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Old 05-29-2009, 08:28 AM
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The Terminating Trio (SJC/LTS) #2 - Because we're hoping that Lena, Thomas and Summer do a commentary together

Sarah\John\Cameron - Lena\Thomas\Summer Appreciation Thread #2:
(Because we're hoping that Lena, Thomas and Summer do a commentary together)

1. naturellebella
2. lisagslack14
3. Starfield_Scribe
4. Alexa
5. CJG18
6. angelface211
7. Oldrguy
8. DanceWithLife
9. *Catherine*
10. xlennie
11. IScream4Dean
12. Guinevere
13. LostEvi
14. Soleya

John: Hey, you know what would really help with time-lag? Some fresh air.
Sarah: John.
John: I've been cooped up here for three days.
Sarah: I know.
John: No, you don't know, because you keep going outside.
Sarah: And so will you when we get new IDs.
John: So let's get them already.
Sarah: We will. Can you be patient, please? It's not just a name. It's a legend. A life. A whole new you.
John: We go through this every time.
Sarah: This is different.
Cameron: New IDs today? It's been three days.
John: I want my new name. I want that whole new me. Can't you track down Enrique?
Sarah: All right, I'll track down Enrique. [to Cameron] Old friend. Ten years ago he was the best fake paper guy around.
Cameron: John sent back better ones.
Cameron [Referring to terminators]:Skynet doesn’t know you are here, so there's no directive to hunt you.
John: So if I was to walk right by one…
Cameron: They’ll walk right by you; they don’t know what you look like.
John: That’s really awesome
Sarah: And what if they found out who he was, would they all know what to do then?
Cameron: They do.
Sarah: Awesome.
Sarah: And if anything goes wrong, there's a parking lot here.
John: Mom, it's high school, okay? Not super max. We can handle it.
Cameron: We can handle it.
Sarah: Don't you kiss me. Or anyone else.
Sarah: Hey, how was school?
Cameron: I have a metal plate in my head.
John: She’s gonna need a note.
Sarah: I meant you, not her.
John: Yeah fine.
Sarah: You're not gonna give me anything?
John: What? We went, we learned, I didn’t get killed, and she didn’t kill anybody. It’s a pretty good first day, I think.
Cameron: These need to be cleaned.
John: Okay, so about the cell phone guy.
Sarah: I'm having dinner with him tonight.
John: Dinner? What do you mean, like a date?
Sarah: Not a date.
Cameron: Are you going to kill him?
Sarah: Kill him? I don't know the first thing about him. He interned at Cyberdyne when he was in college.
His photo's in a pile of photos. Nobody dies till I say so. Tell her.
Cameron: People die all the time. They won't wait for her. I fooled you again.
John[Joking to Cameron]: That’s coltan? That’s what you are made of, no wonder you're so dense.
Cameron: Not density, heat resistance. T-600 models had a titanium alloy endoskeleton,
but it was vulnerable to heat. Coltan alloys have a much higher melting point.
Sarah: You know what I love about you guys? Even when you've evolved into the ultimate
indestructible killing machines, you're not above self-examination and improvement.
Cameron: Thank you.
Sarah: Please shut up.
Cameron: It’s too dangerous. We should go.
John: It's always too dangerous. It’s war. War is dangerous.
Sarah: If you die, they win.
Sarah: Field trip.
John: I call shotgun.
Cameron: I call nine millimeter.
Dr. Sherman: Since I've moved down here, I've treated civilians almost exclusively.
Iraq's changing that, however. Do you have family in the military? Your dad?
Sarah: He passed away.
Dr. Sherman: Oh, I'm sorry. Is that something you'd all like to discuss?
Sarah: It was a long time ago. We've been on our own for some time.
Dr. Sherman: That must be difficult.
Sarah: You get used to it.
Dr. Sherman: Do you?
Cameron: I'm used to it.
John: It's fine.
Dr. Sherman: Is there anything else I should know?
Sarah: Anything else we should know?
Dr. Sherman: If we choose to go forward, I'd like to meet with each of you individually.
Is that something you'd be open to? I could do tomorrow if you're up for it.
John: Tomorrow's good.
Sarah: I'm gonna be sick. (vomiting)
Cameron: What's wrong with her?
John: I don't know. She's-- She's burning up.
Sarah: I'm fine.
Cameron: Is she pregnant?
John: Why in the hell would you even ask that?
Cameron: Kacy vomited when she was pregnant. You're vomiting. It's morning. That's when it happens.
John: Just shut up.
Sarah: It's a bug or something. Stomach flu or something.
John: We'll be home soon, okay? Here.
Sarah: Wait. (Turns over turtle as Cameron look on)
John: How you feelin'?
Sarah: How do I look?
John: Like crap. (gives Sarah medicine)
Sarah: I wish I felt that good.
(Cameron comes into the room with a drink)
Sarah: What's that?
Cameron: It's rehydration fluid. Drink one cup every half hour or right after you vomit.
John: No, no, no. Where are you going?
Sarah: We have to go back now.
John: Back where?
Sarah: Mexico. There's thermite in the garage. We need to burn Cromartie's body.
John: Cromartie's dead. You destroyed his chip.
Sarah: You have to incinerate him, John. It's the only way to be sure.
John: He's buried in a hole in the middle of the Mexican desert, And his chip has been obliterated. I think we're pretty--
Cameron: Safe? It's not safe.
John: Oh, god, she's starting to sound like you.
Sarah: She's right.
Sarah: You never sleep. Make yourself useful. (Gives Cameron the laundry basket)
John: The most efficient killing machine ever invented. You've got her doing laundry.
(Sarah takes laundry from Cameron and gives it to John)
John:You do never sleep. (Gives Cameron the laundry basket)
Sarah: I sent you a message! I told you.
John: Ya, bad John Connor! Ground me. (to Cameron) Are you okay?
Cameron: I'm not 100%.
Sarah: How far from 100% are you?
John: Why?
Sarah: 'Cause I need to meet Catherine Weaver and she needs to destroy whatever is in that basement.

Title Suggestions
Because they're the definition of hot and sweetness all in one family!
Because they are one hot family!
Because they're working together to save the world from the machines
Because any family that can talk about saving the world over pancakes is MY kinda family
Because its a family made up of a Machine, Future World Leader & a MOM!

1. Pancakes
2. Safe-houses
3. Banks
4. Time Travel
5. Leather
6. Computers
7. Guns
8. Undercover
9. Cameron's jacket
10. Hot potato with the laundry basket
11. Baums + Phillips
12. Kicking ass
13. + Derek makes four!

We’re all stories, in the end… just make it a good one, eh?
Do you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave.

Last edited by naturellebella; 06-06-2009 at 08:12 PM
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Old 05-29-2009, 08:54 AM
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Thank you!
No fate but what we make
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Old 05-29-2009, 08:58 AM
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Sure thing
We’re all stories, in the end… just make it a good one, eh?
Do you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave.
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Old 05-29-2009, 11:08 AM
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Old 05-30-2009, 12:12 AM
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Man I hope I get to lay eyes on this trio again.
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Old 05-30-2009, 08:32 AM
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Thanks for the new thread!

Love the OP
a love story

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Old 05-30-2009, 02:28 PM
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Thank you I like how the Title Suggestions also act as Reasons for them being so awesome.


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Old 05-31-2009, 06:29 AM
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Yeah, definitely And we do love 'em
We’re all stories, in the end… just make it a good one, eh?
Do you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave.
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Old 05-31-2009, 07:37 AM
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Because any family that can talk about saving the world over pancakes is MY kinda family LOL
a love story

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Old 05-31-2009, 07:48 AM
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Another title!
We’re all stories, in the end… just make it a good one, eh?
Do you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave.
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Old 05-31-2009, 12:14 PM
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& reason!


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Old 06-01-2009, 08:38 AM
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Yeah, that's great
We’re all stories, in the end… just make it a good one, eh?
Do you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave.
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Old 06-01-2009, 08:57 AM
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Because its a family made up of a Machine, Future World Leader & a MOM!
a love story

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Old 06-01-2009, 11:14 AM
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That it is
We’re all stories, in the end… just make it a good one, eh?
Do you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave.
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Old 06-01-2009, 01:57 PM
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Cute icon, BTW.

What SJC scenes would you like to see in S3, if there is one?


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