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paper rings 01-28-2012 03:00 AM

Eternal Soulmates|S♥E|#516:All this time we were waiting for each other.
Where does an epic story truly begin?

Love, s always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Loves is never boastful or conceited.
It is never rude or selfish. It dose not take offense and is not resentful. Love take no pleasure in others people's sins,
but delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes ;

Stefan & Elena, two not so much strangers, yet destined to know each other, destined to become the missing piece in the other person's soul.


401. breathe you in
402. alecia
403. Frances
404. Regulus-Fan (Kathrin)
405. dorkette
406. Queen J & The Dark Prince
407. CherryCoke
408. PaperGirl (Anna)
409. Beyond the Stars ♥
410. sweetbabytooth
411. hera_
412. Lisaniv
413. JaSam4Life (Jennifer)
414. ~A-Sorta-Fairytale~ (Jill)
415. SuitUp
416. RadrianLuv
417. standingintherain (Rachel)
418. Sonia_23
419. Rebecca Uckermann
420. Seersha
421. jm23
422. ErinlovestheOC
423. AmeeAtomic
424. cremasse
425. winter_kiss
426. Scesare
427. funnyfan93(Kim)
428. Samanthamckenny
429. Elena_1716
430. ktlove

Honorary members
1. Paul Wesley
2. Nina Dobrev
3. Kevin Williamson
4. Julie Plec
5. Bob Levy
6. Lea Michele
7. Lexi
8. Jeremy Gilbert
9. Jenna Sommers
10. Bonnie Bennett
11. Matt Donovan
12. Caroline Forbes
13. Katerina Graham
14. Entertainment Weekly
16. The Simpsons
17. Damon Salvatore
18. Mike Daniels
19. Mads Langer
20. Candice Accola
21. Joseph Morgan
23.Arielle Kebbel
24. Klaus

It's been two years since the start of The Vampire Diaries. Two years since I have discovered the ship that is called Stefan & Elena, but it only took me mere moments during that Pilot episode that aired so long ago. I knew right then and there they were the ship for me. I had read the books, and one could say that factored in my choice, and I suppose that is true to a point, but also there were also a number of other reasons.
The chemistry between Nina Dobrev and Paul Wesley certainly went a long way to making my decision. This show wouldn't have worked without it. It was a make or break kind of thing, and I am thankful it was spot on and it pulls the show together and holds it like glue.

Some might say that Stefan & Elena fell in love quite quickly, and that is wasn't realistic, but I beg to differ.
The love between them didn't happen overnight. An attraction and a connection was formed between them right away, that much is true. But dating doesn't mean you are in love -- yet. They fell in love over time, and given everything they had went through together to get to the place they are at.. circumstances had the power to push them together and the love just came on naturally.

I love them for reasons I can't possibly name. For their pure hearts and their honesty they are naturally born with. You could just see in their eyes the moment they met... they finally had found that one thing that had been missing from their souls. The one thing (person) that was needed to fill up that empty space inside their hearts. they had --- found their home, within each other.

They aren't perfect by any means, as a couple nor as characters, but yet, together the way they touch each other's souls and hearts... they are perfect and born.. for one another.

I have no doubt, that after all their trials and tribulations wherever it might take them, in the end.. they will finally come back to each other.. -- as one. Where they are meant to be. - Jen
The reasons SE are*the*my OTP for this show are numerous. Would take loads of time for me to state everything, so I'm going to go with my best one.*They are and always will be in love with each other. Their connection is soulful. They have the whole In-your-arms-I-find-peace thing going on and ultimately that makes them each others safe haven. No matter what obstacles come their way, they will always find their way back to each other. They are the true definition of the saying "the road to true love was never easy". Their love for each other underlines everything they do or say. They don't need words to describe what is important to each other in a relationship because they are basically the same person. I ship them because they are one of the most mature, intense and steady TV relationships I've seen in a long time. And I ship them because I believe in them, just like they believe in each other.
.- Nikki
Stefan and Elena.. what can I say apart from.. I LOVE THEM!!! I don't know if it's the secret smiles they send each other or the way their eyes light up when they see each other, or if it has to do with the fact that with just one look they can gage each other's feelings and have insight on how they will react to certain situations, but whatever it is.. it is definitely something special. Stefan and Elena are definitely the couple for me on TVD, they have been through tragedy and truimph and they still remain firmly by each other's sides. Their love is just really enjoyable.. I love how they can be flirty and sexy, serious and steady, open and affectionate without being in your face and loud. What Stefan and Elena share is beautiful and romantic and sweet and loving, but it is quiet and graceful. It doesn't demand your attention, it just flows naturally and comfortable while still being extremely interesting and passionate. I truly believe that Elena's heart will always belong with Stefan, and that Stefan's heart will always belong to Elena. - Nikki


Stefan and Elena don't have this love and hate dynamic and they didn't wait hundreds of episodes before getting together but what they have is real, and in my opinion they are the most realistic couple on the show. They met, they talked, they got together, they had their ups and downs, they kissed, they compromised, they said I love you, and they had sex. In real life that's how it all goes. You don't wait years to tell someone that you love them and then get together. In a relationship you first get to know each other and then see where the story goes. Elena and Stefan have that. They trust each other. They know each other and they are always there for each other. They don't play any games because their personalities aren't like that. They don't need silly games to make things interesting because everyday is a struggle for them and everyday they come through it all. All the struggle that they go through only makes them stronger.

Sure, maybe they didn't have episodes of build up but their build up is never ending. It started when they met and it will continue on until the show is over. Stefan and Elena's relationship is only moving forward and together they are themselves. They don't have to change for each other because they accept the good and the bad. I believe that Elena can't find the peacefulness and safeness in anyone else but Stefan. No matter what they go through in every episode they will always have each other. They love each other and they find home in each others arms. They've had so many hugs and for me it only shows how safe they feel when they are together. I love Stefan and Elena because they just are. They don't have to pretend or be anything else. They are just a girl and boy who met and it was epic. I see Stefan and Elena as a power couple; as Leo and Piper from Charmed who went through hell but found their way back to each other. - Aurora

Stefan and Elena are by far my favorite couple on TV. They're just so perfect together, because they listen to one another, they trust one another, and they aren't just boyfriend and girlfriend, they are also best friends, not to mention how much chemistry they have together. They know everything that the other feels or thinks, they are so connected like one soul. Not only do they bring out the best in each other, but they also accept the others flaws. They can disagree with one another, but at the end of the day they really respect each other's decisions and trust one another. They truly are soul mates in my eyes and in every scene you can just tell that they love each other so much even by the smallest actions. They are willing to do anything for one another, even if that means death. Ever since the first episode I've loved them because I see the connection they have and how they brought each other back to life. They've been there for each other since the pilot, and in every episode their love grows stronger and stronger. They also have a little bit of everything such as they're sexy, romantic, sweet, and passionate. Paul and Nina have so much chemistry together and really bring both the characters to life. In my mind, Stefan and Elena will always be endgame. - Hannah

To me, there's no need for arguments as to why Stefan and Elena's relationship is it. Their story explains everything. It's always been clear to me since the very beginning how epic they would be. Every episode since then has proven time and time again how perfect they are together. I would like to base my own relationship on theirs; never-ending support, understanding and trust of one another is something to be desired. Even while separated, their actions always bring viewers back to how deeply in love they are with each other. Even then, being in love extends beyond that. Stefan cares so much for Elena's friends and family, not only because Elena loves them, but they have already become a part of his own family, and Elena in turn gave Stefan's past a chance, because his past and those people in his life shaped the Stefan of today.

Paul and Nina portray Stefan and Elena perfectly. You can feel every one of their emotions perfectly. It is rare to see actors as young as them so deeply committed to playing their characters. - Andi


I am a certified TV addict and had a fair share of ships that I have rooted for but I can honestly say that Stelena is my Oh-Tee-Pee of all OTPs.*

I did not know how they wormed my way into my heart, all I remember was that being forced to watch TVD by my friend since I had nothing better to do. And in just a matter of 3 days and 10 episodes, I had changed from a reluctant viewer to a TVD fan and a Stelena Shipper.*

Watching them together is just beautiful and inspiring. It is a relationship that I aspire, that I want (taking out the D factor, of course). Their relationship has all the right ingredients: a cup of respect and trust, a dash of laugh(ter) and adorableness,
a pinch of angst, a tablespoon of tenderness and understanding, and a bucket full of love. And I*hope*know that after all the obstacle that they will go through, they will have their happily ever after, together. That is how much I believe in these two loko-lokos and their love for each other. - Tee


I have adored Stefan & Elena since the birth of the show, and it's easy to see why; they're simply*perfect. It's so rare to find couples which complement each other in every way, but this is what every relationship strives to be. Unity in the face of all obstacles; a love that is deep, passionate and unwavering. We’ve had no prolonged fallouts in both of the two seasons, more than many other couples can claim, and the reason for this is based on trust. Stefan trusts Elena wholeheartedly and vice versa - to the extent that neither one is ever jealous or unreasonable, and I believe they really are soulmates.
They were drawn together fairly quickly - this enabled them to grow together, to evolve into this “supercouple”. Through the two seasons, we really see the progression from cautious lovers, to this beautiful, solid, single entity, who share everything, from secrets to smiles to kisses. And, oh my Lord, the*kisses! Every one is breathtaking, from the morning bedtime antics, to the soft, sweet tearjerkers. Stefan and Elena are simply the*heart*of the show – without their love, the Vampire Diaries would be merely a shadow of the show it currently is. This is why I can undoubtedly say they are my ultimate television OTP, for now and forever. - Fields of Gold

Stefan and Elena started their relationship by calling themselves EPIC and while some people said it was way too rushed, I think EPIC is really the world to describe them. Their relationship is not perfect and that's what makes them perfect to me. They always bring the best out of each other, help each other in every way possible, and care about each other deeply. Stefan may be a vampire, but when he is with Elena, he definetely becomes a human because his feelings are real, just like their love. They met, they talked, it was epic. We saw the beginning of them, and we will never see the end, because their love is forever- Candice

paper rings 01-28-2012 03:00 AM

paper rings 01-28-2012 03:01 AM

future titles;
Because he tried to push her away for her own good but she said "No"
Because Elena saw past his masked of pretending her can hurt her.
Because we'd take our time and live together day by day.
Because every star up in the sky was made for me and you.
Because you are a man of my dreams; You saved me from drowning in the streams
Because I told her you are a love of my life and One day you gonna be my wife
Because I can forget my very existence in a deep kiss of you.
Because love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essense.
And it's been ten days without you in my reach, And the only time I've touched you is in my sleep.
But time has changed nothing at all - You're still the only one that feels like home.
I could never think of love without your name
I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you I'm tripping on words
You've got my head spinning; I don't know where to go from here
How do you know you're in love? If the other person is your first and last thought of every day.
"[the waterfall talk] moved me. With more time, it could've been one of the most tragic scenes in the show." TV With The Foot
"Amongst all the peril there managed to be a sweet & romantic portion with Stefan taking Elena on a hike" TVOverMind
"The highlight of these moments, though, had to be Stefan and Elena at the top of the waterfall." - AV Club
"Stefan’s candidness to Elena in their sojourn up The Falls was moving and very revealing." Televixen
"And now I’m crying. The whole goodbye between Stefan and Elena is heart breaking." Bookaholics Anonymous
"It was a beautifully honest and crushing moment built up to over the episode, having Elena tell Stefan that she doesn’t want to be a vampire and never has."
Her (Elena) heart is strictly for Stefan as Stefan's heart strictly for Elena. - Paul
Absence is to love as wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small and kindles the great.
"our hearts broke. They were both in so much pain." - TV Watchtower
"THAT PHONE CALL! left me shattered. Elena, take it away: “I love you, Stefan..." - TV Line
"she is standing right by him, searching for him, and not giving up on him or their love" - The A.V. Club
"The Sept. 15 season premiere was loaded with enough Stefan-Elena moments to [almost] convert my Delena-shipping heart." - Hollywood Life
"She cried, he cried, and you know what? I almost did, too." - Hollywood Life
Stefan simply shakes his head, with tears in his eyes, before hanging up. Tearjerking moment!
But I'm holding you closer than most, Cause you are my heaven
Elena was willing to blow out the candles and make a wish, but only if that wish was her confirming that Stefan was still alive. – EW
The perfect ending -- Stefan calls from an unknown number and Elena knows it's him but he doesn't speak, she just tells him to hold onto her love. – She Knows
"This is a truly incredible scene, as he calls Elena." - Zap2It
"I now want Stefan to return in secret to see Elena." - The TV Fangirls
"She (Elena) assures him (Stefan) of his lasting goodness, and place in her heart" - Hollywood Reporter
"Stefan lives to torture himself doesn’t he? Watching Elena leave. The unicorns are currently lying in puddles of dirty water, crying tears of congealed glitter."
"You guys!! Klaus is lonely!!! Who knew? The monster may have a soul after all. But not enough of a soul to notice that Stefan looks like hell not because of the bite but because he saw Elena. Poor dirty unicorns."
"What we get is a heartbreaking scene where Stefan and Elena are reunited in silence. It is heart-wrenchingly beautiful and it made me tear up a little." - Prime time with Caroline.
"My heart was just as heavy watching the moving, smoldering, poignant (insert 1,000 other appropriate adjectives here) look that Stefan and Elena shared as she hid in his secret blood/booze closet." -Aol
"And then the breakup? "That part of my life is done! I don't want to see you; I don't want you to be with you. I just want you to go." Ugh. Forget it. Tears." - Aol
"If he only he’d have just reached for her! They were so close. So close." - The Voice of TV
"The only thing better than a Stefan/Elena reunion is giving us a reunion where the duo can see each other but can’t speak or move. This was a really intense scene. Bravo! Well done." – SmallScreenScoop.
"The scene where Stefan finds Elena hiding in the apartment was so deliciously tense. So much emotion and danger was conveyed without a word ever being said. (My notes were less elegant and more like CLOSET OMGZ LONGING LOOKS BE QUIET HEART ATTACK.)" - AVClub
"Stefan sees Elena when he walks into the closet and they lock eyes for several seconds, love and longing written on both of their faces." – Baltimore Sun
"He [Stefan] is very much still in love with her, and will do anything to protect her." - We Got This Covered
"There was no explicit mention of her thinking her Salvatore brother was never going to be in the picture again." - No White Pulse
"It's hard to think rationally when trying to save your one true love," - TV Fanatic
"I wasn’t going to cry this week. I SWEAR I WASN’T. But this. Video of times when my Unicorns ran free through their fields of rainbows interspersed with torture. I cannot abide. There are tears I cannot stop. And possibly also hyperventilating."
"She needs and wants Stefan."
"Stefan loves only Elena and Rebekah knows it and now she is going to be a BIG GIANT BITCH. Jealous much Blondie?"
"Stefan's the vampire who continues to protect Elena's life from miles and miles away in Chicago." - TV With The Foot
"Love prevails." - Paul Wesley

Book titles
Stefan's love bathed her, shone through her, lighting every dark place in her soul like the sun.
"I've already found what I want," she said brutally. "And who I want to be with forever."
"He's Stefan and he's all I care about. And I happen to be engaged to him."
Because "I’ll always be yours," Elena told him silently
And the amazing thing was that he did know. Elena was bathed in the deep glow of his trust for her.
Because she wanted simply to be with him. After that, everything took care of itself.
"If someone came to hurt him, they would find out what a bodiless opponent could do."
"Nothing mattered but that they not be separated again."
“Any time we get to be together is winning. Any moment-even in that dungeon…”
"I want Stefan to kiss me. I want Stefan’s kisses…warm and sweet and comforting."
When she touched the (silver) cord, it resonated so clearly to her of Stefan she knew it would take her to him.
"Somehow-somehow that brought you here. Because of love. Because we love each other!” - Stefan
Because they “held” each other, Elena snuggling weightlessly above the curve of Stefan’s arm…and it was bliss.
"He was her partner in the Great Dance; her equal and her opposite"
Because "he was her beloved and her lover in the purest sense imaginable"
"He was like a part of her mind that was constantly on fire, like a phantom limb that would never go away."
"If someone came to hurt him, they would find out what a bodiless opponent could do"
“You say I always make you say it first, so I’ll confound you. I love you, Elena.”
“I get all this?” he whispered “All this for you. Everything for you,” Elena said
"If she and Stefan had to die together, then they would die together"
“Any time we get to be together is winning. Any moment-even in that dungeon…”
They communicated in thoughts as pure and clear as shimmering gems.
They were meant to be together forever. Nothing else mattered now that she was home.
“Home” was where she and Stefan were together.
Elena had to cling to Stefan, could have cracked granite, but only squeezed her exactly as tightly as she wanted them to.
“I’ll take you with me wherever I go,” Stefan said hastily. “If you’ll take me with*you.”
“Since I first saw you, I loved you—but I didn’t know who you real y were. You were like a ghost in a dream."
"We’ve survived—everything. They say long-distance relationships can be pretty difficult"
"If you disappeared again, I’d worry and fret and follow you. To Hell if I had to.”
"You’re my life," Stefan told her silently.
She felt her own soul lift to meet his, herself unshielded and unafraid. Stefan had long ago seen any selfishness, vanity, over-ambition in her—and forgiven it
He’d seen all of her and loved al of her, even the bad parts.
She was endlessly beautiful and endlessly powerful and mysterious to him. He longed for her.
Their bond was singing like an electric power line now
At last they sank down together on the sheets, comforting each other in equal measure; exchanging sweet, warm kisses.
He kissed her until Elena felt her soul dripping off her fingertips.
That was Stefan. Her love, but not her lover, willing to love her chastely from now until the end of her days…
Invite him in? He was already in—inside her heart.
She felt her soul expand and come out of her body. And meet Stefan’s.

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SCesare 01-28-2012 03:13 AM

TFTNT Lucy :woot: :yay: :clap:

I have to go now, bye :wave:

paper rings 01-28-2012 03:17 AM

Bye :wave:

Cmtaylor531 01-28-2012 09:01 AM

new thread :woot: thank you :flowers:

JaSam4Life 01-28-2012 09:34 AM


dk111 01-28-2012 10:09 AM

thanks for the new thread!:)

JaSam4Life 01-28-2012 12:36 PM

paper rings 01-28-2012 12:50 PM


JaSam4Life 01-28-2012 01:13 PM

Hi Lucy :wave:

paper rings 01-28-2012 01:41 PM

How are you?

tee_ph 01-28-2012 04:40 PM


paper rings 01-28-2012 04:45 PM

Tee :hug:

tee_ph 01-28-2012 04:46 PM

Hi Lucy! :hug:

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