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123sprinkles 03-03-2015 11:02 PM

That post was two months ago. I'm sorry about that.

stardustmelody77 03-03-2015 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by 123sprinkles (Post 80441724)
That post was two months ago. I'm sorry about that.

OH you were not there tonight? I heard someone from here was you know who?

123sprinkles 03-04-2015 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by stardustmelody77 (Post 80441749)
OH you were not there tonight? I heard someone from here was you know who?

No. :confused:

FileXxX 03-04-2015 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by stardustmelody77 (Post 80441749)
OH you were not there tonight? I heard someone from here was you know who?

I don't think anybody went. Well I can't remember anyone saying so.

Nostalgic Heart 03-04-2015 06:22 AM

I might be going to a taping of the series in April. :D

smoguntia 03-17-2015 04:33 AM

3/4 of the season is over, with only 6 episodes to go ( :bawl: ) we probably can make a little review of this season

- name you 5 favorite episode
- which episode didn't you like at all
- what do you expect for the rest of the season,
- what do you want to happen at the season finale, will there be a cliffhanger?
- who will leave during the hiatus? :D

SargeantFuzzyBoots 03-17-2015 05:54 AM

- name you 5 favorite episode: Gosh, this is hard, they've all been so good for me. Um, Prom Equivalency, Troll Manifestation, Misintepretation Agitation, Expedition Approximation, annnnnnnd Colonization Application.

- which episode didn't you like at all: Honestly, there haven't been any I haven't enjoyed; they've all been really great for different reasons. :nod:

- what do you expect for the rest of the season,: More of Howard dealing with Mrs. Wolowitz; Leonard and Sheldon's theory.

- what do you want to happen at the season finale, will there be a cliffhanger?: I have no idea at this point. :lol: In terms of a cliffhanger, I prefer how the show leaves questions at the end of the season, but doesn't necessarily have an OMG WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN HOLY CRAP ending. So basically, how they've ended seasons two, five, six, seven, etc.

- who will leave during the hiatus? : The girls should go on a cruise. :lol: They're the only ones who have never gone on a summer hiatus trip. In all honesty, though, I have no idea.

BlackWhiteRose 03-17-2015 06:19 AM

Name you 5 favorite episode The Troll Manifestation, The Prom Equivalency, The Comic Book Store Regeneration, The Septum Deviation and The Colonization Application.

Which episode didn't you like at all none so far

What do you expect for the rest of the season, - what happens with Mrs Wolowitz´s house, - Stuart should come more often, - I wanna see Zack again

What do you want to happen at the season finale, will there be a cliffhanger? I don`t know. I let the writers do their thing.

Who will leave during the hiatus? No one has to leave this season.

smoguntia 03-17-2015 02:39 PM

Name you 5 favorite episode Prom Equivalency, Clean Room Infiltration, Troll Manifestation, Intimacy Acceleration, Colonization Application

Which episode didn't you like at all I wasn't that big fan of The Hook-up Reverberation but I wouldn't say, that I didn't like it at all

What do you expect for the rest of the season, I miss Will and Zack and I miss Shamy kissing :D More wedding planing from Lenny

What do you want to happen at the season finale, will there be a cliffhanger? Sheldon asking Amy if she want to move in with him - but I don't want a cliffhanger with her answer.

Who will leave during the hiatus? Probably Shelnard because of their paper

FoxPhile 03-17-2015 03:46 PM

Name you 5 favorite episode Prom Equivalency, Troll Manifestation, The Comic Book Store Regeneration, Colonization Application, The Clean Room Infiltration

Which episode didn't you like at all I'm not a big fan of The Misinterpretation Agitation. I found the doctor a bit too creepy.

What do you expect for the rest of the season I really want to see some mention of wedding plans, and something that kickstarts a real change in living arrangements.

What do you want to happen at the season finale, will there be a cliffhanger? I'm hoping for something big on the Shamy front - like an invitation to move in, or something like that. But I'm not holding my breath. I really hope there won't be a cliffhanger - just a significant development that leaves us wondering what happens next or how things will work out.

Who will leave during the hiatus? I'd really like to see Amy or Penny leave - or both of them. Just to see what their menfolk do left to their own devices.

FileXxX 03-17-2015 03:53 PM

- name you 5 favorite episode?: Umm... Prom, Expedition, Colonization, Troll and Anxiety.

- which episode didn't you like at all? Hook-up Reverberation all the way, just for bringing it up again.

- what do you expect for the rest of the season? Nothing interesting, regarding storylines.

- what do you want to happen at the season finale, will there be a cliffhanger? Nobody leaves, I'm seriously tired of it. But I'm pretty sure it's gonna happen again.

- who will leave during the hiatus? Hopefully nobody.

lancer1993 03-17-2015 05:28 PM

- name you 5 favorite episode
Not sure if I have a top 5 this season yet.

- which episode didn't you like at all
See above answer.

- what do you expect for the rest of the season,
Some movement of Penny and Leonard getting married, even if it doesn't happen this season.

- what do you want to happen at the season finale, will there be a cliffhanger?
A pregnancy scare, but who will it be? Oldie but a goodie.

- who will leave during the hiatus?
Stuart :lol:

Whimsical Elf 03-23-2015 01:37 PM

This is really difficult, but it's interesting reading all your answers.

- name you 5 favorite episode Umm, it's very hard because there have been so many great ones, but maybe... 1. Prom/Colonization joint top. 3. Champagne Reflection (Shamy fun with flags!)/Clean Room. 5. probably Troll Manifestation.

- which episode didn't you like at all None.
- what do you expect for the rest of the season, No expectations, but hope for a Shamy kiss.
- what do you want to happen at the season finale, will there be a cliffhanger? Don't know.
- who will leave during the hiatus? :D Doesn't it start getting a bit silly if someone leaves for the summer four years in a row? I dunno. I'd really rather something different happened. Having said that, the suggestion some have made for one or more of the girls to leave is interesting.

Melanie Garcia 03-23-2015 02:17 PM

- name you 5 favorite episodes: The Troll Manifestation, The Comic Book Store Regeneration, The Colonization Application, The Prom Equivalency, The Clean Room Infiltration

- which episode didn't you like at all: The Hook-up Reverberation

- what do you expect for the rest of the season: Final decisions on where everybody lives between Leonard/Penny, Sheldon/Amy and Stuart.

- what do you want to happen at the season finale, will there be a cliffhanger? Yes, but I have no idea what the cliffhanger could be.

-who will leave during the hiatus? Probably Sheldon & Leonard for their article.

JinxUvi 05-13-2015 07:09 AM

Questions for fans/viwers & those that stopped watching the show
The backlash of what is happening to Grey’s Anatomy & how angry & disappointed the fans/viewers are, I was very curious to dig deeper into this issue. People are becoming smarter & are choosing not to continue watching shows or new shows that disrespect the work, the characters, the actors & the fans/viewers. What is interesting is how people are changing their viewing habits, when to start watching a show & how to commit to a show. What this project will turn into I haven’t decided, could be a book, an article or maybe something else. I hope the viewers of this thread take the time to answer these questions, because your answers are very helpful. If you are a Grey’s fan, there are different questions which I hope you can answer in the Grey’s Anatomy thread as well. :)

1)Have you stopped watching TBBT, if so why & when? Has this happened before, a show that you enjoyed watching was ruined, destroyed or cancelled? What shows were these?

2)What about it was ruined or destroyed?

3)Has your viewing habits changed? How has it changed? Do you watch live shows or watch online whenever?

4)How do you protect yourself again from becoming disappointed or feel like you’ve wasted your time when starting a new show?

5)If you know that the owners/creator of a show are acting unprofessional towards their actors, would you still watch the show? If you kept watching, are you not then supporting this continuing behavior?

6)Do you think owners/creator of a show should respect the millions of loyal fans/viewers or betray them whenever it pleases them?

7)Would you ever invest in another show again for this long, knowing that the shows owners/creator don’t care about what the fans/viewers think or want?

8)Which do you prefer, happy endings in a show or misery, broken relationships & deaths? Do you prefer deaths of characters or the chance for the characters to come back to the show?

Thank you again for taking the time to answer these questions! :) 

Whimsical Elf 05-21-2015 01:14 PM

I know lots of us are still getting to grips with the finale, but now we've had two weeks anyone want to review the season? Thoughts on favourite episodes/scenes/moments? Best story/character/relationship arc? Any disappointments? Hopes for next season?

Hardly dare ask, but any interest in an episode survivor? :D

smoguntia 05-21-2015 02:23 PM

Yes to all :D

I was thinking about making a survey too, but I hadn't much time to come with some questions yet :blush:

FileXxX 05-21-2015 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Whimsical Elf (Post 81626243)
I know lots of us are still getting to grips with the finale, but now we've had two weeks anyone want to review the season? Thoughts on favourite episodes/scenes/moments? Best story/character/relationship arc? Any disappointments? Hopes for next season?

Hardly dare ask, but any interest in an episode survivor? :D

I think season eight was "so-so". It had some very (!) funny episodes and some very boring/annoying ones I really didn't enjoy, either because it was not funny or I didn't like the plots because I thought they were stupid or unnecessary. Sometimes it felt like they were running out of ideas and things felt out of place, or they simply didn't know what to do with these characters, while I wished to see other things. I've never felt like this for other seasons.

I have the feeling that they're more and more going for snark rather than fun. Mean-spirited jokes and this stupid habit to ruin beautiful scenes with a cheap joke is what's really annoying me. I miss the overall sweetness of earlier seasons.

If I would have to pick a favorite, I would go with "Graduation Transmission" because it's sweet and funny, just how I like it. The worst? I'm torn between "Hook-up Reverberation" and "Fortification Implementation" I think. The funniest was definitely "Troll Manifestation". The most romantic one was probably "Prom Equivalency".

As for the finale, you already know how I feel about it. I'm disappointed and not even a little bit excited for season nine. :lol: I don't even see it as a cliffhanger, it's just something that made me very angry, but I'll get over it.

WeBuiltThePyramids 05-21-2015 03:05 PM

I loved the season by and large, but for me, the finale ruined it.

SargeantFuzzyBoots 05-21-2015 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Whimsical Elf (Post 81626243)
I know lots of us are still getting to grips with the finale, but now we've had two weeks anyone want to review the season? Thoughts on favourite episodes/scenes/moments? Best story/character/relationship arc? Any disappointments? Hopes for next season?

Hardly dare ask, but any interest in an episode survivor? :D

I really loved this season, and felt it got stronger and stronger with each episode. :nod: It has me really excited for where season nine will go.

What's a hickey? 05-21-2015 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by WeBuiltThePyramids (Post 81627676)
I loved the season by and large, but for me, the finale ruined it.

I wholeheartedly agree. There was so much progress and growth but the finale with its cheap, unnecessary cliffhangers tarnished the whole season for me.

I do agree with Brit in that I'm ready for season 9 and where they are going with the are storylines :nod:

Whimsical Elf 05-22-2015 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by SargeantFuzzyBoots (Post 81627709)
I really loved this season, and felt it got stronger and stronger with each episode. :nod: It has me really excited for where season nine will go.

I felt like this season was very strong from start to finish. :nod:

Hard to pick one favourite episode, but Prom has to be up there for obvious reasons. Season 8 has been amazing - like, really unbelievably amazing - for Shamy. But I've also enjoyed the Sheldon/Leonard relationship development. S7 ended with major issues for them which were addressed during the course of S8, with it finally ending up that Sheldon was happy for Leonard going off to Vegas to get married - quite the turnaround from a season earlier. And I loved their conversation waiting in the store for the girls in Space Probe Disintegration, and it was also great to see them working together on a project again. Another special story arc was Mrs. Wolowitz's death and the effect on Wolowitz and Bernadette, and the whole gang.

I'm trying to think of a candidate for funniest ep/scene, but there are too many! Fun With Flags does come to mind though! That highlight reel and "I pressed it!" :lmao:
Most emotional scene: the final one! :cry:
Sweetest scene: Shamy hug from Colonisation Application. (Special mention for the mall scene and the "They taste like her hugs" scene from 8.11). :blush:
Cutest scene: Fort sleepover negotiation and "We're getting a turtle!"
Best girls' episode: Troll Manifestation.
Best guys' ep: Focus Attenuation. :D

Forwood4Bamon 05-22-2015 06:51 AM

I like this season. it was funny.

smoguntia 05-22-2015 02:06 PM

Best Game Howard came up with: Emily or Cinnamon :D
Best Movie Talk: Back to the Future Timeline Explanation
Best Scene with a family member: when Beverly and Mary visited their guys
The moment that flashed me the most: Sheldon revealing the ring followed by "I love you too"
The moment I prefer to ignore: Lennys car trip to Vegas
Best Shelnard scene: Them traveling to Skywalker Ranch followed by their talk at the dressing rooms
Best Howard/Raj Bromance scene: Howard supports/comforts Raj when he is worried about the Space Probe
Best group moment: Supporting Howard after the death of his mom and having a last dinner with everything she cooked.
Best Guest Star: Billy Bob Thorton
Best Guest Star playing himself: Nathan Fillion

WeBuiltThePyramids 05-22-2015 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by What's a hickey? (Post 81631558)

I do agree with Brit in that I'm ready for season 9 and where they are going with the are storylines :nod:

I'm looking forward to season nine only because I want to put this finale behind me. :lol:

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