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starryeyedmvp 03-06-2011 05:37 AM

Hmm, I've seen criticizm of Fortune though from long term fans, so I think it was split. :look:

But yes. I thought it was cute of the ED ad lib, but she HAD NOTHING to apologize for. I don't really think Clark did either, although I would have liked him to tell her that he was sorry she had to endure what went down. :look: 03-06-2011 05:51 AM

Well yeah I've seen criticism too, but I'm just saying that not all long-term fans hated the episode like that article suggested.

Yep and it would have been so so simple to include that. This show really frustrates me when it can change just one small thing and make such a huge difference but they don't do that...there have been other episodes in the past that I've had issues with the for the same reasons.

*Nora* 03-06-2011 06:17 AM

Hi everyone!

Long time no see! Rachel and I got into talking so I've decided to drop by. :)

Overall, I liked the episode. It wasn't great but it wasn't bad, either.

The bad:

- The Lois/Connor stuff. Why they chose to go there is just beyond me. It was tasteless and just plain creepy. Also, why does Lois always have to be a robot no matter how traumatic the situations are? I get that Lois is strong, I love that Lois is strong, but again, she's not a robot. How can she live under the same roof with someone who wanted to force himself on her and then kill her? How? Connor was just affected by RedK, he wasn't a different person, so deep down he did want to rape Lois. Who's to say that won't happen again as soon as he's on RedK? That's just unacceptable in my book. And they wrote Clark and Lois OOC in order to brush it off. This storyline is something I'm gonna have to file away under "FAIL" and move on.

- Lionel. I just cannot get the appeal of this guy. Someone summed up his dialogue pretty well on Twitter: "You can't fight who you are! You're a Luthor! blah blah evil blah blah betrayal blah blah my son blah blah!" He really just needs to shut up.

- Tess gives Lois and Clark a gift. That was the spoiler. "Lois and Clark, I bring you....a rapist! Toodles!" Er, okay. Also Tess, asking someone to talk their fiancé into ruining his life? Not a great idea. Finally, I hated the end because it hints that Tess might turn evil again, which, boo.

- Clark walking through a house searching for Lois/Connor like a doofus. Hello? You have superpowers! Use 'em!

The good:

- The Clois scene in the kitchen and in the barn. Sometimes I take their coupledom so much for granted that I forget to appreciate just how well these two work together. They're just such great partners with so much love and respect for each other. It just shines through so much especially in that first scene. They're actually.....grownups. And then of course the one line that made me melt into a puddle on the floor:

"The only thing that's ever made me feel normal is you." :love:

It just... doesn't get any truer than that. Lois is the only person who's treated him normally no matter how much she knew about him. She has always accepted and loved him for who he was, not for who she wanted him to be.

And I love that they've brought up kids. Also, "when" we have kids, not "if". Hee. 03-06-2011 07:19 AM

Hey Nora:wave:. It's nice to see you posting here again :).

I agree with so much of your review, although like I've said elsewhere it was odd for me to have Lois be the one to bring up the topic of them having kids, since she's never been a big fan of them to begin with while Clark's always liked kids.

The kitchen scene was lovely and I really liked how Clark forgot that Lois didn't know how he felt back then, b/c it makes it look like he's gotten so used to her knowing that he can't remember that there was a time when she didn't know. I also loved that line about Lois making Clark feel normal, because that's so true to the history of their relationship. She's always treated him like a normal guy and even now she still does that and it's freeing for Clark and allows him to be himself around her.

Oh and this:


Originally posted by *Nora*

- Tess gives Lois and Clark a gift. That was the spoiler. "Lois and Clark, I bring you....a rapist! Toodles!" Er, okay. Also Tess, asking someone to talk their fiancé into ruining his life? Not a great idea. Finally, I hated the end because it hints that Tess might turn evil again, which, boo.
Made of win:lmao:

dancing in the rain 03-10-2011 01:57 PM

I just loved the line about him forgetting she wasn't there from the start. Ever since he found out that she knows, it's been so easy to adjust to her knowing and to include her in everything that it just seemed like she's been in on it for much longer than she actually was.

And the line about her making him feel normal also was so great :love: She always treated him the same and other than a couple of exceptions that the writers just had to write, she always called him on the wrong actions he did.

That quote from Nora's post about Tess' gift is spot on :rotfl: 03-10-2011 04:37 PM

Yep that Clois scene in the farmhouse was the best scene in the ep for me:nod:.

dancing in the rain 03-12-2011 03:44 PM

It just showed how good they are to and for each other :love: 03-12-2011 06:20 PM

Maybe if I focus on that Clois scene and ignore the last one my blood won't boil. 04-14-2011 05:41 AM

Taking this down b/c I'll have the new thread up soon:).

dancing in the rain 08-04-2011 01:20 PM

Ignoring certain scenes usually helps when the rest of the episode disappoints us :look: 08-04-2011 04:59 PM

It's our method of coping:P.

dwoods87 11-16-2011 02:18 AM 11-17-2011 03:26 PM

Cute kiss:love:.

dwoods87 01-06-2012 11:37 PM 01-07-2012 01:35 PM

I wish Clark had been the one to bring up the kids:sigh:.

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