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Old 10-09-2024, 10:51 PM
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NCIS Campfire (OT) #25: time is flying in good company

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Old 10-09-2024, 10:58 PM
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We need the other teams in the OP

Originally Posted by florerr (View Post)
either answers or him just getting better really
my sister & her family are visiting in December, and grandma is planning tos pend winter with us as well - they all want to meet & see our cat still alive...

... but he's slowly doing better, so we will see... and I want him to meet my new dog in spring as well...

the company called me. so I was able to get an appointment for the heating still this month - the week after next, and the boiler will get its yearly check late November.

the dates are not ideal, but at least they are planned ...

tired here as well
Getting better would also be good

You're getting a new dog?

Glad you got the appointment for this month Still a bit of a wait but better than next month.
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Old 10-10-2024, 12:38 PM
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Of course we do we need to find gifs to use from 2.5 more shows...

well, we took him to the emergency vet today - he got fluids, vitamins & they took his blood. looks like that his liver results have improved but his red cell count is really low... which means that he will get medication to increase the cell count + a follow up meeting on Monday to see whether the medication is doing any good or not...

I want to have a dog, yes... but with everything going on right now, I won't have one before spring most likely. I would like to get a puppy from this breed : Entlebucher Mountain Dog

Yes, it's good to have the heating looked at...

... I'm drained after today, and with just worrying about our cat really while also making sure that I'm present at work and don't start crying... because I just can't...

Any weekend plans on your end?
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Old 10-11-2024, 12:47 AM
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Sure it isn't 65 shows by now?

Sorry you had to take him back to the vet & he had more tests at least it sounds like you got some answers though, I guess. Hopefully the medication helps

Sounds like a nice plan, when you can . Cute looking breed

sorry your day was draining

Not really any plans. Need to start figuring out Christmas/Birthday shopping . I'm scared to ask my parents & sister what they want as I already know I'll get the 'I don't know' or 'haven't thought about it' responses.
Going to finish up some of the cards that are in progress on my living room floor too

How about you?
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Old 10-11-2024, 11:55 AM
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65 would be too much

well, we got some answers but whether the medication helps we will know by Monday. was able to make a follow up appointment to Monday afternoon, so that's at least good.

I hate going through the sickness, docs, worrying & already grieving stage - even if I end up going through it every 5 or so years, as we have always had a pet, usually a dog but also our cat has been with us for 15 years now...

No holiday plans or presents to buy on my end - I just want to know whether we will have a cat for much longer or not.

Have fun with your cards on the floor
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Old 10-11-2024, 11:36 PM
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Yes Still so does 7 NCIS shows at times though But not as bad as my made up number

Glad you could make the follow up appointment. Hopefully the appointment will show the medication is working. It is always hard when the cat's age gets up there in age That stage is an awful feeling & part of owning a pet


I glared at them & fought today instead Also have been watching some shows. I started watching Good Omens the other day so finished that off this morning. Then watched the new L&O & SVU episodes for this week. Looking forward to be able to start watching new NCIS soon too.
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Old 10-12-2024, 12:20 PM
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7 is just way too much

will see... so far it doesn't look like it - but he's also not worse than he was for the past few days, so hard to say really...

I'm sure that is grateful for the time spent as well and the cards will be there whenever you get around them

on my end today was spent in the garden, still fixing it - taking more rubbish to the recycle/waste center... and figuring out that I will also need a company to fix all the outside isolation as water is somewhere getting into the concrete, paired with the half-working heating is causing moulding..

... it will be a good house in the end, but right now it just needs all the high priority fixings really
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Old 10-13-2024, 12:25 AM
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At least it isn't 7 to keep up with all at once though

may have been glad for my patience fighting it I did bits of them yesterday, bit more today. Almost have a Christening card done. Just need to figure out the text on the front then deal with the inside. Getting closer to finishing off a birthday card & started working on another one. Need those elements that I did today for those cards to dry before I can do more.

Hope you could make some progress in the garden Doesn't sound good you're finding signs of water & mould. Hope that can be resolved

Sorry you're dealing with so many fixes for it It will be a great home when they're done though I'm sure
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Old 10-13-2024, 01:16 PM
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yeah, that leaves us with only 4 shows.. but 2 for the time being

for you making progress with the cards

I spent today with battling with the garden.. we are slowly winning, but it will take time
managed to plant hydrogenas & ferns & a rhododendron bush after removing sandy & clay soil and hiden border edge stones & some sort of a metal holding post 50 cm long which was buried in the ground...

Yes, I just need to remind myself that it will be a good house in the end, just in need of fixings...
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Old 10-13-2024, 11:48 PM
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Hopefully they can be nice & do two at a time for us

Glad you're winning against the garden Sounds nice

Tired & my eyes are funny so not posting much tonight
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Old 10-14-2024, 12:31 PM
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2 shows we can manage at the same time

the check up with the vet didn't go well, as our cat is still losing weight at the moment... they will do another ultrasound tomorrow morning - which means me going to work late - and then afterwards we will need to make a decision based on the results. whether to have him at home, or at the hospital... or go for the final decision, if it's that bad...

... but other than this today was a good day - just emotionally tired at this point really...
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Old 10-15-2024, 12:12 AM
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sorry that was the news
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Old 10-15-2024, 12:42 PM
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Well, they did the echo - looks like that he has cancer... we will continue with blood cell increasing meds, but other than that he will stay at home and will be with us as long as he's not suffering too much and wants to stay ...

... it's either some kind of a colon cancer - as we won't do biopsy we won't know for sure - but this is clear enough.

Otherwise I'm good just emotionally at my limits really...
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Old 10-15-2024, 11:15 PM
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I'm sorry hopefully he wants to stay with you all for a while now still & remains not suffering too much
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Old 10-16-2024, 12:20 PM
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the one good thing is that we don't need to take hum to the vet, and he's eating well, which means that he is not suffering at all right now...

on the bright side I will be in sunny Spain for a few days, which will feel good even jf it will be too short for a real holiday.

will see if I can post from there or not.
but will be back already on Monday...
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