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Old 06-22-2009, 03:37 AM
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JohnღCameron #10: 10 Threads of unwavering, "effective" love, beautiful friendship & faithful loyalty.

Welcome to the 10th
Appreciation thread

01. xlennie ♥ 02. speak slow ♥ 03. *Catherine* ♥ 04. - Nina - ♥ 05. lisagslack14 ♥
06. Lady_Lee ♥ 07. Serenachan ♥ 08. heroesfan23 ♥ 09. Alexa ♥ 10. AAVaria ♥
11. DiagonalZipper ♥ 12. jayta ♥ 13. technobabble ♥ 14. LillyLove ♥ 15. naturellebella ♥
16. Guinevere ♥ 17. Blankmixtape ♥ 18. Oldrguy ♥ 19. Mushkah ♥ 20. gizzie_fan ♥
21. SergeantPepper ♥ 22. Soleya ♥ 23. stellalovesLP ♥ 24. Jidsy <3 ♥ 25. chrissy1302 ♥
26. dark_red ♥ 27. Starfield_Scribe ♥ 28. Kelsi Nielsen ♥ 29. DanceWithLife ♥ 30. funfuzgirlstalkermagnet ♥
31. Calgaryfan2006 ♥ 32. BlackHalo ♥ 33. AlwaysHoldingOn ♥ 34. angelface211 ♥ 35. Noraabs ♥
36. Jena_Humprhey ♥ 37. xelanoops ♥ 38. ~TaintedUnicorn~ ♥ 39. aabf ♥ 40. lafs1684 ♥
41. some mad hope ♥ 42. sillyflower189 ♥ 43. Ghost.Of.You ♥ 44. LHScott ♥ 45. Chasity05 ♥
46. Nida ♥ 47. sendtherain ♥ 48. Miss-Love ♥ 49. xBrIyeon ♥ 50. Giuly
51. Nab ♥ 52. Empty Handed ♥ 53. Mrs.Almeida ♥
[a s k. t h e. t h r e a d. s t a r t e r. t o. b e. a d d e d]

Honorary Shippers
1. Thomas Dekker
2. Summer Glau
3. Josh Friedman
4. Ashley Edward Miller

Thomas and Summer Quotes

Interviewer: Do you think Cameron's his first love?
Thomas Dekker: Yeah, I do. I've always looked, we've always looked at it that whether he wants to admit it or
not or whether he tries to forget it, he's still totally, you know...
I mean, she's kind of, it's that strange thing - it's that she lives to protect him and she's beautiful, it's [complicated].
Rants & Reviews - Interview: Thomas Dekker Talks Love and Salvation on "The Sarah Connor Chronicles" |

Interviewer: Cameron isn't liking John's girlfriend Riley too much these days, is she?
Summer Glau: No, and I think it's more than her just being worried that
Riley's a threat. She doesn't like having her place taken over by somebody else.

Interviewer: And what do you mean by "her place"?
Summer Glau: Well, Cameron only exists to take care of John and be with him at all times,
and he keeps trying to spend time alone with Riley. That leaves Cameron feeling like she doesn't have a purpose.
So it's really uncomfortable for her — if it's possible for a robot to feel uncomfortable.

Interviewer: Do you enjoy playing the pseudo-jealousy thing between Cameron, John and Riley?
Summer Glau: I love it. It adds so much dimension to Cameron, and it's fun to figure out how
far to take it. You don't want to take it too far, but I do want to insinuate that it's there.
Summer Glau: TV's Terminator Sets Sights on Shocking Reveals - Today's News: Our Take |

"Cameron's deep love for John is because he is her whole reason for existing... I think that is love, and I think she
would do anything for him, and in her reality, I think that's what love is for her."
She added that she's not sure where Friedman is going with the character, but she always plays it as if
she does feel something for John. io9 - Summer Glau Explains The Nature Of Robot Love - terminator

"There is a definite chemistry between Cameron and John but that technically shouldn't be possible and that's
blurring the line between human and robot."

Thomas Dekker: I think he's heartbroken when he finds out that she's not human.
I think he definitely had some high hopes. We'll see where it goes.

"I think he's already attracted to her. We tried to play that in the pilot but what can he do? We'll see. We'll see where that goes.
There's an interesting dynamic developing between them because they both have this adoration for each other because
she's what keeps him alive every day and he's her reason for being." - Thomas Dekker is on the run -

I love our stuff cause I think that you know, especially last year John was very rude to you often but it was to mask that he
was still in love with you and ya know, who knows, I don't know what Cameron feels.
But there's moments like near the end of the season when I put your chip back in your head, there's little reminders. - Thomas Dekker

They have this bond where they're as tight as family. They were flung together it's kind of,
but you're trying to pull away and I think that's one of the best things about Season 2. - Summer Glau

She also confused because John is really turning away from her and her whole purpose in life is to protect him so
when she's gone she's...lost. And she's having a really hard time with him having another girl in his life.
He meets this girl at school and I like to think that Cameron is somewhat jealous. I know she can't really be jealous
but as close to jealous and threatened. Ya know, just her position is threatened. - Summer Glau

Interviewer: Okay, moving onto Cameron and your relationship with her. Now, it kind of makes me a little bit uneasy sometimes.
Thomas: It's tough when you fall in love with a robot!
Interviewer: You're going to off all his girlfriends, aren't you?
Summer: Well, I've thought about it.
Interviewer: Ya.
Summer: He has a girlfriend this season, ya know.
Interviewer: and you don't off her?
Summer: Well, I've been trying to talk the writers into it...*laugh* no, not really. You know what I like about it?
I love that I'm getting to explore the idea that, a machine can't really be jealous but Cameron is threatened by it.
(BTS - Terminator:tSCC)

Thomas: We really like each other in person and we get a long really well. It's definitely gotten easier since the Pilot,
since we first started doing it but I love our stuff because I think that especially last year John was very rude to you
often but it was to mask that he was still in love with you.
(Buddy TV Interview)

credit: Alexa

John & Cameron Quotes
Season 1

Cameron: What's your name?
John: John.
Cameron: Cameron.

Cameron: You're full of secrets. You didn't tell me you were in this class. You any good with them?
John: I'm okay, I guess.
Cameron: They scare the heck out of me if you want to know the truth. Do you want to get together after school
sometime? Maybe help me with this computer stuff?
John: I really can't, I'm sorry.
Cameron: Oh.
John: No, I'd really like to, it's just, I usually have to help my mom...
Cameron: It's okay.
(deleted scene)

John: I lied to you yesterday. My dad doesn't sell insurance. He's dead. He was a soldier. He was killed on a mission.
Cameron: I'm sorry.
John: It's all right. My mom was pregnant with me when it happened. I never even knew him.
So it's all right... My mom, she... she... she's kind of uptight. Actually, no, she's really uptight.
She likes me to come home straight after school and hang out with her and that kind of thing, you know? I'm all she's got.
Cameron: Thank you for explaining. It'll be our secret.

Cameron: Come with me if you want to live.

Cameron: Back at school, you apologized for lying to me. So I should apologize for lying to you.
John: It's all right. I get it. You needed to get close to me. It's just the way you're... programmed.
Like some hot girl is really gonna try and make friends with the new weird kid. If I'd have thought about it,
I would've known something was messed up, you know?
Cameron: In the future, you have many friends.
John: What model are you? Are you new? You seem... different.
Cameron: I am.

Gnothi Seauton
John: So if I was to walk right by one...
Cameron: They'll walk right by you. They don't know what you look like.
John: That's really awesome.
Sarah: And what if they found out who he was? Would they all know what to do then?
Cameron: They do.

The Turk
John: You won’t fool anyone.
Cameron: I fooled you.

Sarah (To Cameron): Nobody dies until I say so. (To John) Tell her.
Cameron: People die all the time, they won’t wait for her.
(awkward silence)
Cameron: I fooled you again.

Cameron: Do you like this color on me?
John: What?
Cameron: I'm a bitch whore.
John: What?
Cameron: I have a new friend.
John: Did she call you a bitch whore?
Cameron: No, she cried.
John: Wait, what?!

Queen's Gambit
John: You're really good at math.
Cameron: Yes.
John: You wanna do mine?
Cameron: Yes.

John: Sometimes things happen and they're so bad, that people just don't know how to deal with their
sadness, so they write it in a note.
Cameron: But I thought people cried when they were sad.
John: Sometimes it's not enough.

John: I call shotgun.
Cameron: I call nine millimeter.

Cameron: I already did your homework.
John: Yeah, I know, but I still have to take the test. I need to know this stuff.
Cameron: Then why did you ask me to do it?
John: Because maybe it's kinda hard to concentrate on geometry when people keep dying around you.
You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?
Cameron: You're grieving.
John: Grieving? How do you know what grieving is?
Cameron: I read all the notes.

Dungeons & Dragons
John: And what information do you have about Kyle Reese?
Cameron: Imprisoned at Century Sector work camp with John, 2015. Escaped with John, 2021.
He was officially declared MIA in 2027 after being assigned to protect Sarah from a Skynet attack.
John: Is that all?
Cameron: Seems like a lot.
John: It is.

Vick's Chip
John: So how often do you lie?
Cameron: When the mission requires it.
John: Do you lie to me?
Cameron: Sometimes.
John: About important things?
Cameron: Yes, important things.

John: Wow, what a mess. How the hell do you keep your brain organized?
Cameron: Not like yours.
John: No kidding.

John: You scared the hell outta me. How long you been sitting there?
Cameron: A little while. That was effective. What he did, when he touched her lips.
John: Effective?
Cameron: I could see that she liked that.
John: What are you doing? No. When you say things like that, what are you doing?
Cameron: Just making conversation.
John: Since when do you just make conversation?
Cameron: I don't know. It just seems like something I should do.
John: Well, was having Morris impersonate me with that cop also something you thought you should do, no matter what happened to him?
Cameron: Yes. But it wasn't a cop. It was Cromartie.
John: What? W- What?
Cameron: He's going school to school looking for you. Trying to match your face. He's moved on though. He won't go back there. I wouldn't.
John: The only way that I'm reassured by that is if I remember that in the core of your chip you're just like him.
Oh, god. She'll move us so fast. You cannot tell her, okay? Promise me.
Sarah: Hey. Do I smell nail polish? What are you guys talking about?
Cameron: Just making conversation.
(Cameron winks at John before she leaves)

Cameron: Two centimeters left. One centimeter down. Cut a semicircle with a diameter of 12 centimeters.
John: Is it okay if I'm off by a little bit?
Cameron: Yes. Cut a bigger circle to compensate.
Sarah: How exactly is this gonna work?
John: Her neural network is the most sophisticated learning computer on earth. If we can get her chip into the A.R.T.I.E. System,
it can take over the whole thing. Just like Vick did with my laptop. She can kill it. You can get in through a traffic light?
John: Yes.
Sarah: Are you sure?
John: No.
Sarah: Are you sure?
Cameron: No. Start the incision. Push harder, down to my endoskeleton.
Derek: Sarah. Once she's in the city's mainframe, what's to say she'll come back out? You know, maybe-
Maybe it's not the Turk that created Skynet. Maybe it's her. Maybe this was her plan all along.
John: She's a machine. She doesn't have a soul and she never will. You don't have to trust her. You can trust me.
Cameron: Good. Set the pliers over the shielded tab on the end of the chip. A half turn counter-clockwise and pull it out.
It's okay, John. It's not the first time we've done this.

(John puts back Cameron's chip. As he waits for her to wake up, he strokes her face & then she awakens)
John: What was it like? What'd you see in there?
Cameron: I saw everything.

What He Beheld
Cameron: You haven't spoken for 28 minutes.
John: Well, it's nothing…All right, my birthday's tomorrow, okay? I know that mom totally forgot.
Cameron: Birthday?
John: Hey, you don't know what a birthday is?
Cameron: It's the day you were born.
John: Pretty memorable for a mother, right?
Cameron: But it was 16 years ago.
John: No, a birthday's like a holiday. Like once a year, every year, people just kind of celebrate you, I guess.
And you get presents and you eat cake and it's fun. It's supposed to be. Last year, mom got me a flak jacket.
Cameron: That's a tight present.
John: No, it's not. Whatever, look, I don't know why I care. I've been driving since I was 12, and, technically,
this is my 24th birthday. It's just I time traveled over eight of them.
Cameron: Do I have a birthday?
John: I don't know. Were you born?
Cameron: I was built.
John: Well, then, maybe you have like a built day.

Cameron:(Refers to the dead guy in the trunk) He was a threat to us.
John: Did he say a name, a location?
Cameron: He said very little, and then he was quiet.

Season 2

Samson & Delilah
(John and Sarah discuss Cameron's reversion)
John: She knows everything.
Sarah: I know.
John: Bank accounts. Contingency plans. Weapons stash.
Sarah: I know.
John: How we run, where we'll go. Who we've been, who we'll be. She's... stronger and faster.
Sarah: We have to kill her, John.
John: I know! (drives a knife into the table) I know.

(John tries to remove Cameron's chip)
Cameron: John. John? You can't do this. You don't know what you're about to do.
John:Yes, I do. You were gonna kill me.
Cameron: No, John. You can't do this. You're not doing the right thing. This is not the right thing, John.
Things are good now. Things are fine now. I ran a test. (John pauses) Things are good now. I'm fixed now.
You can trust me now. Everything's good now.
Sarah: What are you waiting for!?
Cameron: She doesn't know, she doesn't. I'm good now. I'm good, I ran a test. Everything's perfect. I'm perfect.
Sarah: John!
Cameron: I'm sorry for what I did. I'm sorry. It wasn't me. You have to understand. It wasn't me.
That wasn't me. You can't let this happen, John. You can't! (John pops open her shock dampener)
Please, listen to me. Listen to me. I don't want to go. Please, John, please. John, listen to me. I don't want to go.
Please, John. Please. I'm good now. Listen to me. I don't want to go. I'm sorry. (starts to cry) That wasn't me.
I'm fixed now. I ran a test. Everything's perfect. You can trust me.
(John hesitates)
Sarah: John Connor!
Cameron: I love you! I love you, please. I love you, John, and you love me.
(John is shocked by her confession and angrily removes her chip before collapsing from sadness)

John: She is different.
Derek: No.
John: I made her. I sent her back. She's different.
Derek: She's not different.
John: There's physical damage to her chip. Which means that she can be repaired, she-
Derek: John.
John: I need her. She saved my life. SHE SAVES MY LIFE!
(Derek leaves and Sarah takes his place)
Sarah: I know what you saw today. I know what you did, and I'm... so proud of you. Maybe you
could fix her. I know you want to try. But I can't let you. I just- I can't.
John: So burn her. Let's get the hell out of here.

Sarah: What she said back there... Everything she said, it was a trick. You know that, right?
They don't feel anything. They don't have feelings. They don't know love.
John: I know that, mom.

(John approaches the car, places the chip in Cameron's hand & strokes her hand)
John: The flare. Where is it?
Charley: Sarah?
Sarah: Yeah.
(Charley hands John the flare)
John: (looks carefully at Cameron) I'm sorry.
(John reinserts Cameron's chip and pulls a gun on the others)
Derek: John- John! Don't do this. John, don't do this!
(Sarah pushes Derek away)
Sarah: Back off! John, she'll kill you.
John: There's only one way to find out.
(Cameron reactivates and sits up)
Cameron: Are you here to kill me, John?
John: (points the gun at her) Are you here to kill me?
Cameron: (cautiously) No.
(John offers the gun to Cameron)
John: Promise?
(Cameron takes the gun and considers John closely)
Cameron: (HUD: Identification: John Connor. Terminate... Termination Override) Promise.
(Cameron gives back the gun and John helps her out of the car before setting it alight)

Automatic for the People
(John checks Cameron's injuries)
John: It's healing quickly.
Cameron: Quicker than yours.
John: What about the rest of you? You're back to normal?
Cameron: Things have changed, John.
John: What things?
Cameron: You can't be trusted anymore.
John: Me? I can't be trusted anymore?
Cameron: You risked your life to fix me. That was a very dangerous thing to do. That could upset people.
John: (looks pointedly at Sarah and Derek) They'll have to deal with it.
Cameron: Not them.

Cameron: You have a new friend.
John: Her name is Riley and you probably creeped her out. When you talk to people, don't stand so close.
Cameron: I was assessing her threat level.
John: Well? Am I safe?
Cameron: I don't know. Girls are complicated.
John: About what you said before, about not being able to trust me.
Cameron: Yes?
John: I don't have to prove anything to anyone. Anyone. Including you.

The Mousetrap
Cameron: Your mother told me to keep an eye on you.
John: Yeah well, that doesn't mean you have to go everywhere I do.
Cameron: Yes it does.
John: Just because my mother said it doesn't make it so. I'm not a child anymore;
I can go to the store or see a friend or do whatever the hell else people like me do.
Cameron: There are no other people like you.

Allison from Palmdale
John: Earth to Cameron.
Cameron: What?
John: Are you okay? Cause if you're gonna try and kill me again, I wouldn't mind a head start.
Cameron: If I was going to try to kill you again, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

John: (annoyed) Hey. What the hell are you doing?
Cameron: (laughs) Playing Foosball.
John: We've gotta go.
Cameron: Go where?
John: Home.
Cameron: Home? Who are you?
John: Cameron...
Cameron: My name's Allison.
John: No, it's not. It's Cameron. I can't explain this to you right now. We have to go before mom gets home.
Cameron: (confused) You're freaking me out.
John: I'm freaking you out? You really not know who you are?
Cameron: I'm Allison. From Palmdale.
John: (frustrated) You're not Allison. You're not from Palmdale. You're from the future. You're a machine.
Cameron: A what?
John: Your chip is messed up again, but I can fix you. I fixed you once, remember?
Cameron: (angry) Fix me? Why would you fix me?

Cameron: That was my last get out of jail free.
John: Damn right. [Notices Cameron's necklace] Where did you get that?
Cameron: [Repeating a lie told to her by Jody] I got it at this awesome thrift store in Echo Park.

The Tower Is Tall But The Fall Is Short
Cameron: [Speaking of a terminator she has recently killed] This model has been redesigned.
Derek: With a self-destruct feature?
John: Skynet must not want me reprogramming in the future.
Cameron: This is one way to stop you.
John: Well, I guess they're getting smarter. We should too.

Mr Ferguson Is Ill Today
(Cameron removes her shirt and enters John's room)
Cameron: Are you busy?
John: No. (Cameron closes the door and approaches the bed) Did you change?
Cameron: It's hot out.
(Cameron sits on the bed)
John: Since when do you feel heat?
Cameron: I feel heat.
(Cameron lies down next to John)
John: Are you hoping that Riley's gonna see us in bed together, and be totally scarred for the rest of her life or something?
Cameron: No. I watched Riley leave till I couldn't see her anymore.
John: And then you and mom high-fived.
Cameron: You bring danger into Riley's life.
John: I know that. I'm not stupid.
Cameron: But sometimes you do stupid things. It would help me to understand why.
John: Humans do stupid things. So don't worry about it, and be happy you're a machine.
Cameron: I'm a machine. I can't be happy. But I understand more than you think.
John: So you understand that I'm going to keep seeing Riley, even if everyone thinks it's a bad idea.
Cameron: I understand that it's a bad idea. And... I understand that being John Connor can be lonely.
John: Oh, yeah? How do you understand that?
Cameron: You and I talk about it a lot.
John: We do?
Cameron: We do. We will.
(John becomes conscious of just how close she is and shuffles uncomfortably)
John: I need- I need to get some sleep.
(Cameron sits up)
Cameron: And Riley?
John: I know. I know.
(Cameron leaves and recovers her shirt)

(Cameron searches a Mexican police station for John)
Cameron: I'm looking for John Baum. Where is he?
Chief: Yo no se.
Derek: We gotta get out of here.
Cameron: We gotta find John.
(Cameron checks a dead cop)
Derek: We're no good to him dead.
Cameron: I can't let anything happen to him.

Cameron: What's wrong with her?
John: I don't know. She's-- She's burning up.
Sarah: I'm fine.
Cameron: Is she pregnant?
John: Why in the hell would you even ask that?
Cameron: Kacy vomited when she was pregnant. You're vomiting. It's morning. That's when it happens.
John: Just shut up.
Sarah: It's a bug or something. Stomach flu or something.
John: We'll be home soon, okay? Here.
Sarah: Wait. (Turns over turtle as Cameron look on)

(Cameron comes into the room with a drink)
Sarah: What's that?
Cameron: It's rehydration fluid. Drink one cup every half hour or right after you vomit.
John: No, no, no. Where are you going?
Sarah: We have to go back now.
John: Back where?
Sarah: Mexico. There's thermite in the garage. We need to burn Cromartie's body.
John: Cromartie's dead. You destroyed his chip.
Sarah: You have to incinerate him, John. It's the only way to be sure.
John: He's buried in a hole in the middle of the Mexican desert, And his chip has been obliterated. I think we're pretty--
Cameron: Safe? It's not safe.
John: Oh, god, she's starting to sound like you.
Sarah: She's right.

(Cameron extends a bare foot out of the car window)
John: What are you doing?
Cameron: Feeling what it's like to get away from it all.
John: I don't think you are.
Cameron: What do you mean?
John: If by feelings you mean emotions, I'm pretty sure you still don't have any of those.
And if by feeling you mean what it feels like to have the wind blow through your toes or your hair...(sighs)
I'm pretty sure you can't feel that either.
Cameron: I don't think you understand how we work. I have sensation. I feel. I wouldn't be worth much if I couldn't feel.

(John and Cameron are waiting outside James Ellison's house)
Cameron: There are many things I don't understand.
John: (sighs) Like what?
Cameron: The tortoise.
John: What tortoise?
Cameron: It was on its back by the side of the road in Mexico. Your mother turned it over.
John: She was helping it.
Cameron: I know. But why?
John: 'cause that's what we do. When we, uh... When we see something that's, uh, in pain, or in trouble, or whatever, we try and help it.
Cameron: Empathy.
John: Something like that.
Cameron: But not everyone would turn the tortoise over.
John: No. Some would just leave it there.
Cameron: Some would probably drive over it and crush it.
John: Yeah, I guess they would. Is that what you'd do?
(Cameron sees Ellison arrive at his house)
Cameron: It didn't seem like much of a threat. We're not built to be cruel.
John: (smiles faintly) Yeah, that's one for cyborgs.
Cameron: (smiles appreciatively) Yes. That's one for us.

(Cameron throws Ellison around the room)
John: Cameron.
Cameron: He's lying.
John: You don't know that.
Ellison: (Ellison is being choked by Cameron) Please, John.
John: If you know, you better tell me right now.
Ellison: I don't know. I don't know.
John: Let him go.
Cameron: Why?
John: He's telling the truth.
Cameron: We could find out for certain.
John: Let him go. Sorry.

Self Made Man
Sarah: You never sleep. Make yourself useful. (Gives Cameron the laundry basket)
John: The most efficient killing machine ever invented. You've got her doing laundry.
(Sarah takes laundry from Cameron and gives it to John)
John:You do never sleep.
(Gives Cameron the laundry basket, smirks and walks away leaving Cameron in the dark)

(Cameron catches John sneaking into the house)
Cameron: Where were you all night?
John: Out.
(Cameron touches the lipstick on John's neck)
Cameron: Carbon chain C-24, lanolin, and red dye number 27. You were with Riley.
(John stares at Cameron for a long moment and then walks up to his room)

Earthlings Welcome Here
Cameron: You didn't buy me a smoothie.
Riley: I'm sorry, I didn't know you were here.
Cameron: I'm always here.
John: Cameron, I'm not sure we're gonna have enough paint. Would you do me a favor and go out and get some?
Cameron: You have 420 square feet to paint. What you have should be sufficient.
John: Two coats. It's a bigger job than it looks.
Cameron: I have a job, too.

John: Hey. What's going on?
Cameron: I'm looking at her star.
Riley: She thinking about getting one.
John: A tattoo? Of what?
Cameron: A tiger or a wolf. I haven't decided yet. We need to talk.

Cameron: She's lying.
John: About what?
Cameron: I don't know, but her pulse was elevated and her hand was perspiring. She's lying.
John: Yeah, her pulse was elevated because you were freaking her out, as usual.
Cameron: What happened to her face?
John: I don't know. She didn't say.
Cameron: I can get her to tell me the truth.
John: Stay away from her.

The Good Wound
John: You know me in the future. What would future me do?
Cameron: You mean about Riley?
John: Yeah. What would future me do right now?
Cameron: Future you has more important things to do.

John: I saw empty cargo elevators back there. I'm going to go see if she's hiding. You check the
parking lot and the exits. We need to find her. Now.
Cameron: No.
John: No what?
Cameron: No, we don't need to find her.

Desert Cantos
Cameron: She hasn't looked at her father's picture since we've been here. Not once. Neither has her mother.
Derek: Yeah, and?
Cameron: If you had a photo of Kyle Reese, you'd look at it, wouldn't you? Maybe there's something I don't understand.
John: He's not dead.
Derek: That's a big leap.
John: Let me repeat what she said. If you had a photo of your brother, would you or would you not look at it?
Derek: He's not dead.
Cameron: We should find him before he is.

Some Must Watch While Others Must Sleep
Cameron: [Looking down at the food in a cafeteria] Scrambled or hard boiled?
John: Um, scrambled.
Cameron: You need a carbohydrate that makes up at least 15% of your daily allowance. (Places two pancakes on John's plate)
John: Those won't be as good as yours.
(Cameron smiles at John)
Sarah: You made pancakes?
Cameron: I added a teaspoon of vanilla to your recipe.
Sarah: I don't have a recipe.
Cameron: The recipe on the box.

Cameron: Salvador Dali often explored the subconscious in the dreamworld in his work. Are your dreams like this painting?
John: [John turns from the vending machine and looks at the painting] Everyone's dreams are different. I guess it depends
on what's stuck in your head. [Puts money in the vending machine and pushes the buttons for a bag of chips, which get stuck] Gah! Come on!!
Cameron: What's it like to dream?
John: It's sort of like you're in a play or a movie. It looks real and feels real.
Cameron: How do you know it's not real?
John: Sometimes you don't. (Bangs on the vending machine in an attempt to make the chips fall)
(Cameron walks over and examines the vending machine's exterior, then makes a fist and taps the front gently.)
John: Hey, hey! Be careful.
(Watches as several different snacks fall to the bottom of the machine. He looks around, making sure no one noticed,
then sees Cameron retrieve his bag of chips.)
Yes, thank you.

Ourselves Alone
(John finds Cameron working on her arm in the garage)
Cameron: I killed a bird.
John: Not the one in the chimney?
Cameron: I thought you should know.
(Cameron tinkers with her arm)
John: The bird did that?
Cameron: No, I did that. Look... (John leans over her arm) The bird experienced an involuntary movement of my fingers. It was fragile.
John: Wiggle your fingers. (Cameron complies) Yeah, there's damage but it's buried pretty deep in there.
Cameron: I don't know how it happened.
John: Well, it was probably during a fight. You're not designed to fight other machines. (Picks up a torch and examines the damage)
Alright, maybe I can swap this out if we had some spare parts lying around. (Cameron shows him her secret stash) You're supposed to burn the endos.
Cameron: Not all of them.
John: Says who?
Cameron: You.
John: Wha-What? Future Me?
Cameron: Future You.
John: Yeah, why doesn't that surprise me?
Cameron: I have damage to my hand and now you're able to fix it. (John sorts through the spare parts)
Future John has better information than you do.

(John fixes the new part into Cameron's arm)
John: Okay, clench your fist. (Cameron closes her hand over his and stares at him) And... Okay, fingers straight.
(Cameron un-clenches her hand) Okay. You feel any different?
Cameron: Yes.
John: Are you all fixed?
Cameron: I don't know.
John: Well, just try not to kill any more birds.
Cameron: You're ahead of schedule.
John: With what?
Cameron: (smiles slightly) What you need to learn.

(Cameron and John finish discussing Derek's assignment)
Cameron: I'll make you a sandwich.
(Cameron turns to leave)
John: Wait. Why?
Cameron: You're hungry.
John: Why don't we let hungry be my problem.
Cameron: Sometimes it's nice to have help.
John: How's the hand?
Cameron: Not a problem.
John: Aren't you supposed to be really good at self-repair?
Cameron: Yes.
John: But sometimes it's nice to have help.
Cameron: Yes.
John: Well, I'll make my own sandwich.
(John leaves Cameron alone)

John: Cameron? Do you think it's possible for me to know something Future John doesn't know?
Cameron: That's hard to know. Seems unlikely.
John: Do you think it's possible for me to know something you don't know?
Cameron: Are you asking me if Future John kept secrets from me?(John nods) I'm sure he did.

(John confronts Cameron after finding her intimidating Riley)
John: Were you gonna kill her?
Cameron: I don't know what I was gonna do.
John: What do you mean you didn't know what you were gonna do? Since when do you not know what you're gonna do?
Cameron: I don't know. You should've killed her. She's a threat to you.
John: That is not your decision to make.
Cameron: It's usually not a decision.
John: Well, obviously it is this time. And it's not yours... What's happening with you?
Cameron: I don't know.

(John finds Cameron working on something in the garage)
John: I can't find her.
Cameron: She's out there, she'll call you. Eventually, she always does.
John: Cameron, did you...
Cameron: You know I didn't.
(John approaches Cameron)
John: What have you been doing? You've been out here for hours.
Cameron: Making something... (holds out the pocket watch) for you.
John: (John smiles shyly and takes the watch) What is it?
Cameron: You tried to fix me. Twice now. It's not working.
John: And?
Cameron: I'm not capable of self-termination.
John: Suicide.
Cameron: I can't kill myself. But you can.
John: Why would I wanna kill you?
Cameron: You might have to someday. (John opens the watch) I've planted an explosive in my skull near my chip.
It's a small amount, but it's enough.
John: (closes the watch) Enough?
(Cameron puts the watch around John's neck)
Cameron: All you have to do is hit the switch.
John: What would Future John do now?
Cameron: Future John doesn't live here. You do.
(John hides the watch beneath his shirt and Cameron smiles reassuringly)

Today is the Day Part 1
(Cameron finds John examining the kill switch)
John: Was it you? Did you kill her?
Cameron: What if I did?
John: Don't play games with me. I need the truth.
Cameron: I didn't kill her.
John: I wanna believe you.
Cameron: Believe me.
John: Sometimes you lie to me.
Cameron: Yes... I do, but not right now. I am sorry.
(John turns to face her)
John: You're sorry... For what?
Cameron: For your loss.
John: I really wish I could believe that too.
(John leaves)

Sarah: How can you say that? How can you be so sure?
John: Cause I'm sure. And I know her. And she told me.
Sarah: Hey, just like she told you she loved you.
John: (John slams his hands on the table) You don't know anything.

(John is on the phone to Cameron pretending to be talking to Riley)
Cameron: John?
John: Yep?
Cameron: I love you.
John: (tries not to smile) Okay, bye.
(Later - John and Cameron meet outside)
John: What the hell was that about?
Cameron: What was what about?
John: What happened just now.
Cameron: It was the plan.
John: No, the plan was to call the foster parents. The plan was to let him hear her voice.
Cameron: That's what I did.
John: That's not all you did. What you did was not the plan.
Cameron: The plan was to make him think she's still alive, so he wouldn't go to the police. You became part of that plan.
Your reaction made it more authentic. Don't you think it was more authentic that way? (John just glares at her) Where are we going now?
John: We're not going anywhere. I'm going somewhere, and I'm gonna go alone.
(John starts to leave)
Cameron: You shouldn't be alone.
John: Yes I should.
(John walks away)

Today is the Day Part 2
John: I'm sorry I doubted you.
Sarah: John...
John: No, not you. Her.
(John nods to Cameron)

(Jesse asks a question before she leaves)
Jesse: Would it have worked?
John: What?
Jesse: If the cyborg had killed the girl, or if I could've made you believe that she had...
John: ...would I have sent Cameron away? Would I have killed her? No.

Adam Raised a Cain
John: I wanna tell you something.
Cameron: Yes?
John: It was not my idea to ditch you and Derek. I thought we were going to meet you in the desert,
and then my mom took this detour off to Charley's. I thought you knew.
Cameron: She had her reasons.
John: Yeah, she was pretty damn pissed at Derek about the whole Jesse thing. Who wasn't? I guess none of that matters now.
Cameron: You miss him.
John: Well... there's no use crying about it, is there? I'm sure Future Me would beat my ass if I did.
Cameron: Future You knows what it means to lose people you love. It happens to him, too...your mother ditched us because
she was going to ditch you. She was going to leave you with Charley.
John: No. No, that's... that's insane.
Cameron: She found a lump in her breast.
John: Yeah, the transmitter, I know.
Cameron: She thought it was cancer.
John: Well, she had a lump. Makes sense.
Cameron: She's lost weight.
John: What?
(Sarah interrupts)

Born to Run
John: We should move.
Cameron: This motel is out of the way.
John: The desk clerk could have clocked us last night.
Cameron: Relocating within 24 hours of the incident has high risk factors. This room provides excellent sight lines down the highway.
John: This is not an incident! This is my mother! (Cameron stares at John) I need a computer. I need to do research.
Cameron: You want the blueprints for the Los Angeles County Jail.
John: Do I?
Cameron: So you can plan how to get your mother out. But, I'm not going to let you do that, you should know that by now.
John: I do know that by now.
Cameron: Then what is there to research?
John: Power sources. Shielded nuclear power sources.
Cameron: Like mine?
John: Just like yours.
Cameron: Why?
John: I wanna know if being around them all the time can give you cancer.

John: How much weight has she lost? You think she has cancer cause she lost weight. So, how much weight has she lost?
Cameron: Eleven percent of her mass in the last six weeks.
John: She was healthy before you showed up. That's all I know. She was healthy.
Cameron: If my power source was leaking I would know. I have sensors for that.
John: Where are they?
Cameron: You can't see them.
John: (laughs) No, of course not. So I just have to trust you on it. But stuff does go wrong with you though,
doesn't it. Stuff breaks. You kill birds. You try to murder me. You're not perfect. You're a machine.

Ellison: Will you join us? She says she hopes you'll know what that means.
John: Do you know what that means?
Cameron: No, I don't. Please leave now, Mr. Ellison. I think you've said enough.
Ellison: John...
Cameron: You've said enough, Mr. Ellison. I won't ask you again. (Ellison gets up and leaves) He upset you.
John: Me? I think he upset you.
Cameron: You know that's impossible.
John:Is it?
Cameron: You said it yourself, John. I'm just a machine.

(John wakes up to find Cameron watching him)
John: (startled) Don't do that. My mom used to do that, I really hate that. (Cameron just stares at him) What's going on?
Cameron: You need to understand how it works.
John: What?
Cameron: This chip. This body. This software is designed to terminate humans. The hardware is designed to terminate humans.
That's our sole function.
John: Not you.
Cameron: No, not anymore. But what was there is still there. And will always be there.
John: So down deep, you wanna kill me.
Cameron: Yes, I do.
John: Then why don't you?
Cameron: I might some day... I need to show you something. (Cameron removes her top) This body.
(She unclips her bra and lies topless on the bed) Get on top of me. (John moves over her) Put your knee here.
(Cameron gives John a knife and points to her right breast) Right here. (John hesitates) If I'm damaged, we should know.
(John cuts into her and she grimaces) Reach down under the breast plate. (John locates her power source) There. What does it feel like?
John: Cold. That's good, right?
Cameron: That's good. That's perfect. (John starts to lean closer) John... (He pauses) It's time to go.

John: Are you okay?
Cameron: I'm not 100%.

(Weaver activates the TDE device around herself, John, Sarah, and Cameron's body)
Sarah: John, we can't.
John: (distraught) He's got her chip. He's got her. (Sarah backs out of the time sphere) Mom...
Sarah: I'll stop it.
(The TDE takes John and Weaver to the future)

Favorite Jameron Moments
1) The scene after watching Vic and his wife and Cameron remarks that she could
tell it was effective when he stroked her face (I think its this episode)
2) Of course all the scenes from the same episode where John removes then replaces Cam's chip.
3) Cameron tells John she loves him and he loves her.
4) John reinserts her chip against Sarah's judgment.
5) Cameron lies on the bed with John.
6) John apologizes to Cameron for doubting her.
7) Finale scenes when he checks her for damage.

-when Cameron ate the chip and said she was different. John called her hot chick
-John's reaction to Cameron wearing only underwears lol
-when Cameron touched the back of John's neck
-when Cam told him what the other terminator did to his wife was effective. Then John
asked her "What are you doing?" Then before she left the room , she winked at him.
-John: She's a machine. "She doesn't have a soul and she never will have.
If you don't trust her, then trust me."
-after John put the chip back in Cam, he touched her face and hair gently.
-the ILY part ..Then in the church, he kept looking at her.
-pretty much every time Cam gets jealous of Riley hehe
-the bed scene esp the last part "We do. We will" then they stared at each other
when Cam offered to make John a sandwich.
-when Cam gave John the kill switch.
-when John was trying to fix Cam
-John complimented Cam's pancake...They smiled at each other..very cute scene.
-get on top of me" scene. HOT.
-John's reaction to Cam's chip missing.

- Scene in 102 where Cam feels his neck. so hot!
- pretty much all the scenes in "Vic's Chip" where he takes her chip out and puts it back in.
I love how he stokes her face and just stares at her.
- obviously the "I love you!" scene in 201. That was heartbreaking. And then when John told
Derek he needed her.
- the bedroom scene in 208! so much sexual tension! I loved when they showed John's POV.
- the second "I love you" over the phone. LOVED LOVED LOVED that scene.
- the scenes in the car near mid season where Cam talked about being able to feel sensation,
and John really noticing a change.
- All of the scenes regarding Cam's arm, how John asked if she felt different and she said yes.
- The scene where he said "whats going on with you." AMAZING acting from Thomas and I felt
like it was such a turning point.
- The "why would I want to kill you?" scene.
- When he tells Jesse he wouldn't have killed her.
- The scene between John/Sarah ABOUT Cam where his mom said "Just like she told you she
loved you!" Johns face was freaking heartbreaking and then he yelled "You dont know anything!"
- The scenes in the finale, of course, the bed scene, and then the very end where he sees Allison.

- Anything involving them and a bedroom is always amazing! From John caressing Cameron's face to
licking his lips while on top of her, they do bedroom scene justice!
- John catching Cameron in her underwear (x2).
- The two ILU scenes, especially the first one b\c it made me want to watch the show again.
- "He's got her chip, he's got her." - the whole jumping through time to save her is so sweet.
- "Why would I want to kill you?" - She literally put her life in his hands b\c she'd rather die than hurt him in anyway.
- Cleaning Cameron's chip and turning on his mom and uncle just to put the chip back into her and save her.

Jameron Animations
Season 1:

Season 2:


Previous Threads

Future Titles\Reasons
Because Jameron + the bedroom = EPIC LOVE!
Because "sometimes it's nice to have help."
Because "you risked your life to fix me."
Because "I need her. She saved my life. SHE SAVES MY LIFE!"
Because "I admire him. His determination, his spirit, his fearlessness."
"Since when do you feel heat?" "I feel heat."
Because Cameron is always by his side.
Because John would never leave her behind.
Because they talk a lot about things.
Because she understands that being John Connor can be lonely.
Because he tells her secrets and she keeps her promises to him.
Because Sarah doesn't like the way John responds to Cameron, but we do!
Because "I gotta find John. I can't let anything happen to him."
Because "I'm sorry I doubted you."
Because "I have sensation. I feel. I wouldn't be worth much if I couldn't feel."
Because he liked seeing Cameron walking around in her underwear.
Because "You feel any different?" *while holding John's hand* "Yes."
Because Cameron wanted to make John a sandwich.
Because even if Jesse's planned worked, John wouldn't have killed Cameron.
Because "I can't kill myself, but you can." "Why would I want to kill you?"
Because he wants to believe Cameron.
Because it wasn't John's idea to ditch Cameron.
Because "I need to show you something. This body. Get on top of me."
Because "I'm sorry John. I'm sorry John. I'm sorry John..."
Because he traveled through time for her
Because "Are you here to kill me John? Are you here to kill me? No. Promise? Promise."
Because she overrode her mission to kill John Connor
Because "her whole purpose in life is to protect him" - Summer Glau
B\C "John was very rude to you (Cameron) often but it was to mask that he was still in love with you" - Thomas Dekker
Because I try to live without you, every time I do I feel dead.
Because she loves him more than anything
"The show takes you in places you're not expecting and you go there". - Josh Friedman
The creator of Terminator:tSCC himself ships Jameron!
"Are you a Jameron?" - "I think I am." - Josh Friedman
B\C Even Josh Friedman ships Jameron!
Because he will always find her, no matter where
B\C I'd fight for you, give my life for you, you know I'd always come for you.
Because "Jameron forever!!!" - Summer Glau
Because "it's tough when you fall in love with a robot!" -Thomas Dekker
Because we're dreaming of their first kiss
Because we can't stop thinking about their first kiss
Because if Cameron kissed John, he'd never wash his face again
Because wherever or whenever they are, they will find each other
Because Messiah and Cyborg in love = EPIC
Because from the very first moment we met, I knew that you would change my world

"I'll Always Find You": Chapter 1 - Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles
In the Hands of an Angry Machine, a Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles fanfic - FanFiction.Net
the things my fingers spit out
Born to Fight, a Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles fanfic - FanFiction.Net
The Watcher, a Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles fanfic - FanFiction.Net
Judgement's Dawn, a Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles fanfic - FanFiction.Net
The Secret Diary Of Cameron Baum, a Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles fanfic - FanFiction.Net
Communion, a Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles fanfic - FanFiction.Net
Triage, a Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles fanfic - FanFiction.Net
Baptism, a Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles fanfic - FanFiction.Net
I Don't Sleep, a Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles fanfic - FanFiction.Net
Koinonia, a Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles fanfic - FanFiction.Net
Lullaby, a Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles fanfic - FanFiction.Net
variations on the same theme - SCC Ficathon: One Day
Ancarett's Aerie - Life Lessons (John Connor Style)
shopfront: Fic: Humanity Doesn't Come With An Endoskeleton
Adult Content Notice
alixtii: T:tSCC: "Galatea" (John/Cameron)
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Adult Content Notice
You make me whole, a Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles fanfic - FanFiction.Net

YouTube - breathe me // TSCC
YouTube - TSCC: John & Cameron - Beautiful
YouTube - TSCC: John/Cameron- Why Can't I
YouTube - The Weight Of The World - John&Cameron
YouTube - TSCC: John/Cameron- My Life Would Suck Without You
YouTube - TSCC: John/Cameron- An Honest Mistake
YouTube - Love Lockdown John&Cameron - TSCc
YouTube - Cameron is Just a Little Girl TSCc
YouTube - John&Cameron-You Found Me
YouTube - Cameron&John-Never Again
YouTube - John & Cameron - Cat & mouse
YouTube - Dance with the devil (John/Cameron)
YouTube - John & Cameron , Sarah - Amazing ! ! !
YouTube - Bang [John/Cameron]
YouTube - Dizzy [TSCC; John/Cameron]
YouTube - Brighter than Sunshine // John and Cameron
YouTube - Wasting All My Time [John/Cameron; TSCC]
YouTube - TSCC: Future!John/Cameron/John- Whispers in the Dark
YouTube - TSCC: John/Cameron- Feel Good Drag
YouTube - John&Cameron/Derek&Allison - Bittersweet
YouTube - John & Cameron - "Follow" Breaking Benjamin
YouTube - Look After You -John/Cameron
YouTube - Jameron | I Will Wait For You
YouTube - John and Cameron - It Has to End to Begin
YouTube - Shattered (JOHN/CAMERON)

Jameron Mix

The Fray - Look After You
You've begun to feel like home
What's mine is yours to leave or take
What's mine is yours to make your own
You are so beautiful to me

Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Your Guardian Angel
I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

Beyonce - Halo
You’re everything I need and more
It’s written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won’t fade away

Pink - Please Don't Leave Me
Please don't leave me
I always say how I don't need you
But it's always gonna come right back to this
Please, don't leave me

Matchbox 20 - I Can't Let You Go
I can't let you go
Can't let you go
You're part of my soul
You're all that I know

One Republic - Come Home
So I say you'll..
Come home come home
Cause I've been waiting for you
For so long

Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest
I'm strong on the surface
Not all the way through
I've never been perfect
But neither have you

Nickelback - I'd Come For You
And I'd fight for you
I'd lie, it's true
Give my life for you
You know I'd always come for you

Skillet - Whispers in the Dark
I will be the one that's gonna hold you
I will be the one that you run to
My love is a burning, consuming fire
No, you'll never be alone

Three Days Grace - Over and Over
So many thoughts that I can't get out of my head
I try to live without you, every time I do I feel dead
I know what's best for me but I want you instead
I'll keep on wasting all my time Over and over

Sia - Numb
You made me smile today
You spoke with many voices
We travelled miles today
Shared expressions voiceless

Goo Goo Dolls - Iris
And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now

Daughtry – What About Now
The ways you made me feel alive, the ways I loved you
For all the things that never died
To make it through the night
Love will find you

Organized by Soleya
Artwork by naturellebella
Songs picked by Soleya, stellalovesLP and naturellebella

Jameron Icons

Jameron Scenes
YouTube - Cameron tells John she loves him in Riley's voice
YouTube - TSCC 2x22 - John/Cameron - "I need to show you something...this body"
YouTube - "John/Cameron Love Scene" T:tSCC Season 2 Premiere
YouTube - "John/Cameron Bedroom Scene"
YouTube - Cameron reactivated
YouTube - TSCC Season 2 scene - She saved my life!
YouTube - Jameron getting ready for 1st day of school 1x03
YouTube - Automatic for the People (2x02) @ 1:15 John asks if Cameron she's back to normal
YouTube - Self-Made Man (2x11) Jameron - Laundry Scene
YouTube - Self-Made Man (2x11) Jameron - Morning After
YouTube - The Mousetrap (2x03) Jameron - There are no other people like you
YouTube - Where He Beheld (1x09) Jameron - Maybe, you have a built day.
YouTube - Vick's Chip (1x08) Jameron - That was effective.
YouTube - Vick's Chip (1x08) Jameron - Do you lie to me?

Jameron links | Effective | John Connor, Cameron, Terminator, The Sarah Connor Chronicles
John/Cameron LiveJournal Community

Jameron Wishlist
- First Kiss
- Breakfast in bed
- Cameron initiating a first hug
- More Cameron watching John sleep
- First meeting after John gets Cameron back
- "I love you John/Cameron, I always have and always will"
- "I gave up the world for you Cameron"
- Hand holding
- An apology from John to Cameron for not believing she could feel and being a stupid jerk
- More get on top of me moments that don't involve knifes this time
- Cameron making John pancakes
- John and Cameron eating breakfast and sharing the paper
- John accidentally touching Cameron in an intimate manner
- John being caught looking at Cameron in a loving way
- John and Cameron having to pose as a couple for a cover
- John telling Sarah he loves Cameron
- John calling Cameron his girlfriend
- Cameron calling John her boyfriend
- Cameron telling John she'll never leave him
- Cameron holding John while he cries
- Cameron throwing herself in front of John for protection
- Cameron mouthing "I love you" to John before half her face gets blown off in battle
- Cameron kissing John on his cheek, leaving her lipstick kiss there
- John smiling at lipstick kiss
- Hot bedroom make-out
- Sneaking out to spend time together behind everyone's back
- Having a talk about why John was so mean to her in Season 2
- Cameron telling John that she was jealous about Riley
- John telling Cameron that he was trying to make her jealous with Riley
- Cameron crying in front of John
- John telling Cameron he can't live without her
- Cameron telling John he's her reason for existing
- John and Cameron going on date together
- Cameron and Sarah having a conversation about John and Cameron's relationship
- Sarah saying that she doesn't like their relationship but, since she makes john happy it's okay
- John telling Cameron he loves her just the way she is
- John telling Cameron she's the only one for him
- Cameron bakes John a cake for his birthday
- Cameron tells John to make a wish on his birthday candles and
he says "I already have everything I've ever wanted" and then kisses her!
- John attending to her injuries
- Cameron taking care of John when he's hurt
- Cameron not leaving John's side when he's hurt
- John waking up next to Cameron
- Cameron seducing John
- Cameron makes John laugh
- John and Cameron discuss their future together
and what they want to do after they stop JD
- John gives Cameron a build day present!
- Cameron tells John he's her John now
- Forehead touch
- John breathing in Cameron's hair

Picture of the Moment



Kem (Tumblr)

Last edited by naturellebella; 06-26-2009 at 12:42 PM
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Old 06-22-2009, 03:46 AM
Fan Forum Star

Soleya's Avatar
Joined: Oct 2004
Posts: 241,440
Oh Kem, the title is making me cry! So beautiful and perfect and just so very Jameron! Than you!

Ooh, I love the art!

And OMG that soundtarck is making me cry even more! Perfect!!!!

I'm way too exited about this...
No fate but what we make
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Old 06-22-2009, 03:49 AM
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naturellebella's Avatar
Joined: Sep 2005
Posts: 126,267
You're welcome!! I was hoping that everyone would like it.

I made this other art:

but I didn't like it enough to put it in the OP but I'll share it anyways.

Okay, guess how many Jameron scenes are in the album cover! That's like my favorite part.


Kem (Tumblr)
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Old 06-22-2009, 03:56 AM
Fan Forum Star

Soleya's Avatar
Joined: Oct 2004
Posts: 241,440

Oh the other art is good too, but the one in OP is so pretty!
And did I say how much I love that album cover yet! It's incredible!!!
I just can't stop staring at it! And the whole OP is so pretty! And oh, all this Jameron love is making my head spin!
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Old 06-22-2009, 04:03 AM
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10 heads - 5 scenes Two bedroom scenes (2x08 and 2x22), Gas Station scene (1x01), Funeral (2x15) and the John after saving Cameron scene in (2x01)!

Thank you omgosh, you know what song I'm in love with now? Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest I've played it like 10 times today. It so fits them! I like the video someone made with it too. I realized that the song was in Twilight and that I already had it on my IPOD all this time!


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Old 06-22-2009, 04:14 AM
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OMG i love love love the OP
anyone want to see my fic?
You make me whole, a Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles fanfic - FanFiction.Net
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Old 06-22-2009, 04:37 AM
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I read it Stella! I love it! A sequal perhabs?
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Old 06-22-2009, 04:40 AM
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Nope another chapter!
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Old 06-22-2009, 04:44 AM
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Fantastic, that's even better! I can't wait! How many chapters are you planning on?
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Old 06-22-2009, 04:44 AM
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That was really great Stella and just in time for the 10th thread! I'll put it in the OP


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Old 06-22-2009, 05:08 AM
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She had a great timing with that fic! A sign of true obsession is when you have to write your own fics because you,ve read everything else!
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Old 06-22-2009, 05:13 AM
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Hahah ya Soleya thats true
Thanks soo much Kemmy
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Old 06-22-2009, 05:24 AM
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So how do you plan on continueing your story Stella? If you're willing to tell of course! You don't have to!
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Old 06-22-2009, 05:31 AM
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Well... I dont really have it planned out but im thinking along the lines that John is trying to find Cameron but at the same time trying to stay away from Allison cause its a painful reminder. And he rises the ranks in the resistance with Catherines help etc.
but its still basically Johns thoughts
I've tried to stay who I am, and family and friends still say I haven't changed. To me, that's the greatest compliment.
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Old 06-22-2009, 05:35 AM
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Ooh, that sound really good! I like it a lot! Do we have to wait long for him to find her? Bacause I wanna read about the Jameron reunion!
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