23 PM

I'm off to bed now :(

ENJOY it guys, we've waited long enough!! xx

Oh and i'll leave you with a great vid

intoxicated dreamer 01-27-2011 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by eli_bear (Post 53454219)
:yay: more people in here

I'm Eli btw :flowers:

nice to meet you all :love:

I finally found someone else who understand my excitement about TVD/DE because when I tried to talk to my sister she's all meh... :blah:

so :yay: less then 2 hours :blinkie:

I'm steph and I understand bb oh god do I understand :back_hug: :bawl:

Family and friends need to get it together and be a little more crazy about it :spank:

foxyfreds 01-27-2011 04:25 PM

Night Georgina :kiss:

I'm lucky. I've got family, and pretty much all of my friends watching :P

in a daydream 01-27-2011 04:25 PM


All you people that haven't been around much....BETTER BE FROM NOW ON?
:lol: Is that a threat!?!?! :P :love: I'lll twyyyy I pwomissseeeee!!!


Family and friends need to get it together and be a little more crazy about it
I know, right? They don't get it :bawl:

Hi Eli! Nice to meet you :hug:

Oh Re... you better run girlfraaaaaaaand. :mad: :in_love:

TruLove 01-27-2011 04:26 PM

Nat, I will try to be here more! :lol:

You are lucky no one in my family watches it and neither do my friends :bawl:

intoxicated dreamer 01-27-2011 04:26 PM

SOME of my friends and family watch and ship DE, but they don't squeeeeeeeeeee enough :bawl:

They don't get that I need this ship and show in my head 24/7 :lmao:


All you people that haven't been around much....BETTER BE FROM NOW ON

foxyfreds 01-27-2011 04:26 PM

As if I would ever threaten anyone Noelle. :innocent:

1 hour and a halfffffffffffffff :eek:

shipperFan* 01-27-2011 04:28 PM

:woot: :woot:

This title :thud: :thud:

foxyfreds 01-27-2011 04:28 PM

You disappeared Cris :spank:

intoxicated dreamer 01-27-2011 04:28 PM

Hour and a half and there's only a handful of us? Everyone missing the first ep back???? :bawl:

in a daydream 01-27-2011 04:28 PM

:lol: Nat I know bb :angel:

Okay I REALLLLLLY have to try to finish my homework. So i'll be back to squee during the episode.


I wont go and disappear for another 4 months :lol:

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