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Old 04-10-2010, 06:00 AM
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Joined: Feb 2009
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Adorkable Duets {FR♥LC} #215 : IJennaUsh @AliFab i Love finn and rachel!

the Finn HudsonRachel Berry appreciation thread


He is the quarterback of the school's football team, who is forced to join Glee Club. She is the ambitious, talented
and often misunderstood star of New Directions. He constantly struggles between following his dreams or doing what others
expect him to do, while she struggles to be a better team player despite her ambitions.

He likes her for who she is, sequined leg warmers and stuff, her flaws and all. She likes him for who
he is, doesn't put him down and encourages him to stop worrying about what others think of him. Although they
cannot yet fully reciprocate each other's feelings, they make up for it by supporting each other.

He is the hot male lead, and she is the stunning young ingenue.
Together, they are the male and female leads of New Directions and
they shine the brightest when they're singing together.

"Rachel gets some action [but] there will be a time for them. I think that
Rachel and Finn are great together but it’s going to take a while to get there. They flirt
with the idea but there are a lot of hurdles standing in their way.
She sees him for who he really is. They are great together.
- Lea Michele
#1 - 250: here
251. Gabriela
252. theultimategleek (Alvin)
253. hotairballoon (Victoria)
254. Finn+Rachel=GleeSoulmates (Maria)
255. moonburs_02
256. shine for you (Christy)
257. AwesomeKatie
258. Light up (Laura)
259. Charmqn
260. lipsticklullabies (Charlotte)
261. protectthecats
262. padfootsprincess02 (Marizza)
263. L&P.Scott (Deanna)
264. k_1234 (Kiki)
265. FRislove (Michele)
266. haleyispretty (Jay)
267. Killswitch (Maryse)
268. shehasnotime
269. Radames
270. Shu
271. natural_disaster(Amy)
272. AnythingButMe
273. alicelattey
274. darensgirll (Vanessa)
275. ManoloChoo (Nicole)
276. sherbobm (Ben)
277. Evil Tinkie (Teresa / Tink)
278. Teen Vogue (Sam)
279. Cherry860
280. devexation (Claudia)
281. BrightYellow (Emma)
282. Peyton_Scott
283. David'sgirl12 (Krystal)
284. Leyton4ever! (Carmen)
285. ShineSoBright23
286. Smile_xD (Amy Louise)
287. Charlotte829
288. Brianna<3
289. is_love (Cathy)
290. Valerie123
291. Ale14
292. Lilly_monkey (Renata)
293. Neda16
294. LiVenLoVe902
295. taubman
296. naturellebella
297. Dreamer... (Jessica)
298. thingstodo (Marie)
299. cheldax46 (Molly)
300. mslat92
301. nomesters (Naomi)
302. twistdmentality (Shayna)
303. raychelnina (Raychel)
304. SunnyHunny123456789
305. Emmaaa23 (Emma)
306. secretfan222 (Valerie)
307. DS&PB LOVE (Lauren)
308. Believer... (Julia)
309. aoife7xx (Aoife)
310. iana.costa (Iana)
311. pswhatever (Mari)
312. carly-hope (Carly)
313. vannya
314. taysgurl (Connie)
315. jakesprincess (Marian)
316. mr.smalls (Morgan)
317. Mandy (Mandy)
318. AliceAvery22 (Alice)
319. sp. (Sara)
320. our_memories (Laura)
321. nileyfan1 (Leah)
322. Marzg (Marcela)
323. Clowie88 (Chloe)
324. Zefiro (Federica)
325. lennylove (Maria)
326. blondezilla90 (Kathy)
327. Hermoine_Granger (Jennifer)
328. Quinn_Puckftw
329. Blues (Ari)
330. illstandbyfinn (Maria)
331. Scheming Star (Raddy)
332. Hermione Granger
333. fresley4ever
334. ricky_underwoodxXx (Stacey)
335. Touldengal
336. tjtangles (Tania)
337. Addiction
338. erayk90
339. Mayberry
340. lil stew (Coleen)
341. hyperactivecheskie
342. hope813
343. Sweet Escape (Em)
344. lunas_borednow (Bri)
345. joyo
346. brittlegirl94 (Lucy)
347. QTPie41184 (Jen)

the H o n o r a r y S u p p o r t e r s;

"Rachel/Finn all the way!"
- Jenna Ushkowitz

Ryan Murphy
Lea Michele
Cory Monteith
Matthew Morrison
Jenna Ushkowitz
Kevin McHale
Mark Salling
Amber Riley
Chris Colfer
Jessalyn Gilsig
Stephen Tobolowsky
The LA Times
Perez Hilton
MSN News
Marc Malakin
Ted Casablanca
the S e a s o n O n e M o m e n t s;

"Well, I think you have to ask yourself the question: Is Finn going
to do what people think he is going to do or is Finn going to follow his passions? And I think
the two people and the love triangle with Finn represent those two directions. Is he gonna be with the girl
that everybody thinks he should be with, or is he going to be with the girl who's doing what she loves as well, and who is
following her passion, and who is, you know, living out her dream as well, which is what he wants to do?
- Cory Monteith

our F a v o r i t e M o m e n t s;

"Rachel's heart is definitely with Finn, that's for sure."
- Lea Michele

in our O w n W o r d s;

Why do I love Finn and Rachel? I love them because they've cultivated this bond and relationship where they're the other's only true friend. I love that Finn loves every part of Rachel, right down to her sequined leg warmers. I love how Rachel finds Finn's naivete endearing. I love that Finn is always rooting for Rachel. I love their banter. I love the hallway chats. I love the fact that they like each other because of their quirks, not in spite of them. Most of all? I love the chemistry between Lea and Cory that makes the pairing of Finn and Rachel so endearing and real.
ManoloChoo (Nicole)

The first time I watched Glee, I fell in love with Finn and Rachel. It was inevitable, really—Finn being the hot male lead and Rachel the stunning young ingénue everyone roots for. Their chemistry in undeniable, and their developing friendship is beautiful. I have never been inspired by something as much as I have been by their relationship—I think 20-something fics is proof of that The ups and downs of their relationship, as well as the struggles they face individually, make me want to root for them, and I think it’s clear that their story is one that will continue for a long time to come. For me, Glee would not work without Finn and Rachel, because they bring out the best in each other. Finn grounds Rachel when she has the tendency to get out of hand, while Rachel builds Finn up when he needs support. They are each other’s checks and balances, and to put it simply, they work perfectly. They may seem like complete opposites at first, but when it comes down to it, they both want the same thing: to be the best that they can be, and together, they can do that.
alifab (Ali)
The first time I saw Finn and Rachel in the same scene, I instantly fell in love. Maybe it was the height difference or Rachel's crazy eyes or Finn's wtf face, but everything about them was perfect to me. They each have their flaws and imperfections, but what one lacks the other has, and vice versa. They teach each other to be better people and from each other they've learned to love, to laugh, to be themselves.. because the real Finn is the Finn Rachel loves and the real Rachel is the Rachel Finn loves. We've only been given 13 episodes, but I'm excited to see where they both go in the future.
hotairballoon (Victoria)

Finn isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed and sometimes doesn’t understand the words Rachel uses, but never once has that bugged her and she has never put him down for it. She’s a bit of a diva that’s never had a real friend or someone to believe in her, but he likes her for who she is and he roots for her. She encourages him to follow his dreams despite what everyone else tells him. He likes her for who she is despite what other people think of her. I could go on forever about why I love them, because what’s not to love about them? Lea and Cory have amazing chemistry and always bring their best in their scenes. They have many more wonderful moments ahead of them and I can’t wait to see what this show has in store for them.
ordinaryday (Jen)
I love how Finn was scared of Rachel at first, but then he learned to love her craziness, and how they started fast, kissing in the second episode, but then developed this friendship, and how they support each other and how, even in an age when people are still trying to figure out what they are, instead of trying to change each other, they both accept and like each other exactly the way they are. And I love how they say weird things to each other, and it's hilarious and adorable at the same time. They can make me laugh histerically, melt completely or cry like a baby. They are magic and I just love everything about them.
AmanditaSininho (Amanda)

I love Finn and Rachel together because, well lets face it they would be perfect for each other. I think they would compliment each other well because Rachel is organized, smart, dedicated. She really knows what she wants and wont stop until she gets it. I think Finn needs someone like that in his life because he seems like a laid back kind of guy and some of her traits could rub off on him. Also you have to admit just looking at them you know they would make such a cute couple.
David'sgirl12 (Krystal)
From the moment I watched the Pilot in May, I thought wow how many episodes until Finn and Rachel get together? They are amazing together, there is a reason they were established as the main couple of the show by RM. They have great chemistry and are the only true friend either one of them has most of the time. They each understand that the other has interesting quirks but instead of disliking or trying to change those, they embrace them. They are truly a couple that is a great example of what a couple should be.
Slexie4ever (Whitney)

What I love about Finn and Rachel, aside from their amazing chemistry, is that they love and understand what is already so great about the other person. Finn not only likes Rachel, but he likes the things that make Rachel Rachel, like her sequined leg warmers. Rachel knows that Finn's not the brightest, but she never dumbs things down for him, and never calls him a moron. Instead she encourages him... they encourage each other because they see their potential. And, at the end of the day, they are there for each other. Their height difference is also adorable.
Kyls (Kylie)
To me Finn and Rachel are like the perfect match. Finn is that quiet, not-so-smart guy, who is supposed to be a leader but is rather a follower, because he doesn't really believe in himself and just tries to please everyone around him. Rachel is quite the opposite as she is loud and smart, wants to be a leader, believes in herself and her talent and tries to get her way depite what everyone else wants or says, but isn't accepted by everyone around her because of her diva-like attitude. Both of them are looking for someone who takes them for who they really are despite all of their faults. Therefore I think they complete each other in a way that no one else around them could.
k_1234 (Kiki)

Finn and Rachel are an unconventional couple in that he's the popular jock with tons of friends, while she is the talented outcast who doesn't seem to belong anywhere and has no friends. I love them as friends and a potential couple because they are both completely honest with each other. Rachel never hides that she has feelings for him and even calls him out when he tries to back down from her. She's a strong, hard-headed woman who is fighting to become the star she knows she can be. But even with this goal to strive for, she still wants a leading man to share the spotlight with. Finn is sweet, caring, and even when he doesn't quite understand what she's saying, he appreciates her for who she is no matter what others say or think about her. When the truth about Quinn's baby is revealed, Finn is left devastated and hurt and in the end the only person who is honest with him is Rachel. Throughout the season we see Rachel get let down by Finn for choosing his popularity and reputation over Glee, but in the end, when it really matters and when there's almost no hope, he finally comes through for her. The moment he steps into the room at Sectionals, Rachel's face lights up and the hope that she had almost lost is returned to her the second he hands her that sheet of music. I'm looking forward to the rest of the season to see their friendship grow and develop into more because they would be an amazing couple.
neonbliss (Kat)
I love Rachel&Finn because they're extremely cute, when they share a scene together it's so visible that they would want that moment to last forever and they would want to say things they feel but can't for some reason, I feel them so much on that!Their duets are just LOVE, they've got such a chemistry that makes it all so intense, everything they do makes clear what they feel for each other, and I can't help it but love them more and more! <3
Leyton4ever! (Carmen)

Why I love Rachel/Finn.. They are the Classic Couple that I love to love, There shy, Honest, Silly, Real with each other. In my opinion they are mean to be. Finn can be himself with Rachel and Finn see’s something in Rachel that scares him, in a good way. Rachel has always felt something for Finn but when she heard him sing she fell in love now Finn is slowly but surely falling in love with her too. These two are my OTP come to life in opinion.
Smile_xD (Amy Louise)
I love Finn and Rachel because they are like that song playing on the radio that gets stuck in your head, once its there is never leaves. Once you ship FR, you can never stop. They just have this ability to be cute and sexy at the same time. They understand one another on a level that none of the other characters do and on top of that they support one another. You will never hear Finn call Rachel a “diva” or Rachel tell Finn he is “stupid“. Sometimes one of them will make a mistake but its ok because the other one will be still be standing right by their side. In the simplest words, Finn and Rachel may not be perfect people, but they are perfect for one another.
Squeegee Beckeinhiem (Sam)

Finn and Rachel just click. They understand each other and share a special bond. As Lea Michele has stated, Rachel sees Finn for who he really is and that is one of the main reasons I adore this couple. They are so beautiful together and Lea and Cory bring out the best in each other.
haydensgirl (Jess)
Basically, the make me smile. The have a sweetness about them that appeals to the hopeless romantic in me. They also have flaws and aren't cookie cutter cutouts. To be so sweet and unassuming, they have scorching hot chemistry. I think Cory said it best when he said that Rachel represents what HE wants out of life and not what other people expect out from him. I think they both bring out the best in each other.

I love Finn and Rachel because of the way they look at each other and are there for each other no matter what. They always forgive each other, and help each other out. Rachel doesn’t belittle Finn for being less-intelligent than her, and Finn doesn’t belittle Rachel for not being popular. They respect and admire what the other does and believes in, and they balance each other out so well. They are the focal point and the “Couple Extraodinaire” of Glee, and I can’t wait for them to be together forever.
EdieRose (Edie)
From the start I knew that Finn and Rachel will have a connection and sparks will fly when they sing together. As the show goes on, I see their chemistry growing. Both their characters are so cute and adorable. Finn and Rachel are perfect together and together their love is like a song.
jules! (Jules)

the S c e n e of the M o m e n t;

Yes you do. I’ve thought of a 100 reasons why you should come back.
To find the shapshifters, to take care of Walter, to save the world.

But in the end you have to come back, because you belong with me.
We're gonna be okay | JuliaBarbie

Last edited by FrenchMira; 04-10-2010 at 06:26 AM
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Old 04-10-2010, 06:04 AM
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"I think Rachel's heart belongs to Finn."
- Mark Salling
1. Because he's the one that she wants.
2. Because they both are very talented.
3. Because the rest of the team expects them to become an item.
4. Because she made him go back to Glee.
5. Because he is the only male lead that can keep up with her.
6. Because she is just a small town girl, and he is just a city boy.
7. Because she lied to Quinn for him.
8. Because they are Glee's version of Tony and Maria.
9. Because we think they are worth the 4 month wait.
10. Because their height difference is the hottest thing.
11. Because his heart beats hard for her.
12. Because even though he thinks she's insane, he also thinks that she's cool.
13. Because they make awesome posters together.
14. Because he lets her talk and he listens to what she says.
15. Because she doesn't think he notices her.
16. Because he has feelings for her and he's too scared to admit it.
17. Because we know he wasn't just putting on a show.
18. Because he just couldn't control himself.
19. Because they pushed it real good.
20. Because he's willing to carry her pink trolley for her!
21. Because he wants to be able to sing as good as she can.
22. Because he thinks she is cool.
23. Because they drank virgin cosmos together.
24. Because they have little secret smiles!
25. Because they are fighting to hide what they are truely feeling.
26. Because he appreciates her.
27. Because he does have feelings for her.
28. Because that kiss was real.
29. Because they even make bowling HOT.
30. Because she would've quit the play for him.
31. Because he wants to spend more time with her now.
32. Because she thinks they should elope.
33. Because he wanted them to go somewhere quiet and with low lighting.
34. Because he didn't want to sing DSB with anyone else.
35. Because Finn wishes Quinn would be more like Rachel.
36. Because he owes her.
37. Because she would give up her panties to protect him.
38. Because they can't breathe without eachother.
39. Because what ever is meant to be will work out perfectly.
40. Because Rachel can't give herself to someone who isnt Finn.
41. Because she imagines it's Finn when she is making out with other people.
42. Because he likes her.
43. Because he was rooting for her to win.
44. Because he is mesmerized by her singing.
45. Because she helped him get a job.
46. Because she wanted him as her duet partner for a ballad.
47. Because he's a boy who likes her for everything she is.
48. Because he knows what's really great about her.
49. Because he likes what she usually wears, especially her sequin leg warmers.
50. Because there's really only just one boy she wants to impress - Finn.
51. Because she's in love with him.

"They’re kind of like the Fran and Mr. Sheffield of our show.
You know it’s going to happen, you’re just waiting for it to happen.
- Chris Colfer
1. More Finn/Rachel duets.
2. Finn meets Rachel's parents.
3. Finn invites Rachel (and the Glee club) to watch one of his games and Rachel cheers so hard for him.
4. Finn can't control himself around Rachel again.
5. Rachel makes Finn watch West Side Story with her.
6. Finn leaves a sweet message to Rachel on Myspace.
7. Finn volunteers/Rachel asks Finn for a duet that they'll put up on myspace.
8. Hot Piano Kiss.
9. Finn describing his feelings for Rachel via inner monologue.
10. Rachel describing her feelings for Finn via singing.
11. Finn calling Rachel "Rach".
12. Finn defending Rachel from slushie attacks.
13. FR getting caught in the act.
14. Rachel tries to wake Finn up for a morning exercise,
15. Cuddling
16. Finn says(yells) ILY first.
17. Finn hugs Rachel from behind
18. Finn kisses Rachel on the forehead/or vice versa
19. FR holding hands during one of their hallway walk and talks.
20. Rachel sneak hugs Finn.
21. Piggyback ride.
22. FR tutor time.
23. Rachel comforting Finn.
24. Finn comforting Rachel.
25. Boob groping under the shirt AND under the bra.
26. Dinner with parents.
27. Finn takes Rachel on an awkward (at first) date.
28. Finn teaches Rachel to play the drums.
29. Finn singing Can't Fight This Feeling again.. this time to Rachel.
30. Finn putting on an I Wanna Sex You Up private show for Rachel.
31. Rachel and Finn eloping (in the future).
32. Finn giving Jacob a talking to about Rachel.

the F a n m i x;

listen here ;

our F a v o r i t e F a n f i c t i o n;

"How Can I Tell You" Series - Adlervan;
How Can I Tell You (M; here) ;
All Through the Night (T; here) ;
As You Lean into the Night (T; here) ;

"College Verse" - Alifab
Hearts, Like Puzzle Pieces, Never Change Shape (you’ll always be the right fit for me) (here) ;
I’ll Hold You Forever If That’s What You Need (I’d do anything for you)(M; here) ;
Flashbacks Fly Through My Mind, But Everyday With You Is Just as Good As The Last (our memories make us what we are) (here) ;
Let’s Play a Game and Have Some Fun (in the end, we’ll be the only two left) (here) ;
He Still Climbs out of Windows (here) ;

Now Comes the Refrain - neonbliss (M; here);

Adventures in a Supply Closet - alifab (M; here);

The Right Reasons - ponderer (here);

LoveOurBaby Drabble-a-Thon Master List (here) ;

the F a n a r t;

the F a n V i d e o s;

Possibility (here) ;
Was I the Only One in Love (here) ;
So Contagious (here) ;
Love Story (here) ;
Never Say Never (here) ;
Stolen (here) ;
I Want to Start Again (here) ;
Gravity (here) ;
Collide (here) ;
Perfect Storm (here) ;
I Keep Forgetting (To Forget About You) (here) ;
River Flows in You (here) ;
Two is Better than One (here) ;
Where I Stood (here) ;
Here in Your Arms (here) ;
Seventeen Ain't so Sweet (here) ;
My Heart (here) ;
Gotta Have You (here) ;
Everytime (here) ;
Come on Get Higher (here) ;
Fifteen (here) ;
You Belong With Me (here) ;

"He's serving two masters: trying to be the popular with the cheerleader girlfriend
and trying to follow his dreams and be with the girl he actually likes.
- Cory Monteith

L e a M i c h e l e and C o r y M o n t e i t h;

"Basically, I bring light and joy into Cory's life everyday."
- Lea Michele

"Every single day, when she's not around, I think, 'My life will get better soon'."
- Cory Monteith

"Cory is amazing and I love working with him. He's great and he makes me laugh. He's fantastic."
- Lea Michele

"And Lea's best trait is that she's very inspiring. And incredibly talented. And hot."
- Cory Monteith

the M e d i a;

; Lea Michele's Video Diary
; Cory Monteith's Video Diary
; Glee Tour Vide
; LC Australian Radio Interview
; LC Australian Radio Interview Part II
; Lea & Cory at The View
; Lea & Cory The View Behind the Scenes
; EW Photoshoot

the L i n k s;

; finnrachel @ LJ
; finnandrachel @ LJ
; 13 Inches
; Love Our Baby! (Lea/Cory Community)
; @frankenteen (Cory Monteith's Twitter)
; @msleamichele (Lea Michele's Twitter)
; @rachelberryglee (Rachel Berry's Twitter)
; Rachel Berry's Facebook
; Lea Michele Web

the F u t u r e T i t l e s;

Because he doesn't want her to be afraid of showing her true colors.
Because Rachel just had to touch Finn's butt somehow.
"Rachel and Finn all the way!" - JU
Because Lea LOVES working with Cory, and we love it too.
Team McSexy
Because when describing his perfect woman Cory described Lea.
"I remember looking at Lea Michele and we looked at each other and we were like holy crap." - CM
Because Finn definitely has Rachel's heart...that's for sure.
Because we aren't the sinking ship, we are the life boats that stay afloat after the wreck.
Because their twirls are just as pretty live as they are onscreen.

the P a s t T h r e a d s;

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{181} {182} {183} {184} {185} {186} {187} {188} {189} {190}
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"She loves Finn - that doesn't go away."
- Lea Michele

and they've only just begun;
Yes you do. I’ve thought of a 100 reasons why you should come back.
To find the shapshifters, to take care of Walter, to save the world.

But in the end you have to come back, because you belong with me.
We're gonna be okay | JuliaBarbie
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Old 04-10-2010, 06:06 AM
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Tftnt Mel!
what they don't know is that
cory and i are taking pictures for the
'save the date's
for our wedding.
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Old 04-10-2010, 06:07 AM
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Originally Posted by hotairballoon (View Post)
Tftnt Mel!
you're welcome
Yes you do. I’ve thought of a 100 reasons why you should come back.
To find the shapshifters, to take care of Walter, to save the world.

But in the end you have to come back, because you belong with me.
We're gonna be okay | JuliaBarbie
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Old 04-10-2010, 06:10 AM
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Mission time?
what they don't know is that
cory and i are taking pictures for the
'save the date's
for our wedding.
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Old 04-10-2010, 06:11 AM
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Tftnt Mel bb
|Finch| ♥
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Old 04-10-2010, 06:12 AM
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Originally Posted by hotairballoon (View Post)
Mission time?
Mission time !


okay ... brb !
Yes you do. I’ve thought of a 100 reasons why you should come back.
To find the shapshifters, to take care of Walter, to save the world.

But in the end you have to come back, because you belong with me.
We're gonna be okay | JuliaBarbie
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Old 04-10-2010, 06:12 AM
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what they don't know is that
cory and i are taking pictures for the
'save the date's
for our wedding.
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Old 04-10-2010, 06:18 AM
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Vic Mel
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Old 04-10-2010, 06:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Smile_xD (View Post)
Vic Mel
What's up bb
what they don't know is that
cory and i are taking pictures for the
'save the date's
for our wedding.
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Old 04-10-2010, 06:22 AM
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Originally Posted by hotairballoon (View Post)
What's up bb
Ugh I feel really weird today.. dont know why thou
You bb ?
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Old 04-10-2010, 06:23 AM
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back !
Yes you do. I’ve thought of a 100 reasons why you should come back.
To find the shapshifters, to take care of Walter, to save the world.

But in the end you have to come back, because you belong with me.
We're gonna be okay | JuliaBarbie
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Old 04-10-2010, 06:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Smile_xD (View Post)
Ugh I feel really weird today.. dont know why thou
You bb ?
Awwww I'm okay, just tired

WB Mel!
what they don't know is that
cory and i are taking pictures for the
'save the date's
for our wedding.
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Old 04-10-2010, 06:27 AM
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WB Mel
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Old 04-10-2010, 06:27 AM
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thank you guys
Yes you do. I’ve thought of a 100 reasons why you should come back.
To find the shapshifters, to take care of Walter, to save the world.

But in the end you have to come back, because you belong with me.
We're gonna be okay | JuliaBarbie
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