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fall like stars 11-14-2009 08:15 PM

May I be added? :flowers: I'm brand new to NCIS. I've spent the last couple weeks watching from the beginning and I'm now on early season 3. I'm really sad Kate is gone. (though I'm looking forward to catching up w/ the rest of the show) Her and Tony's banter was just GOLDEN. :love:

Miss Kenton 11-14-2009 11:06 PM

I will add you if you're not added. :nod: :D I'm glad you've made it through basically the first half of the show. :) Kate's death was super sad though and those eps were some of the best, imo. :nod: But, for me anyways, things get better. :)

fall like stars 11-15-2009 12:22 AM

Thank you! :hug:

Yeah, her death was .. very tragic to say the least. :( BUT I agree, some of the best eps of the series from what I've seen so far. I really like how they added Ziva too. :nod: I'm anxious to catch up with the rest of the series. I want to try to be up to date with current eps ASAP.

~lipstick 11-15-2009 08:07 AM


In SWAK she thought he was dying not love, a team thing
Wow, are being serious? We'll have to agree to disagree. Besides, this is the TONY AND KATE thread, so obviously we'll all think it was love (or some variation of it). Besides, I never said love, I said FEELINGS.

landlfan01 11-15-2009 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by ~lipstick (Post 41299841)
Wow, are being serious? We'll have to agree to disagree. Besides, this is the TONY AND KATE thread, so obviously we'll all think it was love (or some variation of it). Besides, I never said love, I said FEELINGS.

OH.. I'll give you feelings. She definately had those for Tony when it counted. But any romance. She always let him know NOT A CHANCE. I'm sure the writers had a lot to do with that. After all ghis was only the 1st 2 seasons.

ssbailey 11-15-2009 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Kenton (Post 41277187)
Duh, Ron. :lol: You should know that by now. :P

:high_five: LMAO.

maplezbear 11-15-2009 06:17 PM

Welcome -maybe someday love-!

ssbailey 11-15-2009 06:32 PM

I wonder if Tony ever dreams about Kate? I would love to see an episode of him going through something that will completely mess him up(like getting shot or losing someone he really cared about to a killer, or even something to do with his father coming back) and start seeing/dreaming about Kate in random places and wishing she was there for him to talk to. Because even though they never showed it, I think they were actually extremely close.

Miss Kenton 11-15-2009 10:35 PM

I thought they were close too. :nod: They seemed to me to get along really well and to be able to talk to each other when need be, so I could actually see something like that happening. :nod: It brings me back to him imagining her naked for some reason. :lol:

ssbailey 11-16-2009 04:11 PM

:lol: Or them attempting to break into McGee's apartment that one time. "Even George Clooney couldn't get laid in here..." :lmao:

Miss Kenton 11-17-2009 10:55 PM

:lmao: What a brilliant line!

peace_love_couture 12-06-2009 01:46 PM


It brings me back to him imagining her naked for some reason.
:lol: Well we did get the school girl costume :lol:

ssbailey 12-06-2009 07:19 PM

^And then later in the ep we hear her scream and it's alluded to that he's imaging her naked right then. :lol: I miss Tate. :pout:

peace_love_couture 12-24-2009 04:11 PM

Me too :pout: I wish there was someway she could like come back for one episode :P

ssbailey 12-24-2009 07:51 PM

I could see her coming back for the series finale. :nod:

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